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The Official Maryland Player Finder -.-


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
lol Nightmare there are about two fests where you've actually owned me.

1. One fest I held where you genuinely were better than me.

2. Catonsville, and we played two entire matches.

3. There aren't anymore except the ones you used to hold (unless you're talking about some other fest I've held), and I beat you way too much at those for you to be refering to them.

I beat you in a legitimate money match by counterpicking (3-0), and you throw the money in my face and curse. If you're gonna act like that everytime I beat you, what's the motivation for me playing you?

Whatever though I'll just use Bowser whenever I play you now, you can't complain about that. >_>

Nikk - lol I need a banner!

Redd - Pichu versus Bowser five buxxx
We'll see I may need to use Pika, but probably yes.

CK - I'm not going to this one I don't think, I'm gonna try and go wherever Azen and Chillin go this weekend. But I might get a ride from BL, I'll team with you at this, if you don't take doll >_________>

Rachael - It's on


Smash Rookie
Oct 24, 2006
Hey all. I live in the Potomac, Maryland area. I'm also looking for some guys/a crew to hang out and practice with and/or join. Been playing for a few years and I'm pretty decent and I used to be a member of SmashBoards like a year and a half ago. Thnx.


Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2006
Baltimore County

I beat you in a legitimate money match by counterpicking (3-0), and you throw the money in my face and curse. If you're gonna act like that everytime I beat you, what's the motivation for me playing you?


Chinessah please update my name with a (TA B-mores Finest) next to it. <3

Nightmare...get back to me.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
Baltimore has no REAL competition, other than DOSV, in my truth-ful opinion. Actually, most of Baltimore is indeed new to smash (except ranma and myself) OR (like me) starting over from a break. We're all learning.
Forgetting about someone Vince? Come to the next bmore fest so I can own up on you again for forgetting about me.

Ron pick a **** character already. It makes a loads of difference.

Nightmare KoRn Kid

Smash Champion
Aug 4, 2005
Baltimore MD.
Chris man, I thought you left baltimore's finest for RAWR! We all would LOVE if you were Baltimore finest again! Seriously, come back, and the title is yours if Ranma will give you it.

AND I think i owe a few people a few appologies.

Frozen- We've played smash a few times and I did NOT mean to demean you by down playing your smash skills. I really was just ****ing around but you're getting really upset. I just want you to know I really AM a **** to people I THINK I'm friend with. I like to mess around and hate on people because that's what I do with my buddies!
With my friends in school I will stop at nothing to convince them how utterly and totally gay they all are. There's not an hour of a school day where I don't manage to some how make a hurtful comment aimed at one of my friends! I just really go too far sometimes, and I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.

I really don't want to hurt your feeling or anything, because I really appreciate your vulgar sense of humor, it's very like my own. Also I really thought we were on a level where we could hate on each other and know it's joking... I would like to be on that level...

I don't want a MM with you, I want to be on chill terms with you.

Ron- The same SORTA thing to you, but a little different.

I hated sorta hard on you, and I'm also sorry to you. But I mean... You used to beat me a logn time ago, but the last time you won against me was at YOUR house at YOUR fest and you sorta DID counter pick me round one, two and three, despite the normal rules of I pick after you pick X_x But i think i just went marth, any way, so it doesn't reallly count as a counter pick. You won your title FAIR AND SQUARE and it's YOURS.
If you want to have an official title match instead of randomly giving it to me because I realized you still had it (I ws sorta just like "OHH YEAH I WIN T3H TITLEZORS!, I didn't REALLY mean it, I mean, I offered you your bawls back, which i THOUGHT we all knew wasn't going to happen... X_x)

It was a pretty easy set for me to win, though... I don't think it was the best game you've ever had... IN MY OPINION falco does well against Marth, and IN MY OPINION Marth ISN'T as great as they say he is on Battlefeild. The second match it was your counter pick, and picking Captain falcon against me, seeing as I've played Hova, and G regulate, MANY times, was sorta foolish for you, because I do well against Captain falcon.

