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The Official "Megaman in SSBB" Topic!


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2007
Her name is Hatsune Miku, a character from a singing synthesizer program called Vocaloid.

She does a lot songs

Another version of MM2 Wily 1:

Cruel Angel's thesis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VbuK-65qjg&feature=related

MOTHER song Pollyanna:

Final Fantasy 6 Boss theme:

Legend of Zelda theme:

Chi's Finest

Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2005
Just ignore him. Chi is just here to flame us for the lulz. I can't believe we can't get over this when the game is almost a month away from its release.
Not really..... I'm debating about MM's podcast, and not flaming anyone. I'm not one of the people with day old accounts and 5 posts that goes into every character thread and says "______sucks!!!!" I'm also not one of those people who "hates" all other characters because I favor one. If Geno didn't get in, I think MM would be the best choice and I would like for him to be in the roster.

Geno being a sticker would improve his chances. If there was a MM sticker, I'd say that I'm 99% sure he's in then.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Yeah, so let's talk about my stupid idea.

I still like the idea of making neutral b Mega Man's charge shot, and over b his normal shots so that he can run. The over b could be like Fox's blaster except Mega Man can only have three shots on screen at a time. The taunt could switch out his down b, which could be Rock Ball, Tornado Hold, and Lead Shield for example. His up b could be Rush Jet, Rush Spring, etc., or his uppercut from MvC since I'm already taking from there anyway.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2004
Maryland, USA
Yeah, so let's talk about my stupid idea.
The only thing I don't necessarily like about that (with regard to your buster idea), is that it doesn't do as much to represent Rock as he was in the games.

I would just make a few fundamental changes: Like you suggest, Rock would fire a bunch of small plasma pellets from his buster, and you were free to move about as you see fit (because it would just be pressing B). As was the case in the games (vs. end level bosses), only the 3rd shot would actually cause "flinching" on the opponent. In essence, a triple shot/rapid-fire assault would basically have the same utility as a 3-hit A string or rapid-A punch string for most other characters, Rock's would just have more range.

Charge shot action would still be just as simple as holding B. Now, whether or not they wanted to be like the games, where whether you held it for 5 seconds or 30 seconds, you'd get the same power, or like in Marvel, where each second held added an extra hit, would be on them.

The reason I like my rendition of the idea better would be because it would do more to represent Rock as he was in classic style. Holding Side B would always require Rock to continue to move in that direction to fire in that direction, and such a linear fighting pattern just wouldn't be ideal for him, I would think.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Not really..... I'm debating about MM's podcast, and not flaming anyone. I'm not one of the people with day old accounts and 5 posts that goes into every character thread and says "______sucks!!!!" I'm also not one of those people who "hates" all other characters because I favor one. If Geno didn't get in, I think MM would be the best choice and I would like for him to be in the roster.

Geno being a sticker would improve his chances. If there was a MM sticker, I'd say that I'm 99% sure he's in then.
OMG! Silver is a sticker! He's 99.9% in!!!


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
It would be cool if he was in, but if hes not he'll probably be an assist trophy.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
The only thing I don't necessarily like about that (with regard to your buster idea), is that it doesn't do as much to represent Rock as he was in the games.

I would just make a few fundamental changes: Like you suggest, Rock would fire a bunch of small plasma pellets from his buster, and you were free to move about as you see fit (because it would just be pressing B). As was the case in the games (vs. end level bosses), only the 3rd shot would actually cause "flinching" on the opponent. In essence, a triple shot/rapid-fire assault would basically have the same utility as a 3-hit A string or rapid-A punch string for most other characters, Rock's would just have more range.

Charge shot action would still be just as simple as holding B. Now, whether or not they wanted to be like the games, where whether you held it for 5 seconds or 30 seconds, you'd get the same power, or like in Marvel, where each second held added an extra hit, would be on them.

The reason I like my rendition of the idea better would be because it would do more to represent Rock as he was in classic style. Holding Side B would always require Rock to continue to move in that direction to fire in that direction, and such a linear fighting pattern just wouldn't be ideal for him, I would think.
I would assume that the charge would work like every other chargeable thing in Smash; whether you hold it or press to charge, it would charger to max and that's it.

