Smash Ace
/Masked Man\
=Standard Moves=
A - Bash (Hard jab with gun)
A, A - Bash, Slash (Slashes from lower left to upper right)
A, A, A - Bash, Slash, Slash (Back down)
F-Smash - Impale (Stabs sword forward hard)
D-Smash - Shockwave (Stabs ground/lightning spirals out)
U-Smash - Overhead slash (Charges up sword behind back and slashes upwards)
F-Tilt - Straight Jab (Smashes gun forward, similar to Samus' Fsmash but harder/more lag)
D-Tilt - Swipe (Slashes across ground once)
U-Tilt - Overhead Swipe (Like Link's Usmash)
Taunts - 1. Stabs sword in ground, removes Helmet, puts it under his left arm, puts his hand on his hip, and glares at the screen.
2. Enters the stance from his battle sprite (first sprite above)
3. His helmet, gun, and swordfade quickly, and he puts his hand out.
Grab - PK Paralysis; Attacking sends blasts of psychic energy through the enemy
U-throw - Points sword directly up, and the enemy spirals around it several times before getting flung up
F-throw - Blasts enemy with a massive amount of PSI, launching them forward
B-throw - Same as Fthrow, but Claus swings them behind him before he throws
D-throw - Slams enemy against ground several times before tossing them slightly up and back
=Special Moves=
Neutral B - Cannon (Fires a blue beam like Fox's laser, but stronger and has more lag; charging makes the beam longer and hits multiple time, fully charging makes the beam a straight beam that stretches across the whole screen)
Smash B - Lightning (Claus swings and a massive lightning bolt crashes down in front of him; goes through ANYTHING and covers the screen vertically)
Down B - Pig Bomb (Throws a bomb onto the ground that acts exactly like a Bob-omb)
Up B - Flight (Jetpack blasts him up COMPLETELY vertical, and his wings expand and he can fly horizontally for a few seconds)
Wings: Claus can glide with them also. Press Up B while he's using his Up B to keep his wings open afterwards.
Updated Moveset.