Honestly, I had the advantage, and that's the REASON I called double blind pick (so you wouldn't get the advantage =P)

I love you in a straight and non threatening way, and I really should lay off all of you in Baltimore's finest. I just want us to improve as a crew, and I feel I have a lot of room for improvement.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Richmond Va
Forgetting about someone Vince? Come to the next bmore fest so I can own up on you again for forgetting about me.

Ron pick a **** character already. It makes a loads of difference.

Hmm Everyone should pick up peach...

if you do I'll teach you how to dsmash properly

By properly I meant total spam.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
I thought we were talking baltimore in general? Man I must be confused, Bmore's Finest must be huge if it has this many members now. Where are you guys hiding them all?


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
Ron- The same SORTA thing to you, but a little different.

I hated sorta hard on you, and I'm also sorry to you. But I mean... You used to beat me a logn time ago, but the last time you won against me was at YOUR house at YOUR fest and you sorta DID counter pick me round one, two and three, despite the normal rules of I pick after you pick X_x But i think i just went marth, any way, so it doesn't reallly count as a counter pick. You won your title FAIR AND SQUARE and it's YOURS.
If you want to have an official title match instead of randomly giving it to me because I realized you still had it (I ws sorta just like "OHH YEAH I WIN T3H TITLEZORS!, I didn't REALLY mean it, I mean, I offered you your bawls back, which i THOUGHT we all knew wasn't going to happen... X_x)

It was a pretty easy set for me to win, though... I don't think it was the best game you've ever had... IN MY OPINION falco does well against Marth, and IN MY OPINION Marth ISN'T as great as they say he is on Battlefeild. The second match it was your counter pick, and picking Captain falcon against me, seeing as I've played Hova, and G regulate, MANY times, was sorta foolish for you, because I do well against Captain falcon.

Honestly, I had the advantage, and that's the REASON I called double blind pick (so you wouldn't get the advantage =P)

I love you in a straight and non threatening way, and I really should lay off all of you in Baltimore's finest. I just want us to improve as a crew, and I feel I have a lot of room for improvement.
Aww shucks who could be offended when you write them an essay? ;>_> It's no biggy.

Hmm Everyone should pick up peach...

if you do I'll teach you how to dsmash properly

By properly I meant total spam.
Been there for a mighty long time, I'm sad to say.

I thought we were talking baltimore in general? Man I must be confused, Bmore's Finest must be huge if it has this many members now. Where are you guys hiding them all?
Not in Baltimore. >__>

Nightmare KoRn Kid

Smash Champion
Aug 4, 2005
Baltimore MD.
Baltimore's finest, to my knowledge consists of

Fragile (who no one has seen in ages)
Rachael (but she doesn't play any more, so I guess not her)
and Ranma, of course.

IF C mart is still in it, then yeah, he's still in it.

If Frozen's in it now, he's in it too.

We used to have like, a system, where you had to beat our players in a set to get into... the crew.. thing...

Since we're all TA, it doesn't reallllly matter, and it's just a subdivision. However Baltimore's finest needs a working crew of 4-5 that we'd use in a real crew battle.

IF we had a crew battle, and C mart were with us, I'd assume we'd use, Ron, Myself, DOSV, and C mart for such an event.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
Well, Frozen has beaten me in sets twice now. At Catonsville he beat my Captain Falcon 2-0 end of the night. He got Falcon Punched mid match though lawl. Actually, if I hadn't missed so many FPs I might've beaten him. >__>


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2006
Dundalk MD.
hmm, Vince fuc/< you and your trifflin' self! and of course im still in TA's finest! it's called no rides to the tourneys. /cry . anywho, i actually found someone who will practice this whole smash holy game wif me! and they may even start coming to tourneys once i get my license (sorry about the incorrect spelling) which will be in a week, give or take! i miss everyone, literally. Hova, Doll, Kirbs, GReg, everybodA!!!


Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2006
Baltimore County
Well, Frozen has beaten me in sets twice now. At Catonsville he beat my Captain Falcon 2-0 end of the night. He got Falcon Punched mid match though lawl. Actually, if I hadn't missed so many FPs I might've beaten him. >__>
Yeah seriously i don't think I get too much respect around here lol...I really DONT lose too much, at that last fest for example I only really lost 3 matches...I lost to that guy zero (the falco), I lost to ichor (last stock 120%+), and I lost the set to nightmare...now i'm not saying i'm better than you people (yeah, i said you people) but i DID beat Dosv 2 out of 2, and...well, i'm forgetting names but yeah, I don't think i'm too shabby.

Oh, and then there's that noob Bowsertree...I don't think anyone loses to him


MM me fools (i'll take you on...in a straight and non-threate.....aww hell I don't wanna steal your line nightmare :) )


Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2006
Baltimore County
oh and I forgot losing to KC in the crew battle.... (GO ZELDA!!!) lol, and yeah nightmare crew battles are frikken epic, i'd love to do some with you fellas if you would allow it.

Chinessah, you seem to be well known in this thread, i've just never heard of you before, and i've never seen you on youtube or at a smashfest i've attended, but yeah i'll take everyones word for it.... <3


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
Chinessah, you seem to be well known in this thread, i've just never heard of you before, and i've never seen you on youtube or at a smashfest i've attended, but yeah i'll take everyones word for it.... <3
This region is far bigger than the Baltimore area smashers.

Nightmare-To my knowledge I'm crewless, excepting TA membership. I'm not really in a hurry to change that. I'm just good friends with some of RAWR.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
Oh, and then there's that noob Bowsertree...I don't think anyone loses to him


MM me fools (i'll take you on...in a straight and non-threate.....aww hell I don't wanna steal your line nightmare :) )
lol Man no one thinks anything of my lack of skills. >_>

And Chin has videos, he's top ten in MD, if you want a good idea of his ability watch the TA versus TA Crew Battle video. He's crazy.


Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2006
Baltimore County
Just watched that crew battle...it was pretty epic

I don't know though, that first sheik's play style closely mirrored mine...

= )



Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2006
Brookville MD
**** you're using my strategy


Yeah i'll MM you <3
u may not know what teh big green one does, but that little stick on the left is still a mystery to me. Plus I have the best way for people to think i suck, i'm only 13 and i am super short, so everyone thinks i suck:laugh:

Nightmare KoRn Kid

Smash Champion
Aug 4, 2005
Baltimore MD.
don't MM 5%, he'll **** you...

Like, sure you lose sets to me that are close, but I do weird **** like go jigglypuff and falco, who I just felt like using (and I need EXP with falco) so like, don't rush headlong into MMs.

Seriously, watch out, you don't wanna throw away money!

Play people who you KNOW suck, like me, MM me, 50 dollars.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2006
Brookville MD
quite u........dont listen to him, hes delusional, he had a little too much to drink tonight, i suck dont worry.

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Put Me, Zeros, Ichor and Sage (The Avorous Sage is his full name, Bbo finally came up with a name for himself) In here for the MD Players :D Main people of BRK :D. We recently picked up a Big Link Player, and a Luigi Player, and helping our weakest member improve... (when I say weakest, I mean his tech skill is not on the level that most of the people in our crews is, but his mind games are just as good as the rest of us, more often than not)

So as of now BRK consists of

Me: Waldorf MD(Charles County)/Frostburg MD (Garret County.. spelling?)
Zeros: Waldorf MD (Charles County)
Ichor: Waldorf MD (Charles County)
The Avorous Sage: Waldorf MD (Charles County)
Killa: Waldorf MD (Charles County)
P: Waldorf MD (Charles County)
Rocky: Silver Springs MD/ Frostburg MD (Garret County.. spelling?) - Also my room mate for college.

