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The new Ridley for SSBB thread =-Version 3.0-=

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Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
PWNED once more. Oh and Caeel, those are just Space Pirates, they have pointy heads.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Hey guys, I played through Super Metroid again this week and I forgot how many times the "Ridley Boss Theme" is played throughout that game. In addition to the Ridley fight, it's also used for two Chozo statue battles and Draygon.
Just fyi...not that it holds any major significance.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
The Chozo statue peeps are called the Torizo or something like that...

Chozo statue 4 teh brawls!


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
No one pays attention to R.I.D.L.E.Y. anymore, so i'm going to copy paste my metroid psots here:

No room for another game? What the **** are you talking about? There's a Pirate Log Book Scan in Prime 3 that says Metroid Dread is near completition.


There was a better one, but that's the first one Google shows, no place for Metroid 5 my balls.

Also, mark my words, Metroid 5 will be a lot like Super Metroid and Metroid Sylux will have Multiplayer.



Another, now i remember where i saw it, IGN, go look if you don't trust me.
Ahem, wasn't there a scan in Metroid Prime 3 that sayd that Metroid Dread was nearly done? I remember seeing it in Youtube. aniway.


The Metroid Retrospective, of course Gypsy will only watch the first 2, or watch all the others and go insane because Gametrailers called Prime 2 one of the best Metroid Games, and looking at it... i remember that it was kinda fun, but o how i hated t he last battles.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Yes!! Respect points for all!

Coming up next, board the platforms.

Do you have any idea how NO that idea is? Putting in a background would ruin the essence of the picture. *******.
I just meant a blue one so it looks like the Melee BG's and makes the spikes and such stand out more.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
LOL @ you still remembering that Caael. I thought you'd forgotten. T.T
How long ago was that now? 5 months?

I just meant a blue one so it looks like the Melee BG's and makes the spikes and such stand out more.
No, go away * cries*

This one has conveyer belts. Rules of the game 11237: Most good games will feature conveyer belts at some point.

Ridley for Brawl.

I'll carry on with the platforms in the morning, ima 2 tyred rite now


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Ridley for brawl.

But i always imagined Ridley looking like the one in Silver's pic albeit smaller and a little more boney (ew...).

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Here's a quick preview:

Why Should Ridley be in Brawl?

Now you may be asking yourself, "How can anyone think that this big, ugly dragon is going to be in Super Smash Bothers?" or "Ridley is so awesome, but I just don't see why, or even how, he can be in Brawl...."

Well this section is devoted to answering the questions of those who are unsure about Ridley's inclusion into the Smash scene. Please, before you make a pessimistic post about his chances, or start a rant about his possible boss status, give this section, or preferably this entire first post, a good, long read.

Common Arguments DEBUNKED

Contrary to what you might be thinking, you were not the first one to think it, and you will not be the first to have brought it up if you proceed to posting it after you have read this. Ridley is too big for Brawl! We hear it all the time. It's one of the many flawed and un-thought-out arguments used against Ridley.

So, in order to cut down on the frequent flame wars and attacks on one another caused by those who repeatedly post these so called "reasons" why Ridley shouldn't be in the game, we have debunked, shattered, broken, or at least made considerable counter arguments on many of them here.

We urge you to post your thoughts or comments on some of these reasonings, but please, don't completely disregard these statements and go about posting the same exact arguments, as you will only start a flame war, or embarrass yourself. And you don't want either one to happen, trust me.

This segment was contributed by our good friend, and valued Club RIDLEY member, Oasis_S. Props to him for the hard work he put into this.

1) "Ridley is too big for Brawl."

Ridley's size is hardly an argument. Smash is meant to bring fan-favorite (mostly) Nintendo characters into playable fighting form. As long as a move set can be created for them, then they are capable of being in Smash. Ridley's size would not interfere with this. Bowser is a good example, as he has been much larger than Ridley has even been in some games. But, in other games (even Smash), he has been downsized to fit whatever role he was given. Ridley's role has always been as a boss (an important one, at that). It's only natural for him to be large and imposing for this role. Ridley's role in Smash? To fight of course! So he would be easily downsized to compete with the rest of the Nintendo all-stars.

Another thing to point out is that the issue of size has yet to be a problem in Super Smash Brothers. For example, Pikachu is only a few inches tall. However, he has been resized for Smash to roughly the size of Mario. And on top of that, it isn't that Nintendo (or Sakurai for that matter) is not aware of Pikachu's actual size. In the opening cinematic for the original Super Smash Brothers, Pikachu was seen rolling around on top of a Pokeball in the middle of a crowded sidewalk. Guess what? He was no bigger than the shoes of the people around him! Yet, he is as tall as the likes of Link and Captain Falcon (two humans) when battling. This alone is proof that Sakurai knows how big the characters are in their respective games, but doesn't take it into serious consideration before deciding whether or not they make the cut. The bottom line is that it doesn't matter how small, or how big, or how zany, or how sinister a character is, they are never, I repeat, NEVER too anything for Smash.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
Here's a quick preview:

Why Should Ridley be in Brawl?

