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The Official "Megaman in SSBB" Topic!


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
WHATS THE BIG DEAL WITH MEGAMAN, that character suks, his game are really boring.

dont read if youll be offended..
Lets hope that it is true, chances are it is, Ray Mk III for brawl!!:chuckle:

the king laughs at your ignorance


I just heard Keiji Inafune (Megaman's creator) said in a podcast that Megaman isn't in Brawl...

Is this true or a rumor? Say it isn't so.....
Old, OOOLDD, news.
and it doesn't mean anything.
we debunked it's importance long ago.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2007
why did you read it dumb***?? u shouldve known better...

Zorya> tikaro 4ever and almighty...


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
why did you read it dumb***?? u shouldve known better...

Zorya> tikaro 4ever and almighty...

the king isn't laughing anymore. Now he's just disturbed.

And I don't know who this tikaro guy is(his name sounds almost like mine, tirkaro) but he must be pretty freakin' stupid if he's worse than you 0_o

but seriously, get out.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
its a lot to type, but just think about it. Inafune did not say mega man wasnt in the game. he's just sayin stuff cause he cant confirm mega man yet...
Yeah, I went back and read. There's the possibility of the interview being old, him having to lie due to confidientiality (sp?) agreemtns, etc.

There is STILL hope. :grin:


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
Uhhmmmm, that seems VERY important. Can you run it by me how it's unimportant? :confused:
it's EXTREEEEEEEEEEMLEY long to explain, but I'll just abridge it like this:

keiji inafune gets a question during a bionic commando podcast(which was sent by bluebomber22, which means BB22 made contact with keiji! What an honor!) asking if MM was in brawl. Basically, keiji, ONCE AGAIN, avoids the question with some more vauge crap. Except this one is a tad different. Keiji goes and says that he wasn't contacted by nintendo yet (in a very playful manner I might add) and he was directing a comment towards nintendo to nintendo to contact them.

and of course, the rest of the people, being the idiots they are, go "ZOMG, MEGAMAN DEKONFIRM'D!!!!!1!!!!11!!"
and BEFORE you go and do the same, realize that we DID debunk the importance of this answer, and it really isn't any different than the other "No Comment"s we got from every other megaman in SSBB question.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
it's EXTREEEEEEEEEEMLEY long to explain, but I'll just abridge it like this:

keiji inafune gets a question during a bionic commando podcast(which was sent by bluebomber22, which means BB22 made contact with keiji! What an honor!) asking if MM was in brawl. Basically, keiji, ONCE AGAIN, avoids the question with some more vauge crap. Except this one is a tad different. Keiji goes and says that he wasn't contacted by nintendo yet (in a very playful manner I might add) and he was directing a comment towards nintendo to nintendo to contact them.

and of course, the rest of the people, being the idiots they are, go "ZOMG, MEGAMAN DEKONFIRM'D!!!!!1!!!!11!!"
and BEFORE you go and do the same, realize that we DID debunk the importance of this answer, and it really isn't any different than the other "No Comment"s we got from every other megaman in SSBB question.
couldnt have said it better myself!

and have we talked about how whichever version of mega man we get is the only one we will get cuz the only character with an alternate costume is wario?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2004
Maryland, USA
Not necesarly he said wario is a special case or something like that, how is megaman not special XD
No, he basically explicitly said that "Wario alone is special" in the JP translation. Not that Wario is any more "special" in any other instance, just that he gets the special costume. You can't get any more descriptive than that, even though I'd like to think that such a case would be otherwise.

Any way...as for as Rock's moveset would go, I would rather it be a thing where he could just swap his B moveset (except for the Rock Buster) out by summoning Eddie/Fliptop, probably with the taunt button, as some one suggested.

3 Taunts = 3 move sets, which could each have different weapons attached to his Direction+B moves. I'd like it, and I would think it would basically give Rockman upwards of 9 weapons, plus the Rock Buster to use. I think that would be plenty, considering he's had to make do with less in MvC...