You wouldn't be able to run around and press b. It would register as a side b. I was trying to make it more like the games where you can run around and shoot. We can't do turn around b's in the air anymore. Mapping the normal shot to side b would fix this. If I remember correctly, in the later games, the normal shots never made the bosses flinch. It was either a charge shot or whatever weapon the boss was weak against. Either way, making any of Mega Man's normal shots flinch would be too good in a slower game like this. Falco is extremely hard to approach in this game because his shots flinch.

In the Mega Man games, you are almost never standing still and firing. It's just bad gameplay usually. If you are standing still, chances are you're charging your buster or waiting for an enemy to become vulnerable. So maybe just make over b and b the same thing, but hold neutral b to charge, which sounds really dumb. I dunno, some other people post their b movesets.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
I would assume that the charge would work like every other chargeable thing in Smash; whether you hold it or press to charge, it would charger to max and that's it.

You wouldn't be able to run around and press b. It would register as a side b. I was trying to make it more like the games where you can run around and shoot. We can't do turn around b's in the air anymore. Mapping the normal shot to side b would fix this. If I remember correctly, in the later games, the normal shots never made the bosses flinch. It was either a charge shot or whatever weapon the boss was weak against. Either way, making any of Mega Man's normal shots flinch would be too good in a slower game like this. Falco is extremely hard to approach in this game because his shots flinch.

In the Mega Man games, you are almost never standing still and firing. It's just bad gameplay usually. If you are standing still, chances are you're charging your buster or waiting for an enemy to become vulnerable. So maybe just make over b and b the same thing, but hold neutral b to charge, which sounds really dumb. I dunno, some other people post their b movesets.
actually cless, i thought of this problem before and it has been solved. all you would have to do is press neutral b first then start moving and pressing it. look at pits arrows, cuz they work just like this


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
How do you know for fact that that entire line was a joke, and he was saying it in complete sarcasm?

Even if Sakurai said publicly, "MM is not in Brawl, get over it." it wouldn't matter. There would still be people saying it might just be a joke and he's mindgaming us, and MM is still in.

People still believed in Ness, but thankfully that number has been cut down dramatically since the SEE movie. The point is, why is it that any proof that suggests negative influence towards a character is quickly disregarded, but if a tiny bit of evidence seems to increase their chances, it's held in high regard?
It's called a double standard for info. . .or maybe just info bias:p

Only if things make MM more likely will they be recognized as such. Much like how a man would be happy to have his son date alots but for his daughter. . .no way in hell. Anything that makes him look likely, LOVE IT. . . .anything that makes him look not soo likely, screw it- "it means nothing to me".

And for the record I don't think they would delay the game for something like MM. Theres just too many things that benefited from Brawl being pushed back (SMG + 3rd party games being in the spotlight this x-mas is one) for it to be something as simple as one character. It was heavyly hinted at working to get the on-line system in good shape from what I remember.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
actually cless, i thought of this problem before and it has been solved. all you would have to do is press neutral b first then start moving and pressing it. look at pits arrows, cuz they work just like this
Well then, good call from the leader.

It's called a double standard for info. . .or maybe just info bias:p

Only if things make MM more likely will they be recognized as such. Much like how a man would be happy to have his son date alots but for his daughter. . .no way in hell. Anything that makes him look likely, LOVE IT. . . .anything that makes him look not soo likely, screw it- "it means nothing to me".

And for the record I don't think they would delay the game for something like MM. Theres just too many things that benefited from Brawl being pushed back (SMG + 3rd party games being in the spotlight this x-mas is one) for it to be something as simple as one character. It was heavyly hinted at working to get the on-line system in good shape from what I remember.
Actually, personally, I don't take anything as proof unless Sakurai/Nintendo says it. There's no reason to listen to anyone else. People say that the podcast deconfirmed him, and I posted reasons why it did not mean anything. That's all.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2004
Maryland, USA
You wouldn't be able to run around and press b. It would register as a side b. I was trying to make it more like the games where you can run around and shoot. We can't do turn around b's in the air anymore. Mapping the normal shot to side b would fix this.
I guess you do have a point there. No turn-around Bs does definitely put a damper on my idea...completely forgot about that.

