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The new Ridley for SSBB thread =-Version 3.0-=

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Smash Ace
May 20, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
They may have been insulting you, but for what reason? Why do they harbour hatred for us in the first place? It's because we go in there shouting ' Ridley> SSS'

If I cant stop the conflict, then i'm gonna leave Ridley, because this is just getting out of hand.

Btw, this is probably the lack of sleep talking.
far out man, its not dr phil. they want their character, we want ours, with diddy and ike both confirmed both groups are probably a little nervous. plus they're *****.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
Next time, ignore them, because they're allowed to think it.

I'll demonstrate what happened. Look upon it and feel shame

" Well I think A is better than B"

" Actually, B is thousands times better than A"

" No it's not! A rules!"

" You guys are stupid, B is waay better"

Feel shameful

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
They may have been insulting you, but for what reason? Why do they harbour hatred for us in the first place? It's because we go in there shouting ' Ridley> SSS'

If I cant stop the conflict, then i'm gonna leave Ridley, because this is just getting out of hand.

Btw, this is probably the lack of sleep talking.
Caael, you're starting to act like Colb. Please don't do this to me man. Heterosexual lifemates for life remember? They started something, we represented, they b****ed out. End of story.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
Caael, you're starting to act like Colb. Please don't do this to me man. Heterosexual lifemates for life remember? They started something, we represented, they b****ed out. End of story.
Next time, just leave them alone. They say all that crap because they want to start a fight. Dont give them a fight, and they'll do it less and less.


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
Hey everyone. I was invited here so yeah, Not a solicitor. Lol.

I dont really think Ridley would fit as a character in Brawl, doesnt have as much foundation as others might. He hasnt been a main character in any Metroid games, (when i say main character i mean protagonist). Maybe if he had a sub-metroid game for the GBA in the past or something, maybe. You might be able to make a moveset, but its not very probable, in my eyes.

He would make for a very solid Boss, in a Metroid part of story mode. That would be very cool to see. With his own theme room, big fight sceen. Layered battle.
In all Metroid games, Ridley is the collest Boss to look forword too.

But as for a Brawl character, I dont see it being very probable.

Going out to dinner. bbl.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Hey everyone. I was invited here so yeah, Not a solicitor. Lol.

I dont really think Ridley would fit as a character in Brawl, doesnt have as much foundation as others might. He hasnt been a main character in any Metroid games, (when i say main character i mean protagonist). Maybe if he had a sub-metroid game for the GBA in the past or something, maybe. You might be able to make a moveset, but its not very probable, in my eyes.

He would make for a very solid Boss, in a Metroid part of story mode. That would be very cool to see. With his own theme room, big fight sceen. Layered battle.
In all Metroid games, Ridley is the collest Boss to look forword too.

But as for a Brawl character, I dont see it being very probable.

Going out to dinner. bbl.
Half the roster hasn't been the main character in their games


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2007
In a place where the grass is green and the girls
Hey everyone. I was invited here so yeah, Not a solicitor. Lol.

I dont really think Ridley would fit as a character in Brawl, doesnt have as much foundation as others might. He hasnt been a main character in any Metroid games, (when i say main character i mean protagonist). Maybe if he had a sub-metroid game for the GBA in the past or something, maybe. You might be able to make a moveset, but its not very probable, in my eyes.

He would make for a very solid Boss, in a Metroid part of story mode. That would be very cool to see. With his own theme room, big fight sceen. Layered battle.
In all Metroid games, Ridley is the collest Boss to look forword too.

But as for a Brawl character, I dont see it being very probable.
It is HIGHLY probable for him to be in Brawl. And you wanting Sonic in, is just more of what I need: controversy. *I personally like both.* Ridley has been in most Metroid games as a boss, is head of the space pirates which play one of the most important parts in the series. He's like Mario's bowser or Link's Ganon. And what? They're both in (atleast im waiting for Ganondorf to be confirmed.) I'm not flaming you, now. I'm just proving a point that, Ridley is a very important character and should be in Brawl and trying to explain to you what was wrong with your post. I'll leave you guys to this.


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
You cant compare Ridley to Bowser, the Mario Franchize is way to huge and their span of characters have been playable in all sourts of games and ways before Super Smash Bros. Just like you cant compare Samus to Mario, as awesome as she is. And I know I want Sonic, u know i want Sonic, my Sig says it. But I didnt come here to flame Ridley for Sonic or do to "Sonic>Ridley" stuff. So lets let that be.

Ridley is the head of the space pirates, and has awesome Boss battle sequences in all Metroid games, thus making him a perfect candidate as a Smash Boss.

