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The most embarrassing thing you've ever done at school


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
I got 3 days of detention for spitting in a sink.
Oh wow that's horrible. I mean, where else are you going to spit? As long as you wash it down by turning on the water for a few seconds, it's all good.

I would have said I had bronchitis, so I was producing excess mucous that I had to expel. I also would have used the words "producing", "excess", "mucous", and "expel" to make it sound more officially medical. I totally would have gotten away with it.

And while we're on the topic of getting in trouble for dumb things, I got a late detention for calling a class activity "gay". And another late detention for trying to blame my actions on another kid.

It actually was the other kid who said it. Man, that made me angry.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Amongest the darkest shadows everywhere and anywhe
Jammer you have 100 posts and you just joined. Slow down man...

Heres a funny little story... it was science class for me and I was bored and not paying any attention. When I heard "Are you bored?" I thought it was my friend next to me saying it, but it was really my teacher. I replied "Yeah, this is about the worst class ever." I look up to see my teacher. He smirks and says "Then you teach the class." I get up and walk up to the front of the class, everyone is laughing. I turn around and actually do a better job then the teacher. He just sits there and he cant beleive im making the lesson easier than he did.

Well it was embarrassing for him


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
The question is, was your teacher nice about it, or did he hate you after that? Because a similar thing happened to me, and the teacher made my life miserable for the rest of the year. I hope that didn't happen to you.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Who missed me?!?! Come on Brawl Pro and Silent Jester, you know u did =). Okay, I was absent since page 13, so ima point out some awesome stories:

1) I feel so sorry for Link.It really sucks about what happened at your homecoming dance =( That is one of the few stories i didnt even laugh at. Im really sorry, hope things work out for you.

2) @ Jammer... You got some pretty funny stuff, All of it XD.

Once again I <3 this thread and I might start posting again. Also, I think smashboards should have a male/female indicator next to your name. Prevents problems. Reading these stories, I also see that all the guys have something to do with being a perv (accident or on purpose) or something with girls. Girls on the other hand have said nothing like that. What does that say about guys, or are the girls just not revealing anything. IF so, y dont u tell us any stories like that, and @ the guys: DONT BE A PERVERT!!!! XD.

These stories are awesome. And @ Silent Jester, I know this is a thread for embarrassing things at school,but we can post funny stories too right? For those of us who can run around naked w/o being embarrassed XD. About the dont be a perv thing, I was jk. I know how ya feel when u say it was an accident, so once again i was jk. But some1 do tell y girls stories differ so much from guy ones pl0x... Preferably a girl answer lol. Now ima post a funny story. If i have posted this b4 I am sorry, but i can hardly remember what i have posted here.

So there's this kinda new school (a friends school not mine) and because of that, all the teachers (guy and girl teachers) are in their early to mid 20's. So there's this one teacher (woman) who is like the hottest one there and could like be a model or something. She comes to school wearing this REALLY REALLY revealing/skimpy outfit. Now there is this one REALLY stupid/ horny guy in that class. I'm sure you guessed but if u didnt... well the guy jacks off to her in the middle of class, and a kid/teacher notices. The whole class stares at him so he stops and starts to ***. LOL.He gets sent to the principal's office and is expelled from the school. Embarrassing much? Smashboards is so awesome. And b4 I leave, I am back *****es!!!! Just had to say that after a 2 week absence.

Peace every1,and maybe by the end of the week I will have an aswer to all my questions, and figure out who's a guy and whos girl lol.

P.s. Sorry BP for not talking on aim =( I just dont have the time anymore.Keep in touch through this thread plz. Bai every1.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2005
i dropped the N bomb once in front of a group of soulja boy dancers

actually, im getting pretty used to saying it so its not really that embarrassing haha


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2007
Hickville, Wisconsin
1) I feel so sorry for Link.It really sucks about what happened at your homecoming dance =( That is one of the few stories i didnt even laugh at. Im really sorry, hope things work out for you.
Thank you for your sympathy...I have managed to start talking to this girl once again....but she is very flinchy when my hand gets anywhere near her...Kinda rules out any chance for well....anything with this girl. She always keeps her space....but hell at least she talks to me huh. :/


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
I'm a GUY.

@ Jammer... You got some pretty funny stuff, All of it XD.
Thanks, mate. It's nice that you think my stories are funny, and not "****ed up" like many of the people here did.

