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The Nu Smashboards Arena: Revival of Online - Check 1st Post!


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
SW 5498 9796 6766
some other day indeed
maybe some other time you have a flashy zss though it was fun playing you
another day indeed
i havent even whipped out my kirby yet.

and im not flashy at all, im just trying to survive. i cant even glide toss juggle my pieces effectively yet.
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Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Thanks man, I greatly appreciate and admire those words, but I just needed those matches to be uploaded already. I've beaten Falcos (very good Falcos), MK (Very good MKs), Snakes (really good ones), Marth (same like the rest).

I know I've reached a new pinnacle with Link. I've experimented and learned it all (just like Yoshi), but here's what happened same as in Aib, man. Nothing was seen, everything was rumors, until this day, I get responses from people like Ryuga typing I lost to this guy and that guy, and I'm (what can I do, I have no proof, and people know my war with the community, so they will no doubt believe it whether it's true or false).

I'm in that same stage man (the same like Aib, I thought working on a below viable character and me doing what I did with Yoshi, experiment my butt off).

I can't type to you how many days, months, and hours I've busted my butt with Link. I fell and worked around it, and I'm doing this stuff that literally makes players not know what to even type. At times they will just type ggs because they can't be salty, they lost to a Link that is something else. It's bs man, people just want to be selfish and make themselves good. Well here's something that even in my past I always did (I respected unique talent and talent in general, I never got salty for losing to a player (but the connection) to that talent level, I was happy because I could improve even more).

There is a reason why my Yoshi was never seen by no one). It doesn't matter if I type all this stuff I did to all these pretty much WiFi Gods (as they think that with using a High Tier smh), it's no use or proof without evidence which involves videos. I upload videos at times to show they look and listen I did this to them, and I get no likes, comments or even a good job at times, too salty.

But it's the past now, however; the past is transforming or rising from the dead once more. I'll continue I guess, not really going to change anything, but Fox is amazing I'm liking him a lot these past few days. I did some crazy stuff against this Aib Ganon, I'll upload later.

Oh, and before I go, the reason why I can't upload all the replay matches everyone I brawl against is because the codes wont work, ever since I installed Wiimfii, my codes wont work, so I can only save matches that are under three minutes. I uninstalled everything and installed everything, no avail.

Even fate wants me to be quiet and not revival all this stuff with a character as Link (pretty crazy how he can become something with hard work, dedication, and mostly EXPERIMENTING).
You need to check this out. There were a lot of people throughout history who felt like their ideas were neglected, and just cracked or gave up, even when they were breaking new ground and bringing in ingenious new ideas.

Face it, people are going to be apathetic or even pretty damn hostile when you try to do something great if they feel it's impossible, impractical, or a threat to their interests. But in the end, they were proven to be right and influenced their field forever. The magnitude of Smash when compared to highest echelon of physics may not be anywhere close to an equality, but these lessons are universal and still apply to you. You're trying to do something great. If you can aspire and not give up like several of the guys mentioned in that article, you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

You may think now that you're not getting anywhere, but with time, people always realize that something's not right with their flawed ideas and come to realize the genius they had ignored. It may feel like a ****ty, unappreciated job now, but if you can bring Link up, then you'll be the one remembered. No one else does what you do with Link because they've already accepted a bull**** pretense, that he's doomed to a bottom tier status forever. You can be that person who raises him up. I understand you feel ****ing sick of people ignoring you and your ideas, but with time the greatest truth always comes to light. Don't give up on something great because people don't appreciate it today, tomorrow, or a year from now. Keep going because you realize you're doing something great and that nothing any naysayer thinks can change that.

Karaoke Man already gave you some legit advice, and I'm probably losing you in all this prattle, so I'll leave you with a quote from one of my favorite anime of all time, Gurren Lagann. Kamina, a protagonist in the series, ending up sacrificing himself so he could put a temporary halt on the anti-Spirals, those trying to drive human life underground forever. He didn't see the day that his protege, Simon, ending up defeating the Spiral King and securing humanity's future. You may not even see the ultimate realization of what Link can do, but if you can keep from giving up now, then someone else may carry the torch because of what you accomplished.

"With a man's soul and a strong back, go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!" - Kamina
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N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
You need to check this out. There were a lot of people throughout history who felt like their ideas were neglected, and just cracked or gave up, even when they were breaking new ground and bringing in ingenious new ideas.

