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The Official Krystal Thread ;)

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Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Oh shiz, Wall of Pain

So, can we discuss the moveset or not?
Enough joking, are we creating one or not?
Well, we have a couple to choose from. I for one agree with your adjustments to mine. How does everyone else feel about this? (of course with a better Final Smash)

man ya'll have been posting at the highest rate ever! i cant keep up! lol
For real, If you miss a day, your hopeless. I'm not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing. :laugh:

I already knew!
The starter leak also says Krystal was a starter, but I don't believe it{Ridley a boss! WTF!}
QFT, Ridley for Chuck Norris Tier!
Thats one talk show that should be canceled. :)
pfff, Yeah right sista
well ill be on tonight's talkshow if he ever shows up!!!!lol

but yeah we'll get that done when he shows up
Yay, a guest! But we're still without topic.
I be E. lol Mine Gtag shorthanded.
Lol. We will never create an official Krystal moveset....I simply won't allow it. *Stamps foot*
Man knows no wrath like a woman from Texas.
I dunno....we may have to delay it.....:p
Sakurai in disguise! I had my suspicions.
Ugh...getting so sleepy....

Sorry guys....I know I said I would stick around....but I had to wake up sooo early today. :(

Good night.

Krystal for Brawl.
I'm disappointed squiggles, :( You were suppose to stay up with us.
Have you people discussed Krystal's subspace emissary plot?
Awesome. I don't think we've even touched on that before.
yeah if there was a crowd you're just bearly to late
everyone else logged off besides ismar and me about 15 minites ago. o well somehow i knew that would happen
Fashionably late?

*On topic*
Moveset: Well we have KB and my approval for my adjusted moveset with a different FS. That makes two right now. How many more do we have in support of this one?
FS: This needs to be reinforced so we know which one for the moveset.
SE: Krystals role in Subspace. Where do we begin?

(If I make time tonight, I'll PM all the staff members, so we can break the moveset, FS thing down into a poll. The ones that get the most votes we be the "official" one.)

Ummm, Maybe I can be on at 12 (noon?). If were talking midnight, fo shizzle. I'll be online hopefully a lot today, since everyone else is home and my Wii is going to be preoccupied so no Twilight Princess.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
So our agenda is as follows:
1st, moveset(lets stop slacking)
2nd, Final Smash(we'll find this out when everybody's online)
3rd, SSE plot(well once everything is settled, we can work on this)

sonic smash down

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
somewhere in the smash community
yeah pretty much

and so everyone knows where all the movesets have shown up here are the pages

mine is on pg 462

sonic's is on pg. 458

e's is on pg. 457

and chaos gave us a link to his on pg. 459

but first and foremost we got to get that moveset done


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
So our agenda is as follows:
1st, moveset(lets stop slacking)
2nd, Final Smash(we'll find this out when everybody's online)
3rd, SSE plot(well once everything is settled, we can work on this)
Right now I'm working on a mega-PM for everyone in the staff, So we can vote for a Final Smash and moveset. That just makes it easier, and we don't have to worry about members that aren't here when/if we discuss it.

PS. I'm working on getting all the movesets together, but if you guys can help gather up all of the FS variations, that would be awesome.\

Thanks for the moveset pages SSD!

sonic smash down

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
somewhere in the smash community
there was a queen of the earthwalkers fs(i think krystal made that one)

a couple about the spirits
1.taking control of other players
2.raging around like pit's fs and doing damage
3.there was something else with the spirits but i cant remember

and last fs i could find was when krystal uses her staff for 3 huge swipes across the field

o and also a majic power that makes the opponents react slower and controls mix up(that was the third spirit fs)

welcome not sure if it was all of the movesets though thats just the ones i found


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Krystal's possible movesets

sonic smash down:
ok this is goin to take me a while but o well im bored

lets get started
an dont be hard on my moveset cause im basin it on the 1 hours of play on my friend's adventure game so i dont know that much but i have taken tia kwan do an my friend has been trainin me with blades k

Krystal's moveset-

ground attacks

standard a- she spins her staff in and 8 circle around both sides of her body
can do it consecutively
damage-around 4% each hit
lag- no lag for it

up a-she stabs her staff up into the air
damage-about 6%
lag- very little
knockback-little in the air

down a- kneels and swips the staff on the ground towards foe's feet
lag-very little
knockback-trips opponents to ground

side a- she takes her staff back and stabs them with it trusting forward
lag- none
knockback- pretty far foward

holding a's

its pretty much the same except
up a- springs fire up
down a - shocks them(i know that wasnt a power of the staff)
side a-freezes them
(u can hold her power a's for 4 sec. tops make sure u get the timin right)

dashing a- she dashes and then sticks out her staff and swipes in their faces(u pwned)
damage- 4%
lag- none
knockback- knocks opp. to ground

k her b moves now
side b- strikes opponent and sends a burst of frost at them like freezes do in melee and freezes opp. for 3 sec which gives you time to attack while they are frozen
lag- usual

b- shoots fireballs that are pretty small but burns opponent like ness' pk fire
for about 1-2 secs. easy to get out of though
damage-racks up for pk fire like atack
fire ball hits-3% and adds 2% for every sec. opponent is in fire
lag- barly any

up b- apperantly everyone likes the rocket staff idea so ill go with that
no explanation needed

down b-
cant think of another b attack so ill go with e's down b

1- spins her staff puts it behind her back and waves her fingers like fox's in melee and says come on

