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the official deoxys whatever thread.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
No way the games got enough ****ing Pokemon in it in the first place Jigglypuff,Pichu,Pikachu Mewtwo. Deoxys in a Pokball thats the only way i'd let him into the game
Sakurai stated that there were gonna let go to some characters, pichu is freaking out, with kirbys update some speculate that jiggly is out, especially since one rumor says jiggly was the replacement of pit, but now that pit is added she may leave...

Mewtwo will be buffed im guessin, and pikachu is in, thus only 2 characters, deoxys and lucario are the main pics for new pokemon characters in smash...


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
No way the games got enough ****ing Pokemon in it in the first place Jigglypuff,Pichu,Pikachu Mewtwo. Deoxys in a Pokball thats the only way i'd let him into the game
the game has enough ****ing mario characters too, but you dont see me complaining :p
pichu will most definetly be taken out, being that he was just filler, and jiggs is rumoured to be removed, but even so, Brawl's pokemon roster is garunteed to be updated, and deoxys and lucario are the best, and most logical choices. Plus, I dont even see HOW deoxys could be incorperated into a pokeball. what would he do anyway? seriously.:dizzy:


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Agree with tirkaro, deoxys is just too freaking unique to be a pokeball pokemon...

OMG Tirkaro has 666 posts hes evil!!1!11one


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Mewtwo has no right to leave, hes considered a bad guy/boss of the original pokemon games, and is very popular, and blaziken doesnt DESERVE the chance, primarly the people go: "OMG HSE SO COOL EH MSUT B N BR4W7!!1!11one" and the thing is he aint a legendary pokemon or anything and doesnt deserve the shot, just because he looks awesome doesnt mean he derserves to be in...


Smash Ace
Feb 21, 2007
i really want deoxys in brawl, but i don't want him to have the ability to change forms because that can make things a little confusing.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I say: KILL PICHU!!!

And if I had my way I'd get rid of Jiggs too, but you've got to respect the originals. We're only going to get one spot open (If you expect Pichu to come back then you're one of them!) So lets keep to disscussing Deoxys and not the others because if you put in Lucario he'd be too much like Mewtwo (them both being telepaths) and Blaziken would be just another fire character. (like we need another)

On another note I've come up with a moveset:
(Based on a five star system)


Weight: *** (Because we all know we don't need another lightweight)

^B: Speed Launch- Deoxys will go into speed form and shoot upwards in a spiraling motion. Anyone caught in the path will be dealt 15% damage with slight knockback

</>B: Attack Throttle- Deoxys will turn into attack form and dash to one of the sides and whip the enemy with its twisting and untwisting arms. Can have enemies caught in it. Causes 10% per hit.

vB: Defensive Power- Deoxys goes into defense mode and slams his arms down as he goes into defense mode and he can stay this way as long as someone holds B he'll be less prone to damage and his regular combos increase in strength and he's nearly impossible to throw but he gains a lot of lag and is a faster faller. Deals 20% damage.

B: Normal Thrust- Arms glow with an Aroura Boreialis theme in pink and green as he fires a beam of power out of his arm. Has decent knock back and stuns. If the beam hits them its 7%, If the arm hits them it's 13%

Taunt: It seperates itself into three translucent copies while letting out his call as the forms return to him. Increases hitbox.

Final Smash: Floats into the air and lets out burst of the Northern Light-like spectrum across the stage.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
I say: KILL PICHU!!!

And if I had my way I'd get rid of Jiggs too, but you've got to respect the originals. We're only going to get one spot open (If you expect Pichu to come back then you're one of them!) So lets keep to disscussing Deoxys and not the others because if you put in Lucario he'd be too much like Mewtwo (them both being telepaths) and Blaziken would be just another fire character. (like we need another)

On another note I've come up with a moveset:
(Based on a five star system)


Weight: *** (Because we all know we don't need another lightweight)

^B: Speed Launch- Deoxys will go into speed form and shoot upwards in a spiraling motion. Anyone caught in the path will be dealt 15% damage with slight knockback

</>B: Attack Throttle- Deoxys will turn into attack form and dash to one of the sides and whip the enemy with its twisting and untwisting arms. Can have enemies caught in it. Causes 10% per hit.

vB: Defensive Power- Deoxys goes into defense mode and slams his arms down as he goes into defense mode and he can stay this way as long as someone holds B he'll be less prone to damage and his regular combos increase in strength and he's nearly impossible to throw but he gains a lot of lag and is a faster faller. Deals 20% damage.

