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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2005
- GaW has got to be top tier. The turtle is effin ridiculous.
- The only combo I know of is Falco's dashattack-into-usmash-cancel thing.
- Most of the characters are simply not fun, except for Snake because he can do that pimp infinite jump all over the place.
- There's a huge loss of control because I guess inputs are buffered now. So you end up turning around when you try to space aerials.

Brawl makes me sad. The melee-hating brawl noobs make me sad. Tripping occurring way more often than I thought it would makes me sad.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
brawl is a sequel to super smash bros for the ninendo 64 entertainment system.

seriously though it much more like 64 than melee was (bad thing imo). maybe they will be making a melee-like sequel too?


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
melee was just a lucky mistake =\ ... it seems this slow floaty style is what smash was "meant" to be

except in brawl you don't have the amazing ******** combos or sweet edgeguarding that ssb64 had

also luigi sh doublenair? yes plz


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
melee was just a lucky mistake =\ ... it seems this slow floaty style is what smash was "meant" to be

except in brawl you don't have the amazing ******** combos or sweet edgeguarding that ssb64 had

also luigi sh doublenair? yes plz
I'm in complete agreement with this. marth can now bair fair, and fair bair from a short hop >_>


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
there seems to be a lack of control overall. kudos to rose for being able to stand snake. everything bout him seemed bufferd and counter intuitive. I was playing 1 stock matches for vs match count and olimar beat me as snake without me touching him lol.

alot of the basic controls seemed buffered and not frame responsive. its like I have to buffer everything even dashing,(because of the lack of analog sensitivity). I got over shielding because i use the classic controller that has small shoulder buttons.

I like peach in this game alot. metaknight was built pretty well as well as pit too. snake i thought they did a horrible job. the more i play dedede the less i like him.

I try to play fox like 64 where u shine the first frame that u leave the ground after a jump etc etc, but i think i can get shield grabbed anyways. but it looks fast enough, shield grab is just rly effective in this game.

falco seemed ok. i liked him better than fox, i havent gotten wolf yet. Ive tried shiek over and over i cant find any kill moves that are effective enough. she just seems to lack power for this game.

gnw looks like he can be playable this time around.

i'll officially say that melee is better overall. The game engine is more refined and precise framewise and there are more variables and intricacies within it. I'm glad NJ is still gonna do melee. I hope Md/va will still play melee but i doubt it, they're in full force but im completely fine if its only NJ and philly (and maybe rest of tristate?...comeon NY) playing melee. I'll still play brawl but i'll still be pro melee. I will probly enter tourneys for brawl just to see how the metagame will develop @ first. I already feel as if i know here it will go but i wanna confirm for myself.

Im trying to get online but my internet is dumb.

as for the ppl saying that melee was too predictable and so straight foward (i.e seeing someone play falco and knowing they'll pillar or whatever). U'll have a rude awakening in a few months. For Brawls metagame will be soooooo rigid. its good now because ppl are still getting used to things and experimenting but, i garantee that the metagame made in brawl will be so constricted that ppl wil look back @ melees metagame and realise that it's not so rigid and straight foward.

I like both games so far
I just like melee twice as much

*goes and plays brawl*


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
BTW Area 6 orchestrated in the best track in the game.

say else wise and i will ghetto stomp you through a table.(srsly)

this immediately made i to my top ten fav songs/tracks in all time.

listens in a row as of now: 12


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
listens in a row as of now: 12

melee is more "refined" because it's been out for 7 years as opposed to one month

and you are misusing the term metagame :( but i do agree that it's possible brawl will force everyone into a methodical style with relatively little wiggle room for personal flair

the worse problem IMO is with the removal of general techs (WD, l-cancel, etc) the characters with good individual techs are going to dominate the scene, and the tiers will be much more exaggerated as the game develops

while it's new (right now), it's great though, since almost all chars are usable at this point - I'd enjoy that while it lasts, because if you ignore brawl for now, by the time you come back, that part of the game will be gone and it'll be all $5 best of 5 ddd dittos bridge of eldin w/ chaingrabbing


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
Yeah as of now everyone seems pretty even. Except maybe DK, the poor oaf.
Edguarding is kind of fun in its own way.

Zeldas up b isnt fun but everything else is (especially dins fire). Pts looking to be my new main and im not to fond of wolf or lucario.

