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The Official Dark Samus for Brawl thread!

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Smash Apprentice
Apr 29, 2007
Eh...I think that's a bit confusing to the uninitiated. Plus, it's "Dark Samus" in the games...unless Samus starts recording otherwise in her Corruption log book.

You wouldn't want Galaxy's Bowser to be called "King Koopa", would you?
What does Dark Samus being the Metroid Prime have to do with King Koopa?

And it turns out that D. Samus was made out of Metroid Prime's remains :psycho:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2007
A dark corner in my basement
Spoiler warning - but i dont know how to change the colour so just dont read it guess

actually dark samus IS metroid prime saim. Prime never died, it absorbed the phazon suit to preserve itself and used that as a model for a new body (if you read the space pirate logs in prime 1, you will see that this being has a celar history of assimilating weapons, defense systems, etc)


Skia Oura
Aug 20, 2001
Meta, next time use spoiler tags when revealing information about a game. I didn't want to read through it all and spoil the game for myself, so you can go ahead back through your posts and only put the spoiler information within the spoiler tag.

Deleted member

It's more annoying that people have no idea who Dark Samus is and want him/it in as a clone of Samus. that would be a travesty.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2005
Ha sorry i just thought by now everyone would have known what happened in the game since this is the Dark Samus thread. well i wont tell. but wait how did i spoil anything? I just told about who baby samus was and how Dark Samus is copied memories and data of orginal samus.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Any chance the guy who made the thread or a mod can place this on the 1st post?? anyway...

Heres a cool vid:
Dark samus at 1:56
Phazon shield at 2:43
Phazon spreader up close and personal 2:46-2:48
Phazon dive: 2:50-2:52
Possible super at 2:54-3:01

Phazon slicer 0:24-0:27
Phazon missile x2 0:43-0:45
Phazon shield 0:48-0:50
Phazon spreader: 1:02-1:04
Invisibility 1:06

Cant tell what moves he does while invisible

1:28 takes off invisibility
1:35-1:54 Boostball charge (could be like yoshis <>B or jigglys b move)
<does the same moves and abilities>
2:38-2:42 Phazon dive (best for an upb move, maybe able to guide the directon of the attack a la fire fox)

Now if ANY n00bs goes and say they'll be clones, ill shoved this whooper in their face! XD
I dont have much time left, so i couldnt look for the final battle, just put dark samus final on youtube, ull find it, some moves like the charge-and-shoot-2-phazon-beams could be the B move or something...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2005
Well in Metroid II you fight the metroid queen at the end of the game.

Metroid Queen

And for the last time DS is not a clone of Samus they are completely different.
but they do share the same memories.

Deleted member

The saddest thing about the Metroid series is that Ridley dies in the last canonical game. He should never die, he's too important. It means that if they went any further they would have to use a "different" Ridley. And don't say that he'll come back, he was shattered into tiny pieces.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
The saddest thing about the Metroid series is that Ridley dies in the last canonical game. He should never die, he's too important. It means that if they went any further they would have to use a "different" Ridley. And don't say that he'll come back, he was shattered into tiny pieces.
You mean in Fusion, right?

Deleted member

Yeah. It's been a long time since I played it, but I remember that part well.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
They can rebuild him. They can make him better.

It's not like they haven't done that before, after all.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
They can rebuild him. They can make him better.

It's not like they haven't done that before, after all.
Technically, they haven't. At least not from a "shattered into tiny pieces" state. The Metroid timeline's really, really strange. It'd help if they numbered them, even if it's just in the opening sequence a la Fusion.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
Technically, they haven't. At least not from a "shattered into tiny pieces" state. The Metroid timeline's really, really strange. It'd help if they numbered them, even if it's just in the opening sequence a la Fusion.
So Metroid Prime would be METROID 1.1, Echoes would be 1.2, Hunters would be 1.2.2, Corruption 1.3, and then METROID 2. Weird.