Reading these stories, I also see that all the guys have something to do with being a perv (accident or on purpose) or something with girls. Girls on the other hand have said nothing like that. What does that say about guys, or are the girls just not revealing anything.
Well, I think it's pretty well known that males generally think about sex and put a greater emphasis on sex than females do.

But there are a couple counterexamples to your claim: I think one girl said she was embarrassed because she was wearing a wet white shirt in front of the class. Another was embarrassed for tripping in front of her crush or something. Guys generally mind less about being accidentally hit in the butt by a girl, so I guess it would be less embarrassing for her. And of course not all the guy stories had a sexual theme.

About the guy that did that in your story...wow. How stupid can he be? It's really not that hard to control your urges (fantasize, but don't touch!). And if you can't, just ask to go to the bathroom and do it there. (To the girls reading this: When a guy goes to the bathroom in school more than once per day, well, now you know.)

Ok, I hope to read some more embarrassing stories of yours, DruggedFox.

EDIT: See up top? I started implementing your gender identification idea, DruggedFox.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2006
Probably out eating some dirt or something.
Oh wow that's horrible. I mean, where else are you going to spit? As long as you wash it down by turning on the water for a few seconds, it's all good.

I would have said I had bronchitis, so I was producing excess mucous that I had to expel. I also would have used the words "producing", "excess", "mucous", and "expel" to make it sound more officially medical. I totally would have gotten away with it.

And while we're on the topic of getting in trouble for dumb things, I got a late detention for calling a class activity "gay". And another late detention for trying to blame my actions on another kid.

It actually was the other kid who said it. Man, that made me angry.
I am an honest guy though. That's the first time I've ever had detention in my life. The vice principal actually came up to me and took 2 days off because I co operated and it wasn't a big deal to spit in a sink. He just told me not to spit in front of people anymore.

I'm kinda used to spitting though because I play baseball and we all spit. Well I didn't get detention for this but, I got cussed out for taking advantage of a special ed. kid when this kid isn't mentally handicapped. He's one of my best friends and he has a facial paralysis and he kinda looks dumb, but he is mentally normal.

ANyways @ drugged fox. I have a story similar to that, this kid in my science class was doing that to someone in the class and the teacher thought he was texting (these desks go to the floor so nobody thinks anything of it) so he goes over to see and flips the desk over and everyone saw, he went to the principal's office in tears and the chick in front of him won't talk to him at all anymore.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
ANyways @ drugged fox. I have a story similar to that, this kid in my science class was doing that to someone in the class and the teacher thought he was texting (these desks go to the floor so nobody thinks anything of it) so he goes over to see and flips the desk over and everyone saw, he went to the principal's office in tears and the chick in front of him won't talk to him at all anymore.
I usually don't do one-liners, but I had to for this one.



Smash Champion
May 13, 2007

Thank you jammer for saying that u r a male LOL. @ Link, nice to know u still talk to her. @ Every1... **** PEOPLE (normally id say boy but...im not sexist?) i got like 9 replies in an hour. That was fast!!!! @ Silent Jester, Lol at group hug. At above post, wow that must suck. If any1 does want to read some of my previous stories then just ask and I'll repost one. Since jammer was kinda after i posted my stories, did u ever read the one about the guy whose pants fell down in the middle of the 8th grade dance? That was awesome. If not, I will repost it XD. Also Silent Jester, Eventually I think we should make like a groupd of panelists, and every1 posts there stories in another thread or we read through this one and have a winner. Like maybe: Most embarrassing, Funniest, most awkward etc. Just food for thought. Also, do u have an aim SJ? If so can u tell me pl0x? I love this thread and once again, keep it up.


P.S. Thank you jammer for saying you are male. From now on I will now that you are a guy. Though your stories kinda gave it away. I agree with your explanation, but I just think it is sad lol.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2007
Orlando, FL / Pittsburgh, PA
LOL @ Driggedfox's story.