I Can see what your getting at by the Ganondorf. That gives the idea small leway.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2007
In a place where the grass is green and the girls
You cant compare Ridley to Bowser, the Mario Franchize is way to huge and their span of characters have been playable in all sourts of games and ways before Super Smash Bros. Just like you cant compare Samus to Mario, as awesome as she is. And I know I want Sonic, u know i want Sonic, my Sig says it. But I didnt come here to flame Ridley for Sonic or do to "Sonic>Ridley" stuff. So lets let that be.

Ridley is the head of the space pirates, and has awesome Boss battle sequences in all Metroid games, thus making him a perfect candidate as a Smash Boss.

I Can see what your getting at by the Ganondorf. That gives the idea small leway.
You got me with the Mario franchise. I know you didn't come here to flame. Just as I didn't want to flame you when quoting. This is just a discussion. I want Sonic in too, you know. But I don't get you; you said you wanted him as a boss (if i can recall) and now you eant him in as a PC? Or am I missing something..


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
Ridley is a huge character and wouldnt be fit as a standard Muti-Character, this also gives him a big edge on being a High Powered Boss in Subspace Emissary.
I Think it might be cool to have him as a character and i think he is an awesome character in the Metroid franchize. But I cant see him being a playable character in Brawl. Just doesnt work out.
I would like to play Ridley, cause I would be able to shoot a Kamehameha from my mouth.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Caael, you're starting to act like Colb. Please don't do this to me man. Heterosexual lifemates for life remember? They started something, we represented, they b****ed out. End of story.
dude...low blow man...low blow. i haven't done anything wrong, at least to my knowledge. still, if i did anything i didn't mean to do it...low blow man...i'm hurt

You cant compare Ridley to Bowser, the Mario Franchize is way to huge and their span of characters have been playable in all sourts of games and ways before Super Smash Bros. Just like you cant compare Samus to Mario, as awesome as she is. And I know I want Sonic, u know i want Sonic, my Sig says it. But I didnt come here to flame Ridley for Sonic or do to "Sonic>Ridley" stuff. So lets let that be.

Ridley is the head of the space pirates, and has awesome Boss battle sequences in all Metroid games, thus making him a perfect candidate as a Smash Boss.

I Can see what your getting at by the Ganondorf. That gives the idea small leway.
however, Ridley has a lot riding for him. sure he may be a boss, but he's played the biggest part of any metroid character in the series. and those boss attributes would make him a unique character choice


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Ridley:"No man can defeat me"
Samus:"I am no man"

Yhea that works XD
Quoted for awesome.

Hey guys, I played through Super Metroid again this week and I forgot how many times the "Ridley Boss Theme" is played throughout that game. In addition to the Ridley fight, it's also used for two Chozo statue battles and Draygon.
Just fyi...not that it holds any major significance.
Excellent find. Nice work in the fight against "Ridley only boss because music says boss music".

It's Ridley's target test!

Here's a quick preview:

Why Should Ridley be in Brawl?

Now you may be asking yourself, "How can anyone think that this big, ugly dragon is going to be in Super Smash Bothers?" or "Ridley is so awesome, but I just don't see why, or even how, he can be in Brawl...."

Well this section is devoted to answering the questions of those who are unsure about Ridley's inclusion into the Smash scene. Please, before you make a pessimistic post about his chances, or start a rant about his possible boss status, give this section, or preferably this entire first post, a good, long read.

Common Arguments DEBUNKED

Contrary to what you might be thinking, you were not the first one to think it, and you will not be the first to have brought it up if you proceed to posting it after you have read this. Ridley is too big for Brawl! We hear it all the time. It's one of the many flawed and un-thought-out arguments used against Ridley.

So, in order to cut down on the frequent flame wars and attacks on one another caused by those who repeatedly post these so called "reasons" why Ridley shouldn't be in the game, we have debunked, shattered, broken, or at least made considerable counter arguments on many of them here.

We urge you to post your thoughts or comments on some of these reasonings, but please, don't completely disregard these statements and go about posting the same exact arguments, as you will only start a flame war, or embarrass yourself. And you don't want either one to happen, trust me.

This segment was contributed by our good friend, and valued Club RIDLEY member, Oasis_S. Props to him for the hard work he put into this.

1) "Ridley is too big for Brawl."

Ridley's size is hardly an argument. Smash is meant to bring fan-favorite (mostly) Nintendo characters into playable fighting form. As long as a move set can be created for them, then they are capable of being in Smash. Ridley's size would not interfere with this. Bowser is a good example, as he has been much larger than Ridley has even been in some games. But, in other games (even Smash), he has been downsized to fit whatever role he was given. Ridley's role has always been as a boss (an important one, at that). It's only natural for him to be large and imposing for this role. Ridley's role in Smash? To fight of course! So he would be easily downsized to compete with the rest of the Nintendo all-stars.

