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The 'New' British thread, the Brawl scene and UK & Ireland Brawl Friends Codes

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Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2008
Newport, Wales
Hey :D
This is SuperNintendoid, but I decided to change my name for Brawl as it used to be too long and awkward, I doubt anyone remembers me anyway >_<. Anyhoo, I just recently got my freeloader and Brawl so I'm up for some games, here's my details-

At Uni: Newport, Wales
At Home: London, Engand
MSN: supernintendoid@hotmail.com


Smash Cadet
Jan 31, 2008
Northamptonshire, England
lol well it's basically about your connection, wired connections will ALWAYS be faster, wireless connections are about connection strength and possible interference of other wireless equipment i.e cordless phone etc

I don't know the details of how smash actually runs in terms of hosting/servers etc. but I've played a fair few people without lag. Frostbyte was the least lag out of everyone.

btw I think Brawl tournament at ALT is an excellent idea, will get everyone fired up for the TKI. Also, last night I saw this thing on tv by people called xleague.tv it was a televised brawl tournament, the commentators were saying how there is a lack of communi ty for smash atm but brawl will boost it loads. I've emailed them to let them know we exist...but it's sky channel 208 on at about 6 oclock on weedays...it might have been a one off though....
Xleague. They had a Smash Bros. Brawl invitational round, I missed out on that as well. They're looking to do leagues and tournaments hopefully when it's released in the UK. Although in terms of format, it's unsure on what they will decide to do since they said did speak about the competitive side but enjoyed the casual side which was shown in the invitational. Hopefully they will decide to do something with both formats.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
Hey :D
This is SuperNintendoid, but I decided to change my name for Brawl as it used to be too long and awkward, I doubt anyone remembers me anyway >_<. Anyhoo, I just recently got my freeloader and Brawl so I'm up for some games, here's my details-

At Uni: Newport, Wales
At Home: London, Engand
MSN: supernintendoid@hotmail.com
Yea dude remember your falcon in pools at smashgt :)

And Tails Chao were you the guy using the tag 'SODA' at Anarachy rules 1?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2006
Hey Tails Chao ^_^ I remember you coming over to play Melee a while ago! Guess I might see you again some time for Brawl.


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
right this is a post with a meaing.

after ALT, prolly 2 weeks to a month after im hoping to run a smashmengfest.

its not a smashfest, there will be smash obv but thats not its purpose. i want a big get together.

my initial list of invites looks something like this.

Ed, Jam, Wes, Phil, Euan, Paul, Dave, Allan, Ryan, Ant, Alan, Ben, Carlton and Dan.

ran by myself and hopefully Will and Ste. and of course the personalities of the rest of my flat, were all good friends here.

this list isnt me being elitist, this is just the people i know the best and that i get along with. if anyone else fancies it let me know.

this is stage 1 atm, no date has been set and i just want to know what sort of interest you guys have in it and what dates would be best for you.

ive been talking to Euan about it and there are a few things i want to say.

as its in halls people would be spread out between a few rooms and seeing as this is a social event i wouldnt want people ignoring eachother lol.
So i propose a piss up ^_^. a bit of alcohol always loosens people up xD.
Id wanna go out tbh but i dont mind getting alot of beer into the flat, thats up to you guys. Z and D you might be underage but this is a student town and getting ID'd is just lol.

i need feedback on this guys so get back to me!

thread link


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Yep, Coey, that was me. :p

I remember you too, Bronze, I do hope I see you again. x)

Played Melee today and my controlling of it was so god**** awful, lol, I need to get used to it again. ><


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Joe: though I appreciate the post man maybe direct it in another thread? not being mean but chatter that may isolate new players isnt benefitial to this thread. Just post it up in the old british thread or make a new thread :). Cheers dude. Just for time being till the thread is up and running and the community is sorted.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2006
Hi, I'm new here, and would like to get into brawl competitively.

Friend Code: 1246-8555-3609
Location: Surrey, England
MSN: PSIbyte@hotmail.com

please, add me to msn and message me if you want to battle, I'm more than up for it, but am still a beginner.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
wow. so many new players :bee:. I look forward to meeting al of you.

