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The Nu Smashboards Arena: Revival of Online - Check 1st Post!


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Well my main is Ike too, so I have no qualms about helping another Ike looking to get better, haha. Fun games mate. Use more neutral air, less ground dodges, and make use of your grabs. I never saw you grab with Ike. And try airdodging and recovering lower/nearer to the stage in the Ike ditto, otherwise you're just gonna get spiked or edgehogged. Use Quickdraw for recovery less predictably, if you're going to use it at all.

Nice out of shield jabs and Quickdraw cancel approaches, though.

I'll play with you Chreest.
GG's the lag really messed you up... That last match wasn't fair. You Zard got gimped when it shouldn't have I feel. I was playing really badly. I guess when you have something as muscle memory its hard to change it mid-match. Oh well. I d-smashed a lot as Falco because I was trying to dair. The timing is much different than Melee. I find my self doing smashes instead of ariels a lot in this game. That Samus though? Dang... I always felt like I was risking everything when I went to battle you on the ledge haha. I figured the Falco matchup against you was getting pretty tired so I went Zero Suit for a while. I knew going into it that I would lose hahaha. I was tempted to throw the armor pieces out at the beginning of the match because they helped you a lot more than they helped me. Man I still have some work to do though. (still thinking don't roll, reverse jabs) I could see you were catching on the tons of jabs (as Falco I don't really jab as anyone else do I?). Good spacing.
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Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2013
Up yours, kid.
Welp i cant remembrr who i was fighting

. Anyone else wanna brawl?

P.s ggs to whoever i was just fighting sorry for the Fox. XD
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Smash Rookie
Feb 26, 2014
Alright you host. Double post? Me?
GGs. Sorry about that last game the lag was just too much. Oh yeah and that round against your samus where I ended it with that awesome dair spike, that was a tech error lol. I couldn't stop laughing. I meant to do a fair. I think I've already said this, but good games.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
Good games Chreest. Wifi kept taking dumps on Charizard's recovery, so I SDed at stupid low percents. I think Samus did alright though.

Work on your banana control, and use more jabs and tilts with Diddy, as well as pivot grabs. As for Falco, it isn't necessary to use Reflector so much against Samus, since you're just going to get punished for it once it comes out if I don't fire anything. I'm not likely to fire Charge Shot immediately after charging it up, and a competent Samus knows not to use many projectiles in that MU unless they're looking for reads or setups. You can jab to negate baby charge shots and light missiles, and can pretty much reflect everything else without worry. All you need to worry about is out-camping Samus as she can't get anything out against Falco's lasers save for a z-air or two, but she still has to make halfhearted approaches and play super patiently. Falco devastates her up close, ideally. The only reason I stood a chance was because I could read how you were playing and punished a lot of your dodges, multi-jabs, and reflectors.

Jabs 1 and 2 are good enough on their own for setting up lots and stopping punishes, the multi-jab should be used much less often because it's really punishable out of shield. Your out of shield play was pretty decent, but far too inconsistent to be effective. Make more use of your aerials, particularly b-air, n-air, and d-air out of shield. And stop using ledgehopped f-air. It serves almost zero purpose save for putting you into the same bad position (on the ledge) or a WORSE position (on the ground, full landing lag from either the aerial or your post-recovery landing lag). If your opponent is near the ledge, stall some or ledgehop n-air, d-air, or phantasm. If they're some distance away, ledgehop single laser onto the stage.
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Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2013
Up yours, kid.
Ah no matter that match ending was as impressive as youre power shields. GGs indeed.e
GGs. Sorry about that last game the lag was just too much. Oh yeah and that round against your samus where I ended it with that awesome dair spike, that was a tech error lol. I couldn't stop laughing. I meant to do a fair. I think I've already said this, but good games.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
I'll be available to play in about 50 minutes. Cap'nChreest I know you wanted to play yesterday so let me know if you want to then.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Good games Chreest. Wifi kept taking dumps on Charizard's recovery, so I SDed at stupid low percents. I think Samus did alright though.

Work on your banana control, and use more jabs and tilts with Diddy, as well as pivot grabs. As for Falco, it isn't necessary to use Reflector so much against Samus, since you're just going to get punished for it once it comes out if I don't fire anything. I'm not likely to fire Charge Shot immediately after charging it up, and a competent Samus knows not to use many projectiles in that MU unless they're looking for reads or setups. You can jab to negate baby charge shots and light missiles, and can pretty much reflect everything else without worry. All you need to worry about is out-camping Samus as she can't get anything out against Falco's lasers save for a z-air or two, but she still has to make halfhearted approaches and play super patiently. Falco devastates her up close, ideally. The only reason I stood a chance was because I could read how you were playing and punished a lot of your dodges, multi-jabs, and reflectors.

