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The Official Michigan Brawl Power Rankings: Season 11 Images Up!

Sparta Kick

Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2008
&SK, I'd have to address your comments about my post irl, because it gets way too convoluted to discuss on here. But yes, I did condense information. At the same time, Kenny is seen as a good win still because prior to this tourney he had done nothing to indicate he wasn't a top player (short of be inactive this season) and losing to Lain, the best player in the state right now is not a loss that should put him lower than just about anyone. His loss to me is the only reason to say he did poorly. And me beating him and you at this tourney is what put me high up on the PR, if I hadn't beaten you guys, I wouldn't be. So when a primary credential for being good is beating you 2, and had I lost to you I would have been lacking those credentials and been considered a worse loss it gets cyclical very fast.

It's hard to explain, but I'll talk with anyone who has any questions either on skype (you can find me in the MI skype some nights) or at tourneys.
I can see what you're saying, and I think I have it about figured out. Two things though.

The loss to the best player in the state is enough to put him lower than me and Zinoto though lol. But I agree with you that he would still be fairly high on the PR if he made it to two tourneys.

You still would have been PR'd regardless of if you beat me or Kenny. You just would have been lower which proves my point of you being a PR level player and therefore not a "bad loss". And if being that low on the PR does somehow constitute being a bad loss, then we need a smaller PR.

2) When is the next SiiS, I hear those are pretty hype :yeahboi:
You heard wrong lmao. :salt:
Sep 30, 2010
yo i've never lost to roller and tutu and am like 7-2 with tech

also i only entered 1 tournament but you guys even said phoenix saga had by far the most weight.

so why am i not PRed? :denzel:


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
I'm under the impression that L Cancel would be PR'd before you would.


Smash Master
Jul 13, 2006
8623 Hickory Drive, Sterling Heights MI 48312
@roller if I read that right mikey beat tutu and zinoto? And I is placed below tutu?

@ zinoto I posted the night before why I wouldn't be there. I have to stay up all night to make it and Van was my ride who went out the night before...had to wake him up by phone at 930 he said he got up and by 11 still wasn't home and I passed out after packing everything, also LOE1 said he didn't have the 100 so it was going to be for much less. If he's at DRDNs World we can do the MM


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
Rankings shouldn't be updated "fresh" every time. If Mango only enters one tourney in a ranking period and loses to a previously unranked player, that player shouldn't just jump Mango or even approach him on the PR... multiple wins and multiple ranking periods should be required to reach the top ranks. I'm not sure this PR takes that into consideration, but it should, because that's how it works everywhere else.



Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Better get going to your hyperbolic time chamber then, you'd need to be in there a longggg time to even make me try :yeahboi:

Lol you'd be wise not to belittle the power of the hyperbolic time chamber. You may not like what it produces (my :peach: goes in, illmatic/nicole's :peach: comes out) :yeahboi:


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...

And yes DRDN. Mikey beat Tutu and Zinoto, and is below them. Mikey however only had one good tourney this season, and one "eh" one. Tutu showed consistency through more events. Mikey had one on day, one off day, and that was it. Hard to confirm he was any better than the place he received over only 2 events, with his best wins being vs Tutu, and Zinoto (who also beat him).

I do agree they are close, and there is an argument to be made for both. And if Mikey had come to another tourney and gotten another solid win or 2, he'd be above Tutu.
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
LOL, I think I might make this my sig.

Your PR'd because you place solidly both in state and out of state, the "random" matches you do lose are usually bad match ups for your characters, and you're an outstanding player overall. You're in a slump, you have to keep evolving your play style. I think H_Arms said it right, who else would have your spot?
I did horribly out of state, and I placed averagely in state.
After Mikey I would argue to end the Pr due to the large drop in ability.
I'm not in a slump, I'm just not very good.

tutu if youre wondering why youre on the PR:

please refer to the rest of the PR and it will become apparent :yeahboi:

accepting money matches from all PR members <3
Once again I think ti would make more sense to make Mikey 5th and cut off the PR there, or just turn the rest into HM's anything that's able to show the clear drop in skill

I was and was originally going to ask why he's below tutu if he out placed him at both tourneys but mikeys not in the results for singles only doubles which this pr has said they don't count
So he tied with tutu and roller there and he got 2nd at GS3

If tutus saying he doesn't have any big wins and random losses why is he above mikey?

I'm curious and don't have time to look everything up
I shouldn't be above Mikey.


And yes DRDN. Mikey beat Tutu and Zinoto, and is below them. Mikey however only had one good tourney this season, and one "eh" one. Tutu showed consistency through more events. Mikey had one on day, one off day, and that was it. Hard to confirm he was any better than the place he received over only 2 events, with his best wins being vs Tutu, and Zinoto (who also beat him).

I do agree they are close, and there is an argument to be made for both. And if Mikey had come to another tourney and gotten another solid win or 2, he'd be above Tutu.
I don't think that consistency should matter as much in this case, sure i went to Pheonix saga... but what did i do there? Beat BR in pools? And sure I went to Skynet, but what did I do there? go 1-1 with roller and 0-1 with L_cancel... notable wins? Not there. So besides those 2 tournaments where i did almost nothing, the other 2 both Mikey and I attended, in 1 Mikey beat and out-placed me, the other we both performed poorly at.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I did horribly out of state, and I placed averagely in state.
After Mikey I would argue to end the Pr due to the large drop in ability.
I suggested making the rest simply HM, and not PR. Nobody supported it...

And Tutu, you should make these points and argue your case when you are asked to do so in the Panel group. I specifically asked you to do so at one point and you said you didn't care. What is the point in subverting the panel now?

I would post more but THuGz is apparently at my door to practice...


Smash Master
Jul 13, 2006
8623 Hickory Drive, Sterling Heights MI 48312
I was much less inclined to make points before today because I was busy with final exams, and the arbitrary placement of my name on a list is significantly less important than those.
While this is valid if you said anything while in the group discussion it would not have taken you much longer to put in your 2 cents

Your a smart player who's become to negative about everything including your own skills to go higher but your input would have probably helped them decide what we think would have been better


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
I suggested making the rest simply HM, and not PR. Nobody supported it...

And Tutu, you should make these points and argue your case when you are asked to do so in the Panel group. I specifically asked you to do so at one point and you said you didn't care. What is the point in subverting the panel now?

I would post more but THuGz is apparently at my door to practice...
You guys playing tomorrow too or are you headed home for break?


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I have exams Mon, Tues, Weds. So I can play again Tomorrow, but after that I think I'm done 'til break. THuGz will be coming over ~4 or so. Anther miiiiiiiight be coming after work. Maybe.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
If I win I get to keep the wii for break?

ICs vs Snake, Apex ruleset?

'cause I'd do that. =o

Also, MegaRobMan, no problem, I didn't feel disrespected. Was a legit question.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
I have exams Mon, Tues, Weds. So I can play again Tomorrow, but after that I think I'm done 'til break. THuGz will be coming over ~4 or so. Anther miiiiiiiight be coming after work. Maybe.
YOOOO!!!! You got this! Thanks for the words of encouragement before my math final. Aced that *****, and so will you ^_^

How long are you guys playing until?
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