ANyways @ drugged fox. I have a story similar to that, this kid in my science class was doing that to someone in the class and the teacher thought he was texting (these desks go to the floor so nobody thinks anything of it) so he goes over to see and flips the desk over and everyone saw, he went to the principal's office in tears and the chick in front of him won't talk to him at all anymore.
Holy hell. o_O

I'm a guy, btw


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Link lol. Nah i thought you were a ****** XD. Not really for any1 who realizes that there is no sarcasm over teh internet!!!! XD Omg, girls never reveal their gender which is y only guys say they are guys. @ Link, if you pulled down like the top half of your dress and she slapped the **** out of you... i got 2 questions. One is a perv guy question and one isnt. The first one is: Does what happened mean you saw her whole chest? And was she hot? (That is one question because apparently 1+1=2) The second one is: after slapping the **** out of you how could she ever talk to you again? And does she realize it wasnt on purpose, or do all girls just think guys are a bunch of pervs? (Once again that was 3 questions but ima count it as one XD) Last question that had nothing to do with the previous set of questions...what grade are uin when this happens? I think u said it happened recently so it must be your currnet grade level. So what is that? Thats all i got for now until silent jester posts with his reply or i think of a funny story.



Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
WTF @ brawl pro LOL. And BP... u didnt miss me?!?!?!? Dam boy. Just cuz i cant talk on aim doesnt mean u have to hate on me =(. XD JK At least i hope u just missed my post saying "Did BP and SJ miss me?". Well sorry for not being on aim lol. And y the *** was your front door broken down? Talk to you soon i hope, plz stop having 2000 posts lol. Thats insane after only 4 months. Im still waiting for reply from SJ. Bye every1, keep those stories coming.

Wow, i jsut realized that i havent seen any girl stories in the last 5 or so pages if not more. Dam perverts scared every1 away. Including me for 2 weeks XD Jk. But i was seroius about the part with no girl stories. Link, i have to say once again I HATE they guy that did that to you lol.



Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2007
Hickville, Wisconsin
Yes it means i saw her whole chest (best part of the incident...by far XD)

And maybe the slapping was some sort of involuntary movement or something......like what would you do to the person that just revealed your funbags to half the school (if you were a woman)



Smash Cadet
Sep 12, 2007
Yes it means i saw her whole chest (best part of the incident...by far XD)

And maybe the slapping was some sort of involuntary movement or something......like what would you do to the person that just revealed your funbags to half the school (if you were a woman)

... -cricket cricket-


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Gender: Male
Subject Name: John/Johnknight1
Age: 16
Grade: 11th/Junior

ok so this one time I had to pee really bad in history class. I get a pass and go but I didn't look at the signs that were men and women and I went to the one nearest to me which was the women XD. While I was doing my business I thought "why am I in a stall?" "why was there so many of them?" "why do I seem louder than the other people in here?". Then I get out only to find 4 girls staring at me with the look of shock on their faces o.O. I run out only to come across another girl right outside the bathroom and looks at me in disgust.

that happened in 10th grade and was THE most embarrasing thing that has ever happened to me.
I had a similar story, but on the other side.

3 or so weeks ago, I got out of my Geometry class, and had to go to my AP US History class. So I go, and ask for help on stuff from my teacher. I leave 3 minutes later, and go to the bathroom. I go in a urinal, and as I'm peeing, I hear these two girls wondering which bathroom is which. I think she's smart enough to know that pink tile is usually the girls bathroom, and blue in guys (our signs were jacked). As she's speaking to me, this guy starts peeing in this urinal next to me. So I flush the toliet, and take go to wash my hands. Next thing you know, she's in the guy's bathroom, and she sees his thing. Luckily I finished up 5 seconds early. So I am all embarrassed, and say "Freshmen, eh?". She leaves the bathroom, cracks up and tells her friend, while the guy is all embarrassed. So I say "Thank God I'm not you right now, and thank God I'm not a Freshmen". Added salt to the wound. :grin:


Shoved my Pen15 into this hot teacher's *** when she bent over to pick up a pencil she dropped on the floor in front of the class
Woaw, just woaw.

Yes it means i saw her whole chest (best part of the incident...by far XD)

And maybe the slapping was some sort of involuntary movement or something......like what would you do to the person that just revealed your funbags to half the school (if you were a woman)

I'm, guessing you enjoyed your fall of shame! :laugh:

A couple people at my school visit SWF, so I'll have to edit this out.

Well a couple weeks ago I got on the bus and the only seat left was occupied by the girl I (still) like. When we get off at the campus I stand up and offer for her to go first. You know how you can get a boner for no reason... well she accidentally rubs against my ****. exciting and embarassing at the same time.