I dont care what anyone says Yoshi is GOING to **** the tier list this time around (lol all IMO of course ^_^) and ill Bair to Nair to Dair anyone who says otherwise ;p


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
If you use the Brawl random name generator, "9Volt" comes up. I'm amazing.

The thing with snake is creating range combos. Like...set a downsmash under a platform, and a remote mine above it. Then chase with a Nikita missile or something. Also, getting his Fair to hit is grrrreat.

I can combo into knees, my main is Falcon.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I'm the best Brawl Falco in the world. Matches of me ****** Scar soon to come...

Here is the top tier: T. Link, Fox, Falco, Marth, DDD (in no particular order) I plan on being a supreme tier ***** and using only T. Link and Falco, cause they f'in' ****.


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
After playing Toon Link, I don't think I'm going to use him. I'm having too much fun with Pikachu... not to mention I don't want to throw my YL game off. I <3 Pikachu's chain throws!


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
does scar still play falcon?

if so you could probably **** him blindfolded

edit: toon link doesn't really play anything like young link -_-


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
does scar still play falcon?

if so you could probably **** him blindfolded
LOL, it's his low tier. I'm mostly talking about the DDD and Fox matchups, Falco is too good in them. Chaingrab -> fsmash at 43% ftw.

EDIT: And DDD can't chaingrab you :p.

edit: toon link doesn't really play anything like young link -_-
yea, not at all. I mean, throwing **** is still OK, but mostly you just spam your ridiculous aerials and phase 3 is indisputably profit.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
actually imo his projectiles are now very subpar

bombs are near worthless and the boomerang takes a year and a half to come out and doesn't have the strong hit anymore


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
actually imo his projectiles are now very subpar

bombs are near worthless and the boomerang takes a year and a half to come out and doesn't have the strong hit anymore
Well, it's still a good enough set of projectiles that you can actually fight with people long range. They're terrible on the approach, but I think they're servicable for what T. Link needs.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
hey wasnt someone telling me(dickchang?) about how u can use the wiimote without the sensor bar?

I DL'd the internet browser and it requires that I use the wiimote *sadpanda* because I can't use the classic controller for browsing


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
are you sure you can't use classic? i thought it could control the cursor on the menu screens (obviously you already tried this and it failed so this was a pointless post, but it's what i would say in real life, and you would say "no, ..." and give an explanation)


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
are you sure you can't use classic? i thought it could control the cursor on the menu screens (obviously you already tried this and it failed so this was a pointless post, but it's what i would say in real life, and you would say "no, ..." and give an explanation)
f**k yea im using 2 flash lights as my sensor bar (using wii right now) *un-sad panda*

I keep getting my *** whooped playing Dedede.*sigh* he looks so awwesome


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2005
It is impossible to combo into knee. In addition, buffering screws Falcon majorly, he can barely fastfall a shorthop aerial without crouching afterwards. Falcon is candidate for bottom tier.

on an unrelated note, I think high-level brawl will have lots of perfect-shielding. It is even easier to do than parrying in third strike.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
Perfect shielding suuure is pretty.

I wanna master foot stoll hoping off folks. Though is pretty durn tricky ><


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
if anyone's having major lag problems, look into port forwarding for the wii, it REALLY helped me out (literally cut down lag by 4-5x and removed all choppiness... there's a bit of input delay, but it's comparable to playing on an hdtv)

and renth add me 0258-9950-5473


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Has anyone tried ICs? They are actually pretty nice, they can DThrow Chaingrab most to roughly 40% and the can CG Fox, Falco, Wolf, and other "heavy" characters till roughly 80% then FSmash out of grab. They are overall much more playable, although Desynching is less prevalent and useful because they reduced the lag time between the climber's actions, which also translates to no wobbling as far as I can tell and no real fancy IC grab stuff. I think MK is going to be top tier also as his edge game is pretty nice despite not having a real solid kill move. Also Jiggs is pretty different. Her rest is real bad now, but her Fair can kill at lower percents and her edge guarding is still nice, which makes her seem pretty good. Overall, I think the characters who can fly and float are going to end up being some of the best because they can't really get CG'ed or comboed that well and they have the best options when it comes to recovering.

