Apparently my Wario does really well vs anthony even though Marth is my main and marth ***** pika. Doesn't make sense. @_@
Perhaps it's because I suck at powershielding and wario can just float around everything.
Doesn't make sense my butt....
First tourny in mah life (at vilt's?!): lost to Adam's wario
First billfest of mah life: Lost to Adam's wario
Second billfest of mah life: In teams, had Adam alone with me and my bro 3-2 ish lives each... AND STILL lost ot Adam's wario.
...Time elapses while losing to Adam's Wario...
Last Billfest b4 Impossibill.... lost to Adam's Wario....
Mission Impossibill... Neva had to face Adam = thus, I didn't lose to Adam's Wario = any chance of making 1st place....
*sighs from finishing ranting*
Lolz... apparently I have nightmares of a fat guy on wheels....