You're Peach right? Nair and up-B OOS are phenomenal for scaring Falco from pressuring you, and Nair'ing ASE YOU SEE FALCO APPROACH like Armada does is incredibly useful too because if you trade you won't die(and if it's Dair at low percent you get sick followups) and if you FH it then you can FC a Fair or whatever to reset the position like Armada does.Kevin tell me how to stop falco from going ham all over me.
Float like Armada does above the lasers to kill his momentum/approach and then start your Fairs earlyish so you can trade with like Bairs or uptilts or beat them out. If they start reacting to that then do the Fairs later or space them so you can screw with the punishment game.
Ummmm if Falco puts you above him get down quickly and look for Nair trades whenever possible.
Don't lazily go straight for the edge and the Falco will probably commit and then you can make it there.
CC Dsmash rofl it's seriously great even more than when Armada does it.