Ben- of course I remember you. You've got red hair, play falcon and your names the same as mine. Come to ALT


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Just cos their posting on this thread doesn tmean we will get to meet them. Part of my reasning for this thread was to get to kow new players and encourage them to come to tournaments. A barrier that brawl does gives us is wifi play and getting people to go to tourneys aswell as play that imo.

Nice to see youve got brawl glitch, will try play you sometime. Same to wipeout. You both should come to TKI!


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2006
awesome, well while I appreciate the invite, Sunderland is a bit of a trip especially for a first tournament. I will happily attend the next London based one, and am very greatful for the invite though, and I do look forward to meeting you all in person.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
think i will say this before anyone else does. if you want to get good with these games you have to be willing to travel. and plus i dont know of any national scale tourneys in the near future in london. the north is where tourneys are at :p


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
zomg, lots of people ive not seen before :S

Liverpool + Manchester, England

I can't play online whilst im back in manchester. open to games when im back in liverpool


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
Ed: is it worth starting a rankings list for brawl? I know we couldn't do it for melee due to several problems, but maybe we can get both result rankings and power rankings (results based purely on results, starting from TKI and power rankings based on opinions of a panel of say 5). In terms of a mathematical system, is the bigman points system worth using or should someone devise a new one?


Smash Cadet
Jan 31, 2008
Northamptonshire, England
Just a thought, is it possible to do online tournaments in the future as well as these bi-monthies or smashfests etc. Could give people who can't make tourneys a chance to play in this sort of thing.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Not unless you magic up some lagless online play. Maybe some of the non-competetive community might enter, but I'm pretty sure none of the melee community guys would. Lag destroys the game.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Yeah I know, and of course I don't speak for everyone.

Guys that are new to the community: to play smash competetively, you HAVE to travel. There is no option for this. I'm further south than everyone yet I've been to every single tournament since June 2007 (when I started). I've improved probably the fastest out of anyone in the community, and this is partly down to my attendance.

Basically, if you are not prepared to travel you can't play competetive smash, simple as. Brawl does nothing to eliminate this, just gives us a nice easy way of practicing.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
I've improved probably the fastest out of anyone in the community, and this is partly down to my attendance.
*Strokes ego* XD

But you're partially right about online play Robby and deffos right about needing to travel. The thing is if online brawl was lagless it still wouldn't hold a candle to tournament play atm. Online there is no banter no atmosphere and alot less pressure. Things like crowd participation and just general attitudes of the players towards each other can decide a game before it starts. Pressure is one of the hardest things about these games and its what has caused me for one the most problems. And unfortunately it can't be simulated online. Of course these are just my thoughts on the matter but i'm pretty sure i'd travel if brawl was lagless, i haven't missed a tourney since i started taking it competitively at AR1.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Well it's true!

Other new guys in the last year or so have either started out amazing or whatever. But I didn't make it out of pools at TNJ2.


Underscore HERO
Feb 1, 2008
Telford, England
I played a few games last night while skyping I must admit being able to talk to the other person is a lot better, though i doubt i could cut it with the pressure at a tournament under the circumstances


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
Robby: Yea man of course it's true lol. Though you weren't bad at TNJ2 by any means, talked to Dan (DSD9) about you then and he said you had alot of potential. Plus i mean you put me out at CHJ and that has to count for something ;)

CraigUK: Being able to handle pressure and deal with tournament play comes with experience, some players pick this up quicker than others. Getting yourself to a tournament is the best way forward imo, that goes for all new players who are uneasy about travelling. Not only that but generally i have aload of fun at tourneys too.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
Robby: Yea man of course it's true lol. Though you weren't bad at TNJ2 by any means, talked to Dan (DSD9) about you then and he said you had alot of potential. Plus i mean you put me out at CHJ and that has to count for something ;)

CraigUK: Being able to handle pressure and deal with tournament play comes with experience, some players pick this up quicker than others. Getting yourself to a tournament is the best way forward imo, that goes for all new players who are uneasy about travelling. Not only that but generally i have aload of fun at tourneys too.
I was just about to post the same thing. You need to travel for smash to get better. Tournaments are the best part of playing smash so it's worth it


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2004
something / talent / proportion of being given to any such something / overall gain / proportionate gain / worth / hoes / blunts / *****es / cadilacs / RIMS / MO SPENDATURE / MO *****ES / MO BLUNTS !!


