Rules come courtesy of Wouw and Wii4Mii
Pokémon Counter Game
Basically, what you do is, after someone posts a moveset for a Pokemon, you post a Pokemon with a moveset that counters what the above person posted. For example, let's say member A posts a moveset of a Pokemon (to counter the previous poster's Pokemon). Then, member B comes in and posts this Pokemon because it counters member A Pokemon:
Sandslash @ Leftovers
Sand Veil/Jolly
Night Slash
Stone Edge
Swords Dance
Then, member C would come along and post this Pokemon because it counters member B's Pokemon:
Leafeon @ Life Orb
Leaf Guard/Adamant
Leaf Blade
And then this process repeats itself.
Now, there are obviously rules:
1) Only BL and below are allowed. OU Pokémon and Ubers are not allowed.
2) Don't post stuff like:
Slaking @ Choice Band
Giga Impact
This is because the person that posts after you doesn't know what your posted Pokemon's other moves are, so they wouldn't know if their Pokemon counters yours or not. So, make sure to fill everything out. Don't forget to add a full EV spread, as well. This is what you should have, although you don't have to apply by this particular format:
Pokemon @ Item
move 1
move 2
move 3
move 4
Then you can post a small explanation as to why this Pokemon counters the other one.
2) Remember what a counter is: A Pokemon that can safely switch into any of the attacks from the Pokemon it wants to counter and can immediately pose a threat to the Pokemon it wants to counter or make the Pokemon it wants to counter switch-out while not being threatened in any way by the Pokemon it wants to counter.
3) Decide on ONE move per move slot. Don't post things like:
Crunch/Night Slash
Waterfall/Hydro Pump
Earthquake/Ice Fang
Rain Dance
4) Assume that all Pokés have 31 IVs in each stat, unless things like Gyro Ball/Trick Room are used.
5) Don't assume Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Stealth Rock. Don't use these also.
6) Hail from Abomasnow is only assumed for five turns/Pokémon. Otherwise induced weather is also only assumed for five (eight if extending rocks are used) turns. Same with Trick Room, Reflect or Light Screen.
7) Don't use Explosion, Selfdestruct, Mean Look, Memento, Baton Pass or U-Turn.
8) 'lol switch' is not a way to avoid being countered.
9) Don't assume Critical Hits, unless you're supposed to land crits. (Super Luck Scope Lens Absol using Night Slash, for example.)
10) Don't assume max damage all the time.
11) Don't counter using Focus Sash. Focus Sash is only allowed if not necessary to counter the other Pokémon.
12) If a Pokémon can't harm Shedinja, don't be lame and put that down as a counter.
13) Be sure that your counter works. Don't be like 'i think it works, but too lazy to confirm'.
14) For Choiced movesets, make sure that ALL moves work against what it's supposed to counter. For example, don't post a Choiced Slaking with Shadow Claw on something like Lopunny, as Shadow Claw would not be able to beat the previous counter.