Face it, people are going to be apathetic or even pretty damn hostile when you try to do something great if they feel it's impossible, impractical, or a threat to their interests. But in the end, they were proven to be right and influenced their field forever. The magnitude of Smash when compared to highest echelon of physics may not be anywhere close to an equality, but these lessons are universal and still apply to you. You're trying to do something great. If you can aspire and not give up like several of the guys mentioned in that article, you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

You may think now that you're not getting anywhere, but with time, people always realize that something's not right with their flawed ideas and come to realize the genius they had ignored. It may feel like a ****ty, unappreciated job now, but if you can bring Link up, then you'll be the one remembered. No one else does what you do with Link because they've already accepted a bull**** pretense, that he's doomed to a bottom tier status forever. You can be that person who raises him up. I understand you feel ****ing sick of people ignoring you and your ideas, but with time the greatest truth always comes to light. Don't give up on something great because people don't appreciate it today, tomorrow, or a year from now. Keep going because you realize you're doing something great and that nothing any naysayer thinks can change that.

Karaoke Man already gave you some legit advice, and I'm probably losing you in all this prattle, so I'll leave you with a quote from one of my favorite anime of all time, Gurren Lagann. Kamina, a protagonist in the series, ending up sacrificing himself so he could put a temporary halt on the anti-Spirals, those trying to drive human life underground forever. He didn't see the day that his protege, Simon, ending up defeating the Spiral King and securing humanity's future. You may not even see the ultimate realization of what Link can do, but if you can keep from giving up now, then someone else may carry the torch because of what you accomplished.

"With a man's soul and a strong back, go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!" - Kamina
You hit me in every point, and the Kamina quote was too good <3 It's not that I gave up, it's that it's not seen yet, and okay, even when someone does accept something is new here and uploads it, it's the garbage of all matches from our long set. I have no videos to prove things, no evidence of what I do, mostly due to the fact that people just wont accept change (which is true), but when things change (like a Low Tier like Link rising higher than even Izaw, Kirinblaze, Legan, X, and so on could ever accomplish). Even Kamo couldn't believe how he couldn't gimp my Link and truly approach. Then he shows the disrespect, of there should've been a easy to gimp him, sure there is, be MK, sigh. Change honestly wont happen, people just don't care, the fact shows that no videos of my Link is uploaded, and if I ask for a favor, here comes a million bs excuses. People aren't even ready for him (whether I have proof or not).

Here examples of what I mean, towards MK.

If MK nados, and you have a Bomb in your hand, and then he does that stupid nado, shield and wait at the last few frames, there you can up b with the bomb, or if you have quick reaction, buffered jump to bomb to footstool to light nair, to jab lock. Here's another:

Zair with Bomb, MK does nairs and fair, Link catches him with a Zair with bomb, zair hits, buffered run to footstool, to throw bomb down (after footstool jump) bomb explodes, footstool to light nair and jab lock, you could even jab lock once pull out bomb and Bomb fsmash, now you have a bomb again and if Mk throws a random Nado, throw bomb and continue. I have way more stuff that no one would Dare to think. Bommerang, Bomb, Arrows even, even Link's Shield. I'm done.
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Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
SW 5498 9796 6766
I want to play

Edit: oh youre playing someone else. Anyone want to brawl?
i could use a new person to lose to i guess

Edit:ok.. but i guess im done for tonight. those dcs are just brutal.
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N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
i could use a new person to lose to i guess

Edit:ok.. but i guess im done for tonight. those dcs are just brutal.
Great games man, I enjoyed our brawl, thanks for dealing with my WiFi lag annoyance. You're a good and kind player, have a nice night.

@ Y yessi Good games man, sorry I didn't stay Link, I was get fed up, so I went Gnw (another main of mine). Now, I got college tomorrow, ha ha. Thanks for the fun games man, have a good night.
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Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2013
Great games man, I enjoyed our brawl, thanks for dealing with my WiFi lag annoyance. You're a good and kind player, have a nice night.

@ Y yessi Good games man, sorry I didn't stay Link, I was get fed up, so I went Gnw (another main of mine). Now, I got college tomorrow, ha ha. Thanks for the fun games man, have a good night.
GGs CoH its like every character you use is top level did you main every character at one point?


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
I want to play

Edit: oh youre playing someone else. Anyone want to brawl?
Yeah, I was playing with QD. Finished up though. Did you still want to play?

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
GGs CoH its like every character you use is top level did you main every character at one point?
Mm, not really, my whole main roaster is, Link, Ike, Tink, D3, Fox, Gnw, Mario, Luigi, DK, CF, Wolf, PT, Kirby, Jiggalypuff, and atm working on Zelda (another really underrated character). This is my whole roaster. I did at one point main Yoshi, but that was ages ago.
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a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
Wasn't sure who "JESUS" was before we started playing, so apologies for declining your requests to join initially LOL. Good games! Nice to see that Lucario again after so long, as it seems to be coming along nicely. Thanks for playing mate.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2013
Hosting now.
GGs Zatchiel i had fun finally being able to brawl you after who knows when. i have to go though so until next time. Good night!

