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The Official Ashley Thread

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Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2007
Joecool truly is the worst Ashley fan ever, he has terrible arguments, terrible logic and is completely biased towards Ashley, please realize her chances are not good, never were and that there are by far better WarioWare reps and characters out there, most people who like Ashley haven't even played WarioWare I imagine.
You really shouldn't try to make personal attacks on individuals. It's not nice. :(
Even if you didn't mean to insult him, it sure came out that way.

Oh, and I have played WarioWare. I own all the games except for that rehash for the Gamecube. They're very fun...though I still can't get pass the stupid Wario Mambo in Twisted...>_<


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2007
San Diego
Joecool truly is the worst Ashley fan ever, he has terrible arguments, terrible logic and is completely biased towards Ashley, please realize her chances are not good, never were and that there are by far better WarioWare reps and characters out there, most people who like Ashley haven't even played WarioWare I imagine.
This is very true. I mean, the only reason i like Ashely, is that she reminds me of the bad*** B.B. Hood character from Marvel vs Capcom 2. I have barely played any of the WarioWare games.

The best worst reasons for Ashely to be in Brawl:
-she's a witch, and witch's are d*** cool
-she's a girl, and girl's are d*** cool
-she has a song and song's are d*** cool
-she's popular, and being popular is d*** cool

And even after this, i still want her in Brawl.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Why not? Considering there's a lot more deserving characters out there, why not make her AT?
There is only going to be so much other games being rep. Wario already being a character has made more chance than any other character that nevered been in Smash Bros. yet.

Still, music doesn't prove anything. Ashley's theme could be just one of the many songs available for the Warioware stage. You do remember the My Music update, don't you?
Wow, you didn't read my post either. Wario has a lot of themes himself. Sakurai won't just add songs out of the blue.

Whoever said Ashley is important enough to be the 2nd rep? Jimmy-T or 9-Volt would be tons better.
Do you even know what you just said.

Jimmy T. a disco lover and dances and saves ring tones for his life. He has no fighting exprance what so ever, even his micro games didn't give him any fighting moves.

9-Volt a Nintendo fan boy, (better choice then Jimmy T.) but he just collects games and play them in his micro games. No fighting style, but he can be a clone of Game & Watch.

At least Ashley's storyline has more meaning then those two you just mention.


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2007
.... What?
I think he meant that since Wario is representing his own series, with his own icon, the possibility of there being a second rep is there.

If Wario had been counted as a Mario character, the chances for Ashley, as well as any other WarioWare character, would have plundged.


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2007
How about Wario is in and Ashley can be an AT? That's what ATs are for right?

Thread = Joke

Ashley FTW/L
This thread is not a joke.
It's for people who support and like Ashley.

If you don't like her, why did take the time to post here? :)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2007
When you only login to Smashboards to post in the Ashley thread, you have serious mental disabilities.


Smash Rookie
Dec 11, 2007
despite their importance why would you choose a goth girl like ashley over a cheerleader like mona? what are you a bunch of emo kids who cant get a girlfriend?


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
Why did they have to name the Ashley song Ashley's Song?! :laugh:

This thing's growing so fast...
Anywho, I read some of your MSs and that stuff could just be implemented into other characters.
You guys wouldn't be here if that song wasn't here. She isn't even likely enough to be ATed...
But have fun while you can ;)


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2001
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I am truly amazed at how delusional these Ashley fans are.

It seems that it has gotten to the point, where it is simply impossible to reason with members of the A.S.H.L.E.Y club, because in their minds she is already a playable character in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Even though it may be futile, and I will just get flamed and cursed off, I'm going to try it anyways.

I'll start by saying and stating;

Ashley does not deserve to be a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Please, before continuing onwards with this post; reread the sentence in bold which I just wrote. Pay close attention to the word I underlined... deserve. I want you to really understand the point I am trying to get across, and I know it might be difficult for fans to hear this since I do not mean to offend or insult any of you.

