I hate ones like this. As all they do is deconfirm things, it's very hard to disprove them. What I don't get is why if you were in that position, all you'd ask about is what didn't make it. Only good thing I can see in this is that Capcom's mentioned. It really does kinda sound legit, he gives reasons for the cut. I really don't get how they could do Mario's hat coming off so easily yet Claus's mask would mess it up, but still I'm no programmer.
What a day, Ness hinted at by Famitsu, Mother 3 rumoured to be recalled, and Claus rumoured to have been cut. I hope we get something nice to talk about soon...
Good point about the Mario thing, because it's the same sort of situation: a character removes part of his or her outfit, and then replaces it. If it works for one character, it should work for another, too.
I think that thread at Brawl Central is fake. The reason for not including him is too absurd considering that we have Pit, Charizard, and Meta Knight.
As for this recent 48 characters thing. I think that it means we have 52 characters with the other four being Zero Suit Samus, Shiek, Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard(since Pokemon Trainer has no moveset of his own).
Now with the roster supposedly this big, Claus can fit in like this.
Agreed. With a 48 character roster (even though still unconfirmed, and probably false) there is absolutely NO reason that Claus should be excluded. Even if Ness did make it back in, there would still be plenty of room for Claus.
they don't make a difference, which is why it's fake. they already have 2 and a half characters with wings (Meta Knight only have them out when jumping), so them having problems with Claus makes no sense. it's fake! LOGIC PWN'D!!
Meta Knight was actually my biggest point of contention, mainly because his wings function the most like Claus's. He switches between wings and a cape; if Claus does the same thing (wings and no wings), how is it that difficult to program?
Kinda seems like a huge conspiracy just to put us Claus supporters into a state of panic, eh? I don't believe anything I've heard today. It's all just been complete and utter BS. They could have included anything on that list. ANYTHING. "Well this game would have made you irresistible to women, but we had to cut that" or "Brawl would give you super powers after playing it, but we had to take that out" and I would have cared less. But attacking Claus is attacking below the belt. Anyway... even if this were true and he was that far in to the designing, I'm sure he could easily be hacked into existance...
Yeah, it does seem a little fishy. I agree that attacking Claus is just the most reproachable offense committable.

Hopefully it won't come down to hacking the game to make Claus playable, though....
If anything the wings help him. In a cast of potentially 48 characters to have only three utilize a programmed technique is sort of silly. Claus adds another glider (potentially) to the mix along with a very workable moveset potential and extreme depth added to the SSE plot line. Also you can get some sweet event modes out of his inclusion.
That's true, gliding even got its own update, so only three characters with the ability would seem kind of...wasteful.
"Characters like Pit, Meta Knight and the Pokémon Trainer’s Charizard are envied at first glance for their wings."
(From the Gliding update:
http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/howto/technique/technique05.html )
"Characters like" seems to imply that there are more winged characters, and no veterans (revealed or unrevealed) have wings to use. Falco, perhaps, could be an exception, but I truly do not see him gliding with his wings, which serve more as arms in the Smash world. Expect more gliders, I guess.
And the perfect event for Claus: "Final Showdown" (or something like that)
* Play as Lucas
* New Pork City (in lieu of another M3 stage)
* Item: Franklin Badge
* KO the opponent without attacking him!
(Basically, you would use the Franklin Badge--an already confirmed item!--to reflect Claus's lightning attacks back at him, just like in MOTHER 3!)
It's absolutely fake. I'm convinced. Nintendo has never done anything like that before to my knowledge, excluding characters like that. If they absolutely had to, they would make them a clone, but not exclude them. If you can program wings that have to flap which only appear when you jump, you can program a jetpack that has wings that don't flap.
End of story. Also note that the poster of this lie only has 10 posts there. Not very good for his credibility. Also I think if I wanted to tell people news that bad, I would come here first.
That's true...with the amount of time and manpower that has gone into the creation of this game, it would be a wonder to know that they cut a character toward the very end of its 3-or-so-year development because a mechanic could not be properly implemented. Sakurai likes MOTHER 3 too much to just cut Claus arbitrarily without making him a clone. And Claus's wings aren't always present--only when he uses the jetpack, if I'm not mistaken. They could appear just like Meta Knight's do, and disappear likewise.
The game's been in development for how long now? They've got a huge team, their own studio or something as I keep hearing, so if they had all this, I'm sure they'd have the best people on it, I don't see how they wouldn't be able to finish a character, granted they would cut some, but ones like Pit and Dedede weren't cut from Melee because of problems but rather time constraints I believe, so it doesn't sound too plausable. Thing is, if this guy is lying, he's an actual *******. Most 'prophets' confirm things, this guy has just deconfirmed stuff. Also, I really don't get why he'd go to Brawl Central (not knocking it, but they only recently actually got a forum didn't they?) and not somewhere more well-known like Gamefaqs (urgh) or here.
I dunno, I'm just afraid, we haven't had a truely blunt threat yet, but three in one day is a bit overwhelming (I simply mean the whole recall thing could mean they'd tone down on Mother 3 content.)
Oh well, see you all tomorrow, hopefully something nice will come up.
That's a very good point. With so many people behind it, and with so much time to tweak all the details, it seems silly that they wouldn't try to work around it, even if it meant sacrificing a certain element (i.e. the wings, or one simple taunt). His choice of sites is also somewhat questionable, considering that Smashboards is more well-known, but I digress.
It does seem as though our Masked Man is under attack lately, though, doesn't it? So much anti-MOTHER 3 sentiment: the supposed recall, child Claus as a sticker (for whatever it's worth), and now Claus cut from the roster at the very last minute because of wings that didn't work properly (unlikely) and a taunt that didn't work properly (again, even more unlikely). What is it with all the hatred?
Claus for Brawl, my friends! :bigthumbu
What did Fatmanonice say?
That Claus got 4 mentions on Sakurai's poll. I only found 2. Thethirdkoopa, could you clarify? Are you able to contact him about this?