B: Normal Thrust- Arms glow with an Aroura Boreialis theme in pink and green as he fires a beam of power out of his arm. Has decent knock back and stuns. If the beam hits them its 7%, If the arm hits them it's 13%

Taunt: It seperates itself into three translucent copies while letting out his call as the forms return to him. Increases hitbox.

Final Smash: Floats into the air and lets out burst of the Northern Light-like spectrum across the stage.
very good final smash idea and specials!
I agree about jiggly and pichu, but lucario has a lot differences from mewtwo!
1-type fighting/steel (I don't really know why he is steel:dizzy:)
2-he is a slightly larger than pikachu sheik, with a few good projectiles in the mix to balance him, he would have high weight and only 3/5 stars for jumping to balcance out his deadly potential
3-wait-there's only two points


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
holy crap, I was about to bump this thread, but it looks like I'm a bit late 0_o.
anyway, deoxys for brawl! all that stuff.......
@zettai- mewtwo can stay, but the pokemon roster is most definetly being upgraded this time around(it is nintendo's 2nd best selling franchise after all) and (like I said earlier) deoxys and possibly lucario are the only pokemon that stand a chance of getting into the brawl roster. so perhaps you should think twice before "screwing deoxys" ;)


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2006
hmm, alright....I havn't posted here in a while....but...here's what I'm getting out of the last couple of pages...

*looks at accerus* O.o I DO belive this proves bout what I said about pokemon getting wierder.......I said that...right?

ALOT of people know nothing beyond Red & Blue....... kinda like myself. I mean....I'm taking a look at all of these new pokemon in random suggestion threads and I'm like "O.o WTF" they look so much wierder now.
yup, I said it.....moving on......It still looks like there are people who honestly believe mewtwo won't be retourning......I don't even want to argue the point anymore......he's retouning...anyone thinking otherwise is wrong....

On terms of Deoxys, I still support him. He's one of the better character choices....(Top 3 pokemon IMO Meowth, Deoxy & Lucario) I do not like the idea of multiple movesets for his forms,....too much wasted space...

I'd rather Deoxy ALMOST ALWAYS be normal form, with exception for certain attacks ( sheilding can be defence form, attack form can be an animation during a special attack, or final smash etc)


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
I'm all for Deoxys in Brawl. And the best idea to incorporate all his forms into the game is what was said about them only being animations, not any real part of the gameplay. It would be aesthetically pleasing, and the developers can focus on making him balanced and usable. I would be very excited to see him in Brawl.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
I wouldn't be excited to see him in Brawl. I'm afraid he's just another run of the mill Poke' Power player. Like Mewtwo, the character, even if he was in Brawl, wold be a big flop.
and how exactly would you know this? just because deoxys is an uber in the pokeverse, does that mean all ubers have to end up like mewtwo in smash? mewtwo was just one thing. by that same logic, sakurai might as well pull out bowser.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Dude Deoxys is WAY diferent from mewtwo, just cause hes uber and psychic means theyre gonna be the same? That's BS, did u read bowsers profile, some character will be changed from melee to brawl, and mewtwo should be on the top of the list of "To be buffed"

also pichua dn maybe jiggly are gone, thus only 2-3 pokemon, I think we can survive with 2 more (deoxys and lucario)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2002
At first i hated the idea of Deoxys being in Brawl as a PC. He seems too...unobtainable? I mean, I've not played a pokemon game since Red and Blue, but I do know that in order to get him, you would have had to attend a special pokemon event to download him, or trade with someone who somewhere down the line got a Deoxys. I think there are plenty of other Pokemon that represent the series better, or even just a certain installment / generation of the series. Besides, since Deoxys cannot be found or caught in any of the actual pokemon games, doesn't it mean that he has no specific game to actually represent? Just a thought, i don't actually know that one.

Anyways, now that I've looked him up, and pretty much ignored everyone else's post out of self-admitted laziness as I don't want to read lik 25 or so pages, I have decided that I don't think deoxys would be a bad idea, actually. he seems to have potential for for being a very original addition to the roster. Each of his "B" moves could be to transform into each of his different forms (Normal, Defense, Attack, Speed) and maybe he could have an ^B in additon or something. But anyways, while he is in each of his unique forms, his "A" moves will vary, depending on which form he is in.