Let me start first by saying that Ashley is a fantastic character. After all, Who could possibly hate a little witch girl Lolita? She has the potential to have a very well thought-out move set, and not to mention boosts the female character portion of the game. I do not hate the character in any way imaginable, like I said earlier, I just feel that she is not deserving of a playable character spot.

I'll start my argument with a diagram, that hopefully everyone will be able to relate with;

(Imagine if you will, that Ashley is not a 2D Concept Art model)

Just take a look at the known character roster for Super Smash Bros Brawl. Take the time to pan through every single portrait, and every time make a mental note of how the character has not only made a profound impact on the Nintendo Universe, but how the character has made an impact in each of their own represented Series.

Just look at all the portraits around Ashley.... We've got Mario, who is Nintendo's most famous mascot, and basically drove them to their success. Peach and Bowser who have always played an intricate role in driving the storyline for the Mario games since the first title ever. Yoshi has been Mario's partner since Mario World, and even ventured off on his own to star in many of his own games. Donkey Kong was Mario's first true enemy when it came to kidnapping the princess, and since then he has gone onwards to be the star of his own franchise which has blossomed tons of sequels, not to mention his right-hand ape Diddy Kong. Samus (and her Zero Suit) also joins the cast being one of the notable female protagonists in the history of video games (never mind just Nintendo). The star warrior Kirby appears, as well as his enemy cohorts and rivals Meta Knight and King Dedede. Dedede has been the "Koopa" of Kirby since the first Kirby game, up until the last. Meta Knight has also been an intricate part of the story for Kirby, with his enigmatic "friend or foe" mentality that has always kept the player on edge. Pikachu does not even need an explanation, as probably the entire population easily recognizes the cheerful "Pika Pika" which comes from this rodents mouth. The silent protagonist of every Pokemon game, the Pokemon Trainer, has also been around to be the voice, eyes, and ears for the player in the Pokemon World. Link, being the star of arguably one of the greatest games of all time, along with his Princess Zelda are a part of the cast as well. Ike is the rising and most recent star of the Fire Emblem series, starring the main protagonists role in 2 FE games on his own (I believe a Fire Emblem first), coupled along with Lucas, who is one of the most underrated, but truly deep main characters in the Mother series, which was one of the most sought after GBA titles in Japan. Fox who was the first to bring his pseudo-3D to the 2D-Era, along with Wario who was great enough to branch away from being Mario's rival, to being his very own anti-hero in his own series. Pit and Ice Climbers bring a distinct retro yet updated feel to the game, which only the most profound Nintendo fans could truly enjoy. and for Sonic and Snake... well that's pretty much self-explanatory.


Surely, you can see how Ashley just DOES NOT belong with a cast of this caliber?

Make note that in the entire cluster of character descriptions I made above... None of the reasons involved Gender, Moveset Capabilities, How Well they Fit with the Rest of the Cast, or the general characteristics of the character (in Ashleys case, the fact that she is a witch is very cool).

Yes, Ashley is a Witch Lolita which is quite awesome, but it does not merit her a position as a playable character on the roster.
Yes, Ashley could have a spectacular moveset, but it does not merit her a position as a playable character on the roster.
Yes, Ashley is a female which the Smash roster is lacking, but it does not merit her a position as a playable character on the roster.
Yes, Ashley would easily fit into the cast of fighters (being a spellcaster), but it does not merit her a position as a playable character on the roster.
Yes, Ashley already has her own theme song which sounds great, but it does not merit her a position as a playable character on the roster.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

The list goes on and on about all the great things which many of you adoring fans love about Ashley. But none of these are valuable enough to allow her the privilege of being a PLAYABLE character on the Roster.

Can't you see it yet?

Ashley has made absolutely no mark on the world.. not only in the Nintendo Universe, but in the entire Video Games Industry as a whole. To become a playable character in Smash Bros, the character first has to break the barrier which separates "Character" from "Iconic Video Game Symbol".

