Lol. Do you not know that I'm Joey and that I've been in the community since mid-2008? o_O'. Unless you mean pre-brawl in which case okay.
Discussion is fine. I'm not reporting you for bringing the argument up, and of course I can't force you to stop bringing it up. I'm saying that it's a dumb argument to make, we have criteria for a reason, and it's obnoxious to read at this point.
Also, you clearly said that "we make exceptions." You even said so in the post that Ralph was referring to in the paragraph:
"As Kero said, the last PR we had Kero went to 1 tournament for that season, he didn't meet the criterion at all, but it didn't matter because we all knew he was second best, we weren't wrong nor did we need more data. These things are pretty obvious when you approach the top of the list. I'm not saying this applies to me, but don't say we don't make exceptions, cause we do."
In that, you're saying that we make exceptions. Ralph was saying that we're a completely different panel, therefore we won't be making any exceptions. This is simple, yes? Even if you're not referring to yourself (If you're not, then I don't even know why you're making this argument exist at this point), it still stands that we're not making an exception for anyone. Go to 3 tournaments if you want to be on the PR. "You" being anyone and everyone in KY.
Don't really know why you're bringing up older players in our community anyways. Casey is an older player, I'm an older player... You don't have to be in a scene for four years to know that making exceptions on a Power Ranking is stupid and pointless, and it's why we have criteria for being on the PR now. We're going to stand by that criteria and that's that.
I'm asking you to leave this argument. Discussing things is fine. Having an opinion is also fine. Making this stupid argument and trying to drag it out way farther than it needs to go is obnoxious. We have criteria for a reason. Meet the criteria or you're not on the PR. It's pretty simple. Please stop bringing this up. It's a stupid argument to make, and you're not going to change our mind on this.
I checked his posts, and he never said that at all. I thought the same thing. He straight up said that we do make exceptions. Thank god he's not on the panel :|.
I could have missed a post with him saying that we won't make exceptions, but I'm 95% sure that I didn't.