If I remember correctly, in the later games, the normal shots never made the bosses flinch. It was either a charge shot or whatever weapon the boss was weak against.
Not quite. If you connected with 3 shots in later games, it would just give them a few invulnerability frames (with or without a flinch animation) so that you couldn't hope to spam the attack over and over again. By the later games, you almost NEVER relied on the rapid-fire for boss battles, because this same invulnerability/flinch aspect gave the bosses too much of vantage point, because they could just as easily recover and give you more damage, for the 2 pixels you took off of their bar with a small shot.

Either way, making any of Mega Man's normal shots flinch would be too good in a slower game like this. Falco is extremely hard to approach in this game because his shots flinch.
Not all of his shots, just the third. And it would have to be a thing where all 3 would have to hit in pretty much rapid-fire succession for the "flinch" animation to register, otherwise, it would be just like Fox's blaster in Melee.

In the Mega Man games, you are almost never standing still and firing. It's just bad gameplay usually. If you are standing still, chances are you're charging your buster or waiting for an enemy to become vulnerable. So maybe just make over b and b the same thing, but hold neutral b to charge, which sounds really dumb.
Maybe not as dumb as you may think, but I think it would, again, just do more to help represent Rock better.

In the end, the most important thing is that I want to be able to Slide (Down Smash) around while charging up, as I did back in the days of MM4-MM8. If they can at least give me that, I'll be happy. :chuckle:

BAHA! MoneyGotBanned

Smash Rookie
Dec 29, 2007
Dear God, why is it that classic Mega Man games fool you into thinking the Robot Master weaknesses are are something other than what they actually are? Lie I MM1, I thought Gutsman's power was Elecman man's weakness since Earth VS Electricity...and plus the fact that there are 2 throwable rocks in Elecman's domain, right? WRONG. Turns out it's friggin Cutsman's ability to "cut the power" so to speak. Same bull**** happened in MM2 against Woodman. I used Heatman fire to think burning wood would work, right? And it seemed to be as ineffective as the damm buster. So I figured maybe it was Capcom mindgames and that I was supposed to used Metalman's buzz saw since saw cuts wood, right? WRONG. Turns out I realized I could charge up Heatman's fire-blasts to do uber damage. AAAARRRGH WTFFF?!!??!

Aurora Jenny

Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2007
Spring. Texas
Actually, It makes perfect sense. In the fire emblem games, notice Axes beat out Lances and spears? Probably a similar ideology in other games as well.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
if he gets in... is there a post of possible recolors?? if not i wanna see some tributes!!

red, gray and yellow for protoman Red outfit
black and orange For Bass Dark Outfit
Blue - Come on...
Zero... This is where we have a problem
Vile... Perhaps purple is a megaman color
and btw an all white with red helm for ryu!! lol

Which do you think would be a better Red Color for megaman Zero or Protoman?? Who deserves it more??
if he did get in i'd be interested in seeing sakurai's concepts--god knows he's not designing solely for l-cancel and moonwalk compatability

and i'm one of those heathens who believes ness is still in; i'll set up the stake if you bring the fire


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
I always thought that the weaknesses usually made sense. Guts Man's power isn't earth. It's to be super strong, and there aren't any blocks in Elec Man's place if I remember correctly, just Cut Man's.

Bomb Man gets through Guts Man's armor, Guts Man crushes Cut Man's scissors, Cut Man cuts Elec Man's power, Elec Man's electricity is amplified in Ice Man, Ice Man's ice shots put out Fire Man, and Fire Man causes Bomb Man's bombs to explode. You have to give some allowances. Bosses can't be weak to multiple things.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
i always thought they did it that way so you couldnt guess which order to fight the bosses
Well, you can usually make some sense out of the bosses. I don't always fight them in the correct order anyway. Like in Mega Man X, I always start out with Chill Penguin, then Flame Mammoth, then Storm Eagle. Actually, now that I look at it, I should probably go to Storm Eagle after Chill Penguin, but whatever.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
Well, you can usually make some sense out of the bosses. I don't always fight them in the correct order anyway. Like in Mega Man X, I always start out with Chill Penguin, then Flame Mammoth, then Storm Eagle. Actually, now that I look at it, I should probably go to Storm Eagle after Chill Penguin, but whatever.
yeah true mm masters like us dont need to follow the order. except at the end when u have to fight all the robot masters again

