The theory goes that every other month, Sakurai revels "Challengers". In August, he showed Ike, PT and Diddy. In September, there were no Challengers. In October, there was Lucas, Sonic and Dedede. There were no characters (period) in November. So, we should be getting a character Monday.
Now, the reason they say Krystal will be this Monday is becuase of a theory someone from Nsiders2 made up (which is actually good). The Krystal voice actor spiel happened on the same day Dedede was shown. They believe that the day Sonic was shown was the day Dedede was suppose to be shown becuase Sonic was suppose to be shown to downgrade the delay. So, when the actress reviled she was doing the voice of Krystal, it was suppose to be on the day Krystal was shown, but Dedede was shown instead; thus, it was taken down.
It holds water, but I personally don't see it happening (becuase I think Krystal will be hidden). Either way, she's probably in the game, actress or not.