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The Official OMG Tonight Prediction Thread


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Link doesn't need anything else. We know all his specials, his final smash, hell we even know all three of his ****ing taunts.

Zelda, I agree. I want to learn that her Down+B is gonna be some kind of awesome explosive spell, and that her Final Smash is Sheik. For 12 seconds.

Also buff her D-tilt please, Sakurai-kun.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
The Ark
Seeing how last week's updates were the best in Dojo HISTORY, I doubt we will get something good. I WANT something like Captain Falcon or Marth, or even Game and Watch. If we get a new character (which is about as likely as Hell Freezing Over), I want Issac or someone representing the DS symbol, just to see who it is.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2007
Colorado, USA

"Trophy Updates.
We've decided to update the site with profiles for every trophy in the game! We start today's update with the Mario's trophy update! Wow!"


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
becuse it's not the character that they wanted , ppl complain that he gives updates that they already know about and when he does give a decent update ppl still complain, I want a character to but come on.
You remember "You must Recover" don't you? Worst update ever. Totally pointless. Besides, I'm not complaining that FS are bad updates, I just hate bad Final Smashes.

Final Smash Ratings
Link = Great. Epic animation and concept.
Mario = Generic. Tasteless.
Pit = Basic. Easily dodgeable if at the far side of a stage.
Ike = Although Generic, it's presentation and animation is great.
ZSS = Leaves more to be desired.
PT = Generic Beam Combination, but presentation is great.
Diddy = Generic B-Move combination. There's nothing special about the presentation.
MetaKnight = Basic. Combination of a B-Move and A-Move. Leaves more to be desired.
Sonic = Nothing negative about the obvious transformation. Presentation of attack leaves more to be desired.
Kirby = Leaves more to be desired. The use of a single Kirby Power doesn't show Kirby's prowess with his ability to inhale abilities. (Cook is a power in the Kirby games)
Pikachu = The attack is hard to execute, and isn't represented correctly. Skull Bash, a non-Pikachu attack, SHOULD've been replaced by Volt Tackle, and the FS should've been a bit more creative.
Fox = Great, extremely creative. Although it is a paradox (Slow Armored Tank represents the Fast Fox?) it is still good.
Samus = Generic beam, but the presentation is great.
Bowser = Very useful, great presentation.
DK = Worst yet. The use of Bongos to represent the ape's entire existence in videogames is absolutely horrible. I was hoping something along the lines of a jungle-buddy call, like summoning his ostrich, frog, swordfish, etc pals to attack. DK Country was the highest point of greatness for the series, not the games with the bongos which receive poor sales.
Yoshi = Not what I was expecting. Yoshi Stampede FTW. Angel wings? Pit and Bowser transformation wannabe.
Peach = Presentation is great, but it's nigh useless of an attack.
IC = You've heard my opinion.

We the consumer have the right and should complain if the game doesn't live up to standards we wish it to live to. I want every Final Smash to have a great concept and execution. What's more useful, a large laser that almost guarantees a KO, or summoning an obtrusive iceberg in the center of the stage?

Well for one, the Iceberg isn't KOing anything, unless it acts like an instant Articuno over a large area. All we know is that it freezes opponents, it's unknown if it works like IC's Down B's freezing property or like KOing with a Freezie. Secondly, the Final Smash's stage alteration will make any hope of having Final Smashes as possible items in tourneys impossible. Stage abuse leads to the banning of stages. If you can directly affect the stage in your favor, then the user will abuse the stage effect to win. Example? What if my Final Smash summoned a cloud to the far right akin to Yoshi 64? Spam a projectile, have percentage damage lead, and camp at the cloud for the battle win. Broken.

There should be no stage effects, simply put.

I really don't believe that Sakurai is taking heed into balancing the KO ability of every Smash attack. Some Final Smashes are inherently better than others, leading to character preference, and it's generally agreed that the wider array of character usage, the better. Nobody wants a metagame based where everyone plays as Fox, no matter how much I like using him in Melee.

And to anyone bringing up the persistent BS about people complaining about updates, shut up. Seriously. Akin to the real world, the citizens of the United States have right to demand certain criteria from the geovernment that runs them. It's OUR government, how can you even fathom that we should just let something slide?! For that reason there are people who presistently critique the government. By critique, the government can acknowledge its failures and live to correct them. Do you really believe that Johnathan Swift had "no life" when he persistently critiqued his government for not acknowledging the growing problem of starvation among peasants? Why do you believe that we have "no life" when we complain about bad updates or bad mechanics?

It's MY copy of SSBB, and I'm not just going to sit by contently if I feel there is something inherently wrong with the mechanics of the game. I have the right to complain, and I really don't want to hear people complain about people, like I, who critique the game. So, stop complaining about our complaints.


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2006
Nashville, TN
who don't we know the FS for? Snake, Wario, DeeDee, Lucas, Zelda, Sonic, anyone else not updated yet? I'll be glad when those are out of the way.


Smash Cadet
Nov 5, 2007
your mom.
dont get overhyped... it is sakurai afterall...

edit: im just gonna go oftopic here for a second, hey gimpy, if bowser jr was in brawl.. what moveset would you want him to have? and would you main him?? (sry for spam)

Chi's Finest

Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2005
Im predicting terrible update # 5362 in a row.

Probably a crappy item or soemthing. PLEASE be a Zelda update or another character confirmation of ANYONE
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