BAHA! MoneyGotBanned

Smash Rookie
Dec 29, 2007
I always thought that the weaknesses usually made sense. Guts Man's power isn't earth. It's to be super strong, and there aren't any blocks in Elec Man's place if I remember correctly, just Cut Man's.
Nope, there's blocks in Elecman's place too. Imagine my surprise when I tossed them at him and it was about as ineffective as the buster. Low and behold I didn't figure out that Cutman was the weakness til the Wliy stage...so after like 10-15 tries I beat him with the buster straight up.

yeah true mm masters like us dont need to follow the order. except at the end when u have to fight all the robot masters again
You mean I have to fight them all again in MM2 as well? Dammit, MM1 was bad enough to beat...and I still need to beat Crashman before I can go to the Wily stage...**** I'm never gonna get through the Anniversary Collection :(


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
Nope, there's blocks in Elecman's place too. Imagine my surprise when I tossed them at him and it was about as ineffective as the buster. Low and behold I didn't figure out that Cutman was the weakness til the Wliy stage...so after like 10-15 tries I beat him with the buster straight up.

You mean I have to fight them all again in MM2 as well? Dammit, MM1 was bad enough to beat...and I still need to beat Crashman before I can go to the Wily stage...**** I'm never gonna get through the Anniversary Collection :(
dont get it twisted del--err baha....i still used the weakness on some of the robot masters if i happened to have it at the time lol

i mean if u got it y not?

BAHA! MoneyGotBanned

Smash Rookie
Dec 29, 2007
LOL...that obvious, huh?

Yeah it was more of a matter of figuring out what the weaknesses were. In MM1 I didn't even know that there were weaknesses until I had already taken out 5 of the 6 robot masters with the buster alone.

The issue with MM2 was the fact that I couldn't figure out what the weaknesses were until I had already taken out 5 of the 8 robot masters (with the buster alone).

To put it bluntly, it's time to start using my head instead of charging in buster-first.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
You don't have to fight the MM1 bosses again. He means at the end of the game where you have to fight all the bosses of the current Mega Man game again. It's Mega Man tradition that you do that. Every platforming Mega Man games does that.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
Looking for our princess in another castle.
Also, I've decided I want to be in R.M.B, if possible.

On a side note, I composed a few tracks that would appear on Mega Man's stage out of sheer boredom:

Wily Stage A (Mega Man 2)
This one I've obviously rearranged from one of the greatest songs in video game history, Wily Stage A from MM2. I, of course, went for an orchestral theme.

The Flutter Vs. The Gesselschaft (Megaman Legends)
I'll admit it. I loved the Legends games. The original version of this played when the Bonnes were chasing you in their gigantic aircraft, the Gesselschaft. For this rearrangement, I decided with another orchestral piece. Also, please excuse my crappy sounding piano.

Robot Museum (Mega Man 7)
This piece is, of course, the Robot Museum theme. You know, THAT one. I'll let you decide for yourself what theme I went with for this one.
I'll give you a hint. It's orchestral. Shocking, I know.

Cut Man's Theme (Mega Man 1)
Really, what kind of a Cut Man fan would I be if I didn't rearrange this piece? I went with a more mariachi band theme for this.

Geimenschaft Battle (Megaman Legends 2)
This one's older than the others, and I didn't really compose it for Brawl (I rearranged it for a talent competition) but I think it works nonetheless. It has a techno rock theme to it, if I say so myself.

Tell me what you think!

Also, check your volume settings.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2004
Maryland, USA
True, but that was a different game.

Any way, I could see Cless's point. To try and drag too many moves from the games would just end up probably being a messier affair than necessary. How about summoning his lil friends (Rush, Beat, Eddie and friggin' TANGO, who only appeared in one game!), instead?

Wouldn't have to give preference to one weapon power up over the other, and it would still do a lot to keep Rock in character.
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