Mm, not really, my whole main roaster is, Link, Ike, Tink, D3, Fox, Gnw, Mario, Luigi, DK, CF, Wolf, PT, Kirby, Jiggalypuff, and atm working on Zelda (another really underrated character). This is my whole roaster. I did at one point main Yoshi, but that was ages ago.
haha your yoshi doesnt play like it was ages ago :laugh:(your yoshi is really good). thats cool that you can play that many characters im impressed.
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N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
GGs Zatchiel i had fun finally being able to brawl you after who knows when. i have to go though so until next time. Good night!

haha your yoshi doesnt play like it was ages ago :laugh:(your yoshi is really good). thats cool that you can play that many characters im impressed.
Ha ha! Nope, my Yoshi is super rusty, the things I did in the past though were note worthy, but no one took note of it, so maybe Link might change that, so far, nothing changed, meh.

I just Brawl for whatever and stuff (since I got two methodical speeches from Karaoke Man and FoxBlaze71).

And btw, what's the mu for Link vs Lucario anyway? I know it's in Lucario's favor by default, but how much more, anyway?

And thanks man, I just like experiment and stuff, every character I use is always used so unorthodox. I think my Link, Gnw, Kirby, Ike, and Zelda are the most weirdest to all. My Zelda is really weird, ha ha. Maybe next time we brawl I'll use her, but she's only a Beta atm. Soon she'll be official in my main roaster.
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Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
You hit me in every point, and the Kamina quote was too good <3 It's not that I gave up, it's that it's not seen yet, and okay, even when someone does accept something is new here and uploads it, it's the garbage of all matches from our long set. I have no videos to prove things, no evidence of what I do, mostly due to the fact that people just wont accept change (which is true), but when things change (like a Low Tier like Link rising higher than even Izaw, Kirinblaze, Legan, X, and so on could ever accomplish). Even Kamo couldn't believe how he couldn't gimp my Link and truly approach. Then he shows the disrespect, of there should've been a easy to gimp him, sure there is, be MK, sigh. Change honestly wont happen, people just don't care, the fact shows that no videos of my Link is uploaded, and if I ask for a favor, here comes a million bs excuses. People aren't even ready for him (whether I have proof or not).

Here examples of what I mean, towards MK.

If MK nados, and you have a Bomb in your hand, and then he does that stupid nado, shield and wait at the last few frames, there you can up b with the bomb, or if you have quick reaction, buffered jump to bomb to footstool to light nair, to jab lock. Here's another:

Zair with Bomb, MK does nairs and fair, Link catches him with a Zair with bomb, zair hits, buffered run to footstool, to throw bomb down (after footstool jump) bomb explodes, footstool to light nair and jab lock, you could even jab lock once pull out bomb and Bomb fsmash, now you have a bomb again and if Mk throws a random Nado, throw bomb and continue. I have way more stuff that no one would Dare to think. Bommerang, Bomb, Arrows even, even Link's Shield. I'm done.
The problem is that you've already determined in your mind that you're defeated. You've decided that people don't care about you or your character, and that the battle is already lost.

Do you have any method of recording? Even if it's something mediocre like a camcorder or phone, record every damn thing you can. Go on the Link boards, and post everything you could possibly think of, until people are sick of seeing you there. Go on other Smash sites and do everything you can to spread your ideas. You're aim for your character is high, but without equally high effort, it's pointless. Mendel, Semmelweis, and the other scientists in that article put a titanic effort into their work to improve the world, despite people not caring or outright hating them for it. Are you willing to give up something incredible just because of some opposition?

Don't get the idea that the world is flipping you and your work the bird. Every ****ing person in the Arena wants to see you become a god tier Link. I don't have much time to write, so I'll leave you with another anime quote in an attempt to solidify what I've said, this time from the show Berserk.

"You’re going to be all right. You just stumbled over a stone in the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this. Doesn’t it? I’m sure you’ll overcome this. You’ll walk again…soon." - Guts

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
The problem is that you've already determined in your mind that you're defeated. You've decided that people don't care about you or your character, and that the battle is already lost.