2- just folds her arms with the staff in her right hand and justs goes hum and her hair moves with the wind

3- cant think of a third so ill just take an idea
she swings her staff behind her back and blows a kiss

fs- i like the the spirit idea's so ill just go with whatever yall have

just a suggestion and remember i only had one hour of game play form adventures so i dont know if im exactly right with this
tell me what yall think of this one k:laugh:
Krystal Moveset w/staff featured in SFA. Technique based on the style of Bōjutsu martial arts as well as features from SF Adventures (those familiar with SFA will recognize many moves)

Standard (A) attacks:
A: quick vertical downward swing in front
AA: above, followed by a quick horizontal swing
AAA…: Above followed by a flurry of staff spinning in front

Strong (tilt):
<>A: Staff Thrust. Can be angled high, med low. Has greatest range without moving or using specials.
/\A: upward thrust
\/A: low slide-kick

<>A: Krystal leaps into the air a short distance slowly turning counter-clockwise while preparing for a powerful strike. At the apex of the leap, once the staff emits a small flaming burst of energy and sound, She comes down hard, slamming her staff onto her opponent. (Those familiar with SFA will recognize it)
/\A: Helicopter swing: Krystal swings her staff in a circular motion above her parallel to the ground (similar animation to Ike’s U air attack, however, the axis of the spin is at the center of the staff). If all hits land, it adds up to about nine fast, trapping hits to rack up damage. Low range, the final strike has moderate knockback
\/A: Krystal swings her staff down to the ground, hard. Upon striking the ground, the staff bounces, swings back the way it came, strikes the ground on the other side, and bounces back into her normal stance. Can strike above her.

Dash: low pole vault kick. Krystal jams the end of her staff into the ground and leaps feet-first at her opponent, landing a hefty kick.

A:Sex kick
Forward A: upward staff swing in front
Back A: Reverse staff thrust
/\A: Krystal swings her staff above her, in an arc parallel to the screen.
\/A: downward swing. Similar to Marth’s \/A from Melee in appearance and properties with one key difference: the arc of the staff swing is perpendicular to the screen. Also has longer range If it lands, it’s a good spike (which may prove tricky with the narrow hit-box)

Hold Attack: Point-blank Fire shot
Forward: Krystal kicks her opponent away and fires a volley of Fire shots
Back: Krystal jabs her opponent with the thin end of her staff. With the head of her staff planted firmly on the ground at an angle, she fires a Rocket Boost into her hapless opponent, sending him/her/it flying. High knockback, little damage taken
/\: Using her staff as a lever and her knee as the fulcrum, Kryastal catapults her opponent into the air.
\/: Krystal throws her opponent to the floor and jams the end of her staff into their back. High damage, little knockback

B: Fire shot
<>B: Ice Blast. Similar to ICs \/B move in effect, different in that the blast is slightly larger, lasts slightly longer and can walk slowly while the action is occurring.
/\B: Rocket boost. Those caught in the wash beneath will be sent downward.
\/B: Ground quake: Krystal slams her staff into the ground sending a shockwave (if performed in the air, an animation similar to Links/Ike’s \/A incurs until Krystal reaches the ground)
Sonic The Hedgedawg:

A (1st): swipe
A (2nd): counter swipe
A (3rd): downward swipe
A (repeatedly): figure 8's (traces figure 8’s with staff tip using primarily wrist)
A (while dashing): skid (slides with staff facing forwards)

Tilt Side A: double kick (uses staff as support, and kicks outward with both legs)
Tilt Up A: uppercut (staff starts just behind ankles and is arced until it rests on her shoulders)
Tilt Down A: staff jab (very long ranged ground based jab)

SMASH side A: power smash (energy charge is sent through staff as it strikes)
SMASH up A: vortex (Krystal extends staff above head in a conical spinning motion)
SMASH down A: double sweep (first clockwise at feet, then counterclockwise at feet)

A (midair): spin cover (spins staff around laterally, moving it from top to bottom once)
Forward A (midair): Meteor pummel (arcs staff from behind head down to feet)
Back A (midair): double strike (swings staff laterally. It continues the motion over her head and comes back around to strike again)
Up A (midair): safety bar (holds staff overhead to block and then spins once on it (think uneven bars in gymnastics))
Down A (midair): clear away (spins staff rapidly below knees in a kneeling position)

