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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
I dont take the internet seriously. Its the **** people say on the internet thinking its ok to say anything that bothers me. If i start tossing out racial slurs and being a total *** on boards then meet the same people i pissed off on boards in person. Do you think that everything is going to be ok, and that all is forgiven? **** no. So how is pissing real people off on just a different means of communication sapposed to be taken lightly.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
why does it affect you? 'nothing ever happens on the boards anyway'
Things said on boards should very rarely to never be taken seriously.

being a total *** on boards then meet the same people i pissed off on boards in person. Do you think that everything is going to be ok, and that all is forgiven? **** no.

Stripes or Bars also known as Doodah

is known to be a complete ***hole on boards and start arguements with everyone to the point everyone outside of Flordia on boards hates him but once you meet him in person he's the funnest guy you could ever meet. People being complete ***** on boards means little to nothing.

also, it's like that just about everywhere i've met a lot of people traveling around FL and GA and it seems the majority of the people who are ***holes on boards are the funnest nicest guys in person. So if you take everything you read on an internet forum too seriously perhaps you should go outside for a little bit.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
I'm sick of this stupid arguing over nothing.

In other news, I have met a Cactuar impostor counter-strike: source. His name was <cactus> and had the Cactuar spray.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
yo Alan, if you hate this game and are a bit bitter about last week or whatever just say so. Like your last few post have been be irrelevant to smash and since u said ur quitting smash and not going to DUQ anymore, im getting the impression ur just posting to post. i mean you could be posting to talk with matt or whoever, but then again u could've gave matt specs through AIM or mail or something. Or just posted it onthe UT board.

I dont mind u quiting and all but the attitude you've adotped since your announcement of ur resignation, has been pretty ****ty.

once again i wont be able to post or AIM consisently anyone.....my internet is goin nuts


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
I'd just like to briefly voice my opinion on what Chris and Kevin were discussing and what Mark interjected.

I think some people act like jerks on the boards and nice people in real life because they can hide behind the internet, and they don't have the courage to say the things they say on the boards in real life. Its a type of self confidence complex usually associated with us nerdy gamers. I have nothing against that because the problem is deeper than we can understand with those people, but by no means does that make anything they say alright. Like Chris said people shouldn't start problems over this form of communication for no reason other than them wanting to voice their opinions on everything even if their opinions are really "correct". Example being, would it be kind for me to call a girl ugly in real life just because I thought she was. No, people are people and we all have feeling and just because we don't agree with the way someone looks (or their opinions) doesn't mean we should blatantly disregard their feelings to tell them this. This goes the same for the internet, it is not okay to say these things to people on any type of conversational format. These things that we are debating about and arguing about are opinions, which by definition are "beliefs or conclusions held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof" (American Heritage Dictionary). Therefore if we cannot debate these things with objective to understand one another, but rather the objective to "win" an argument or gain something personal and have the opposition lose something personal, then we should not argue at all because nothing is being achieved, except for the further separation of a once fruitful and happy community. If anyone is holding disdain or a grudge towards another person on here, either ignore them or leave, please do not continue to be a virus to our community with your fruitless posting and discussions.

Thats all I have to say, please let it be known that this was targeted at no one, it was merely a neutral statement for all to read.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
yo Alan, if you hate this game and are a bit bitter about last week or whatever just say so. Like your last few post have been be irrelevant to smash and since u said ur quitting smash and not going to DUQ anymore, im getting the impression ur just posting to post. i mean you could be posting to talk with matt or whoever, but then again u could've gave matt specs through AIM or mail or something. Or just posted it onthe UT board.

I dont mind u quiting and all but the attitude you've adotped since your announcement of ur resignation, has been pretty ****ty.
First off, I'd like to alter my rather informal resignation. I'm quitting pittsburgh smash.

Secondly, if I'm expressing an attitude about smashing recently, its due to a number of reasons:

1- Those TVs lag. Just because you guys have managed to adapt to it does not alter its presence. Very few people objected to there being a remainder of slight lag when we first began playing at Duq again. Now that some people have gotten used to it, this mentality has suddenly changed to "there is no lag." The lag didn't change, your sensation of it did. Mine didn't, nor should it have to, as Smash is not meant to be played on such TVs and hence I have no intention of trying to do so in the future.

2- I'm sick of the elitist attitudes that are becoming the trend in the Pittsburgh scene. Perhaps its just personal tensions between groups of people, but between the constant authoritarian admonishments being delivered by some, and the patronizing atmosphere eminating from others (neither being exclusively towards me), the entire scene has become a hostile contest of egos. If I was wrong about this, there would be no arguement right now.

3- **** talk on the boards. Wake up if you think it doesn't matter. We all know each other personally, and if we're "saying what we mean" on the boards, then we might as well be saying it to each other's faces, because the only difference is our mode of communication. If what we say to each other on the internet is not to be taken seriously, then nobody should have had any reason to take offense and respond when I originally called out Kevin over the summer. Afterall, it doesn't mean anything.

I have a few personal rants, but I'll save them 'til I'm in a worse mood.

EDIT: Ironic. This whole thing starts with me saying that if you're not on the boards, then you "won't be missing much."


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
First off, I'd like to alter my rather informal resignation. I'm quitting pittsburgh smash.

