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The New Counter Game: Read the **** Rules or the Thread Get's Locked

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Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
I know that it's risky in the normal games, but in this scenario, the rules for this game says that it works for here. Someone please counter my Absol, or prove where the rules say that the Scope Lens - Super Luck - Night Slash Absol doesn't get Critcial Hits, despite the rules saying it does.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
I know that it's risky in the normal games, but in this scenario, the rules for this game says that it works for here.
Follow common sense. If we are talking about pokemon, we are dealing with the current meta-game. Your admitting that its risky, therefore its not a counter. If slowbro got OHKOed regardless of a crit or not, it would work- but it doesnt. failed counter, again, just go get one that works.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Dude, the rules for the Counter Game specific state that the Critical Hit for this set is assumed to work. We are talking about the current Metagame, which is why only UU and NU pokemon are assumed, or else plenty of different Pokemon could have Choice-killed it. Heck, anything that is faster and that uses Taunt (which could be anyone) or comes with Sticky Hold (Gastrodon, Muk or Swallow) kills it too, and I could easily go and make a set for either. But the rules for this thread's game says that the set that Absol is using is given the Critical Hits it hopes for using this build, which means it does counter Slowbro.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
We are talking about the current Metagame, which is why only UU and NU pokemon are assumed, or else plenty of different Pokemon could have Choice-killed it. Heck, anything that is faster and that uses Taunt (which could be anyone) or comes with Sticky Hold (Gastrodon, Muk or Swallow) kills it too, and I could easily go and do it.
Im glad we agree- so quit being lazy, you posted a set that isnt a guaranteed counter. Read what everyone else posts- notice something?

Maybe every one counters the other well over 99% of the time, and that 1% is barring a rediculous crit. as your crit isnt guaranteed, it doesnt work all the time- like EVERY OTHER COUNTER. it is a failed chance at a counter- just go do another one and end this.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Dude. Again, there is the potential for several Pokemon to do the job of countering that Slowbro. But by the rules of this game's origonal post, Absol's Critical Hit Set gets the Critical that it needs for the kill. So I really don't have to, since by the rules of this game's post, it does do the job. I admit that Regirock got floored, so instead of trying to debate the rules, I used a new counter. Instead of debating the rules yourself now, stop being lazy and go get another counter yourself, which can easily be done against Absol, since it's biggest threat are all of it's Critical Hit attacks.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
I admit that Regirock got floored, so instead of trying to debate the rules, I used a new counter.
You got half of that right- my Slowbro beats that regirock 100% of the time. but your "counter" doesnt counter!

The definition of Counter (in the sense we are using the word) is to act in opposition- to offset, or to nullify. to Nullify is to deprive of continued existance.

50% of the time, you arent doing that. another definition of nullify is invalidate- in the sense that your argument is invaild becausely does it not counter my pokemon 100% of the time, as the point of the game is. The point you are trying to argue is dead, along with your absol (50% of the time). Unless you want to run this 2000 times (the MM for any decent statistic to be calculated), I am going with logic and saying that 50% of the time isnt 100% of the time.

Its a failed counter.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Dude. Stop with the 50% thing. The rules of this thread game's Origonal Post clearly states that the build of Absol that I'm using is given the assumed Critical Hit that it hopes for, which lets it 100% kill your Slowbro. For this thread game, it is indeed a succedding counter. Stop trying to circumvent that. Just make up another counter to my Absol using Critical hits, and lets get on with this game. I don't like recieving posts for arguements, so I'd like for this game to continue.

