Karn, I don't mean to argue, I really do agree with you but I don't think there's any way to really put you above me without opposing the data. Otherwise, it makes sense. Same with Jim and DJ, although DJ is actually a really smart and excellent player, so I disagree with some of the comments people are making.
It's just one spot on the PR, and worst comes to worst we can switch us around after the next Melee tournament we're at, if I don't do too well.
If it keeps becoming an argument I'll definitely forfeit the spot. It's not worth stressing over. =P
The only reason I'm arguing about this is because I don't think the data can support you being above me and I figured I should dispute things I disagree with since I am on the panel.
Honestly, I think you're probably a better player than me currently. Based off of your playing at Duke you're definitely better than me. I mean, if you screw up next time maybe I'm still better, but who knows.
I mean one spot on the PRs doesn't matter to me at all, because the only reason I care about my spot in the least is because it affects my seeding and thus affects my chance at winning money in tourney. Because we can never know how many power ranked players will show and because of the nature of different character/player matchups, being one seed lower could help or hurt me depending on who shows up.
It just seems to me that there is very little conclusive data for you. Now, the reason you don't have conclusive data isn't entirely your fault. Your parents wouldn't let you go to tournaments and it just so happens that the two that you went to didn't have enough power ranked players at them to yield good data. That sucks, but it still seems to come down to who we give the benefit of the doubt; you or me. It just seems ridiculous to me to give people with little data the benefit of the doubt compared to someone who has potentially more data than anyone on the PRs. PRs are always going to be inaccurate as to people's actual skills, because there is no way to scientifically judge skill. That's why it seems to me that power rankings shouldn't aim to determine raw skill, but rather player ability to place well in tournaments.
It is possible to rank players this way and be almost completely accurate based off of whatever initial values we assign to different criteria. It would essentially just be a somewhat complicated point system, and we would just have to assign different point values to beating people and losing to people and find some way to weight for attendance or something. I'm all for DJ or someone making a system like this. We'd probably need a panel or someone to look over it to make sure things don't get screwed up, but it should work. David was going to make one a while ago but he didn't because he doesn't really care about PRs.
Either way, I'm not mad at all about this if anyone thought that. . . I was just analyzing a situation that I thought to be incorrect and explaining why.
Also, Foxy you should come to Munkaid and team with me. @_@