Smooth Criminal
Da Cheef
Well, considering that LoZ is a GAME that has a PLOT and that you are bringing an IRRELEVANT detail to the fore here...then hmmmm. I was speaking of the story and the degree of importance to the story, not genre. Get your **** straight, son.
And think what you will. If you wanna kill yourself because I was stating an opinion, be my guest. One less idiot for me to worry about. However, if you wanna come up with a GOOD counterpoint aside from saying "Well, Geno is simply too unimportant to the Mario franchise to matter" then fire away. I'm waiting for you to change my mind, because your rebuke didn't do it.
That's all part of debate, kid. Trying to get the other guy to change his mind with the power of persuasion.
Smooth Criminal
And think what you will. If you wanna kill yourself because I was stating an opinion, be my guest. One less idiot for me to worry about. However, if you wanna come up with a GOOD counterpoint aside from saying "Well, Geno is simply too unimportant to the Mario franchise to matter" then fire away. I'm waiting for you to change my mind, because your rebuke didn't do it.
That's all part of debate, kid. Trying to get the other guy to change his mind with the power of persuasion.
Smooth Criminal