If you want to keep saying the same thing, I'll keep telling you the rules that makes Absol a counter, and this will continue until someone elses sees the Absol, thnks "How can I stop or take advantage of Critical Hits, or 1 hit ko this Pokemon with 272 health, given that it has twin defenses of 156, and a speed of 249", then goes "oh, I know", and types in the counter, so that the game can continue. I have to go to bed soon, but I'll check up on this to see who I need to counter tomorrow, or if I have to again repost the rule that shows Absol winning this fight on this thread.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
I'm using is given the assumed Critical Hit that it hopes for.
This game is about guaranteed, 100% counters, NOT those that only work 50% of the time.i will make an example :

Slowbro @ Choice Scarf
bold/ own tempo
252 Sp. Atk / 252 HP / 4 Def
- TRICK!!!!!
- Surf
- Slack off
- Calm Mind
Mantine @ Choice Band
Water Absorb- Modest
252 Sp. Atk/ 252 HP / 4 Spd
- HP (ele)
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake

Bro doesnt damage Mantine - Mantine will win, although it might take a long time.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Dude, if you're going to be a baby and ignore the rules of this thread saying how Absol's set lets it get the critical hit it's trying for, then fine. I will counter Slowbro another way, despite it's best way to counter my Regirock not even existing; ie: SLOWBRO DOESN'T LEARN TRICK!

If I still wanted that thing countered though (since if previous battle abilities don't carry over, although Regirock would still have 3 turns of Sandstorm cover, and all of the power of previous Curses, it could still lose), I'd counter Regirock with this (since c3gill doesn't want to admit one of the Origonal Post Rules of this Thread Game) :

Regice @ Leftovers

Despite your Slowbro not being able to use Trick, Regice does the job. Since you're locked into Choice Scarfing, the only move you have that can even hurt Regice is Surf, and it does only 68 damage to Regice, Regice can thunderbolt you all day long, resting and sleep talking when it has to, with Ice-Beam for Stab.

Next time, how about you make sure your counter can definitely do the job, because with all of the rules for the game, it seems that Regirock would be coming out of that fight with Arcanine with +6 to it's attack power. Slowbro would be switching into Sandstorm, which means it will take forever for even Calm Minded Surfs to catch up to the damage of Regirock's boosted Rock-Slides. And since you can't TRICK at all, you'll only be able to use 1 move in battle, while Regirock pounds you.

But still, even if we want to pretend that you counter Regirock without Trick, and that we ignored the rules of this thread that state that Absol is a perfect counter to Slowbro using it's Critical Hit Set, Slowbro still gets owned by Regice without Trick (which it can't learn). The next poster should post information that goes with the rules of this thread and that doesn't use any moves it can't learn, and that still does a good job of countering my Regice (or my Absol; either one, since they both counter Slowbro). Me or someone else will take that counter on later, but it's 1:20, I gotta get up at 5:00, and I need to sleep now.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Dude, if you're going to be a baby and ignore the rules of this thread saying how Absol's set lets it get the critical hit it's trying for, then fine. I will counter Slowbro another way, despite it's best way to counter my Regirock not even existing; ie: SLOWBRO DOESN'T LEARN TRICK!

If I still wanted that thing countered though (since if previous battle abilities don't carry over, although Regirock would still have 3 turns of Sandstorm cover, and all of the power of previous Curses, it could still lose), I'd counter Regirock with this (since c3gill doesn't want to admit one of the Origonal Post Rules of this Thread Game) :

Regice @ Leftovers

Despite your Slowbro not being able to use Trick, Regice does the job. Since you're locked into Choice Scarfing, the only move you have that can even hurt Regice is Surf, and it does only 68 damage to Regice, Regice can thunderbolt you all day long, resting and sleep talking when it has to, with Ice-Beam for Stab.

Next time, how about you make sure your counter can definitely do the job, because with all of the rules for the game, it seems that Regirock would be coming out of that fight with Arcanine with +6 to it's attack power. Slowbro would be switching into Sandstorm, which means it will take forever for even Calm Minded Surfs to catch up to the damage of Regirock's boosted Rock-Slides. And since you can't TRICK at all, you'll only be able to use 1 move in battle, while Regirock pounds you.

NO- this game isnt based on situations perviously set up- there is no sandstorm, there is no regirock (my slowbro already beat it....yea, it actually does learn trick). this is my pokemon, and your pokemon switching into it. nothing else. again, if you understood the game you would understand this. This is not about previous pokemon, or previous moves, the idea is an immediate switch. again, your lack of experience is showing. look at previous posts and you might get the idea.

