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The Official "Megaman in SSBB" Topic!

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
what stages would you guys like to see from megaman games in brawl? I want Wiley Stage 1 from mm2 cuz that music was sick....I think I'll create that stage a little later when I get some time
hmmm.... cant really think of a good stage for him since theres been so many through the years... i guess like yall said wily's lab
i cant think of any period cuz im a n00b. all i remember is this stage from mm4 for NES (i dont remember which one) but you start at the bottom of the level and climb these ladders to get to the top while these rotating turrets are shooting at you....yes im an mm n00b

megaman 4 brawl


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
i cant think of any period cuz im a n00b. all i remember is this stage from mm4 for NES (i dont remember which one) but you start at the bottom of the level and climb these ladders to get to the top while these rotating turrets are shooting at you....yes im an mm n00b

megaman 4 brawl
all that matters is you want him in brawl!! lol

just finished playin punch out nes, mac MUST be in brawl!

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
i have to double post...infraction my buttocks if you want

FELLAS, I JUST GOT MEGAMAN ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION ON EBAY FOR $10.50!!!!! megaman 1 through 8 baby...all mother****ing day (when it arrives anyways).

oh and Megaman 4 Brawl

EDIT: oh nice, didnt double-post. Bluebomber22 for the save haaha

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
this is so nuts though.

so now here are all the games i gotta beat:
- Rayman 2, Rayman 3, Rayman Arena (Rayman 10th Anniversary Collection)
- Zelda I, Zelda II, Ocarina of Time, Majora, Wind Waker 20 min demo (Zelda Collectors Edition)
- Metroid Prime 1
- Megaman 1 throgh 8, MM Power Battles, and the racing games (Megaman Anniversary Coll)

wow sooo much to do. im never gonna have time for it all. but to be honest, all these games cost me around $60 total on eBay. can did DIG IT?

anyways after a few rounds of megaman ill have a better idea for movesets and stages

Megaman 4 Brawl


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Ok either explain why u dont want him or something, saying him being in brawl = stupid is a ******** post, since u dont explain why or anything, so in other words:



Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Yeah... hope ur kiddin...
Lol...of course I wasn't serious.

This thread is dying. Where the hell are all the Megaman enthusiasts?

All we get now is the occasional pop-in n00b who posts his lame-arse opinion and then floats away, never to be heard from again.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
Lol...of course I wasn't serious.

This thread is dying. Where the hell are all the Megaman enthusiasts?

All we get now is the occasional pop-in n00b who posts his lame-arse opinion and then floats away, never to be heard from again.
we've pretty much covered all possible topics of mega man's inclusion in brawl. there's nothing left until they release some info


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Hum. Look at that, 132 pages of Megaman goodness...
I think I'll just pose this question instead of actually looking through said dozens of pages-
What did you guys decide on about how handle Megaman acquiring new powers? Something akin to Kirby? Or would you go the Marvel vs. Capcom way and just make him use powers he'd acquired from the old Megaman bosses? Maybe a new mechanic involving whoever he KOs he can use? Explain!


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
everybody here seems to agree on a mixture of the ko theory and the MvC method. After he ko's an enemy he will attain his own variant on said persons power. But he will also have some standard powers that he aquired from the robot masters in his games like flame sword for his >B.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Stryks, have you come up w/ a moveset for Megaman yet?

And about the power-stealing thing...I think they should just do what they did in MvC and have the powers he got from the Megaman canon games...making him able to take other characters' powers would make Kirby useless.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Heres my moveset:

Megaman full moveset:

A: Left jab [2-4%]
AA: right side kick [3-6%]
AAA: uppercut [5-8%]

Forward tilt: Soccer-like kick [10-13%]
Up tilt: Mule kick [12-15%]
Down Tilt: same as mario's [10-12%]
back Tilt: same as mario's [10-12%]

<> Smash: Fire sword [15-20%]
Up smash: Guts uppercut *In one of his games, when he fuses with rush, he gets a guts armor, but in this attack only his hand will transform into guts form* [15-18%]
down smash: same as samus's [16-18%]

running a:
Slide attack *from the game* [10-13%]

A: Sex kick [12-14%]
AFA: Slash attack *slash from MM7* [11-15%]
ABA: backwards kcik [10-13%]
ADA: Crash bomb *fires a drill-like bomb downward, if somone is hit, he'll go straight down, works as a spike*[13-16%]
AUA: same as mario's [12-14%]

Megaman hold oponent with both hands:
attack: Hits oponent with his knee directly to oponents stomach
Forward throw: throws him forward similair to mario [13-15%]
back throw: grabs oponent by his/her/its clothes or something and throws them backwards [13-15%]
Dwon throw: Like fox/falco's, only he shoots him with the buster [15-16%]
Upward throw: throws oponent upward and follows the attack with a random attack from his games, all doing the same effect and damage [14-17%]