Another thing to point out is that the issue of size has yet to be a problem in Super Smash Brothers. For example, Pikachu is only a few inches tall. However, he has been resized for Smash to roughly the size of Mario. And on top of that, it isn't that Nintendo (or Sakurai for that matter) is not aware of Pikachu's actual size. In the opening cinematic for the original Super Smash Brothers, Pikachu was seen rolling around on top of a Pokeball in the middle of a crowded sidewalk. Guess what? He was no bigger than the shoes of the people around him! Yet, he is as tall as the likes of Link and Captain Falcon (two humans) when battling. This alone is proof that Sakurai knows how big the characters are in their respective games, but doesn't take it into serious consideration before deciding whether or not they make the cut. The bottom line is that it doesn't matter how small, or how big, or how zany, or how sinister a character is, they are never, I repeat, NEVER too anything for Smash.
Looks good. You have some major spelling errors in here though (Smash Bothers?). Otherwise, good @#$%.

Let me be honest.
Fighting is pretty fun.
Please don't start anything. Just stay out of any arguments or traps that will involve an argument. We're in enough trouble as it is. PLEASE. :(

Hey everyone. I was invited here so yeah, Not a solicitor. Lol.

I dont really think Ridley would fit as a character in Brawl, doesnt have as much foundation as others might. He hasnt been a main character in any Metroid games, (when i say main character i mean protagonist). Maybe if he had a sub-metroid game for the GBA in the past or something, maybe. You might be able to make a moveset, but its not very probable, in my eyes.

He would make for a very solid Boss, in a Metroid part of story mode. That would be very cool to see. With his own theme room, big fight sceen. Layered battle.
In all Metroid games, Ridley is the collest Boss to look forword too.

But as for a Brawl character, I dont see it being very probable.

Going out to dinner. bbl.
You cant compare Ridley to Bowser, the Mario Franchize is way to huge and their span of characters have been playable in all sourts of games and ways before Super Smash Bros. Just like you cant compare Samus to Mario, as awesome as she is. And I know I want Sonic, u know i want Sonic, my Sig says it. But I didnt come here to flame Ridley for Sonic or do to "Sonic>Ridley" stuff. So lets let that be.

Ridley is the head of the space pirates, and has awesome Boss battle sequences in all Metroid games, thus making him a perfect candidate as a Smash Boss.

I Can see what your getting at by the Ganondorf. That gives the idea small leway.
SiegK; I'm too tired to defend Ridley right now. Defense rebuttal in the morning.

Behave, Ridley fans. :( Please...?


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
however, Ridley has a lot riding for him. sure he may be a boss, but he's played the biggest part of any metroid character in the series. and those boss attributes would make him a unique character choice

He has alot riding for him as a Boss, but hes too big for a Playable choice character.
He is known for his size, and yeah Bowser is in, but he wasnt really shrunk.
Ridley is of awesome size, power, character in Metroid, main enemy of Samus, but all these just give him more of a chance to have a big part of story mode and to be a Boss.
I can see Nintendo using the impact Ridley has on Samus in her games, but bring thet impact to Brawl Story Mode, not as a character or choice.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2007
In a place where the grass is green and the girls
Behave, Ridley fans. Please...?
Don't worry, I'm behaving and replying to Sieg not as a flame war but just a discussion.

He has alot riding for him as a Boss, but hes too big for a Playable choice character.
He is known for his size, and yeah Bowser is in, but he wasnt really shrunk.
Ridley is of awesome size, power, character in Metroid, main enemy of Samus, but all these just give him more of a chance to have a big part of story mode and to be a Boss.
I can see Nintendo using the impact Ridley has on Samus in her games, but bring thet impact to Brawl Story Mode, not as a character or choice.
No, no, please, the big size argument is really old and one of the most common against Ridley. Bowser was pretty huge and they resized him, y'know. He was slightly shrunk. In Metroid 1 and Super Metroid compared to Samus Ridleu wasn't that big, not like in the Prime series.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I dont really think Ridley would fit as a character in Brawl, doesnt have as much foundation as others might.
False. He has plenty to build off of.

He hasnt been a main character in any Metroid games, (when i say main character i mean protagonist).
He's still the second most important Metroid character. Without him, none of the events in the series could have happened. Besides, he's always one of the main antagonists.

Maybe if he had a sub-metroid game for the GBA in the past or something, maybe.
There was an official manga that depicted the past events in Metroid. Ridley playing a large role.