Do you have any method of recording? Even if it's something mediocre like a camcorder or phone, record every damn thing you can. Go on the Link boards, and post everything you could possibly think of, until people are sick of seeing you there. Go on other Smash sites and do everything you can to spread your ideas. You're aim for your character is high, but without equally high effort, it's pointless. Mendel, Semmelweis, and the other scientists in that article put a titanic effort into their work to improve the world, despite people not caring or outright hating them for it. Are you willing to give up something incredible just because of some opposition?

Don't get the idea that the world is flipping you and your work the bird. Every ****ing person in the Arena wants to see you become a god tier Link. I don't have much time to write, so I'll leave you with another anime quote in an attempt to solidify what I've said, this time from the show Berserk.

"You’re going to be all right. You just stumbled over a stone in the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this. Doesn’t it? I’m sure you’ll overcome this. You’ll walk again…soon." - Guts
Once again, all true, I do have a PVR, but the matches I save (which are below 3min) don't show too much craziness, (matches over the three min) show everything, I'll just have to find a way around my weird Wii. Is anyone a professional with hacking? I really need your help to help my Wii accept hacks ever since I installed Wiimfii.

And ignore the comment if not. Have fun brawling all.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Every ****ing person in the Arena wants to see you become a god tier Link.
Sorry but, that part makes me scratch my head. I don't believe all do, I do believe however they will want to see it done in tourneys before that ever occurs.

I'm not throwing names out there, because, 1. It's pointless, 2. It will cause drama and finally 3. It will just make me look like the mean person or wth is wrong with him.

I'm sorry man, but I don't agree or believe that part, but the rest I do and I will continue to find ways around that broken bridge.

I'll need to work carefully and dignity with some material to patch the broken bridge from ever falling again.

Once again, just ignore this, everyone enjoy your brawling. Have a nice day.
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Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Once again, all true, I do have a PVR, but the matches I save (which are below 3min) don't show too much craziness, (matches over the three min) show everything, I'll just have to find a way around my weird Wii. Is anyone a professional with hacking? I really need your help to help my Wii accept hacks ever since I installed Wiimfii.

And ignore the comment if not. Have fun brawling all.
I might be able to help, though I'm not that experienced in hacking. What issues are you having?

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
I might be able to help, though I'm not that experienced in hacking. What issues are you having?
Issues is... my Wii wont save the codes once I start my Wiimfii, if you could, send me a link with everything ( hacks Bstm and all that stuff, I feel maybe if it's done through another user's Wii, it will work, because If I upload and install, it wont work basically). And I use GekoOs (not Riv).

Edit: And anyone want to brawl btw?
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Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
SW 5498 9796 6766
Issues is... my Wii wont save the codes once I start my Wiimfii, if you could, send me a link with everything ( hacks Bstm and all that stuff, I feel maybe if it's done through another user's Wii, it will work, because If I upload and install, it wont work basically). And I use GekoOs (not Riv).

Edit: And anyone want to brawl btw?

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Cool, you host or me man?

@ extremechiton extremechiton Rinse and repeat man it's all good, seems you lost patience when approaching my Link, aggro Kirby will never work because my Link is already aggro and stuff. And don't be sacred to fair and bair more at times, that shuts down Link's attacks and stuff, ha ha.

Edit: Are you done this time? Well, good games like always man. Solid Kirby like always and a solid Olimar as well, I was pretty surprised how you would utilt at times (never seen Olimars do that much). My advice when brawl my Link is just patience really, but it's weird because Link's combat game is too good, so I really don't know what advice to give you, ha ha. @Gohan should be of assistance, he knows a few things that will help you for sure.
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Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Issues is... my Wii wont save the codes once I start my Wiimfii, if you could, send me a link with everything ( hacks Bstm and all that stuff, I feel maybe if it's done through another user's Wii, it will work, because If I upload and install, it wont work basically). And I use GekoOs (not Riv).

Edit: And anyone want to brawl btw?
OK, I need to clear a few things up first.

1.) How do you run Wiimmfi? With the actual Wiimmfi Patcher application, or with a GCT through Gecko?

2.) Have you tried deleting your current GCT and redoing it? (for future reference, if you don't already, keep all of the codes you use on a TXT file in case you need to do this.)

3.) Are you actually using Homebrew, or hackless?

If you're using a GCT-based method, whether it be through Stack Smash or Homebrew, you may want to use this method to create your code set. You'll need to combine the Wiimmfi patcher GCT with a new one containing whatever codes you wish to add, using the GCT Fusionizer he links in the topic. It's for PM, but the same steps apply to Brawl.