As for not learning trick- IT DOES!. Slowbro covers Regirock amazingly.

AGAIN- Slowbro beats a regi. this time its ice.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Wow. Smogom that it didn't learn Trick. How strange that it still provides a set for it. I tried checking it in the ds games too, and on the movelist checker on Serebii.net, and I couldn't find it learning Trick either. I had to search and find that it was a Platinum move tutor attack. How strange that it isn't listed as a move it can access. I honestly never encountered that before. That sure taught me to check every single possible source next time. Sorry about trying to deny the Trick part, but I honestly didn't see it learning it. I can't wait until I get Platinum so that I can avoid errors like that, since I've never encountered a Tricking Slowbro on Shoddy, and never fought on on my DS or online.

Ah, oh well. Regice and it's Thunderbolt still lets it do the job against your Slowbro (despite Absol being able to do so as well). Even with Trick, it only speeds up the pace of the Thunderbolts. And if you really want me to counter Mantine (again, assuming that you still want to ignore Absol), Regice only takes aroung 60 damage per Choiced Earthquake, while having around 360 hp to use, and Rest+Sleeptalk to use. That being said, Mantine's best offensive option against the earlier posted Regice isn't going to work. And Regice gets a 2 hit kill with Thunderbolts.

So, despite how I was wrong about Trick (miss-informed, which I'll make sure doesn't happen again), Regice still counters both Mantine and Slowbro. (Technically, Absol can as well, since the rules of this thread dictates that it gets it's Critical Hit, and it can kill both Slowbro with NightSlash, and Mantine with StoneEdge).

Again, sorry about the confusion of the Trick move (I was under the assumption of the current Metagame, so I forgot to factor Platinum, which North America isn't getting until March 22, which is about a Month ahead of our Metagame. The Moveset Calculator on Serebii.net didn't say it could use it either, or I wouldn't have made that outlandish claim). I won't make a careless error like that again. But still, Regice can still defeat both Mantine and Slowbro (again, Absol does as well). The next person can counter either one.

I don't feel like a failure for going to 5 different Sources (Smogom's Movelist, Serebii.net's Movelist Calculator, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Battle Revolution) and not getting the right information. Those parts of the websites need updating. But I won't make a mistake like that again. And dude, I made 1 mistake about 1 move, and my other points are still valid. In this conversation, you were right 1 time, and I've been right twice. You don't know me at all, so you can't make the judgement of me being wrong multiple times. Again, even with that move, Absol and Regice still make good counters to both Pokemon. So you can get any other comments you want, and lets keep going.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2006
Richardson, Texas
Wow. Smogom that it didn't learn Trick. How strange that it still provides a set for it. I tried checking it in the ds games too, and on the movelist checker on Serebii.net, and I couldn't find it learning Trick either. I had to search and find that it was a Platinum move tutor attack. How strange that it isn't listed as a move it can access. I honestly never encountered that before. That sure taught me to check every single possible source next time. Sorry about trying to deny the Trick part, but I honestly didn't see it learning it. I can't wait until I get Platinum so that I can avoid errors like that, since I've never encountered a Tricking Slowbro on Shoddy, and never fought on on my DS or online.

Ah, oh well. Regice and it's Thunderbolt still lets it do the job against your Slowbro (despite Absol being able to do so as well). Even with Trick, it only speeds up the pace of the Thunderbolts. And if you really want me to counter Mantine (again, assuming that you still want to ignore Absol), Regice only takes aroung 60 damage per Choiced Earthquake, while having around 360 hp to use, and Rest+Sleeptalk to use. That being said, Mantine's best offensive option against the earlier posted Regice isn't going to work. And Regice gets a 2 hit kill with Thunderbolts.

