lol, wait a second.. you said i got ***** by M2K and in R2 of this set, you get 2 stocked, mid percent, by a MK who isn't even close to skill with M2K. also, in R3 he kills himself on his first stock because he isn't smart enough to do drill rush back to the stage instead of his up B. on his second stock he kills himself at a low percent, i don't recall what it was. i'm pretty sure that i EARNED EVERY STOCK that i took off of M2K and that if this scrub MK would know the situation better, then you would have lost that set. next time don't say that i'm terrible when i'm clearly not.
oh and his snake in R1 was eh.. desent. you did have nice use of your u-air. good match there. i'll give you credit for that.