Here's some codes to try:

Save & Load Replays with Name tags [Y.S.]
80000000 90181200
4A000000 90180FC4
3000025C 3F800000
1200025A 00000000
E2000001 00000000
60000003 00000000
30000000 00000000
9A000A0F 00000000
E2000001 00000000
9C000AF0 00000000
86000000 0000000A
5A010000 0000005C
62000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000

File Patch Code v3.5.1: [Phantom Wings]
E0000000 80008000
225664EC 00000000
0401BFE0 4858BE20
065A7E00 00000070
38A00067 38810020
3CE0805A 60E37C18
4BE52531 38A0007F
3883FFE8 38610020
4BE52521 38A00068
60E47C18 38610020
9421FF80 BC410008
38610088 4BA74DB9
7C7C1B78 2C030000
4082000C 38210080
4800001C B8410008
38210080 4BE524E5
38610008 4BA742E1
7C7C1B78 4BA741E8
040223E0 48585BC0
065A7FA0 00000020
77239000 2C030000
4182000C 7FDDC850
3BDEFFE0 93DB0008
4BA7A42C 00000000
0401CD0C 4858B1F4
065A7F00 00000038
2C030000 4182000C
4BA7DD51 4BA74E04
80780008 2C030000
41820014 8118000C
7C634214 7C7B1850
48000008 8078000C
4BA74DE0 00000000
043EE9D8 48000014
043EEBD4 48000014
043D8B9C 48000018
043E9B4C 38600000
043E9D38 38600000
043D8C80 60000000
80000000 80406920
80000001 805A7C00
8A001001 00000000
045A7C10 2F525342
045A7C14 452F7066
80000001 805A7B00
8A001001 00000000
065A7B10 0000000F
2F525342 452F7066
2F736F75 6E642F00
041C6CE0 483E0D20
065A7A00 00000028
9421FF80 BC410008
3C60805A 60637B1F
4BE52931 B8410008
38210080 4BE52995
4BC1F2C4 00000000
065A7900 00000078
9421FF80 7C0802A6
9001000C BC810010
9421FF00 7C872378
54B2BA7E 7CD33378
38800000 9081000C
90810010 90610014
90810018 3880FFFF
9081001C 38610020
90610008 7CE43B78
38A00080 4BE529F5
38610008 4BA752A1
60000000 80210000
B8810010 8001000C
7C0803A6 80210000
4E800020 00000000
043E399C 481C3F04
065A78A0 00000010
80BC0020 7CA59214
3A400000 4BE3C0F4
065A78D0 00000018
800302A4 2C130000
41820008 7E609B78
3A600000 4BE3420C
041CDF7C 483D9884
065A7800 00000098
818C0014 9421FF80
BC410008 3D009034
61089D94 7C034000
4082003C 7C882378
3C60804D 60630000
3C80805A 60847B00
7CC53378 38C04200
80E40080 2C070000
40820014 60000000
480000B9 2C030000
41820010 B8410008
80210000 4BC26724
70A501FF 3868FFFF
3C80804C 6084FFFF
7C842A14 38A04001
38A5FFFF 8C040001
9C030001 2C050000
4082FFF0 B8410008
80210000 4BC2670C
141CCF90 483DA770
065A7700 00000048
9421FF80 BC410008
7FE3FB78 3C80805A
60847B00 38A00000
38C04000 480001E5
90640080 807F0008
907A0014 907A005C
907A0074 B8410008
80210000 807F0000
4BC25854 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Allow Replays Longer Than Three Minutes (brkirch)
040E5DE8 60000000
04953184 60000000
04953224 60000000

Lastly, if it's not working now, I doubt someone else's setup would work, but just in case: http://smashboards.com/threads/professor-mgws-tourney-hack-pack.290277/

I'm not sure if this one comes with the replay-related codes I posted, so you may need to fuse them with this method as well.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
SW 5498 9796 6766
Cool, you host or me man?

@ extremechiton extremechiton Rinse and repeat man it's all good, seems you lost patience when approaching my Link, aggro Kirby will never work because my Link is already aggro and stuff. And don't be sacred to fair and bair more at times, that shuts down Link's attacks and stuff, ha ha.

Edit: Are you done this time? Well, good games like always man. Solid Kirby like always and a solid Olimar as well, I was pretty surprised how you would utilt at times (never seen Olimars do that much). My advice when brawl my Link is just patience really, but it's weird because Link's combat game is too good, so I really don't know what advice to give you, ha ha. @Gohan should be of assistance, he knows a few things that will help you for sure.
Im not done. I switched routers and resetting everything. Took me a while to connect to th e new router
Edit: i think that was the longest time going without a dc
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