So, despite how I was wrong about Trick (miss-informed, which I'll make sure doesn't happen again), Regice still counters both Mantine and Slowbro. (Technically, Absol can as well, since the rules of this thread dictates that it gets it's Critical Hit, and it can kill both Slowbro with NightSlash, and Mantine with StoneEdge).
We want 100% counters. We don't want 50% counters. That's the rule of this little game. Just make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm going to do mantine since I'd find that a more creative and surefire way of beating out Slowbro.


Rotom-H @ Life Orb
252 Sp.A, 252 HP, 4 Spd
-HP: Fight

Ok. Go bring in blissey now.
Or random pursuiter. Or someone.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move

The rules state to never assume a crit ever for any reason. The part about using super luck/scope lens means that in a stallish setting, i.e. where you'd be attacking alot, you can assume a crit would happen eventually in your favor, giving you the counter, however it does not mean you can just say "Lol crit I win"

Once again, the counter game does not work like in game. If you do have a 50% crit chance assume that it will never crit during the first attack.

Now then, on to separate business:


If there is a disagreement about something don't ****ing spam my thread with why you think you're right. Bring it to my attention and I will work it out.

Deleted member

if i was you right now i would never come back to this forum again. you are a complete *******, not being able to back up what you say at all. Slowbro covers Regirock amazingly- and oh by the way you are a failure at pokemon.
if i was you right now i would stop making personal attacks. you are being a complete 7 asterisk word by doing so, and would probably never have the audacity to make such a statement to a walking, breathing person.

look guys I don't care that you post walls of text and debate but do so in a civil fashion. no one killed your family. no one fucked your sister or set your house on fire and ran over your cat. calm down.

edit as for smogon and information, it's fair to assume that the majority of you are playing on shoddy. shoddy gets its statistics directly from smogon, so even if like zen headbutt had a 10% flinch rate, it will have 30 on shoddy because smogon says it's 30. following the information smogon has listed is probably a better reference than serebii on the basis that those are the implications your "rules" will acquire, which includes misinformation on things like trick.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2006
Oudenbosch, The Netherlands
We want 100% counters. We don't want 50% counters. That's the rule of this little game. Just make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm going to do mantine since I'd find that a more creative and surefire way of beating out Slowbro.


Rotom-H @ Life Orb
252 Sp.A, 252 HP, 4 Spd
-HP: Fight

Ok. Go bring in blissey now.
Or random pursuiter. Or someone.
Rotom-A is OU.
Rotom-H(eat form) is a Rotom-A(ppliance)
Also, mr. Rule Nazi, you forgot an ability, Blissey is banned and Pursuit is banned (should be, at least, and I wrote the rules).


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Rotom-H @ Life Orb
252 Sp.A, 252 HP, 4 Spd
-HP: Fight
Lanturn @ Choice Specs
252 Sp. Atk 252 HP, 4 Speed
modest/ volt absorb
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power (Dark)
- Ice beam
- Surf

EDIT- Surf works. i resist overheat and Tbolt heals me. youll be using HP- fight, and it takes 3 or 4 of those to kill after switching in on a WoW, while Surf + LO Damage will knock you out before that(2 hits). And Sucker Punch is off the list now.

back to UU/NU?


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2006
Oudenbosch, The Netherlands
This breaks the Choice rule, as Sucker Punch couldn't beat Rotom-A with a whopping 136 attack.

Also, your Mantine breaks the Choice rule (and it shouldn't be allowed to counter yourself) and Rotom-A was banned so let's get back to where we went off:

There are sooo many opportunites to counter with different things, I chose a simple and my one of my favorite pokemon. Arcanine Rocks. anyway, for your set:

Slowbro @ Choice Scarf
bold/ own tempo
252 Sp. Atk / 252 HP / 4 Def
- TRICK!!!!!
- Surf
- Slack off
- Calm Mind

oh how I love this trick set. If i catch you cursing your screwed, as i can CM up and ****. none of your moves pose enough damage to me, so regardless of what move you pick, its tricked, i set CM up and Surf your face off.