There isn't a single character on the current roster which has not broken these boundaries, and been globally acknowledged as an Iconic Symbol in Video Game History. Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, Samus, Peach, Yoshi, Pikachu... heck and I know you are going to bring it up to counter me, but yes Ice Climbers and Kid Icarus did make their mark back in their days (just did not keep it going as the rest of the cast did).

Saki Amamiya, Lyn, Stafy, Waluigi, Little Mac, Mr. Resetti... These are all perfect examples of characters who have not broken through the boundaries. Particularly in the cases of Saki Amamiya, and Lyn who were both the main protagonists in their games, yet didn't achieve the status of icons for whatever reasons.

Unfortunately for the fans of Ashley.... She has NOT broken these boundaries with her minor appearance in WarioWare. Ashley has not made a profound enough influence in peoples lives, and Ashley has not been the driving force for any series in particular. Wario does NOT need another representative. Wario is the symbol of the Wario Ware series. Having Ashley right beside Wario would not benefit or deter the WarioWare representation in any way. Wario is a big enough (no pun intended) character to stand his own ground and represent himself on his own. That's just the problem with Ashley fans, and its why I sympathize with you all so much.

Ashley is exactly what you all make her out to be... a fantastic character. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
Sadly, being a fantastic character does not make you into the roster. Being a world-renown video game icon does.

I warn you now Ashley fans, do NOT get your hopes too high in Ashley being a Playable Character. Because of the reasons I mentioned above, I would expect at most that Ashley makes her way as an Assist Trophy, simply because of the popularity she has in Japan.

I also want to apologize in advance.. I just felt the need to get this off my chest, since everyone was bickering about the subject. I don't mean to cause a gigantic flame war... I just want to clear up the air on some clouded judgement.


Smash Rookie
Apr 30, 2006
Thats what i call a reality check. Looks like you destroyed everyone. Nice job murderer!

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Add me as a supporter. If the Brawl roster is in the 40+'s, Ashley would make a welcome addition.
My *** she would. There are far more deserving WarioWare characters, namely Mona.
No your a hater whose upset his lame waluigi didnt make the cut. Bral already has acomic relief we dont need 2. Waluigi doesnt add anything significant to the roster of charcaters other than being a filler, which was why he was created. If was on it, he would only take up a spot another character deserves. And mark my words Ashley will be in brawl as a PC.
How ironic:laugh:
Thats funny. Seeing how waluigi is a filler character in the mario series. His first game was a tennis game:laugh:. and that is incorporated in his moves on ssbb.
Ashley isnt a filler character, and is more popular than waluigi. I think she had her own game or 2 dont quote me on that
Ashley isn't filler?? She's more popular than Waluigi?? Instead of pulling things out of your ***, actually think about what you're saying.
No you quit thinking she doesnt have a chance in brawl. With lame waluigi and stafy out, her chances of making the final cut increased.
It affects her in no way possible.
I think Kat & Ana would be a perfect AT. They could split up and go crazy with katana blades, since they're a little too young and small to be brawlers.

Since Ashley is 'evil' and older, she's more fitting for Brawl. And so, congratulations to you, I support Ashley now ever since I started coming to this site. ;)
...Ever heard of the Ice Climbers?

I feel sorry for you.
I don't think the sales are becuase of him :ohwell:. Of course a lot of people know Waluigi, and unfortunatly he is internationally very hated too. So what does Waluigi have to do with Ashley? He's a Mario character, she's a Wario character. Get it?
How do YOU know?

IDK, your Ashley fanboys brought it up.

Thank you!! A that's dumb for someone to say Waluigi is popular worldwide, because the japanese hate that character.He only has support in the U.S
Cite me proof of this outragous claim, instead of speaking out of your ***.
No actually Waluigi deconfrims Dasiy and any other mario filler
Waluigi as an AT deconfirms Waluigi as a PC. Get that through your dense head already!
Daisy was already disconformed. Remember Peach's alternate costume?
Actually she was "disconformed" by having as much of an impact to the series as Toad. Mario has a Wario alt. but Wario's fat *** is still on the roster.
:chuckle: it doesn't matter does it? Sakurai has attention on her, she has her own song...at least thats something. Of course he is more well known, but he is also more well hated.
**** no! Her song was in Brawl because it was popular(it appeared in some random music game or whatever), and you can't deny that.
exactly they seemed to be forgetting she has named after her, but noooooooooo she couldn't possible be a PC
I assume you're talking about music.

