This is my re-read of soaring-raptor-blast, Clownbot/Sold2, Guus, and Blue Yoshi. This is basically a progress of my response. The scummiest of the group will receive my vote. Things I noticed:
- #46 (Guus): Random votes McMaymays when there was clearly a serious discussion starting up.
Guus said:
vote: Mcmaymay's
Does not seem to be my lovely Kermit.
- #49 and #72 (Blue Yoshi): Asks me what previous games in here I've played. Then said that we need to stop talking about previous experiences. Sounds a little hypocritical, don't you think?
Blue Yoshi said:
SSBF, what mafia games here on smashboards have you played before? Just so that I can get an idea of how you play.
Blue Yoshi said:
At the moment, having conversations about past games gives scum a free post about what this guy did in that game, and can lurk freely while making their one post every day/two days (whatever the limit is).
- #81 (Guus): Said that we are still in RVS, even thought serious discussions (Regarding me) are going on. Also said he kept his vote on McMaymays based off gut feelings.
Guus said:
Of course it's still (sort of) RVS, though.
Guus said:
I'll stick with my vote on McMaymays because I have nothing but my gut to trust.
- #122 (Blue Yoshi): Promises to make a more useful post. Not much came from him for awhile.
Blue Yoshi said:
I'll make a more useful post after work.
Will review these posts until I find something really useful:
- #131 (Blue Yoshi): Totally useless post with a promise that he'll make a better post tomorrow.
Blue Yoshi said:
re-reading my post, if it doesn't make sense, don't worry about it. I'm tired, and too lazy to make it make sense at the moment. If anyone wants me to clarify, I can do that tomorrow (unless you all understand it).
startcountingsheepinthehopesoffallingasleepbecause iamtired.
ok... /uselesspost
- #135 (soaring-raptor-blast): Call SwordRbroken his 2nd biggest suspect. Accused him for trying to take away a case from me, which was clearly not his intention at all.
soaring-raptor-blast said:
@swords: my next biggest suspect is you. you're trying to take away from the case against SSBF by calling it "tunneling". I see it as either trying to save your scum buddy, or buddying a townie that might be lynched.
- #137 (Blue Yoshi): Said he'll post his suspicion tomorrow. Promised a long post. It never came.
Blue Yoshi said:
Well, if no one else has any suspicions, I'll post mine... though I'd rather wait.
It's also because I don't really have a large amount of time available to give a large description of why... which is what I'd like to do. I'll have basically all of tomorrow free to make a long LONG post.
That said, I gotta go. You'll see what I mean by long (and why I don't have enough time now) tomorrow. I promise
- #154 (Blue Yoshi): Said that people he thought were scums were more confirmed, but choose not to speak on it and vice versa with other people.
Once again, he promised a huge post.
Blue Yoshi said:
omg just with the recent posts, most of the people I had thought scum were more confirmed scum, and most of the people I had thought to be town were more confirmed town.
Once Gheb answers a question I asked him, I'll start writing a huge post about my thoughts on everyone in this game so far.
- #157 (Guus): Rambles off a list of reason why Blue Yoshi deserved an FoS, but lacks explination for Xonar.
Guus said:
Vote: Xonar and Fos: Blue Yoshi
Why would you honestly need to know who has or has not got a posting restriction? I don't often find mafia members with a posting restriction, and sometimes the restrictions are so obvious you don't even have to BOTHER looking for them. Ah well, who cares, I'm gonna be a star someday!
- #172 (Blue Yoshi): Originally fails to properly respond to SwordRbroken's post about why he disagreed with me.
Blue Yoshi said:
... can't comment...
- #191 (Guus): Said that Xonar does not give decent reasons for suspecting them, so he shouldn't have to do his part. If so, he missed the oppertunity to capitalize on his mistake and earn even more town points.
Guus said:
Why should we give any decent reason not to die if he doesn't even give a reason as to why either one of us should die.
- #194 (Guus): Makes a post that I can't really understand at all. Guus, would you mind elaborating on this?
Guus said:
You'd modkill someone for calling you Stalin, why not shoot them them here in a game?
Only Kermit can do that!
- #210 (soaring-raptor-blast): First line was an obvious parroting of SwordRbroken, his second line was completely useless.
soaring-raptor-blast said:
also. you don't know he doesn't have a restriction. some of them could be harder to notice
BTW if somebody quotes this post they will get EXTRA candy from the easter bunny
- #222 (soaring-raptor-blast): Another useless post in the game.
soaring-raptor-blast said:
lol yes my bad. my fingers just like typing "paprika".
hey mcmaymays!!! want me to vote you for prez!?!?! quote this post to answer "yes"
- #227 (soaring-raptor-blast): Said that he loves attention but no one will give him that. Also said if it made McMaymays dead in the face, he would ask me to quote him. Quote what is what I like to know.
soaring-raptor-blast']no. i just like the attention and no one else will give it to me. if it makes you dead in the face I'd ask ssbf to do it.[/quote]
- #293 (Clownbot): Said that Xonar thinks I'm town said:
What the ****, guys.
Xonar still thinks SSBF is town.
- #302 (soaring-raptor-blast): I remember saying that he was the 2nd to suspect Xonar. This is wrong. He was the fifth. First SwordsRbroken, then Blue Yoshi, then Clownbot, then me, then finally him.
SwordsRbroken said:
Can we lynch Xonar? He lynched Mcmaymays. We didn't want that. He lynched Mcmaymays. Mcmaymays wasn't scummy IMO. Can we lynch Xonar?
Blue Yoshi said:
The two people at the moment I find the scummiest are SSBF and Xonar.