Thanks for the leftovers, btw. and the rules are on the first page of the thread, it will answer your questions.
Exeggutor @ Choice Specs
Leaf Storm
Hidden Power Dark
Grass Knot
Energy Ball

Leaf Storm OHKOs, other three moves 2HKO.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
I just tried checking Serebii.net again, and this time, the Platinum Move-Tutor section didn't even appear.... I don't think this computer has any viruses or anything, but maybe I'm not downloading from that site right.... Weird as heck... I had to go googling the tutors to find Trick being available. Do I have a computer problem? It's a new HP G50, gotten just last Christmas, so it shouldn't have any issues on it...

And I guess Absol doesn't work if the Critical is to be assumed over time, but not given based on all of the bonuses. I really am mis-interpreting the rules here. It was my screw up on that part too. Sorry about that. Can someone tell me how my Regice fails to counter either Slowbro or Mantine though? That calculation seemed right on the money, since none of Mantines attacks can do more than 60 damage to Regice while it gets a 2 hit kill on it, and Slowbro's only option of survival is trying a stall battle with Calm Mind, Surf and Slackoff, but it doesn't seem that it is capable of living through 15 Thunderbolts, even with the defense boost.

But that's a story for another time. All of my counters from now on are going to be able to survive the first hit of an attack, and retaliate with either incredible power, or even more incredible defenses. In this case, it's the first.

Ledian @ Leftovers

Ledian can switch into any choiced attack with no problem, perform an instant kill Bugbuzz, heal itself with Roost, set up a Reflect for Physical Attackers upon their entry, and Knock Off any items that are vital to an enemy's strategy.

Still, I'm expecting being outspeed by any fast creature, and instant killed by a Rock Type Attacker.

And guys, I guess I really am in-experienced. Maybe I need to start fighting as much on Shoddy as I do online, so that I might have seen more sets like that. I guess my basic computer internet isn't as reliable as it should be. And if I'm being annoying or debating when I'm dead wrong and don't know it again, just have me banned from now on. Sorry for the troubles, c3gill. And sorry for spamming your thread, PinkReaper. So that I don't mess up like that again, does anyone know where I can get Reliable Moveset information?


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Ledian @ Leftovers


Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Blast you Wouw

Adamant/Natural Cure
-Dragon Dance

Sing has meh accuracy but since you can't really do anything to me anyways I could just spam it until it finally works.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
@Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Jolly/Dry Skin
Swords Dance
Cross Chop
Sucker Punch


i hate you pink reaper
EDIT: meh could still work


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
That calculation seemed right on the money, since none of Mantines attacks can do more than 60 damage to Regice while it gets a 2 hit kill on it, and Slowbro's only option of survival is trying a stall battle with Calm Mind, Surf and Slackoff, but it doesn't seem that it is capable of living through 15 Thunderbolts, even with the defense boost.

But that's a story for another time. All of my counters from now on are going to be able to survive the first hit of an attack, and retaliate with either incredible power, or even more incredible defenses. In this case, it's the first.

Ledian @ Leftovers
Regiice- switches into trick, tbolts, bro cms. regi bolts, bro slacks off- this goes as long as bro wants, because Slowbro can take a bolt after 3 cms and itll push 20% at best. After a few CMs he surfs Regi away. The trick idea is a good strategy because it makes you pick one move- and that is all he needs to worry about. Basically it means you cant set up on him. Trick can definatly backfire- sometimes HARD.

anyway, for the counter-

Froslass @ Life Orb
Modest/ Snow Veil
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow ball
- Signal Beam

Knock off is your best move against me- Ice beam hits 70ish before Life Orb. your 2HKOed, as spamming roost will still get you killed.

As for places to look for moves, Serebii has a DPP Pokedex listing all updated movepools. Shoddy will always have its list, and Smogon will probabally be correct also. I love Serebii, because it has a full set of possible moves, along with stats and whatnot- but smogon will have the best sets for a pokemon.

And I also am sorry, for letting things get out of control- I can put it behind me, I hope yall will forgive me as well :(

EDIT- LOL- guess i took a lil too long typing that...