Jabs 1 and 2 are good enough on their own for setting up lots and stopping punishes, the multi-jab should be used much less often because it's really punishable out of shield. Your out of shield play was pretty decent, but far too inconsistent to be effective. Make more use of your aerials, particularly b-air, n-air, and d-air out of shield. And stop using ledgehopped f-air. It serves almost zero purpose save for putting you into the same bad position (on the ledge) or a WORSE position (on the ground, full landing lag from either the aerial or your post-recovery landing lag). If your opponent is near the ledge, stall some or ledgehop n-air, d-air, or phantasm. If they're some distance away, ledgehop single laser onto the stage,
As usual you're a big help! I had the thought of getting in close with Samus vs Falco. I actually remember doing it like once though.

Haha yea most of the stuff I do is for safety lol like a big cloud. Thats why I always multi-jab. It feels safer to me but I can't do anything out of it. I feel like the first two jabs will give you room to attack me back. I guess I'll try just 2 jabs for now. I don't remember ledgehop f-airing. I normally try to stay away from f-airing in general. But if you saw it then I guess I'll stop. Thanks dude. I always appreciate it.

Sorry @ Zork Zork I'd like to but I can't play anymore tonight.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
As usual you're a big help! I had the thought of getting in close with Samus vs Falco. I actually remember doing it like once though.

Haha yea most of the stuff I do is for safety lol like a big cloud. Thats why I always multi-jab. It feels safer to me but I can't do anything out of it. I feel like the first two jabs will give you room to attack me back. I guess I'll try just 2 jabs for now. I don't remember ledgehop f-airing. I normally try to stay away from f-airing in general. But if you saw it then I guess I'll stop. Thanks dude. I always appreciate it.

Sorry @ Zork Zork I'd like to but I can't play anymore tonight.
Not even a few games? Ah well, maybe day after tomorrow then.

Btw, multi-jab is not safe at all and it's definitely not safer than just jab 1 and 2. Have you heard of SDI? That alone makes it highly unsafe. Not to mention if you went for it and whiffed completely, they have ages to punish the end lag.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2013
Great games @ Sonsa Sonsa , lots of fun. It got too laggy for me at the end but oh well.
I was hoping we could have a ness duel at the end but didn't work out so much. We were destroying each other with our own nesses :p
Seeing you play rob made me remember he was one of the first characters I ever mained. Of course I was much better with him back then but I think I did well enough now.
Your luigi is jesus, I cannot even handle that tornado. MK status right there.
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Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2013
Great games @ Sonsa Sonsa , lots of fun. It got too laggy for me at the end but oh well.
I was hoping we could have a ness duel at the end but didn't work out so much. We were destroying each other with our own nesses :p
Seeing you play rob made me remember he was one of the first characters I ever mained. Of course I was much better with him back then but I think I did well enough now.
Your luigi is jesus, I cannot even handle that tornado. MK status right there.
Yeah ggs! Yeahhh, happens. Hopeful for Smash4... Aw, sorry haha, I woulda complied if I knew. Yeah, your ROB is still awesome! My Luigi haha, yeah, he has the option selects XD Thanks! Well g'night, maybe we can fight again sometime!


Smash Cadet
Dec 5, 2013
Ok Star I play you

Edit: Sassa I play you later if you want
I have to go eat Dx mom complaining.> 3 < That was fun!> w < those projectiles were hard to dodge @ A @ Lets brawl again sometime!X3 gg!x3
Ill brawl later or tommorow >;3
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
You did not show up...and now I know why. Ah well, my time is up anyway. Maybe next time I'll be able to play you or GyK.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2010
San Antonio, Texas
Hey RageF, you mind if we do a little Rotation? someone from Facebook also wants to play me.

Edit: we'll do loser out, me and him will go first if that's cool with you.
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Rage NF

Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2014
Puerto Rico (Boricua de puro zeta)
Hey RageF, you mind if we do a little Rotation? someone from Facebook also wants to play me.

Edit: we'll do loser out, me and him will go first if that's cool with you.
Ok but how we gonna do this now? and another thing can I join you to see the match

Edit: In the meanwhile anyone else wanna brawl.

Edit : Zatchiel wanna play?
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