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The Official Geno Thread

Zombie Cola

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Pacman, Mario Kart GP, Capcom helped make the NES succsusful.
Xien, for the LAST TIME. Pacman has done little to NOTHING for the console industry. It was a port so people could play it outside of the arcade. It was a major contributor to the game crash in 83'. Mariokart GP....IT'S ANOTHER ****ING ARCADE GAME!!!!! It doesn't help Nintendo at all. Quit making outlandish nonsensical claims.

No, no one from FF is going to make it in. Geno has priority over ANY FF character, that's not an opinion. I don't need evidence for that, it's common sense. FF basically belongs to Sony anyway, with a little x-box on the side.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Xien, for the LAST TIME. Pacman has done little to NOTHING for the console industry. It was a port so people could play it outside of the arcade. It was a major contributor to the game crash in 83'. Mariokart GP....IT'S ANOTHER ****ING ARCADE GAME!!!!! It doesn't help Nintendo at all. Quit making outlandish nonsensical claims.
Of course because Pacman only started video games being popular. Arcades don't help Nintendo do they no that and handhelds are just the only place they are dominating. Almost all of Pacman's games have been on Nintendo systems, Pacman has appeared in a game with Mario, Miyamoto made a Pacman game, Namco is very close with Nintendo and has priority over Square Enix.

No, no one from FF is going to make it in. Geno has priority over ANY FF character, that's not an opinion. I don't need evidence for that, it's common sense. FF basically belongs to Sony anyway, with a little x-box on the side.
It IS an opinion unless Square - Enix openely stated that Geno is more important to them than anyone from their FLAGSHIP franchise then it's an opinion. Final Fantsy is Square's best selling and most popular series so of course they would put in one of their characters from their they are a buisness, they are out to make money putting in Geno would NOT make them money because they do not use him at all.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Thing is that Geno appeared on the poll whereas I don't recall seeing Cloud. Geno appeared along side Mario, did Cloud? Oh wait, he didn't. Geno was in the first Mario RPG game which gave us new series like Paper Mario and Mario + Luigi. Cloud? Nah. Final Fantasy more popular than Mario? Lol, yeah and I am Santa Claus. Final Fantsy sold over 60 million dollars worth in games though! Who cares, Mario has sold over 240 million dollars worth making his series > than any other series wether you like it or not. I think someone from the most popular series of all time should get in before some other series.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Square Enix gets the say in which on of THEIR characters get in and why would they lend one of their characters that makes them no money when they could lend one of their important characters, promote on of their upcoming games and make more money, Sega, Namco and Capcom have priority over Square Enix any way.

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
No Nintendo will have the say because it is thier game Square can decline Nintendo's request, but not tell them that they are going to put one of thier charcters in of thier choosing. Nintendo's game Nintendo's rules.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Square Enix gets the say in which on of THEIR characters get in and why would they lend one of their characters that makes them no money when they could lend one of their important characters, promote on of their upcoming games and make more money, Sega, Namco and Capcom have priority over Square Enix any way.
They are already making several FF games but they are just now starting to burry their feet into the Mario series again. I see Nintendo allowing them to make another Mario adventure game in the near future. They could revive Geno by putting him into Brawl and then make a game with him in it. A dream yeah, but it would be a very smart business move as well since Mario is the leading video game series and SMRPG is the most popular Mario RPG. A sequel, or hell even a remake would make a hefty amount of money. We are talking about several fans of the series, Mario fans, RPG fans, and new video gamers getting the good word on its easy and addictive gameplay who would buy it. Not to mention they would now have their foot firmly stuck into the most popular series.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Square Enix would only get one character, they know that, if they were asked for Geno they would proberly ask "can we add in _____ instead they have a new game coming out and we want to promote it" and then Nintendo would of course accept, Geno is not Square's number 1 priority


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
They could always just ask to throw in Geno on the side...

Also, yes, there is no 'priority' when it comes to 3rd parties. It's first come, first serve.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
They can make FF games whenever but getting back into the Mario series is something they would have to work a little bit for. They know that it is the #1 series and they are going to want a piece of that action so anything helps. By the poll's results, it appears as though Geno takes priority over Cloud in this particular game. If Sakurai goes to them he is going to ask for that character. They could decline and suggest Cloud but why so when the majority of Smash fans like Geno more apparently (by the poll's results).


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Sakurai knows the fans will buy this game no matter what and when it comes down to it he cares more about the money, if cloud or someone from FF is in it will sell even better than it already will, so will the wii.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
Because that's the only reason they're accepting third party characters.