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
no point in arguing. yes frostbyte and edwin got good, but so did VA. Yes VA is one of the quickest improving players, as is Frosty, Edwin and AmcD. point is, make efforts to travel to fests and tournaments if you want to get better.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I guess it's actually basically me and Alan who improved the most, both starting out not managing to make it out of pools and getting increasingly higher placings. Frost and Edwin got 7th and 5th respectively at their first tournaments, alan and myself didn't get out of pools. I guess I should have said biggest improvement.


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
Whats more impressive is that AmcD and VA don't have as much access to the best players, In particular VA. Whereas frosty and edwin both had charles.

Foulplay: i've added you, but its hard for me to get a connection at home... I'll give it a shot if i can, otherwise it'll have to be when i'm back in liverpool


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
The two pages of who improved quicker is both ridiculous and uneeded in this thread, divert it to the old british thread which deals with melee unless like the original posts by VA it was linked to encouraging new players to travel.

Sonic : Hopefully when brawl is released in europe our lag may be released slightly. Though I do doubt this >_> . Regardless, I think you'll find alot of independent ladder leagues and other such activities that you can participate in and e somewhat compeititve. What online play does, regardless of lag, is allow you to play alot of people. This definetly helps mindgames.

However, please consider coming to tournaments. You will meet alot of players, make friends and if you want to really challenge yourself or improve at brawl you will have the best players in the UK there to do so against. If you dont, then youve got a weekend full of brawl with like minded people, not everyone there strives to be no.1. Plus, tournaments are always random as hell.

Lastly to new players. Travelling is essential if you want to be involved. Yes, you may find a local tourney ie a london one if your in that area. But what happens when there isnt another 'big' one for a year? the UK normally has 4 large tournaments yearly, so they wont always be near you. If you enjoy it and want to be involved you'll end up travelling. AND dont let the travelling side of things put you off. Somethimes the travelling can be a really cool experience. Ive had many an amusing roadtrip. On top of that you can find local players to either travel in a car with or coach it with. This is especially important for london players that can co-ordinate 20+ onto one coach trip. Travelling with others will severly dent your impression of how long places are away. Lastly you get to see NEW places. I don't know about others on these boards but ive been to places id NEVER have gone to before. I enjoy travelling and seeing new places esp. just within the UK. Tournaments allow you to do that :)

Oh and sonic, your only 3 hours away and I know a mate in rugby that could potentially give you a lift if you needed it. If not, coach or train wont be too bad :)

Aiko: We will defintely need to get a brawl ranking system in place but I dont think this will be necessary till the first 'big' brawl tourney after PAL release. Till then the community will still largely be melee players with a sprinkle of new. No need to put new players off with a ranking system or start one with a small community going to brawl tourneys.

What I will say is that the Big Man system is very good. Ive never really seen how it could be improved that much nor do I see why it wouldn't be used. The only flaw is for those that either don't travel regularly or for the player that goes to one tourney and performs well and thus stays in the list for a little to long. However, point depreciation sorts that out and for the moaners that say that 'so and so' should be no.3 above 'so and so' its just because they havent been to the last three tourneys. Then stuff them, thats their fault :/ . Players skill can only be judged on tournament performance, so those that aren't on the list can't complain.

Past that I don't think much of panel systems. Their opinion based and no one is unbiased. Sports dont use them, so why should we :/ . Furthermore we don't know who the best five in the UK are at brawl, wont know for along time and then therers the problem of who is on the ppanel. Leave it to stats, less arguments that way.

I really want to see as many new faces at TKI. Please talk to me on msn ceddon@hotmail.com if your interested. Any queries welcome!

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