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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
actually... this is gonna sound really lame.. but don't take it the wrong way..
Rob would it be ok if i could get a spot in your car??
nothing against you Kevin.. it's just that.. back windshield of yours...
it makes me nervous everytime -_-);;;; 10 min. is one thing but..
8 hrs is um... yea... you get the idea...
so Rob? yes? : D


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
We might not need 2 cars... if we could all fit into one, it would be cheaper.


Anyone else?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2006
oh snap, all that sh*t talk a couple pages back was some good readz, lol.
~ thanks Pittsburggh!

God I miss Smash... =/


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2006
I'm working in another country, and I'm here for a while; wish I could go to C3 Taki.
But the good thing is I'm going to be back in the States before Brawl. Wi-fi anyone?

..and Kevin Yeh, ahah nice, nice.
Btw, how did my boi Frank Lu do, and what crew did he play wit? Does he still SUCK?? Haha, j/p Frank, in case you're a ghost and read this.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
I'm working in another country, and I'm here for a while; wish I could go to C3 Taki.
But the good thing is I'm going to be back in the States before Brawl. Wi-fi anyone?

..and Kevin Yeh, ahah nice, nice.
Btw, how did my boi Frank Lu do, and what crew did he play wit? Does he still SUCK?? Haha, j/p Frank, in case you're a ghost and read this.
Frank was with the team PDP (PD Psi??) i heard that it's your frat or something..
I didn't get to meet any one else on the team besides Frank but there was a yoshi player,
two marths (one of which also played luigi), and Frank
i'm not sure but that's what i remember
and if i'm not mistaken they got 3rd place next to us and david sun's team
i'm not sure how this works but they all seemed to know me...
i'm assuming you told them about how gay this one sheik player is ;)
lol <3 Kwalk


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
Anyone coming with me... Sheik/Tim/9Volt? should just stop by the NiteSpot anytime before 4. We can hang out and play smash or something until 4-4:30, and then we'll head out. I'll get directions and such, but I think it is almost exactly a 4 hour drive. Hopefully we'll be at the venue by around 8:45-9:00.

So basically, the bus leaves Duquesne at around 4.


Smash Rookie
Dec 20, 2006
Yeh, I do read this **** from time to time KWalk, good to see you though.

And I'm still a ****ty player. xyt destroyed me in Sheik dittos. You were right. It was gay. Suuuper gay, haha. =(
We didn't want to pack 3 Marths in the lineup, so I ended up maining Sheik instead. But after watching Kevin, I'm definitely going back to ollld school. Marth doesn't need mindgames, the *****'s got a long *** sword!

Xing (sheik/luigi), Mike Yang (walk and smash Marth), and Tanwangtan (Yoshi) were the other members of the pdp crew.

Honestly, if the seeding wasn't all whack at the end, or if it was DE for finals, we could've taken Dave Sun's team. No johns though, we were simply outplayed.

Anyways, come January, I'll be on your side of the globe. Maybe I should drop in sometime =)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
****it, thats impossible for me to make. Is Pocky still driving, and possibly leaving at a different time?

Deleted member

i think it's funny how pittsburgh sucks and the players will never know why.

tim good job being from ct


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
actually, its a possibility. (Aimed at the drivers) Is it safe to assume you will be coming back via Turnpike? Getting to duquesne by 4, 4:15 isnt a big deal (unless 15 mins is a big deal). But to make it by 4, I cant go home and get my car, so getting home is the hard part. If you happen to be going the turnpike, is it possible you could drop me off at New Stanton? If not, how are you getting back? Also, any idea, time wise, when ur getting back?


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic

for those who are lazy

so far....

I don't know what people know, but i just talked to Gimpy and some Oregon people on the phone who have been playing a Brawl demo setup for 1v1 with the classic controller, here's what they've said so far:

no wavedashing and no wavelanding

airdodging is like how we predicted, just go with momentum,

Fox can SH triple laser.
Fox can jump out of shine, but it requires that you hold down and B, you can't let go or he'll go into a different animation, hold down and b and then jump.

Bowser is hardcore.
Claw is ridiculous
Bowser will probably be top tier
Up+B out of shield is same, just as powerful.

Samus has a dark suit red visor, Fusion suit, Sonic costumes are recolors of blue, Fox has a starwolf outfit. Diddy Kong has Dixie Kong outfit without the hair, Bowser has a golden costume, made out of gold.

Mario's fsmash is so slow,

Samus can't missile cancel, animation doesn't stop, hard to do though.
Bomb jumping is tough, hitting bombs not directly on top of them knocks you to the side.
If you die as zero suit, you stay as zero suit, you can't automatically be zero suit like changing from Zelda to Sheik at the beginning of a round.

Samus charged shot isn't strong, peach was shot with it fully charged at 87% didn't kill.

Can catch edge even if you're facing wrong way, edgehogging is easy. Edgehogging will be the new edgeguard of choice, characters ‘click’ to it.

Peach is nerfed.
Peach’s dsmash is nerfed, no range
Float canceling not sure
Peach seems heavier

Sonic, not as good as you expect
moves don't have much knockback, kind of 'loose',
all the new chars, he's least popular, hardest learning curve

Do an aerial that has forward momentum and when you land it’s almost the same as a waveland. Certain moves / aerials have less friction/traction,

DI is more pronounced, you can get out of stuff a lot easier, takes knockback easier, can survive until 150.