She can't. She has no revelance to the 2 games she appears in whatsoever. Plus, her theme doesn't confirm Ashley. All it confirms is the theme.
Sakurai loved Dr. Mario's tune and put him in Melee for that very reason, so you never know.
That can't be the reason. I was thinking he put Dr. Mario in there for retro purposes or something.
That would be soo messed up if she became an AT or not playable(meaning trophy or sticker). Wario has a lot of themes himself so Ashley's theme is too lucky to be just a reguler song.
Then you'll be apalled at the final result.

Her theme was in there mainly because it was popular, and even appeared on a game not relevant to the WW series. That has NOTHING to do with Ashley. All it is, is clear reasoning on why her theme was in Brawl.
This is pure nonsense, but for some reason I think that Waluigi being deconfirmed increases the chances for Ashely to be the (a) second Wario representative.

Because we all think that if there is one, there will only BE one more who gets the Wario icon.
Talk about pure nonsense.

Idk F-zero needs other reps too and yoshi so warioware series is in the same boat as them.
No, and you got the saying wrong..

F-Zero sold like 2 Million Units. Yoshi has Kamek, but her presence is questionable.
Meta Knights Revenge, one of many themes that was not just picked out of the blue. Ashley's theme, also not one of the many themes that was picked out of the blue. Besides, you can only play X in stages like Battlefield. Oh did I just mention that Wario as a character has a lot of themes.
Of course, it wasn't. It was picked for being popular and even appearing on a game not relevant to the WW Series(which doesn't mean she appeared in another game, all it is, is just her song).
It means, why not make her playable.

Didn't you not read my post? Wairo as charcter has many themes that he can put in Brawl. Don't say he will pick Warioware characters theme out of the blue.

Read what I've said about Ashley's theme before.
more deserving like who..
Mona. Jimmy T. Kat & Ana. 9-Volt.
These seem to be the most realistic choices for a second WarioWare rep.

9-volt (he was in Sakurai's poll...I think)

Mona (she might be seen as Wario's Peach)

Ashley (her song was remixed and she is aledgely popular in Japan)

The other characters have less chances, but you can never rule them out.
Obviously, I want Ashley the most.

She is.

Ashley isn't popular in japan at all. I've found out what exactly is so popular about her in Japan, her theme.

What seprate Ashley and I'll say mona too is that their females. That alone makes them the top 2 contenders from the series to get the PC spot, the other maybe an AT.
The More You Know

Did you know that the Ashley fanboys trolled and attacked the Mona thread for no reason?
My reason is that alot of ppl are writing her off becasue she isnt that popualar when alot of other characters have made into that game when their not popular either
No, it's because of the idiotic reasons that got her a fanbase in the first place.
There is only going to be so much other games being rep. Wario already being a character has made more chance than any other character that nevered been in Smash Bros. yet.

Wow, you didn't read my post either. Wario has a lot of themes himself. Sakurai won't just add songs out of the blue.

Jimmy T. a disco lover and dances and saves ring tones for his life. He has no fighting exprance what so ever, even his micro games didn't give him any fighting moves.

9-Volt a Nintendo fan boy, (better choice then Jimmy T.) but he just collects games and play them in his micro games. No fighting style, but he can be a clone of Game & Watch.

At least Ashley's storyline has more meaning then those two you just mention.
...Have you ever heard of "Hooked On Phonics"?

Who cares? You don't see Ashley casting magic like Harry Potter on the baddies everyday. She has no fighting experience at all. Besides, that's the cliche intended for him. He's very unique in that aspect, too.