Clownbot said:
The whole shebang, Xonar.
Super Smash Bros. Fan said:
@Xonar: Seriously, you defended me throughout most of Day 1, now you're suggesting that I get lynched? What about soaring-raptor-blast? He hasn't really said much throughout the entire game. Given that you're responsible for lynching a townie (abide accidently or not), you have to play extra well to gain our respect back.
And before anyone here say "So should you.", I know, I know.
FoS: Xonar
soaring-raptor-blast said:
so yeah. xonar is obv. scum. so is ssbf. I'm fine with lynching either.
- #305 (soaring-raptor-blast): At #304, SwordsRbroken asked soaring-raptor-blast to explain his suspicion. I found the quote pretty poorly executed and this does not help.
soaring-raptor-blast said:
I don't forget to easy
still would prefer xonar/ssbf lynch before you.
- #327 (Clownbot): Gives poor reason for not looking at the thread originally. I for one personally prefer manual reading because it feels more natural and I feel it makes me a better player in general.
- #355 (Sold2): Did not like this post at all. First off, he said that he was too lazy to read through the thread. He said he'll be active, but I haven't seen much out of him. He also gave the worst ever reason to suspect a person when we have a lot of information.
Sold2 said:
I'll admit to not reading, nor do I plan to, if you want, SRB. I skimmed over Day 1 but didn't go through the details. I'm replacing to make the game not become inactive and out of respect for the mod moreso than my own enjoyment. I'm playing 1 game more than I'm generally happy with, but I'll see what happens.
I will however, pay attention to what's going down now.
My "top" subjects are Blue Yoshi and SSBF. You two post so much, I'm spinning!
- #370, #371(Sold 2): Said that we're going to lynch him solely due to his laziness. That is an major scum tell because he thinks it's not a problem to be lazy. Plus he would try to lynch us just because of calling him out for the right reason.
Also, remember when he promised a huge post? Yeah, that's not happening.
Sold2 said:
If you all try to lynch me solely because I say I don't feel like reading 20 pages, that's a very poor reason and I would call you scum for picking such an easy reason to wagon. I'm lazy so what.
Sold2 said:
I'll make a more serious content post in a bit.
- #375 (Blue Yoshi): Said there was nothing to discuss about the game. If there isn't, make up something. You may or may not like the reaction, but it'll give us something to work on.
Blue Yoshi said:
But seriously guys, I really see nothing to talk about... either because we've already discussed it to death (like Xonar's lynch yesterday) or because... well, there isn't anything to talk about. I'm stuck to doing stupid posts that make no sense lol
- #386 (Sold2): First paragraph made very little sense to me.
He also said that big posts does not equal good. I agree, but that at least improve that bad post you've just made as it allows more oppertunities to make good posts. He also criticize SwordsRbroken for being lazy, but yet he admits he doesn't want to read. Obvious hypocrite is obvious.
Sold2 said:
You skimmed my post, in which I say I skimmed, and tell me to skim! How much skim could a Sold2 skim if a Sold2 could skim skim? Wocka Wocka Wocka!
And also, big post =\= good. Go read Newbie 3 or ask raptor about it, they're not good at all imo.
Sold2 said:
The only problem with this is that I haven't been particularly fond of Swords's lazy posts this day phase, and the frustration that comes across Xonar hints town to me. Town gets angry far more often than scum, from what I've seen.
- #402, #411 (Sold2): I don't know about you, but it sounds like Sold2 is trying to buddy me, which is looking a little suspicious. Sold2, I suggest you stop buddying me already, you most likely don't know if I'm scum or not. While I do agree with you, I really don't need it. I already got more then enough from Xonar.
He also hates being called a skimmer, but he very well deserve it. I'd like to see his analysis of the entire game.
Sold2 said:
I'd dismiss all links between Xonar and SSBF if I were you. Xonar clearly intended to buddy with SSBF.
Sold2 said:
Cut all links between SSBF and Xonar. You're just going to get WIFOM out of it, and that's what Xonar wanted, very clearly.
Okay, from most pro-town to scummiest:
Guus: At this rate, I'd be very disappointed if he fliped scum. Sure he was questionable early in the game, but he has massively improved over time. I have an possible town read on him.
Blue Yoshi: Looking back, Blue Yoshi had a lot more scum tells then I've ever covered in my original re-read of him while Day 1 was going in. He was my top suspect then. However, he did manage to slowly climb himself to an null read.
soaring-raptor-blast: I have an possible scum read on him. He has improved a little, but he really hasn't been such a good player in my eyes. I especially didn't like him in Day 2. I personally wouldn't mind an soaring-raptor-blast lynch. To be fair, thought, he did make an legimate case on me.
Clownbot/Sold2: I've never imagined putting Clownbot or even his replacement down as a scum read, but Sold2 has managed to suceed in that. Clownbot had a strong town read on Day 1 and most of Day 2, but during the mid-late Day 2, he started to go downhill. His replacement has not been very good. He admitted to not only skimming, but being lazy as well and his excuses is a cop out. I also don't like his buddying on me, saying that my connection with Xonar should not be investigated. If he's certain that I have not possesed scummy posts, then he seriously needs to read Day 1 and tell me with a stright face that I haven't been scummy. And I know this is a joke from him, but I personally did not like him listing me and Blue Yoshi as top suspects just because we were active.
Both soaring-raptor-blast and Sold2 are good candidate for a lynch on Day 3. I'm willing to give soaring-raptor-blast the benefit of a doubt, thought, as I do think he'll improve on Day 3. I'm not so sure about Sold2, so I'm going to:
Vote: Sold2 (Even thought I know this won't count, he is still my top suspicion.