B moves:
B: Mega buster; Can be charged while moving, if u press B multiple times, 3 bullet-like beams will fire, if u charge it fully, it fires a powerful beam attack, as powerful as samus's just a tad faster... bullets [3-5% per bullet] fully charged [23-26% *high knockback*]
<> B: move copy: megaman probelps himself forward and if he connects with an oponent, he jumps over them, hand on the forhead, and obserbs the oponents move, then kick the oponent afterward [11-13%]
Random projectile: like the name says, a random projectile attack from his series [damage depens on weapon]
Upb: Buster uppercut: Popels himself upward, the uppercut is similair to the one in MvC, but the jump is way higher, similair to marios in a way, but give one powerful hit instead of multiple weak hits; ON THE GROUND: does the uppercut but does a small-mid jump [19-24%] *high knockback*
downB: Shield: could be the leaf shield, or skull shield or whatever, point is its a shield, and can withstand 2-3 weak hits or one powerful hit, pressing down b again will propel the sield forward giving many hits, wil lalso give ultiple hits if someone attacks him with a melee attack [2-4% damaga per hit *about 3-5 hits*

Taunt in game: Gives a thumbs up looking stright to the screen
victory taunt: U got *random weapon from one of the oponents*!! *u can c megaman firing the weapon*
Victory taunt2: takes off helmet, and does a pose
victory taunt3: rush comes and gives a hologram image where dr light appears and says: good job megaman!

kirby hat: kirby gets megamans helmet

DONE... its not the BEST moveset, but its my 1st FULL moveset, so its a start...


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
making him able to take other characters' powers would make Kirby useless.
true, and this would mean extra work for the game developer. And technically he can only copy the abilities of robots so I could see them not adding this aspect of MM in. He must however have some of the robot masters power and not just the Buster, no matter how sick the mega buster is

EDIT: Stryks I love your buster description


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
If you had to choose which robot master powers he brought to Brawl, which ones would they be? And where would they fit into his moves?

BTW Stryks, love the moveset.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Yeah... I thought MvC did a fairly decent job making Megaman seem like Megaman. In these past hundreds of pages did anyone make a nice moveset that fully represents his games? Maybe he could absorb the powers of whoever he smashes away a decent distance, or just absorb whoever he last touched...?

Random B moveset time... I like the idea of him being able to charge any of his attacks easily.
B^, Tornado Hold: If in midair, Mega drops a trap below him which will blow him upwards as long as he stays in the blast. The trap will stay in the same place in the air for several seconds, and will blow anyone upwards, giving Mega the only recovery move which can help friends out too. Double jumping while in the stream makes you shoot upward quickly.
On the ground, he tosses it forward until it lands. If the trap itself hits someone it knocks them back a bit with damage and then bounces off. Enemies caught in the gusts will be thrust upwards a bit and sent into freefall, setting them up for attack.

B and B>, Mega Buster: I think it'd be nice to be able to keep the free flowing feel of Megaman's gun, so that's why I put two different spots onto the same move, so you can gun while running or while standing still. It'd work just like the games- Tapping B will shoot those pellets while holding B would charge up a larger shot until let go.

This move would change depending on who he absorbed, each character fitting into some general element, which Mega would acquire by physically touching an enemy.
Fire (Mario, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Bowser, Ness etc.): Fire would create a small stream of fire in front of Mega, and after holding down for awhile letting go would result in a larger flame exploding around Megaman, knocking enemies away and setting them on fire.

And... well, I'm out of time for now. So, basically, so on so forth, put enemy characters into certain categories instead of him actually taking a unique power from each of them.
What do you guys think?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Riverside, CA.
Heres my moveset:

Megaman full moveset:

A: Left jab [2-4%]
AA: right side kick [3-6%]
AAA: uppercut [5-8%]

Forward tilt: Soccer-like kick [10-13%]
Up tilt: Mule kick [12-15%]
Down Tilt: same as mario's [10-12%]
back Tilt: same as mario's [10-12%]

<> Smash: Fire sword [15-20%]
Up smash: Guts uppercut *In one of his games, when he fuses with rush, he gets a guts armor, but in this attack only his hand will transform into guts form* [15-18%]
down smash: same as samus's [16-18%]

running a:
Slide attack *from the game* [10-13%]

A: Sex kick [12-14%]
AFA: Slash attack *slash from MM7* [11-15%]
ABA: backwards kcik [10-13%]
ADA: Crash bomb *fires a drill-like bomb downward, if somone is hit, he'll go straight down, works as a spike*[13-16%]
AUA: same as mario's [12-14%]

Megaman hold oponent with both hands:
attack: Hits oponent with his knee directly to oponents stomach
Forward throw: throws him forward similair to mario [13-15%]
back throw: grabs oponent by his/her/its clothes or something and throws them backwards [13-15%]
Dwon throw: Like fox/falco's, only he shoots him with the buster [15-16%]
Upward throw: throws oponent upward and follows the attack with a random attack from his games, all doing the same effect and damage [14-17%]