For instance, if he tranforms into his "speed" form, he could have very fast "A" attacks and he could move a lot faster, but he could do less damage. For his "defense" form, his movement and "A" moves could be slow, but knocking him back would be rather difficult. his "attack" form could give him strong attacks, but he could go flying more easily or take more damage when he is hit.

Otherwise, if this isn't the case, I am sure they could just make each of the forms into a sort of attack, like he could quickly morph into his attack form and perform a move and then go back to normal form. i dunno, I'm sorta just thinking out loud / in text here.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
At first i hated the idea of Deoxys being in Brawl as a PC. He seems too...unobtainable? I mean, I've not played a pokemon game since Red and Blue, but I do know that in order to get him, you would have had to attend a special pokemon event to download him, or trade with someone who somewhere down the line got a Deoxys. I think there are plenty of other Pokemon that represent the series better, or even just a certain installment / generation of the series. Besides, since Deoxys cannot be found or caught in any of the actual pokemon games, doesn't it mean that he has no specific game to actually represent? Just a thought, i don't actually know that one.
your half right-half wrong there. that was only the case for ruby and sapphire. in fire red, leaf green, and emerald, deoxys is catchable.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
At first i hated the idea of Deoxys being in Brawl as a PC. He seems too...unobtainable? I mean, I've not played a pokemon game since Red and Blue, but I do know that in order to get him, you would have had to attend a special pokemon event to download him, or trade with someone who somewhere down the line got a Deoxys. I think there are plenty of other Pokemon that represent the series better, or even just a certain installment / generation of the series. Besides, since Deoxys cannot be found or caught in any of the actual pokemon games, doesn't it mean that he has no specific game to actually represent? Just a thought, i don't actually know that one.

Anyways, now that I've looked him up, and pretty much ignored everyone else's post out of self-admitted laziness as I don't want to read lik 25 or so pages, I have decided that I don't think deoxys would be a bad idea, actually. he seems to have potential for for being a very original addition to the roster. Each of his "B" moves could be to transform into each of his different forms (Normal, Defense, Attack, Speed) and maybe he could have an ^B in additon or something. But anyways, while he is in each of his unique forms, his "A" moves will vary, depending on which form he is in.

For instance, if he tranforms into his "speed" form, he could have very fast "A" attacks and he could move a lot faster, but he could do less damage. For his "defense" form, his movement and "A" moves could be slow, but knocking him back would be rather difficult. his "attack" form could give him strong attacks, but he could go flying more easily or take more damage when he is hit.

Otherwise, if this isn't the case, I am sure they could just make each of the forms into a sort of attack, like he could quickly morph into his attack form and perform a move and then go back to normal form. i dunno, I'm sorta just thinking out loud / in text here.
You just said, what everyone said on this thread with thwt one reply. just look back for movesets.


Smash Cadet
Jul 13, 2007
Deoxys would be a nice addition and i'm betting he will be one of the new pokemon added because he is extremly unique to an untouched level.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Deoxys is one of the few Pokemon that I can stand the idea of being in Brawl. And, since it is inevitable that more Pokeys will be in the game, I guess I support Deoxys. Yay! I heard that he had his own theme music. Is this true? If so, does someone know where I could find it?


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
Deoxys is one of the few Pokemon that I can stand the idea of being in Brawl. And, since it is inevitable that more Pokeys will be in the game, I guess I support Deoxys. Yay! I heard that he had his own theme music. Is this true? If so, does someone know where I could find it?

here ya go.
plus, many remixes exist on the internet.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Alas, my friends... *takes off his hat*

Deoxys is in Brawl. As a Pokeball Pokemon.

I never quite wanted Deoxys, but I can see how the fans must be feeling.

EDIT: You guys are cruel. =P

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Bad news for the patrons of this thread: Deoxys is a pokeball pokemon. You have my condolances. Begin your mourning.

EDIT: I swear, anytime I post anything of value, at least two people post the exact same info in the amount of time it takes me to write my post.

Also, I'm going to laugh a lot at you, Hypnotist, if Lucario isn't in Brawl. You have been forewarned.

EDIT2: Achilles1515, you got a problem with rats?
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