"No fighting style"? Yeah, and Ashley's going down the block karate chopping people in the nuts. You people are coughing up these excuses like hairballs. All Ashley does is collect potions and cut herself.
When you only login to Smashboards to post in the Ashley thread, you have serious mental disabilities.
What a coincidence, Stado is mentally ********! That's why he types like he thinks he's smart. He even told me.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2001
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Wu Tang Gang, you are just asking to be flamed with the tone of your arguments.

Now instead of derailing away from my point, everyone look back on the previous page and read my post.

§leepy God

Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
On The Move....
Oh, burn. Burn!
Not really, he just repeated the previous arguments I've saw over a thousand times. Well she really doesn't need an argument sheet. But if people keep saying the same thing, we mind as well make one because I am sick of seeing the same arguments over and over and over again.

Wait until the game comes out dammit, I can't take anymore same arugments. I'm getting pissed by this.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
From what i heard you have your story twisted because fanboys from the mona thread came in flamed this thread.
Denial much? No one here is a fan of Mona.

So? It's aggravating that there's such people like this in the world. They've been explained the facts that you and me presented, but they label it as flaming and trolling. THAT, is asking to be flamed.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
I am truly amazed at how delusional these Ashley fans are.

It seems that it has gotten to the point, where it is simply impossible to reason with members of the A.S.H.L.E.Y club, because in their minds she is already a playable character in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Br................. etc etc.

Epic to say the least, kudos to you, really.

If just wu tang came in all his posts with this kind of approach, this thread would have been what was supposed to be...and not getting off topic 24/7. (ok is not all your fault wutang but lets be sincere, we all know for what reasons each of us stay in this thread! ).

What posters like you dont realize, and get confused... is that most of the posters in this thread which talk about ashley as if she was character in Brawl already... are very well aware of ashley chances in the game. We all know in which position she is and what chances she has. Is not that we (well most of us) think that she has a shoe in, when the truth coundt be more different. Even players like Krool and others which imo would be bored as hell..have MUCH more right to be in the game than ashley.

Ill quote this paragraph from you:

Yes, Ashley is a Witch Lolita which is quite awesome, but it does not merit her a position as a playable character on the roster.
Yes, Ashley could have a spectacular moveset, but it does not merit her a position as a playable character on the roster.
Yes, Ashley is a female which the Smash roster is lacking, but it does not merit her a position as a playable character on the roster.
Yes, Ashley would easily fit into the cast of fighters (being a spellcaster), but it does not merit her a position as a playable character on the roster.
Basically it sums everything. Let me make this clear. Exactly for all the reasons you posted is why i want her in the game. I understand perfectly your theory and i cannot do anything else than support it, because is simply the truth. But the way i see it,, is not in regards of who deserve it and who not.... is which character i think would offer the most to Brawl. I dont care about names really... i didnt knew ashley before the music update, really, and i couldnt care less about that fact lol... but when i saw her potential as a character.... and all holes she was filling in the smash roster, i decided that she was a good character to support for the game. Her chances, her background history and his right to be in the game are secondary to me...what i think is that she would be an awesome and new fighter. We definitely need more players in the line of Pokemon trainer.... which add new things to the game...and ashley would help in this field also.

What you said about saki and lyn is definitely a good example, but also , they didnt had a song in the game. Yes , yes and yes, i know this song mean nothing and is a cheap excuse to include her... but the song is there, is in Brawl already, and we dont know which purpouse it has...so ill just put my " !! " marks in here. We can say that Wario maybe doesnt need another rep... but who knows what is going in Sak´s mind.

I support her for fun to tell you the truth.... is not like we are here armed all day long to discuss his deserving chance in the game, as this was not one of our primary goals in teh first place. This thread is based in opinions about how cool she would be in the game, and was mostly to hang out and have a good time. You can notice about this in the first posts, were we didnt dig too much in arguments about why she must be in the game... for all the reasons you already stated above.

My best advice to other posters, is to take things easy in this thread, and save some of the "serious business" mentality for more "serious" character threads.

Im very pleased with your post. and i can just wish that every poster who came here with the same idea of yours, expressed himself this way, sadly it is not possible.

