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The new Ridley for SSBB thread =-Version 3.0-=

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Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I agree that classic, purple Ridley should be in Brawl.

Is he talking about Omega Ridley in MP3?


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I think Meta, Omega and any other form of Ridley should be alt costumes. The retro Purple Ridley (with Super Metroid body shape) should be the one representing him.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I just know that thsi new OMG Ridley is awesome.

Oh and Gypsy, what you're saying it's madness. I very much doubt that the Federation would work with the Pirates, instead i do believe the purpose of sending Samus to obliberate the pirates and the Metroids was just so that they could experiment with the Metroids and have the upper hand.

Why Ridley was on the Station? That's a harder question, my teory is that when the federation investigated Zebes they found him, and since well... Ridley is the last survivor of his species they decided to "save" him.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
I just know that thsi new OMG Ridley is awesome.

Oh and Gypsy, what you're saying it's madness. I very much doubt that the Federation would work with the Pirates, instead i do believe the purpose of sending Samus to obliberate the pirates and the Metroids was just so that they could experiment with the Metroids and have the upper hand.

Why Ridley was on the Station? That's a harder question, my teory is that when the federation investigated Zebes they found him, and since well... Ridley is the last survivor of his species they decided to "save" him.
Hehehe. It's already been confirmed that the Galactic Federation is working in some way with the Space Pirates. Let me try to find the page again. It was an interview and the guy confirmed it, and said that in the next game, both groups would be after her.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness

^^^ orgin of the below post


Posted by Giga Raver:

I'd like to just point out something. While not fact or anything, it is understandable for people to be saying that Petey Pirahna's being a boss decreases Ridley's chances of being playable...due to the size issue.

While I don't condone the size issue regarding character playability, I'm more receptive to the size issue regarding characters' roles in their own games. Petey is a big character in the game he's in, and Ridley is a pretty big character in the game he is.

(I'd like to note though that both characters have experienced shifting sizes throughout their game appearances; Ridley's size hasn't exactly been consistent, and Petey Pirahna has appeared much smaller in the game Mario Kart: Double Dash.)

Having said all of this, I'd like to bring to the table not only Petey Pirahna's Game Mode update... not only the music update concerning Ridley...but both at the same time.


Let's note some things:

- Sakurai makes notice of Ridley's existence within the series he comes from.
- Sakurai mentions Ridley's role in the series he's in.
- While not really as important, the Metroid Logo exists within this update (of course though it's regarding the actual music, not just Ridley himself)

Now I'm not here to argue the relevance of this music. That's for another topic (and I've already explained my side on that issue in other topics).


Now compared to update that:

- Sakurai makes no mention of Petey Pirahna's existence within the series he comes from.
- Sakurai fails to even mention what game Petey Pirahna originates from.
- More important than the 3rd point I typed above regarding Ridley... this update bears no Mushroom Icon.

It seems Petey's sole reason for being in Brawl is to be a boss...an element of this Subspace Emissary Adventure Story...and nothing more. I think THAT...if anything is the true reason why we won't be seeing Petey as a playable character.

Now as for Ridley, he IS referenced by Sakurai. So far it doesn't seem to be that Sakurai is treading lightly around his existence. More importantly, he has his own theme. He seems pretty darn important enough to merit this treatment, compared to Petey Pirahna; the poor mutated plant looks nice and intimidating, but he's been ripped from his roots (no pun intended) and plugged into this game in a role that does nothing to represent himself or the series he comes from. He's a pawn.

Will Ridley suffer the same fate? I'm gonna go on a whim and say...no he won't. What does this mean for Ridley's chances then? I won't say that what I'm posting means a whole lot. It's just something to think about.

It seems those who would become boss-only are bound to be cut from their roots and planted into this game as mere tools. I think it would be kind of strange if, after being honored with getting an upgraded theme and being recognized properly by Sakurai himself, he simply became another part of the adventure...existing only as another piece of a story that has little to do with his true history.


This is very rare of Gamefaqs.. What do you think of it?

What the freak?

Um.... I'm GigaRaver. That's my post, and it's freaky to suddenly find it while randomly clicking a number to read the backlog. :confused:

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
What the freak?

Um.... I'm GigaRaver. That's my post, and it's freaky to suddenly find it while randomly clicking a number to read the backlog. :confused:
It was very well written I thought that I'd share it with others on smashboards. :/ sorry you got freaked out.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
He was just joking and showing off a picture he found.


Haha, I was responding to someone and when I posted, there was six people in front of me.

And that pic isn't official. It's fan art from someone on DeviantArt.com


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Gypsy posted it earlier.

That's pretty good for fanart. Yeah, Shuma was being sarcastic.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Maybe not 5, if he's big like DK 5 jumps would be too much, maybe 3 and a recovery move.

Also yeah i was being sarcastic, a n00b would see that pic and scream "too big! too big!" withouth knowing it's just aFan art.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
Beltsville, MD
Wow...I go to sleep and then work and when I get back there are 10 pages of posts!

My question is: Is it more likely for Ridley to be a boss and PC or is it more likely for him to be just a PC while someone else from the Metroid series becomes a boss (Mother Brain or Kraid for example)?


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness
You know guys, I was thinking.

Let's assume Ridley won't be playable in brawl. We ought to collaberate and create what I wanna call...

"The 'Ridley Buffer' Initiative"

It's quite simple. If Ridley doesn't get to be in the roster, Ridley fans simply accept this humbly and allow all the anti-Ridley folks to say whatever. We take it like men...even congratulate those people for being correct.

In other words we diminish the satisfaction of the anti-Ridley folks siginficantly. :D


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness
My question is: Is it more likely for Ridley to be a boss and PC or is it more likely for him to be just a PC while someone else from the Metroid series becomes a boss (Mother Brain or Kraid for example)?
Strangely, I think the former is more likely, but I would love for Mother Brain or even Kraid to be bosses in the Adventure mode. Super Metroid's Mother Brain would be insanely awesome...almost more awesome than fighting against Ridley.

Just imagine a remixed orchestra of SM's Final Boss music...gothic choir and all! :chuckle:
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