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
couldnt have said it better myself!

and have we talked about how whichever version of mega man we get is the only one we will get cuz the only character with an alternate costume is wario?
your post doesnt seem clear, but I'll give a guess on it:
If wario is truly the only one to have an alt, then it would either be classic or X, due to the fact that star force is too new(and unpopular) to get in and Exe. is dead.(I dont know were trigger falls in).
if megaman also gets an alt, the main form would be classic with an X alt(or possibly legends for whatever reason or Exe. to appeal to the newer gamers) or any combination as long as it has X or classic(however there is a small posibility of something way different happening). I am sure they could share a move set if they dont have robot master powers.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
Not necesarly he said wario is a special case or something like that, how is megaman not special XD
your post doesnt seem clear, but I'll give a guess on it:
If wario is truly the only one to have an alt, then it would either be classic or X, due to the fact that star force is too new(and unpopular) to get in and Exe. is dead.(I dont know were trigger falls in).
if megaman also gets an alt, the main form would be classic with an X alt(or possibly legends for whatever reason or Exe. to appeal to the newer gamers) or any combination as long as it has X or classic(however there is a small posibility of something way different happening). I am sure they could share a move set if they dont have robot master powers.
basically all im sayin is that if we get classic mega man or X or any other version for that matter we wont be seeing alt. costumes. like if we get X, classic wont be an alternate costume cuz he said wario is the only one with an alternate costume

Chi's Finest

Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2005
and of course, the rest of the people, being the idiots they are, go "ZOMG, MEGAMAN DEKONFIRM'D!!!!!1!!!!11!!"
and BEFORE you go and do the same, realize that we DID debunk the importance of this answer, and it really isn't any different than the other "No Comment"s we got from every other megaman in SSBB question.

It was debunked in the same way that Ness's deconfirmation was debunked: By the fans choosing not to accept it.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
It was debunked in the same way that Ness's deconfirmation was debunked: By the fans choosing not to accept it.
not really. if inafune explicitly stated "mega man is not and will not be in brawl" i would have accepted it. but he didnt. he JOKINGLY stated," i havent been contacted yet, but maybe they'll contact me before its too late" and you can bet he already knows its too late for them to add any more characters

its the equivalent of asking your mom if your getting what you want for christmas and she says "i dont know, we'll see"


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
It was debunked in the same way that Ness's deconfirmation was debunked: By the fans choosing not to accept it.
You just assume you are right. Nobody is saying MM is definitely in the game, we just say there is still a possiblity, just like Ness.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Inafune makes games, he created megaman, one of gamings greatest icons like mario and master chief, he would know by now that, with SSE, the music and everything (he said he loves smash bros, so I bet he knows whats going on), and yet said: "Well maybe if nintendo contacts me, We can add megaman" and he knows the game is coming out in a few weeks (ZOMG!), but note:

- He was saying all of this almost in a happy way, kinda being sarcastic or such
- in the podcast they stated that "Well the game is coming out in a FEW months..." when in reality its coming out in ONE month
- In the MM event, where he could have denied it EXACTLY like he did in the podcast, he said: "NO COMMENT"
- and also, theres thispage, about a guy that knows a guy that has given him official info about capcom related stuff, stating he gave him info about RE umbrella chronicles days before the announcement, and of another game which I forgot, but he states that they made a deal with nintendo to put megaman in, but would have to delay the game, and wouldnt u know it,days later, game delayed...

simply put,we got more in favor towards megamans inclution!


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
Inafune makes games, he created megaman, one of gamings greatest icons like mario and master chief, he would know by now that, with SSE, the music and everything (he said he loves smash bros, so I bet he knows whats going on), and yet said: "Well maybe if nintendo contacts me, We can add megaman" and he knows the game is coming out in a few weeks (ZOMG!), but note:

- He was saying all of this almost in a happy way, kinda being sarcastic or such
- in the podcast they stated that "Well the game is coming out in a FEW months..." when in reality its coming out in ONE month
- In the MM event, where he could have denied it EXACTLY like he did in the podcast, he said: "NO COMMENT"
- and also, theres thispage, about a guy that knows a guy that has given him official info about capcom related stuff, stating he gave him info about RE umbrella chronicles days before the announcement, and of another game which I forgot, but he states that they made a deal with nintendo to put megaman in, but would have to delay the game, and wouldnt u know it,days later, game delayed...

simply put,we got more in favor towards megamans inclution!
such a glorius post. R.M.B. will have a rediculous celebration when mm is confirmed!