And Pinball lol. 1.1.2 I think.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
So Metroid Prime would be METROID 1.1, Echoes would be 1.2, Hunters would be 1.2.2, Corruption 1.3, and then METROID 2. Weird.

And Pinball lol. 1.1.2 I think.
Metroid Prime Pinball is the best Metroid game EVAR.

As far as I know, it goes Metroid, Zero Mission, Prime, Echoes, Corruption, Metroid 2, Super, Fusion.

I don't know if or where Hunters and Pinball fit in there though. And at the time of Fusion's release, it really was Metroid 4: Metroid (1), Metroid 2 (2), Super (3), Fusion (4). I can only guess that they already had the "4" in there before Prime's place in the timeline was finalized...or something like that.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
The Prime subsaga is somehow "apart" from the rest since that has its own plot (the phazon mystery) which doesn't affect the main storyline (at least it shouldn't, in a extent).

Although Zero Mission was made to fit the Prime subsaga into the overall storyline, introducing the gravity suit, the screw attack, the super bombs, (which didn't appear until Super Metroid but appeared in Metroid Prime), as well the Prime suit design (setting up for Metroid Prime as the next title chronologically) and making a better beginning of the series by telling Samus' childhood.

I heard Metroid Pinball is just a "retelling" of Metroid Prime, as a remake. Metroid Prime Hunters takes place after Echoes, and some Hunters have been spotted in Corruption.


Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Metroid has an odd story line, I get confused every time I try to think of it. I doubt DS is dead though, from the looks of the cut scene it just flew away to recover.

Honestly, I think Retro Studios does a great job making stories for Metroid games. Most of the time it's not in-you-face story, but a subtle tid-bit here and there so you don't get overwhelmed. The ONE thing they suck at, is connecting the story. Even a fanboy like me is confused by the time line.

The Bino

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Poughkeepsie, New York (Upstate)

Actually in the end of Metroid Prime 2, if you beat it on hard 100% (i believe)
you see the final cutscene that leads to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, you see Dark Samus in space in a cluster of Phazon, and then boom Dark Samus has regenerated itself
and thats the end

Lord Kirby

Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2006
dark samus will not be one of the characters. its LITERALLY a copy of samus. "zamus" will still have some of samus's moves, because zamus = samus

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I guess I could youtube it and see for myself, good stuff though.

Lord Kirby, you probably don't even own a Metroid game, and if you did, you probably ignored the story or never beat it. DS =/= Samus

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Interesting. I've beat it on hard, but not with all the items (I assume that's what you mean by "100%").

Red Ex: Retro only wrote the stories for Prime 1, 2, and 3. Those games (at least 1 and 2) are very well connected. It's the other ones that don't have anything in common (i.e. not part of a trilogy, so it sort of makes sense that they wouldn't be direct sequels).

I liken the Metroid timeline to the Zelda series in terms of chronology. They all sort of maybe match up, if you really think hard enough, but in the end it doesn't really matter.

GenG: Holy crappit, you just jogged my memory. I remember Dread now, and the one single screenie we got of it. Hunters had good multiplayer (like, really good multiplayer), but it completely pooed all over the Metroid tradition of great single player games.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm so accustomed seeing the Retro Studios sign every time I play a GC Metroid that I automatically thought all of the other ones were made by them, my mistake. Now RS is perfect, superb story, ingenious connection, excellent gameplay and great graphics [I forgot I was playing on a GC when I played it]. I believe they've proven themselves as capable designers, they remind me of Bungie, but on a smaller scale. I expect great things to come from them.