Now you may be asking yourself, "How can anyone think that this big, ugly dragon is going to be in Super Smash Bothers?" or "Ridley is so awesome, but I just don't see why, or even how, he can be in Brawl...."

Well this section is devoted to answering the questions of those who are unsure about Ridley's inclusion into the Smash scene. Please, before you make a pessimistic post about his chances, or start a rant about his possible boss status, give this section, or preferably this entire first post, a good, long read.

Common Arguments DEBUNKED

Contrary to what you might be thinking, you were not the first one to think it, and you will not be the first to have brought it up if you proceed to posting it after you have read this. Ridley is too big for Brawl! We hear it all the time. It's one of the many flawed and un-thought-out arguments used against Ridley.

So, in order to cut down on the frequent flame wars and attacks on one another caused by those who repeatedly post these so called "reasons" why Ridley shouldn't be in the game, we have debunked, shattered, broken, or at least made considerable counter arguments on many of them here.

We urge you to post your thoughts or comments on some of these reasonings, but please, don't completely disregard these statements and go about posting the same exact arguments, as you will only start a flame war, or embarrass yourself. And you don't want either one to happen, trust me.

This segment was contributed by our good friend, and valued Club RIDLEY member, Oasis_S. Props to him for the hard work he put into this.

1) "Ridley is too big for Brawl."

Ridley's size is hardly an argument. Smash is meant to bring fan-favorite (mostly) Nintendo characters into playable fighting form. As long as a move set can be created for them, then they are capable of being in Smash. Ridley's size would not interfere with this. Bowser is a good example, as he has been much larger than Ridley has even been in some games. But, in other games (even Smash), he has been downsized to fit whatever role he was given. Ridley's role has always been as a boss (an important one, at that). It's only natural for him to be large and imposing for this role. Ridley's role in Smash? To fight of course! So he would be easily downsized to compete with the rest of the Nintendo all-stars.

Another thing to point out is that the issue of size has yet to be a problem in Super Smash Brothers. For example, Pikachu is only a few inches tall. However, he has been resized for Smash to roughly the size of Mario. And on top of that, it isn't that Nintendo (or Sakurai for that matter) is not aware of Pikachu's actual size. In the opening cinematic for the original Super Smash Brothers, Pikachu was seen rolling around on top of a Pokeball in the middle of a crowded sidewalk. Guess what? He was no bigger than the shoes of the people around him! Yet, he is as tall as the likes of Link and Captain Falcon (two humans) when battling. This alone is proof that Sakurai knows how big the characters are in their respective games, but doesn't take it into serious consideration before deciding whether or not they make the cut. The bottom line is that it doesn't matter how small, or how big, or how zany, or how sinister a character is, they are never, I repeat, NEVER too anything for Smash.
Very nice job, can't wait to see the rest.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Your going to love the Sonic Vs. Ridley comic they made...


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
They're not dumb. They have probably said the same thing about us many times. It's not stupidity, it's an opinion.

But just because they have an opinion, doesn't make it right.

I really need that quote back in my sig.

Club Ridley is dumber if they honestly support Gypsy Lee and his idiocy, even though Club Sonic is full of idiots who enjoy a sh-t character.
* hi-5's for the sonic remark*

What do you actually have against Ridley anyway though? Not the club, the actual character?


Smash Ace
May 20, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
Club Ridley is dumber if they honestly support Gypsy Lee and his idiocy, even though Club Sonic is full of idiots who enjoy a sh-t character.
explain to me his idiocy will you?

the fact that he fought back because sonic fanboys insulted a character he's put a lot of time and effort into promoting on this forum? yea, what a jerk. honestly, who'd do that?


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
Everybody is making everybody else look like the bad guy. They dont like Ridley, most of us dont like Sonic. They're allowed an opinion. Just because they dont like something we do, doesn't mean we force our views upon them. That's like forcing a child to become a certain religion, but to a lesser extent. Just get along, stop making them look like the enemy.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
They were posting pictures of Sonic ****** tales and said something about Sonic ****** Ridley...which I don't think is very good support of a character...


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
They may have been insulting you, but for what reason? Why do they harbour hatred for us in the first place? It's because we go in there shouting ' Ridley> SSS'

If I cant stop the conflict, then i'm gonna leave Ridley, because this is just getting out of hand.

Btw, this is probably the lack of sleep talking.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
They may have been insulting you, but for what reason? Why do they harbour hatred for us in the first place? It's because we go in there shouting ' Ridley> SSS'

If I cant stop the conflict, then i'm gonna leave Ridley, because this is just getting out of hand.

Btw, this is probably the lack of sleep talking.
The only reason why we would say RIDLEY> SSS is because they were saying SSS> RIDLEY out of nowhere. I felt I had to support Ridley while supporting Sonic at the same time, but then things just got out of hand.
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