Secondly, if I'm expressing an attitude about smashing recently, its due to a number of reasons:

1- Those TVs lag. Just because you guys have managed to adapt to it does not alter its presence. Very few people objected to there being a remainder of slight lag when we first began playing at Duq again. Now that some people have gotten used to it, this mentality has suddenly changed to "there is no lag." The lag didn't change, your sensation of it did. Mine didn't, nor should it have to, as Smash is not meant to be played on such TVs and hence I have no intention of trying to do so in the future.

2- I'm sick of the elitist attitudes that are becoming the trend in the Pittsburgh scene. Perhaps its just personal tensions between groups of people, but between the constant authoritarian admonishments being delivered by some, and the patronizing atmosphere eminating from others (neither being exclusively towards me), the entire scene has become a hostile contest of egos. If I was wrong about this, there would be no arguement right now.

3- **** talk on the boards. Wake up if you think it doesn't matter. We all know each other personally, and if we're "saying what we mean" on the boards, then we might as well be saying it to each other's faces, because the only difference is our mode of communication. If what we say to each other on the internet is not to be taken seriously, then nobody should have had any reason to take offense and respond when I originally called out Kevin over the summer. Afterall, it doesn't mean anything.

I have a few personal rants, but I'll save them 'til I'm in a worse mood.
Falco's recovery sucks.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
anyway all crying aside, i think going to C3 on friday would be better than going on saturday so we can catch the lock-in. let me know if you have some specific reason you'd rather leave on saturday


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
anyway all crying aside
A-Laon said:
Publically baiting people into argumentation and then cleverly using their own words against them is all cute and nice if you feel the chidlish need to strive for some type of pride and authority over your peers; however, you may find with greater experience that it's far more effective to make something useful of your supposed ability than it is to crack arrogant remarks for your own amusement.

That's good advice. You should take it.
Just a reminder.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2007
San Diego, CA
if theres room in a car for C3 I'm seriously considering going. I won't be positive about it until I figure out my workload for the weekend though.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
the people who i was actually addressing, feel free to voice your concerns
You have been addressed without a response in your defense, so you're not in much of a spot to determine who has the right to speak.

I really would like to know why your participation in the actual arguement lasted only as long as you could take Chris's words and cleverly use them against him, yet ended as soon as people such as Matt and myself made legitimate combative statements against your actions, at which point you resorted to clever dodges and arrogant dismissals of the entire debate you started.



Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
trust me, there was originally much more content to that post, and we're all probably better off now that it's gone

once again, if you have a personal gripe with me, i will answer and PMs or emails and will try to hold my sanity on AIM, but it doesn't belong here

This is the pittsburgh smash thread; it's for things about pittsburgh smash, not about your tiny gripes with people

i made a mistake but i didn't say anything i didn't mean, and i don't want to snowball this anymore at this point


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
For the record, this whole ordeal is not a personal gripe from me, but a complaint a good few of us have and have had that I'm taking it upon myself to deal with, for better or worse.

If this is the Pittsburgh smash thread, then it's also about the Pittsburgh smashers. If some of the Pittsburgh smashers (yes, others who aren't just me) are finding this thread undesireable to use due to crap you start it in, then it's here that it will be discussed, not on AIM where only two opinions can be heard.

But either way, if you knowingly "made a mistake" then I guess we can assume that, logically, you won't make it again. Good stuff.



Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
If you find this thread undesirable, why the hell do you post on it so much? I find this thread undesirable because people spam random **** about pokemon, anime, or their FPS of choice rather than talking smash. On top of that, much of the smash talk is just whining and complaining when people should just be taking the time to get better if they care so d@mn much.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
For the record it wasnt just aimed just at pocky. I've done it to, and i know alan, you've had your fair share of the same.

The point of me calling kevin (and probably should've called alan to seeing as he did it right before kevin) was to make the point of simply saying, "dont say it on boards if you arent going to say it to their face."

Those are the only problems i have with people. I dont hate anyone from the pitt scene. Im sure people feel alot different about me, but whatever. I just have little problems with habits of each person which i keep to myself.

Kev - Sorry for targeting just you. there really isnt anything i can do to make targeting you better.

Alan - stop being a **** and if boards is really that dull stop posting.

Me - shut up.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA

as for this weekend sheik is going with me (though he does have a flaky history so who knows), and i have one more spot. **** if you say you can go for sure, as of now you have it, but i don't want to hold the spot on a 'maybe', so let me know as soon as you are certain either way; until then, the other spot is up for grabs


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
can i have a link to the c3 thing?
i'm curious about this lock-in supposedly happening..
and in turn the benefits of going friday as opposed to saturday.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
the pro is a potential extra 12 hours of smash time (if you forgo sleep)

the con is 12 hours lost that could be spent doing something else

the second con, for the driver anyway, is having to drive over 8 hours total in one day


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
if someone driving gets back to pitts on sat night i'll go. that would be in the case of leaving friday afternoon-ish for lockin of course. i NEED that sunday.

my midterms just started looiking not-so hardish

EDIT: i'll also go if someone just goes saturday.....but WE MUST BE BACK SAT NIGHT which is alot of driving, but im just throwing it out there.

EDIT2: who is potnetial driving? i believe its rob and kevin right? well im interested again long as the latter is forfilled.


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
Update: I am going to C3 Friday night for the lock-in. I plan on leaving sometime late on Saturday. Hopefully we could be back in Pittsburgh around midnight, but I have no idea how long the tournament will last. Tim, you can have a spot if you want it. I have 2 other spots open in my car if anyone wants them.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
is there a C3 thread? I looked for like..30 mins, but with the internet up here, thats the equivilent of browsing 10 pages.
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