I never played MP:H multiplayer, but was the multiplayer in MP:2 THAT bad? I thought it was a nice addition but it would only work for people who play the game regularly due to the odd controls.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I had no problem with the Echoes multi, but none of my friends liked it (because they all suck at Prime games, natch). If it was online or more robust it would've been better recepted. That and Hunters blew it away.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
I liken the Metroid timeline to the Zelda series in terms of chronology. They all sort of maybe match up, if you really think hard enough, but in the end it doesn't really matter.
Pretty sure the cronology was officially stated. Metroid/Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, Metroid 2 (Gameboy), Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion. (dunno where Hunters go, but probably somewhere amongt he Prime games)

And I dunno why it's so hard to match up most of them. Sure, it can be hard to figure out where the Prime games go, but Metroid -> Metroid 2 -> Super Metroid is clear as day. Heck, Super Metroid's introduction monologue by Samus sums it up for you in the most direct spelled-out way possible.

The Bino

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Poughkeepsie, New York (Upstate)
I think that Retro Studios did a great job on creating a 3D Metroid, it was beautiful when i first saw it, but i gotta admit, i was kinda pissed when i saw it 3D instead of its normal form 2D that i was so used to seeing... my favorite Metroid game would be Super Metroid, plain and simple..... the thing is there wasn't all that much story telling in the 1st couple of Metroid's i mean it wasn't like a MP game where its a clear as bell story, this was something that you had to beable to focus on and everything... my Favorite series from Nintendo period is Metroid

and im sure this is old or what not, but its from IGN which quotes Nintendo itself



Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2007
Alot of what I'm seeing is people complaining about a lack of Metroid characters. The Metroid games are great and deserve Smash Bros representation, but you can't just throw in a far-fetched character like Dark Samus just to increase the number of Metroid characters. In fact, one of the key aspects of the Metroid series is the lack of characters. The games are primarily about Samus exploring alone, with most of the enemies being the planet's wildlife.

Zelda can have many characters because every game since Zelda II has been about encountering and speaking to a variety of characters. Mario can get away with so many characters because it's Nintendo's flagship franchise and most of these characters have earned full spin-off games and franchises. Every Metroid game, however, has been about Samus by herself (and I feel that the Prime series is straying too far from that, but that's a debate for another time). Therefore, having few Metroid characters isn't a betrayal to the brilliant Metroid series, but is actually a testiment to what it stands for.

The only other characters that are central enough to Metroid (meaning appearances in multiple games, importance to the overall plot of the series) would be Mother Brain, Kraid and Ridley. Ridley is the only one of these, though, that would work in a Smash Bros game, but I'm sure you already know this. Dark Samus does not fall into this category as she only appears in the Prime games, which plot-wise acts as nothing more than an overglorified sidestory to the regular Metroid games that tries to paint itself as more important than real games of the series like Super Metroid or Metroid Fusion. Really, Dark Samus would not act as a good representative of the Metroid franchise in Brawl and to put her in just to have more characters from Metroid games would go against the ideas of the Metroid and Smash Bros games.

Wow, that was alot longer than I expected it to be.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Pretty sure the cronology was officially stated. Metroid/Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, Metroid 2 (Gameboy), Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion. (dunno where Hunters go, but probably somewhere amongt he Prime games)

And I dunno why it's so hard to match up most of them. Sure, it can be hard to figure out where the Prime games go, but Metroid -> Metroid 2 -> Super Metroid is clear as day. Heck, Super Metroid's introduction monologue by Samus sums it up for you in the most direct spelled-out way possible.
Let me rephrase that: It's not that they don't match up, but none of them (outside of the Prime games, and even then, you could play Echoes first and not miss much) rely on each other for plot.

Well, technically Super and 2 do...but incredibly slightly.

EDIT - Whoa, whoa whoa:

MarsBitrona said:
overglorified sidestory to the regular Metroid games that tries to paint itself as more important than real games of the series like Super Metroid or Metroid Fusion.
...What!? The Prime games saved the series; don't write them off as spin-offs like Hunters or Pinball!


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2007
...What!? The Prime games saved the series; don't write them off as spin-offs like Hunters or Pinball!
For starters, Metroid Prime Hunters and Metroid Prime Pinball are Prime games. They're spin-offs of the spin-off.