L-canceling is not in as far as we can tell.

How does the game feel: Feels slower, definitely, on classic, feels awkward, accidentally jump alot, can't SH on the wiimote, everyone is so floaty. Brawl plays really differently, it’s awkward for now because not used to it. Not a lot of lag for moves, maybe lag lowered for sake of demo.

all i can say is ewww


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
For those of you who are too lazy to read gimpy's stuff:
Summary of what we've learned

Techniques like moon walking and FC with peach are still in.

Wavelands/dashes are out but areials with DI seem to waveland automatically.

Metaknight is the new fox.

Ike is like roy but slower and more powerful.

Peach dsmash actually sucks.

Bowser is too good.

Fox can JC only while holding Down B. He still shinespikes. He is floatier. Uair got hella nerfed.

Mario is looking good too.

Brawl fox sux, but i'm still maining him, lolz.


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
9Volt, I will be taking 76 down to C3, I could drop you off anywhere along the way if that would help.

I'll see you guys soon.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Thats really cool of you, but I have something set up with Pocky. If he gets off of work, he said he will go with you. If not, I think he's meeing me somewhere to pick me up. Other problem is my mom thinks im going to get stuck in a tornado (no lie) and I dont think im going anyway.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
i've decided i'm probably not going to go

9volt post to confirm that you read this, or i'll give you a call around 5-530 and let you know the same when i'm done with work



Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Its ok, my mom thinks we were going to get hit by a tornado and die, so I was thinking of not going so that she doesnt lose her mind while im gone.

its no big deal, dont worry about it


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Seems like many of the Brawl changes follow a theme of heightening players' endurance and lowering Melee's absurdly high ceiling of offensive potential. I foresee a far more defensive game which relies on domination throughout the duration of the match over taking advantage of specific and wildly rewarding oppertunities. In the name of change, I approve.

< Pika main


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Seems like many of the Brawl changes follow a theme of heightening players' endurance and lowering Melee's absurdly high ceiling of offensive potential. I foresee a far more defensive game which relies on domination throughout the duration of the match over taking advantage of specific and wildly rewarding oppertunities. In the name of change, I approve.

< Pika main
Oh yes, attrition wars are much more fun than explosive battles -_-. Potential for 0-death combos and gimp kills is what makes the game so **** exciting and unpredictable. No one wants to play some fighting game where it's already over if they're getting beaten early. The problem with attrition wars is that they reach a point of inevitibility, which is inherently un-fun (loser loses hope, winner loses interest).

Besides, if you think Melee is so absurd with it's offensive capabilities, I'd like to disagree. Even the fastest kills in Melee are only technically 1/4th of the oponent's life total, as opposed to some fighting games where 0-death literally means they hit you once and won the game.

Besides, you play Falco... if you really prefered a slower, more defensive play style, you'd play Sheik or Marth.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Oh yes, attrition wars are much more fun than explosive battles -_-. Potential for 0-death combos and gimp kills is what makes the game so **** exciting and unpredictable. No one wants to play some fighting game where it's already over if they're getting beaten early. The problem with attrition wars is that they reach a point of inevitibility, which is inherently un-fun (loser loses hope, winner loses interest).

Besides, if you think Melee is so absurd with it's offensive capabilities, I'd like to disagree. Even the fastest kills in Melee are only technically 1/4th of the oponent's life total, as opposed to some fighting games where 0-death literally means they hit you once and won the game.

Besides, you play Falco... if you really prefered a slower, more defensive play style, you'd play Sheik or Marth.
Well, first off, I said that the game would simply require a more firm control through the match to get the same amount of damage / kills done; this doesn't lend itself to attrition-based gameplay. For as long as Smash is about actually killing and damage is merely a contributing factor to that, attrition-gameplay can never be truly achieved as the losing player can always just hold out and catch up as long as they keep themselves from dying. With the type of game I'm suggesting, it would merely take more to catch up yet also take more to get that lead in the first place -- not an attrition based game, just a harder one.

When I referred to Melee's "ridiculously high" offensive potential, I was speaking moreso relatively, stressing why the developers might want it changed. Believe me, I don't need to be all that well-versed in other fighters in order to comprehend precisely how over-the-top offensive capabilities in those games can be.

Finally, I never said I prefer slow and defensive play. The only statement of my own opinions that I made is that I approve a fundamental gameplay change for Brawl, and adjusting the speed of the game to something slower and more defensive is fine by me. I'm actually in love with the speed of Smash exactly as it is now, but I'm not going to obstanantly dismiss changes either (especially not after seven years). I was sceptacle of the game's potential early on, but after realizing what seems to be at least a focused direction in the developement, I have a lot more faith in the evolution of the game. Personally I feel that most people just aren't happy with the idea of change, which is reasonable, but given time to adjust, the complaints will quickly fade and we'll all be enjoying another Smash Bros.

...still assuming it doesn't end up as complete garbage anyway, of course...


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
Its going to be interesting adapting to brawl speed after playing any kind of technical fox for about a year +. No more super sayian agro for me. : (

PS-Tim, i dont get the sig.
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