If we had to go with rankings on who's the best of the crew based on number of wins..
Me = Zeros > Ichor = Sage > Rocky > Killa = P ....

The arrow means usually wins 2/3 matches against the opponent.

That's seven strong for The Black Rain Krew, and proposing an alliance with B-mores Finest/TA (we should come up with an alliance name), you guys are awsome people and that fest was alot of fun.

I did well at the Smashfest, but Im working on new tricks now, or atleast trying to.. /sigh.
Well, everyone in the crew is working hard, I can atleast say that much.
We want to fuse with our main characters... like... um.. uhhh.. well yea just fuse.. xD

Anyways, I doubt we'll make the next Smashfest in Catonsville, but If you hold more after december 15th when I go on winter break from college, we'll probably be able to make it. I don't know however, how many from the Krew will make it to the next one, but I'm thinking more than Me, Zeros and Ichor next time.

Anyways, anyone from B-mores Finest want to Fox Ditto me next time?

After that, I'll C. Falcon/Marth/Falco Ditto as well. MMs maybe?(I prefer Friendlies, unless I'm out to prove something)

Oh, frozen, I need to 1 on 1 your sheik. Lets fight seriously next time, I was to busy laughing at all the comments and you were too.

Fox vs Sheik? Falco vs Sheik? My fox is ahead of my Falco by a good margin though, but my Marth is quickly catching up to my Falco and I feel really confident in my Marth atm. My C. Falcon is still the last of my best characters, but gettin up there too. Just not as fast as my Marth.

Actually, Ill fight you with all of them, need to test out new techniques and tricks with Fox and Falco and I need to get better with Marth and C. Falcon.

Bowsertree, the stuff I've got now, that I wasn't confortable doing at the Fest you'll like next time we have a get together, you to DOSV.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
It would be cool to have an alliance with your crew, I'd call it Deadly Alliance but that's been taken for years. >_>

And yeah I'll Fox ditto you next time you come through, I plan on making Fox one of my primary characters (Peach/Falcon/Fox/Jiggly/Samus). I should have him in fair shape by the time you come through again.

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Nice, Hova, in the MLG forums your listed as one of the best players in MD.

Now I really, REALLY want to have some matches with you.

Kudos for being known though man.

Well actually, Zeros, Ichor and Sage want some matches too. I'd Also like to see you vs DOSV, should be pretty interesting.

Fox ditto with Bowsertree!! w00t!


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
Yo K.C. I read your conduct on the mlg forums and I have to say you should watch out making claims you can't back up. Go to a well-attended ccx or three before you even try to rank yourself in the area. Otherwise you just lack the knowledge necessary to make such a judgement.
That said I hope you show up to the bmore fest on sat. so that I can play you. Edit: Nevermind just saw your post in the fest thread.

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Yea, that's why I said it was just talk.

I even stated that I have to go to prove myself, not only to others, but myself as well.

I don't think I said anything rude though, did I?

Regardless, I would like to play against more people. To actually see what I am capable of.

What fest thread?... now I am confused... so.. so confused.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
You're right Hova, I'll only focus on three or two characters. I used to play nothing but Fox in 64, and like three years straight in Melee, before I starting learnings advanced techs, so I'd really like to learn him properly now since he was my favorite for so long. I think I'll work on him, Captain, and Peach. I think I'll only use them all afternoon Saturday.

Cmart - K.C. is good, but he knows he needs to get his tournament experience up before he can take on the greats (most anyway). He's def. got the tech skill, though. He's like the black M2K up in here.

Chin - money matchez?

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Bowsertree!!! Main C. Falcon!!
Fox and Peach for your counter characters.

It'd be like me, Fox as main
C. Falcon, Falco and Marth as counterpicks if my fox gets trumped.

I would pick up peach as another counter character... but I hate peach.. I hate her so much haha.

And Cmart.. your sig scares me. It looks like wrath all bloodied up from Full Metal Alchemist and is about to say "Give me your body.."
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