Chi's Finest

Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2005
not really. if inafune explicitly stated "mega man is not and will not be in brawl" i would have accepted it. but he didnt. he JOKINGLY stated," i havent been contacted yet, but maybe they'll contact me before its too late" and you can bet he already knows its too late for them to add any more characters
How do you know for fact that that entire line was a joke, and he was saying it in complete sarcasm?

Even if Sakurai said publicly, "MM is not in Brawl, get over it." it wouldn't matter. There would still be people saying it might just be a joke and he's mindgaming us, and MM is still in.

People still believed in Ness, but thankfully that number has been cut down dramatically since the SEE movie. The point is, why is it that any proof that suggests negative influence towards a character is quickly disregarded, but if a tiny bit of evidence seems to increase their chances, it's held in high regard?

- He was saying all of this almost in a happy way, kinda being sarcastic or such
- in the podcast they stated that "Well the game is coming out in a FEW months..." when in reality its coming out in ONE month
- In the MM event, where he could have denied it EXACTLY like he did in the podcast, he said: "NO COMMENT"
- and also, theres thispage, about a guy that knows a guy that has given him official info about capcom related stuff, stating he gave him info about RE umbrella chronicles days before the announcement, and of another game which I forgot, but he states that they made a deal with nintendo to put megaman in, but would have to delay the game, and wouldnt u know it,days later, game delayed...
The last point invalidates the three previous points. If you want them to all make sense, either the first three should be used by themselves, or the last point should be by itself.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
How do you know for fact that that entire line was a joke, and he was saying it in complete sarcasm?

Even if Sakurai said publicly, "MM is not in Brawl, get over it." it wouldn't matter. There would still be people saying it might just be a joke and he's mindgaming us, and MM is still in.

People still believed in Ness, but thankfully that number has been cut down dramatically since the SEE movie. The point is, why is it that any proof that suggests negative influence towards a character is quickly disregarded, but if a tiny bit of evidence seems to increase their chances, it's held in high regard?
it's the reverse. There was much more evidence for megaman's inclusion. But when there's ONE factor that potentially lowers megaman's chances, people take it as a deconfirmation.

and ONCE AGAIN, I thought we agreed to disagree. stop being an annoyance.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2007
so true. anyways tirkaro that site you posted for me to become one of the R.M.B. on is extremely confusing, i can't find anything there, can you help me out!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2007
Chi, how'd you like it if everybody assumed Geno was out because he is a sticker?
Mega Man is not deconfirmed yet. But hat doesn't mean he will be in.
Just ignore him. Chi is just here to flame us for the lulz. I can't believe we can't get over this when the game is almost a month away from its release.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2007
sorry tirkaro i figured it out, it just took me a while to figure out the homepage before i clicked portal.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2007
guess what. me and cless are official R.M.B. members now. i am working on a sprite of vile from megaman x right now.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
I posted a whole sprite sheet. I'm lazy like that.

I still like the idea of making neutral b Mega Man's charge shot, and over b his normal shots so that he can run. The over b could be like Fox's blaster except Mega Man can only have three shots on screen at a time. The taunt could switch out his down b, which could be Rock Ball, Tornado Hold, and Lead Shield for example. His up b could be Rush Jet, Rush Spring, etc., or his uppercut from MvC since I'm already taking from there anyway.

Aqua Rock X

Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2007
Hey blue bomber can I get a listof the robot masters? Id like to know how many spots are left :p
Err...I can help with that actually. :p

Robot Masters
Error Alt Delete
Red Darkstar Kirby

That's the current list at P2W. That's two RM spaces left or one if Ninjuku received his rank.

And I must say I'm flattered with all of the people who've wanted to join the RMB lately. Perhaps this "Inafune podcast" fiasco wasn't such a bad thing afterall. Through the perilous debates more supporters have seen our cause and wanted to fight with us!

I suppose BB22 forsaw the events of having his question read and decided that it was time to expand our group! :laugh:


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Not all the Robot Masters are regulars on this site anymore...Rex+ hasn't been on since the 3rd...
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