Cloud would feel so utterly cheap. People complain that Snake isn't close enough to Nintendo...Cloud only has a MINOR CAMEO in a MINOR GAME on a Nintendo platform.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
I'm not suggesting cloud, I'm suggesting someone from FF to boost sales. When you stop thinking like a fan and start thinking of money Geno is unlikely
If they didn't want to think of the fans, why did he open a poll where fans could submit characters and music to be put in the game? And besides, if they're thinking about money, they'll want to include the characters people want to see. And, according to the fan poll, who do they want to see? Geno.

Honestly, I think you're grossly underestimating the intelligence of the gaming community. You seem to think that every single gamer is immediately going to scream "ZOMFG!!!! CLOUD!!!" and then buy the entire console to see one character in one game. Do you honestly think that many people are that stupid?


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Oh really? Have you gone out of your way to survey a majority of Metal Gear fans about if they're getting the Wii, and if yes, why? Stop trying to make up 'facts' to sound smart. If anything, most MGS fans will more than likely buy the PS3 for MGS4. Notice how I said "most likely" and didn't present my opinion as fact? You should try that.

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
It is kinda awkward that they put him in and they are going to screw up his charcter if he can't repeatedly shoot sombody untill they are nothing more than a blood stained corpse and a pool of blood. Nintendo+Snake+SSBB+T rating=No guns.:(

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Geno has guns to some degree. Guns are awesome, senseless violence is awesome, but guns used for senseless violence is the best of all.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Square Enix would only get one character, they know that, if they were asked for Geno they would proberly ask "can we add in _____ instead they have a new game coming out and we want to promote it" and then Nintendo would of course accept, Geno is not Square's number 1 priority
That's the dumbest thing I've read since Peeze said that Diddy would be a clone of DK.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
However, Smash Brothers is not Square's number 1 priority, and Nintendo wouldn't sell out to promote a new FF game.

In case you've forgotten, and clearly you have, Sakurai has already stated that a prerequisite to appear in Brawl is to have already appeared on a Nintendo system. Square does not choose what character is included in Brawl, Nintendo does. If Nintendo requests Geno and Square says "No, use this guy," Nintendo is not going to do it.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Pacman, He has a suitable form, he's the first video game 'character', Miyamoto made a Pacman game, Pacman has appeared in a game with Mario and Namco is part of the arcade triforce.

Zombie Cola

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Pacman, He has a suitable form, he's the first video game 'character', Miyamoto made a Pacman game, Pacman has appeared in a game with Mario and Namco is part of the arcade triforce.
No, you're wrong. It was developed by Namco and distributed by Midway. Miyamoto had nothing to do with Pac-Man, the game was created by Toru Iwatani. He's appeard in ONE Nintendo licensed game and that's Mario Kart Arcade GP...the ARCADE installment. So what? He was in Ridge Racer first, and he was in friggin' Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis too. So by association Anna is going to be in Brawl too right?


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
Pac Man wouldn't be as great a character when I think about it... Plus, Namco totally screwed up his series with these Pac Man World games. He's not supposed to fight or even have opposible thumbs.
*sigh* If there was ever a Namco character making it to Brawl, I'd want someone from Tales of Symphonia. Realistically looking at their chances, I don't know if they even have a chance. Pac Man is the icon of Namco, but if they don't put their icon in, how will they explain putting someone in from another series? Mario=Nintendo, Sega=Sonic, Snake=Konami...if Pac Man doesn't cut it for Namco, who will? Looks like they're screwed.

Zombie Cola

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
I said A pacman game not the game Pacman, no Namco is a close company to Nintendo, Square Enix is not as close as Namco.


Pac Man Vs

Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Mario, designed the game. The character of Mario (voiced by Charles Martinet) is also the game's announcer.
Ok now lets post the truth......
Pac-Man Vs. is a Pac-Man video game exclusively for the Nintendo GameCube that was included as an extra bonus disc with the Player's Choice edition of Pac-Man World 2. It was also included in the GameCube versions of Namco's I-Ninja and R: Racing Evolution for a limited time, as well as a free giveaway at some stores.

The game itself takes advantage of the GameCube's connectivity with the Game Boy Advance (GBA), and cannot be played without the Game Boy Advance and the cable to hook it up to the GameCube. It is one of a few select GameCube games designed around the system link, including Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.
So he dseigned a game that was basically a demo? Woo. It was a freebie, and this has no relevance to your opinion on Namco being so tight with Nintendo. Anyway Geno has priority over FF characters, and Pac-Man is a terrible choice for brawl.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
This is the Geno topic, take Pac-Man outside.

I think Genos got a great chance to get in. He was on a nintendo console, and despite having a loyal fanbase practically is the idol of a happy union between (then) Square and Nintendo. They'd be fools not to add him.
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