Z: grab
Z or A (while holding): elbow to head
Forward (while holding): gut staff jab
Back (while holding): kick away
Up (while holding): fan blades (holds opponent overhead and spins staff, hitting them repeatedly for nice damage but little knockback)
↓ (while holding): one toe drop (lays opponent on ground, jumps and lands on them, with one toe)

Up B: staff boost (shoots almost straight up (starfox adventures))
B: fire-blaster (not the fastest projectile, but can be fired in rapid succession creating a chain of bolts (starfox adventures))
Side B: ice blast (can potentially freeze, like ice climbers ↓B, but slightly stronger and in one direction (starfox adventures))
Down B: ground quake (super ground quake in mid-air (starfox adventures))

(Out of 10)
Speed: 7
Power: 4
Size: 6
Jump: 6
Durability: 4
Projectile or melee: either

Krystal: this very balanced character is a great pick. She has extraordinary range and her staff gains a slight advantage in damage percentage at the tip so she can keep foes at a distance. She is a very finesse based character, so a lot of practice is necessary to truly make Krystal a force to be reckoned with. The way to truly master Krystal, however, lies in the mastery of her B-button moves.
B These slow moving projectiles can be fired in rapid succession. It may be easy to avoid one or two of these fire blasts, but a chain of five or six can seriously hinder the advancement of foes. Use this move to keep foes at a distance, keep foes from returning from off of the edge, or as a distraction to aid your retreat.
Up B The staff boost technique is, unfortunately, not capable of covering much horizontal distance. It does, however, move at a fairly decent clip and does cover great vertical distance. This move also does not leave Krystal vulnerable during its execution. It is great for climbing up a stage’s levels and escaping congestion on the ground.
Side B This chilly technique is great for stopping enemies in their tracks. This move can stun advancing enemies immediately in front of you for long enough for you to escape or perform a quick smash attack, whichever you prefer.
Down B This ground shaking move is a meteor smash in midair. When it strikes the ground, it sends out a shockwave that sends opponents flying. Its relative strength is proportional to the distance above the ground you are when you use it. It is great for putting an exclamation point on entering the fray, clearing enemies and causing all around havoc.
Master these moves and using them effectively, and you master Krystal.

If aggressive: Keep foes at end of staff length. At this distance, few melee attacks can reach you, allowing you the upper hand. Try to keep engaged with only one foe at a time, however, as Krystal is not the sturdiest of brawlers.

If defensive: you are in luck. Krystal’s moves allow for quick escapes and effective distance attacks. Krystal can easily snipe or quickly enter a fray, cause great disruption and, just as quickly, retreat. Mastering her “B” button moves can help you accomplish this task with the slightest of ease.

If you love to be in the melee: Krystal may not be the best bet for you. She is a little frail, but is an easy enough target to hit that she’s a liability. Her earth shattering Down B and chilling Side B moves can cause widespread damage, however. Know when to retreat if you plan on using this strategy with Krystal.

(I'm comparing her to Fox since we would be the closest match....)
*Size* - A tad taller than fox (or same size)
*Weight* - Less than fox, more than Pikachu....
*Speed* - Same as fox
*Strength* - Staff makes her about where Link is
*Jump* - Above average (higher than fox)
*Recovery* - Since I want a teleporter Krystal I'd say better than Fox's
*Fall* - Average faller
*Combo* - A tad below sheikness
*KO-ness* - Somewhat low, only one or two KO moves

Thats all for stats

Neutral A (second tap)
One horizontal swipe. (A vertical slice)
first hit=5%
second hit=7%
Lag=very low

A vertical slice starting from the ground, sends opponent upwards.

Horizontal swing above Krystals head (from shoulder to shoulder)

Forward sweep on the ground

Jumps low and does a hard horizontal slice
Lag= Mid

Steps around 180 degrees, turns back and swings the staff back

Stronger U-tilt, but two swings altering direction (left than right?)
Hit=11% (wont hit twice)
Lag= High

360 degree sweep.
Lag= Mid


Sex kick
Lag=High (leg stays extended for awhile)

D-smash in the air (less powerful, swung around mid body)

Short backwards kick, followed by a swing of the staff
Hit=10%(can only hit once)

Hard downward swing, krystal does a flip because of the swing
Hit=10% (spike)



Ground: Midsize fireball shoots out of the staff (straight trajectory)
Air: Same as ground


Ground: Krystal thrusts the staff forward about two staff lengths (depending). If it hits it encases the opponent in ice and shoots them upwards Mr. Freezie style. Ice encasing doesn't last.
Air: Same as ground, except it doesn't shoot opponents in the air, they just fall. Counts as second jump.
Lag=High (short enough to dodge retaliation)