B moves:
B: Mega buster; Can be charged while moving, if u press B multiple times, 3 bullet-like beams will fire, if u charge it fully, it fires a powerful beam attack, as powerful as samus's just a tad faster... bullets [3-5% per bullet] fully charged [23-26% *high knockback*]
<> B: move copy: megaman probelps himself forward and if he connects with an oponent, he jumps over them, hand on the forhead, and obserbs the oponents move, then kick the oponent afterward [11-13%]
Random projectile: like the name says, a random projectile attack from his series [damage depens on weapon]
Upb: Buster uppercut: Popels himself upward, the uppercut is similair to the one in MvC, but the jump is way higher, similair to marios in a way, but give one powerful hit instead of multiple weak hits; ON THE GROUND: does the uppercut but does a small-mid jump [19-24%] *high knockback*
downB: Shield: could be the leaf shield, or skull shield or whatever, point is its a shield, and can withstand 2-3 weak hits or one powerful hit, pressing down b again will propel the sield forward giving many hits, wil lalso give ultiple hits if someone attacks him with a melee attack [2-4% damaga per hit *about 3-5 hits*

Taunt in game: Gives a thumbs up looking stright to the screen
victory taunt: U got *random weapon from one of the oponents*!! *u can c megaman firing the weapon*
Victory taunt2: takes off helmet, and does a pose
victory taunt3: rush comes and gives a hologram image where dr light appears and says: good job megaman!

kirby hat: kirby gets megamans helmet

DONE... its not the BEST moveset, but its my 1st FULL moveset, so its a start...
wow, u must have no life to have gone through all the hard work to make a "move list" for someone who might not even be in the game :embarrass
so sad

and the ansswer to ur question, personally i love megaman.
all the games for super nintendo of megaman are kick ***, i think he should stick to his own games


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Kr3w, GTFO, and quit making fun of people. You're a ****ing n00b.


I guess I'm just not into that whole "stealing moves from other characters" thing.

I don't mind, however, Megaman having powers from the enemies in his game...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Riverside, CA.
who ever said everyone was dedicated to one game?
i dont consider myself didicated to this game, i like it alot, but i also play other games


Smash Ace
May 15, 2006
Hiram, Ga
I think that the moveset is overpowered, but that's just me. I like the idea of being able to cycle through some of the robot master abilities rather than them being random.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
If you had to choose which robot master powers he brought to Brawl, which ones would they be? And where would they fit into his moves?
OMG Stryk's you have no life you spend all your life thinking up move sets!

Seriously Kr3w do you have mental problems or are you just a ******? Lol anyways

O yhea and to your question RDK there isn't much competition...

TOAD MAN AND SPRING MAN!! As Toad man you could commit suicide and as Spring man you could jump off a cliff!

(Seriously was wily drunk when he made these?)


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
(Seriously was wily drunk when he made these?)
Lol, probably.

TOAD MAN AND SPRING MAN!! As Toad man you could commit suicide and as Spring man you could jump off a cliff!
Ch....Megaman would be sooo broken, though.

I have a question:

Why is Megaman's original name "Rockman"? That's probably one of the gayest main character names I've ever heard.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Ok well you know roll... yhea their names were meant to be a pun (Based on music E.G. Bass and treble)


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006

Whoever made Megaman must have been on drugs when he thought of the names, cus dat's messed up.

I thought Bass and Treble were cool names, but Rockman and Roll?


Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Wow I can't believe you havn't played/beaten most of those games Del. Where in the world do you live that you can't get your hands on them? Canada or something?
i only bought them recently and i was 16 when i graduated high school/finally got a dirvers license/finally got my first job (cashiering...uuuugggh) and so it was that transition from high school to college that things settled down more, all sports seasons were over, and i could finally buy more video games since i finally had my own money. now that i have an even better paying job and that i have more free time (and finally 18 so i can legally use ebay throguh my own checking account) i can now buy all the stuff i never got a chance to back in the day.
i think adding megaman to ssbb would be stupid
wow, u must have no life to have gone through all the hard work to make a "move list" for someone who might not even be in the game :embarrass
so sad

and the ansswer to ur question, personally i love megaman.
all the games for super nintendo of megaman are kick ***, i think he should stick to his own games
who ever said everyone was dedicated to one game?
i dont consider myself didicated to this game, i like it alot, but i also play other games
why is it that everytime a n00b posts, they prove how ****ing dumb they really are?


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
why is it that everytime a n00b posts, they prove how ****ing dumb they really are?
It adheres to the laws of Quantum n00b Posts.

Quantum n00b Post

1. plural: Quantum n00b Posts, Quantum n00b Posti
The effects of n00b posting can be seen in the reactions/expressions in every poor fool who happens across one of these posts. n00b Posting adheres to the relativity laws of the average, fairly knowledgeable poster, with special rules applied. The amount of n00b post typed by the typee is inversely proportional to the typee's intelligence, thus creating the said n00b post. Quantum n00b Posting has been viewed as relatively safe to the environment. However, if done in excess / massive numbers, it can send vibrational ripples throughout the psyche of everyone present, and cause whole forums to crash and become shut down.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Mega man will be a samus clone... they have the same moves...
Yeah, they totally both have that charging projectile attack, and they also share...umm... See, they're also alike because of that one other...attack they both do. ...You know...umm...



Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Hi PrinnyFlute im Legolastom an avid Mega Man supporter i also like to use sarcasm and say stuff like that to cheer up the board (As a joke).

Nice to meet you Lol.

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