You might be able to make a moveset, but its not very probable, in my eyes.
Many attacks are taken directly from the games. There are those 'filler' attacks in there that are obvious like slashing with his claws, or biting, and various tail attacks. It's very probable.

He would make for a very solid Boss, in a Metroid part of story mode. That would be very cool to see. With his own theme room, big fight sceen. Layered battle.
Indeed he would. Doesn't mean he can't be playable, however. They could always have Meta-Ridley as a boss as well.

In all Metroid games, Ridley is the collest Boss to look forword too.
Indeed he is.

But as for a Brawl character, I dont see it being very probable.
There are plenty of things going against that. He's the second most important character in a series that Smash has only given one character in both the previous games. Since then Metroid has really come along as a franchise. Having 5 games inbetween Melee and Brawl's eventual release, and proving itself as a solid Nintendo franchise. Sakurai has even stated he needs to better represent it because of this. With Ridley being the most important character, he should be next in line for this. Not only does he have importance to the series going for him, but he's also very popular as evidenced in his four mentions on Sakurai's poll. He also has great potential as being a unique character.

I hope this helps you understand why Ridley has such vast support on these boards, and why he would be such a great -playable- character in Brawl. :)


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
He has alot riding for him as a Boss, but hes too big for a Playable choice character.
He is known for his size, and yeah Bowser is in, but he wasnt really shrunk.
Ridley is of awesome size, power, character in Metroid, main enemy of Samus, but all these just give him more of a chance to have a big part of story mode and to be a Boss.
I can see Nintendo using the impact Ridley has on Samus in her games, but bring thet impact to Brawl Story Mode, not as a character or choice.
i really don't like the size argument, because most of the fighters were resized. size won't matter in a game like smash

true he'll have a huge part in the subspace emissary mission, but that doesn't mean he can't be a playable character either. we can probably guess that Bowser and Ganondorf will play huge roles and still be playable, so why not Ridley? plus playing the game from his side of the story would expand the story mode in so many ways


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
Don't worry, I'm behaving and replying to Sieg not as a flame war but just a discussion.
Thank you.

Good to know there are some people out there who dont have to flame there enemy to think their right. (Had a long run in with that kinda thing earlier 2night.

Anyway, I understand that Size thing, and im sure they could shrink him. But He would have such a bigger impact on the game if he was in story mode as a Boss.

And that Ridley music doesnt mean hes gunna be a Boss cause there is Muti-Songs for each stage. But seeing how that idd relase the Metroid Song of Ridley Boss music 1st that actually is kinda a hint. Goes both ways.

We have said our views and im sure both of us accept some of the realities that each other has put to the table. I respect ya guys. I dont think Ridley will be a playable character, but I do have a high % idea of him being on of the Main Bosses. You think otherwise and who knows. We dont. They do. thx doe the discussion, thx for no fighting.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i like debates like these. where we respect each other's opinions and don't tell each other to shut the f*** up.

but i can't see Ridley having less of an impact as a playable character than a boss. they can have the same role if they were playable or not. i mean Petey and Bowser may have the same impact on the subspace emissary, but Bowser has a bigger role cause...he's playable. so wouldn't it make sense to have the second most famous character of one of the underrepped franchises in smash a playable character?


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2007
In a place where the grass is green and the girls
Thank you.

Good to know there are some people out there who dont have to flame there enemy to think their right. (Had a long run in with that kinda thing earlier 2night.

Anyway, I understand that Size thing, and im sure they could shrink him. But He would have such a bigger impact on the game if he was in story mode as a Boss.

And that Ridley music doesnt mean hes gunna be a Boss cause there is Muti-Songs for each stage. But seeing how that idd relase the Metroid Song of Ridley Boss music 1st that actually is kinda a hint. Goes both ways.

We have said our views and im sure both of us accept some of the realities that each other has put to the table. I respect ya guys. I dont think Ridley will be a playable character, but I do have a high % idea of him being on of the Main Bosses. You think otherwise and who knows. We dont. They do. thx doe the discussion, thx for no fighting.
You're welcome.

Maybe he could be in as a boss AND a character. Of course, that's highly unlikely. I respect you for realizing that about the song. Just because it says Boss music doesn't make his chances of being a boss higher. And I'm fine with your opinion. And I'm sure if he's confirmed as a PC, you won't mind it and not care. All of our opinions are just that, and nothing else. If he;s ever confirmed as PC or boss, then our opinion becomes fact.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Thank you.

Good to know there are some people out there who dont have to flame there enemy to think their right. (Had a long run in with that kinda thing earlier 2night.
You got what you deserved.