Wu tang, you can learn a thing or two from this guy, intead of being covering him with anti-flame spray ;) (take it easy it was a joke dont start an argument i beg you :D ).

PD1: this is y personal point of view exclusively. If other posters of this thread feel that their thoughs differ a little from what i say, they are all welcomed to express their opinion.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Not really, he just repeated the previous arguments I've saw over a thousand times. Well she really doesn't need an argument sheet. But if people keep saying the same thing, we mind as well make one because I am sick of seeing the same arguments over and over and over again.

Wait until the game comes out dammit, I can't take anymore same arugments. I'm getting pissed by this.
Can't take 'em, because you can't counter them. Just admit it! All you say is the sexist arguement that she's female. Another, is because of her theme. That's it. You may as well make one so I can see what's so good about her.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Wu Tang's got a point Card. You weren't particularly "nice" in your post either, but can't really be friendly with people this delusional, now can you? You kinda have to raise your voice to get the point across. And they'll label you as a troll regardless, so long as you disagree with them on whether or not Ashley should be in Brawl...


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
Wu Tang Gang, you are just asking to be flamed with the tone of your arguments.

Now instead of derailing away from my point, everyone look back on the previous page and read my post.
Amen, im very happy that at least one of you can see whats going on here day after day.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Epic to say the least, kudos to you, really.

If just wu tang came in all his posts with this kind of approach, this thread would have been what was supposed to be...and not getting off topic 24/7. (ok is not all your fault wutang but lets be sincere, we all know for what reasons each of us stay in this thread! ).

What posters like you dont realize, and get confused... is that most of the posters in this thread which talk about ashley as if she was character in Brawl already... are very well aware of ashley chances in the game. We all know in which position she is and what chances she has. Is not that we (well most of us) think that she has a shoe in, when the truth coundt be more different. Even players like Krool and others which imo would be bored as hell..have MUCH more right to be in the game than ashley.

Ill quote this paragraph from you:

Basically it sums everything. Let me make this clear. Exactly for all the reasons you posted is why i want her in the game. I understand perfectly your theory and i cannot do anything else than support it, because is simply the truth. But the way i see it,, is not in regards of who deserve it and who not.... is which character i think would offer the most to Brawl. I dont care about names really... i didnt knew ashley before the music update, really, and i couldnt care less about that fact lol... but when i saw her potential as a character.... and all holes she was filling in the smash roster, i decided that she was a good character to support for the game. Her chances, her background history and his right to be in the game are secondary to me...what i think is that she would be an awesome and new fighter. We definitely need more players in the line of Pokemon trainer.... which add new things to the game...and ashley would help in this field also.

What you said about saki and lyn is definitely a good example, but also , they didnt had a song in the game. Yes , yes and yes, i know this song mean nothing and is a cheap excuse to include her... but the song is there, is in Brawl already, and we dont know which purpouse it has...so ill just put my " !! " marks in here. We can say that Wario maybe doesnt need another rep... but who knows what is going in Sak´s mind.

I support her for fun to tell you the truth.... is not like we are here armed all day long to discuss his deserving chance in the game, as this was not one of our primary goals in teh first place. This thread is based in opinions about how cool she would be in the game, and was mostly to hang out and have a good time. You can notice about this in the first posts, were we didnt dig too much in arguments about why she must be in the game... for all the reasons you already stated above.

My best advice to other posters, is to take things easy in this thread, and save some of the "serious business" mentality for more "serious" character threads.

Im very pleased with your post. and i can just wish that every poster who came here with the same idea of yours, expressed himself this way, sadly it is not possible.

Wu tang, you can learn a thing or two from this guy, intead of being covering him with anti-flame spray ;) (take it easy it was a joke dont start an argument i beg you :D ).

PD1: this is y personal point of view exclusively. If other posters of this thread feel that their thoughs differ a little from what i say, they are all welcomed to express their opinion.
Actually, almost all of Ashley's members said she's a shoe-in, not counting you.
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