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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
Top Five Greatest Changes in Echoes of Doom:

1- Moonkin DPS! ^_^
2- Glyphs
3- /cower animation
4- Shadow Dance nerf (when it comes)
5- Ret Pally nerf (see above)

I've soloed Illidan using nothing but Starfire, all the while 5-starring Jordan on Expert and 4-stocking Mew2King.
dun forget beating azen in pokemon puzzle leauge while looking @ the screen thorough a mirror


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Undead Lock
Blood Elf Priest

Am I the ONLY one here who plays the REAL horde races?

John, you get half credit for having an orc, but since you've replaced it with your Undead, full credit cannot be awarded.

Just go roll Alliance and let me slay your fruity selves.


EDIT: I just armoried your Lock. Didn't know you were Destro. You are forgiven.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Death Knight will probably be Orc. Already have an undead, Tauren would look ridiculous, and I dislike troll slouching. Blood Elf... Eh... I have to check if their Death Knight skin color is any good. Otherwise... No.

Gnome Death Knight would be the bee's knees, though. Hahaha.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
You wish sl/sl was only good for carrying flag, its the best overall PvP spec. As hard as you may try to believe that destro is the best, its just one of the worst, enjoy your stunlock rogues.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Wilmington, DE
You wish sl/sl was only good for carrying flag, its the best overall PvP spec. As hard as you may try to believe that destro is the best, its just one of the worst, enjoy your stunlock rogues.
Lol, you're welcome to try me. I'm not talking about raiding destructo locks who don't know what's going on. All I do is pvp. I can bring a fully buffed, full S4 warrior down in 5 seconds from 100% health to 0% if he doesn't get a heal. Meaning, if we fear his healer or sap or anything, I can kill him before he can do much of anything. Try that as sl/sl.

I wreck rogues so hard it's not even funny. Truthfully only MM hunters and ret pallies who hide behind bubbles can kill me 1v1.

SL/SL is next to useless in pvp cause all of your dmg can be mitigated to next to nothing (If it isn't being than you need to join a real battlegroup like mine). All you can do is have someone heal u, and trudge across the battleground. Granted it's really good for staying alive w/ a healer, but to say it's the best overall pvp spec...

It isn't the best, it's the EZ Mode button so people who don't know how to play can just sit back and do as little as possible and have the easiest time winning. Doesn't mean it's the most effective by any means.

Edit: Epic Owned


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2007
Where we go when we just don't know.


Thoughts are for the living
As you know thats you and me
But what do we get in return
Upon wishing for what we see
Someday I will know the feeling
I will know the reason
When no one will hear his screaming
Then one day they will believe him
I'm never going back my friend
For as you see I now know
What's a friend But until the end
Upon the ground I will never go
I've spent some time by a wishing star
Answers it tells me and they I keep
Not only does it solve me far
It shows me who I'll meet
I'll never betray a lover
And yet I've loved a betrayer
I'll never tell of the dreams I hold
Nor would i trade them for a pocket of gold
I would never dare someone to speak
When speak I dare to love I meet
Logic tells me that logic makes sense
But nothing further does it hence
When parents yell I listen well
But my true feelings i cannot tell
Decisions to make makes my mind ache
To make decisions shows I do not break
Forgetting words as they fly like birds
Are words of forgetting , are those never heard
Words don't ever feel a lover much, no
Lips are the ones that feel a lover's touch
Yes I am a mortal and I am a man
Which no man's mortal can understand
Lost in translation I will survive
In my own creation my mind will thirve
I live my life day by day so you see
Not month by month as adults this be
I know there must be answers for questions I ask
For question there are answers and some are on a path


Our mind is an army
And our thoughts stand as infantry
Ideas are a bombshell
That could hurt or help as fit we see.

If life is a test
Than it is not to see what we've known
But how far our mind will take us
And the distances we can go.

If dreams could destroy empires
And words could break a heart
then why do memories fade away
and lovers fall apart?

They say one man's trash
is another man's treasure
Then why is there universal pain
and pain stricken pleasure?

For within admiration one is the item
and the other the obsessor
then why why is heart broken loneliness
not felt by only the possessor?

Our mind is our greatest weapon
That we cherish very dear
But if man depends upon it
It should be his greatest fear.

That is why a man who can walk the Earth
And prove he owns all that is behind
Is the man who did the impossible:
Became the man who conquered the mind.

Aaron and Alan
please critique


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
ABCB rhyme for the win yall

But ill give a HALF-critique, you play smash so its the least I can do.

Dougs - He needs mor-

Steves - Poor rhtym-


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007

Aaron's always been the Rhyme master of the group. You should read the pop-tart poem he submitted for high school.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
ABCB, AAAB, AAAA, are all good silly dude

My favorite is probably ALAN though.....so seductive and alluring

Poptarts fo life


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Wilmington, DE
Thats what i mean sure Destro is best when you only have 1 target, but i said you usually dont.
It's the best overall for damage and killing your opponent. If you are worried about dying a few time's in bg's then yeah don't be destro, but if you enjoy the few deaths and laugh at the hundreds that you've caused the opposite side, and topping the dmg meters then don't look to sl/sl.

This comment made me both giddy and exceptionally jealous.

I will forever miss Ruin. =(

Ultima -- are AV premades run regularly on Zul'Jin? Do they use the choke or non-choke strategy?
It's been a while since I've run some AV premades, but people used to have forums about how hax they were on Zul'Jin. Usually we'd send like 3-5 people to choke (a majority hunters lol). We had like 2 groups set to defend towers and most everyone else would just smash face.

Shh Taki. Give my demolition of Steve's pride some time to echo.

EDIT: UA/SL at 80, anyone? =/
You can be UA/SL at 70. :lick:


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
In my opinion, ABCB is best reserved for songs lyrics, set to music and meant to be sung. Most songs are structured this way, but if you take away the music and just read the lyrics, it's often rather predictable, monotonous, and overall unentertaining.

Spoken poetry, as opposed to that set to music, really only achieves its greatest depth when its not confined to a set end rhyme scheme. It can help intensify a particular emotion (as can repetition within a line, but that just rocks hardcore no matter what), but end rhyme shouldn't be a rule you're predestined to follow. Poetry flows as you write it. If it is all pre-set to rhyme then it is hard to feel where the poet's really becoming excited by their feelings, and thusly nobody can relate.

Conversely, though, song lyrics without a rhyme scheme sound awkward as hell.


ABCB is the backbone of musical poetry, yet it really detracts from the potential of written poetry, which is better off without a set end rhyme scheme.

Epic poems are too epic for me.

<3 Aaron. You, and you alone, are entitled to read me poems set in ABCB, because everytime you make a rhyme, I sense your feelings, so sublime.

Disclaimer: We should all smash sometime soon.

Okay, got everything out of the way? We good? Yes? Time to go play WoW.

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