Ground: Krystal slams the staff tip in the ground, resulting in a a moving shockwave along the ground. (could have some mario cape abilities if extremely timed right.)
Air: Krystal fast falls to the ground with the staff tip below her. When she lands it's the same as on the ground, except weaker shockwaves, and she recovers quicker.
Ground Hit=10% per shockwave hit
Air Hit=15% before she hits the ground.
7% per shockwave
Ground lag= High (low if L-canceled brawl style?)
Air lag= Mid

Ground: Krystal crouches and teleports roughly the length of Mewtwos teleport
Air: Same as ground minus the crouch
Lag= Low (landing)


Grab hit
Krystal grabs them by the collar area and stabs her opponent with the tip of the staff
Hit=3% per stab

Krystal throws them forward and swings her staff
Lag=Extremely low

Krystal tosses her opponent backwards and roundhouse kicks them
Lag= Low

Krystal slams her opponent down with her staff.
Lag= Extremely low

Krystal throws her opponent upwards and kicks them

Final Smash
(To be honest, I like some of the other Final Smashes that have been thought of, but since this is a personal moveset, I'll try not to steal anyone elses FS idea....)
Krystal gets that cool glow, and mumbles something that undecipherable. Then 6 Spirits come out (1 at each point of the screen and 1 at top middle, other at bottom middle. Each spirits does a fly through twice.
Hit=Insane damage yada yada etc.

Krystal Wins

That should give us something to discuss and ridicule for awhile.
Edit: Of course not Teeb, Your added to the smashwiki page, which means you get to wear the Sig proudly. ;)
@KB-Depending on the reaction to this moveset.... we might still be. lol


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Hey Elysium, did I get added?
Well, I haven't added you to the wiki page, but your in. I'll do it tonight (depending on when I get this Mass-PM out), or tomorrow morning. But yeah, your in so wear that sig proudly.
sorry e dont have those i just remember what they are
Yeah, finding the pages blows. I'm starting at like 424 I think. Hopefully I'll be able to find all the hopefuls.

I'm down for that Ism, We just need the others to agree. Either way i'll check the most recent pages. (be sure to get the page numbers!)

sonic smash down

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
somewhere in the smash community
The best I can come up with is her releasing Krazoa spirits that poses her opponents, slowing them down or imobilizing them completely, so she can do awesome combos with her staff. Or maybe they just do damage by themselves. But most of us agree that it should be something with Krazoa spirits.
well i found one here at page 390 they are dicusing fs there


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2007
Well, I haven't added you to the wiki page, but your in. I'll do it tonight (depending on when I get this Mass-PM out), or tomorrow morning. But yeah, your in so wear that sig proudly.
Awesome, added the sig.

Would help you guys look, but I needs my sleep. I have to work on a major project tomorrow, so I might not be back till Monday, hopefully Krystal will be posted then as well :chuckle:

sonic smash down

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
somewhere in the smash community
pg 440 where that master chief guy showed up is where it starts again
Final Smash Right here!

"A jimmed kxo Krazoa Spirits" whixh mean "I summon the Krazoa Spirits"

the Krazoa Spirits fly into her and she does something like Link! starts tearing apart the opponents and ends with a Crazy wack with her staff to send them flying

k ive checked everywhere cant find anymore **** and i know how to describe them(the fs' im lookin for but can't find)

you find anymore ismar???

ha found another
i say she says somthing in Dinosaur Language like "rhadw ak ed" which means "Bring it on" or "a sud joo oeih odt" which means "I can see your end"
(no i dont know Dinosaur language, i have a dinosaur language translator on word from someone who learned it)

but what about her Final Smash? i say something like this: she says "Semo giood ev ouhkxnucbohj" which means "Come Queen of Earthwalkers" and the Queen earthwalkers comes running threw the stage and stampedes over the characters.


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
Ha I still remember I did a Eevee moveset back in the pokemon thread. It was pretty cool.

Wow post 200 yay!


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Don't worry about it. I got 11 in total, which is plenty.
I sent it out to everyone.
Now what? lol
Aww, thats gonna take forever....
Oh well, give us a nuther topic!
Ha I still remember I did a Eevee moveset back in the pokemon thread. It was pretty cool.
Yay 200! high five!
Wow post 200 yay!
well, if voting counts, I vote for the Krazoa Spirit Final Smash
That one seems to be the favorite rite now.

sonic smash down

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
somewhere in the smash community
i have my votes ready: here

ill go with sonic the hedgehog's fs option 3

and my moveset vote goes to (disappointinly) you e but with one modification of the rocket boost for the up b but if you dont want to change it thats fine.

nice job we 3. lol
it was worth stayin up a little longer
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