On a slightly different note, I have a question for Wesley and maybe Tim (completely unrelated to smash, sorry). I am going to be going to FNM at Phantom in Oakland and I was wondering what I should expect from the Constructed field. Do they play a lot of control? Aggro? Do they only play tier 1 decks? Basically, even though you guys probably have not been there in awhile for one of these what are the players there typically playing? I plan on going with this slightly off beat White Kithkin Weenie deck with Gaddock Teeg and Chameleon Colossus as a green splash. You can check it out here. If you have any suggestions for main deck or sideboard that would be much appreciated. Also, any general tips for me (as this is my first constructed "tournament" I am attending) would be welcome.
*Note: I have no Pendelhaven's because I couldn't get my hands on any, but I might try and get some at CCGs before tomorrow, so just imagine 2 of those forests would be Pendelhaven.

*Goes to play Brawl*


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Has anyone tried ICs? They are actually pretty nice, they can DThrow Chaingrab most to roughly 40% and the can CG Fox, Falco, Wolf, and other "heavy" characters till roughly 80% then FSmash out of grab. They are overall much more playable, although Desynching is less prevalent and useful because they reduced the lag time between the climber's actions, which also translates to no wobbling as far as I can tell and no real fancy IC grab stuff. I think MK is going to be top tier also as his edge game is pretty nice despite not having a real solid kill move. Also Jiggs is pretty different. Her rest is real bad now, but her Fair can kill at lower percents and her edge guarding is still nice, which makes her seem pretty good. Overall, I think the characters who can fly and float are going to end up being some of the best because they can't really get CG'ed or comboed that well and they have the best options when it comes to recovering.
OMG, I just remember rest now! LOL, it's so bad in this game, I rest comboed a DDD the first time I played as Jiggs, and he didn't go anywhere and got a free fsmash! WHAT A TERRIBLE GAME! On a more general note, Falco is still clearly better than all floaties.

On a slightly different note, I have a question for Wesley and maybe Tim (completely unrelated to smash, sorry). I am going to be going to FNM at Phantom in Oakland and I was wondering what I should expect from the Constructed field. Do they play a lot of control? Aggro? Do they only play tier 1 decks? Basically, even though you guys probably have not been there in awhile for one of these what are the players there typically playing? I plan on going with this slightly off beat White Kithkin Weenie deck with Gaddock Teeg and Chameleon Colossus as a green splash. You can check it out here. If you have any suggestions for main deck or sideboard that would be much appreciated. Also, any general tips for me (as this is my first constructed "tournament" I am attending) would be welcome.
*Note: I have no Pendelhaven's because I couldn't get my hands on any, but I might try and get some at CCGs before tomorrow, so just imagine 2 of those forests would be Pendelhaven.

*Goes to play Brawl*
I don't know Phantom all that well, but from my one experience, they're mildly casual, not all tier 1 stuff. I think splashing for Chameloen Colossus is a mistake as playing enough green sources to reliably cast a 2GG spell makes playing Knight of Meadowgrain and Wisened Cenn on turn 2 less reliable. Personally, I think Kithkin is better off splashing red for Incinerate, Brion Stoutarm, and possibly Tauren Mauler. Also, where is Thoughtweft Trio in that list!? That guy is so dumb vs. other creature decks, he just stops them dead.

Here's the sort of list I would play:
4 Goldmeadow Harrier
4 Goldmeadow Stalwart
2 Mosquito Gaurd
4 Knight of Meadowgrain
4 Wizened Cenn
3 Tauren Mauler
2 Thoughtweft Trio
3 Brion Stoutarm

4 Incinerate
4 Militia's Pride
4 Oblivion Ring

4 Battlefield Forge
4 Ancient Ampetheatre
2 Mountain
4 Rustin Clachan
8 Plains

Definately don't play thorn of amethyst from the sideboard, it doesn't do anything in this format. I would put crypt in your board to deal with Reviellark. I also think a mono white build is fine with mirror entity, glorious anthem and zephernaut in the deck instead of Mauler, Incinerate and Brion, but I'm seriously worried about your mana base splashing for Colossus.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
After playing with Dac, I think I've come to the conclusion that competitive Brawl is nothing but a skill less spam/campfest. Then I played with Swift and I had fun. No smash spamming, range camping ***********. Is brawl really going to take over? Because I can't see it working as a competitive game...
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