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
@Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Jolly/Dry Skin
Swords Dance
Cross Chop
Sucker Punch


i hate you pink reaper
EDIT: meh could still work

Wouldn't work. A +1 Outrage already has a good shot of OHKOing you and even if you burned me or set up Reflect you'd still die.

Adamant/Natural Cure
-Dragon Dance

This is the current counter.


Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2007
Astride a magic potato alongside Mario. ________ S
If I could just settle the debate about the Critical Hits...

There is a 50% chance that, with an attack, Absol would get a critical hit and take Slowbro down.
There is a 50% chance that, with an attack, Absol would land a normal hit, resulting in its death.

However, there is also a one in sixteen chance that Slowbro's Surf would hit critically.

Ergo, the odds are greater that this Absol would fail than succeed.

On the subject of the Altaria, the Dragon Swan:

Torterra w/Lum Berry
100 Atk./ 210 Def./ 100 Sp. Atk./ 100 Sp. Def.
+ HP Ice
+ Curse
+ Earthquake
+ Iron Tail
I lose my item, but I pass the eye of the tiger by. Fear my impervity to Dragon Dance!

EDIT: Curses don't help Torterra because it has been outsped.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Okay, so is the next person fighting Torterra, Slaking, which Altaria, or Frossglass? So many of these went on in such a short span of time that I have no idea who's going next. And trying to do all of the calculations by hand when something else pops up instantly is quite hard. :( And I hope that Serebii's not messed up for me, since it was honestly the first place I went to for info about moves, maxstats, and other general pokemon information.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Thank you. I think I can handle Slaking. GOT HIM!

Lunatone @ Shell Bell

Can withstand the first Ice-Punch, walling the rest of this set. Focus Blasts are going to eventually get the kill,even once Slaking begins Resting, but with Protect to defend itself every turn that Slaking isn't Loafing Around, I don't see how Slaking is going to win against Lunatone. It would be a long as heck battle, but Lunatone has a way to last long against Slaking, powerful moves that get 2-hit kills, and a way to completely defend itself from damage against Slaking.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Hey, even people that do read the rules make mistakes too (although most of these people don't). The rules aren't too hard. Manly, just pick a UU tiered Pokemon that can counter the previous Pokemon Listed. Aka, it should be able to switch into it (which means it has to be able to resist one hit of any of the previous Pokemon's attacks), and then it has to have some kinda threat (outspeeds and overpowers, or great defense, or a gamebreaking move, or anyhthing like that), to defeat ot make the enemy run away. It's much easier than it looks (except when 6 trainers play at once, which means the pokemon you have to target is hard to keep track of.... Skim the Rules a bit, check the examples that have been posted already, get on board the bandwagon and kick some Pokebutt! This one should be easy to beat:

Camerupt @ ExpertBelt
Rock Polish

Can take 3 of any of Raikou's attacks before being killed, and instantly kills with Earthquake. This set's going down fast though...


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Gorebyss @ Life Orb
Modest/Swift Swim
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Hidden Power Grass
Rain Dance
Ludicolo @ Expert Belt
Modest / Swift Swim
252 Sp Atk / 112 Spe / 140 HP
- Energy Ball
- Focus Punch
- Ice Beam
- Surf


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2006
Oudenbosch, The Netherlands
Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Adamant/Dry Skin
Poison Jab
Cross Chop
Stone Edge
Swords Dance

I can abuse the rain as well. If rain is up: Survives two Ice Beams and OHKOs with Poison Jab; Life Orb is nullified by the rain, if rain's not up just takes one hit so I survive the Life Orb.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Torterra @ Leftovers
Brave / Overgrowth
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 atk
- Superpower
- Earthquake
- Wood Hammer
- Stone Edge

Takes any 2 of your attacks, or any 1 +2 attack, and OHKOs with EQ.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2006
Oudenbosch, The Netherlands
Boosted Poison Jab OHKOs.
EDIT:Disregard, I forgot that Ground resists Poison.

Slaking @ Life Orb
Ice Punch
Hammer Arm
Giga Impact
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