Sidenote, I didn't realize the Metroid series needed saving after Super Metroid. I mean, Super Metroid is universally seen as one of the best games ever made, but it's a good thing Prime came in to save the day.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
The only other characters that are central enough to Metroid (meaning appearances in multiple games, importance to the overall plot of the series) would be Mother Brain, Kraid and Ridley. Ridley is the only one of these, though, that would work in a Smash Bros game, but I'm sure you already know this. Dark Samus does not fall into this category as she only appears in the Prime games, which plot-wise acts as nothing more than an overglorified sidestory to the regular Metroid games that tries to paint itself as more important than real games of the series like Super Metroid or Metroid Fusion. Really, Dark Samus would not act as a good representative of the Metroid franchise in Brawl and to put her in just to have more characters from Metroid games would go against the ideas of the Metroid and Smash Bros games.
Kraid and Mother Brain are not more important than DS specially Kraid he is just a secondary boss and he only appeared in the original Metroid and Super Metroid im not counting ZM because is a remake of the original game same with Mother Brain the difference is that she was the main boss in Metroid and Super Metroid while Dark Samus is the main boss of the prime trilogy the only character more important than DS is Ridley he is the only one who appeared in Metroid Prime and soon in Metroid Prime 3 while there's no sign of Mother Brain and Kraid.

How exactly is the Prime series not a real Metroid game? as far as I know is the next step in the Metroid series the one that took the series into the next-gen and arguably the best entries in the series and Metroid Prime 3 Corruption is shapening to become a top class game worthy of the Metroid name I love the old-school metroids but they are dated compared to the prime games.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
El HP: Use. Periods. Next. Time.

MarsBitrona said:
I didn't realize the Metroid series needed saving after Super Metroid. I mean, Super Metroid is universally seen as one of the best games ever made, but it's a good thing Prime came in to save the day.
It had been close to a decade since SM was released. If that's not a series in need of saving, I don't know what is.

The fact is, Nintendo wasn't going to make another 2D Metroid on their first 3D machine, especially not after Mario 64 showed the world what Ninty was doing with their games. And they didn't. In fact, they made no Metroids on the 64. The GBA Metroids are fine and all, and nostalgia ftw, but the Prime games are just of such higher quality...you're the first person I've ever heard call the Prime games bad (excluding dolts who can't figure out the controls).

Anyway, like it or not, the Prime games are the future of the Metroid franchise. These games are a significant part of Nintendo's first party lineup, and they're not going anywhere.

They're certainly not spin-offs, anyway. Well, maybe storywise, since they're in their own trilogy...but series-wise, no way.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
MP3 is also before metroid 2 right?
I would like better that it was after fusion.......
Yes, that is true. But it's not like there's any significant elements that can/can't be explored before/after Fusion. Who cares when they take place, as long as they're good?


Smash Lord
May 7, 2007
I have to agree with MarsBitrona's poitn. The thing about Metroid games is that they are about Samus. She really doesn't interact with anyone else. I don't see why they should have anyone besides Samus and probably Ridley to represent Metroid for the simple fact that the games are about how Samus is a lone bounty huner-esque person........ thing. If they add Ridley, I don't see why they would need a Samus clone also. I know a lot of you don't think Dark Samus would be a clone, but let's get serious for a moment. Dark Samus is not an original design. It is Samus' suit, but dark. And the shoulder pads look funky. That's all. How boring would it be to have multiple characters that look the same but have different moves. I say, why not just make everyone Mario with different hats and move sets. I don't think Dark Samus is important enough to be in brawl, not to metnion it isn't exciting enough.

Deleted member

Nah, Ridley dies. 'Fusion is supposed to be the last game chronologically, so far at least, so Ridley's death is almost acceptable... 'Cept it's not. Ridley doesn't deserve to die... He's too awesome...
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