Anyway, I understand that Size thing, and im sure they could shrink him. But He would have such a bigger impact on the game if he was in story mode as a Boss.
That's your opinion. There is no proof, logic, or anything at all to back it up.

And that Ridley music doesnt mean hes gunna be a Boss cause there is Muti-Songs for each stage. But seeing how that idd relase the Metroid Song of Ridley Boss music 1st that actually is kinda a hint. Goes both ways.
No, buddy, that's just the name of the song. That was the name of the song in Metroid, and then they brought it over to Smash, and they kept the name. Do you think bands change the names of cover songs they do? No. Do you think Smash changes the names of the songs that they remix? No. Why? Because it's still the same song.

We have said our views and im sure both of us accept some of the realities that each other has put to the table. I respect ya guys. I dont think Ridley will be a playable character, but I do have a high % idea of him being on of the Main Bosses. You think otherwise and who knows. We dont. They do. thx doe the discussion, thx for no fighting.
You haven't put any realities on the table. All of your arguments are ones that are either easily proven faulty, or are completely opinionated.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Anyway, I understand that Size thing, and im sure they could shrink him. But He would have such a bigger impact on the game if he was in story mode as a Boss.
How do you figure? Most people who play Brawl are going to spend the majority of their time in VS mode. How would he have more impact in the game if people only see him a small fraction of the time they're playing the game? Meta Knight and his ship seem to have a big impact on story mode, and yet...Halberd is still a level, and MK is still a playable character. He would have a greater impact on the game if people could PLAY AS HIM.

I might also add that having him as a boss would be unprecedented because they have never created a brand-new moveset for a character you couldn't play as. Polygons are just Zelda-a and Captain Falcon's A-moves. Gigabowser is just Bowser with some different effects. And, Master and Crazy hand just have a handful of pre-determined moves that are animated out without any control over them.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
How do you figure? Most people who play Brawl are going to spend the majority of their time in VS mode. How would he have more impact in the game if people only see him a small fraction of the time they're playing the game? Meta Knight and his ship seem to have a big impact on story mode, and yet...Halberd is still a level, and MK is still a playable character. He would have a greater impact on the game if people could PLAY AS HIM.

I might also add that having him as a boss would be unprecedented because they have never created a brand-new moveset for a character you couldn't play as. Polygons are just Zelda-a and Captain Falcon's A-moves. Gigabowser is just Bowser with some different effects. And, Master and Crazy hand just have a handful of pre-determined moves that are animated out without any control over them.
The Subspace boss characters will probably go the Master and Crazy Hand route and only have a handful of moves. :ohwell: I guess it can't be confirmed but that's what Petey seems to be doing.

Playable Ridley for Brawl!


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2006
South Hill, Washinton

hey, if Ridley is a boss in subspace emissary, then if you get to play as him what would his role be?

and I'm still working on this super difficult ridley render, it will be finished in a few days


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007

hey, if Ridley is a boss in subspace emissary, then if you get to play as him what would his role be?

and I'm still working on this super difficult ridley render, it will be finished in a few days
I don't think you select what characters you get to be in Space Emissary at any time


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
What's a good Up B move for Ridley?

Having such a good supposed recovery already, perhaps it wouldn't aid him in recovering. (Like Jigglypuff) I'm not sure why, but I keep imagining Ridley having an attack where he breathes a short-range plasma sream, looking similar to a welding torch, that is low damaging and causes low-knockback, but deals damage rapidly. It might be fitting for a heavy-hitter like Ridley to have an attack that causes a fair amount of damage so he could quickly KO his opponent.

Other than the Up B, i'm thinking his other special will be the supposed 'Triple Fireball' standard B, 'Tail pogo' down B, and 'Dragon Dash' side B.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Don't listen to Luke Groundwalker.
Last time he was sent here by the Sonic thread.
...What? That's a blatant lie. I don't support stupid club sh-t at all or Sonic. Sonic is a sh-tty character, I wouldn't even pretend I support him because I would feel so bad about myself that I could even think about doing so.

But yeah, this "feud" is stupid, but I'll just end this post with that. Just needed to point out the above.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
You're right, the Club thing is incredibly stupid, but it's also fun. Nothing wrong with having fun when most of the members of sayd club have been supporting Ridley since more than a year ago.

And i hear this Sonic fans are dissing Ridley and us just 'cause their club is "better", they're inmature and there's no way we should argue with them, let them be, if they come here we'll deal with them, otherwise i don't think we should care.

B351des 50n1C is a ****ty char. lol.

And it's good to see a newb not n00b in here making a clean argument against Ridley, i hope you stick around Sieg... once you're convinced that Ridley is the only obvious PC for a 2d metroid Rep. :p
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