I think she liked me even more after that, lol.
Smooth moves. Anyways ,I also had something similar like that happen to me.

I was at a church camp one year ago, and I hung out with really the bad people. Which..well...I'm kinda the opposite. Anyways, we start playing Texas Hold Em' Poker in a isolated area. So we s ay the first person has to take one of three dares by the person with the most chips remaining, they do it, then restart.

So, there are 5 of us:

-Me (then 15)

-my friend, Scott (my same age, male...and he is heavily attract to both girls, especially Heater, and they both don't like him)

-This guy I've known for a whle, Jack (male, 14 at the time ;hitting on Heather a lot)

-Jack's younger brother, Daniel (male, 13, horney, and has a girl friend, but hits on the first girl STILL)

-this one girl, Heather (female, 13; she tells us she wants to be a stripper when she grows up)

-this other girl, Savana (female, 14; nice girl, surprisingly. Still hang out with her every once in a while...surprisingly, I wasn't hitting on either on them, or was attracted to either of them).

Anyways, we start playing, and we do a bunch of silly and random ones. I win most of them. So then I barely miss losing, and Daniel wins one, while Heather loses. So he gives her three dares: make out with a tree, kiss Scott's a** (owch), or put a stick in her you know wat, making it look like she's got a b**er all day (at a chuch camp...which is odd). So, she takes the last ONE! We crack up. Next round goes, and this time Daniel loses, and I win. I can't think of anything, and see Savana's purse. That gave me a perfect idea. I gave two incredible horrid ones (make out with your brother, scream you like condomns throughout the camp), or to have all 4 of us put makeup on your face. So he takes the last one, and we do the best job ever. He looked like a giesha, njk.

So then, the next round goes, and Jack wins, while Scott loses. He dares Scott either to make out with me (I feared for my life), make out with his younger brother, Daniel (who's eyes turned large), or have us write Gay on his both his cheeks, in which he has to go around like that. He takes the later, trying to show off. We were doing this late at night, and the people at our church saw us. So they try to scare us. I tell them I hear noises, they ignore me. We're in like this outdoor stage building, with chairs in front of it btw, that could only be seen by being on this very steep hill. Taht aside, pratically all our church bangs against the wall, and they all scream, but me. My friend Scott had his shirt torn to threads by the two girls, who screamed with terror (and made me tripped off the stage, make me fall into the chairs, and I rolled pretty far.

So I sneakfully ran around, and see wat happens (unseen by the people who scared us, and they just came out). Imagine this: You're in a church camp, and in front of you in a guy who looks like a geisha, a girl with a b***er, a guy who has two girls basically holding on to his nipples, and some guy with a gulity look on his face. PRICELESS! I was able to sneak behind like I was part of the group, and they were in shock. Luckily none of the adults saw the supposed b**er Heather had, or caught eye of the two girl's who ripped Scott's shirt hiding behind him, holding on to his nipples. They did, however, see Daniel with the Geisha thing. Luckily, Daniel was asleep when they scared him (he jumped out of the chair, and tripped his older brother. So we said we (as I admitted I was with them) pranked Daniel while he was asleep, and put make up on his face.

So, we got off scotch free. Our peers joke to us to this day, calling the one girl the women with a fat b**er (that was a huge stick...it was like 6 inches long), the man who was a geisha, the man with the magic nipples, the cowering girls, and the guy who stood there through it. BEST THING EVER! By the end of that trip, Scott and Jack paid Heather to strip (I was busy hitting on some other girl...or rather, girls! XD), Daniel's girlfriend broke up with him a few weeks later, Heather went to rehab for drug and alcohol addiction a month later, and I almost died of laughing to death. :laugh: Good times, good times. Of course, we're all semi-normal now! :chuckle:

That is win folks. No one can trump that. I win, you lose.

Other akward moments:

-Streaking through a school rally with 2700 students, 100 teachers, and 200 parents, tripping on a dude (looking like you ***** him up the a**), and having a small you know wat. That for $100, a blunt, and 10 illegal fireworks. Fool. (and I know him) However, his Seminar teacher applauded him whe nhe first came to school (the next week), along with the rest of the class, uncaught, free, and fully clothed. Yes, his seminar teacher rocks (he only owns a Wii=I had him! XD). Everyone knew who it was too (well, students that is0, except for the freshmen. :p

So ya, I got TONS MORE, but I'll save them in my arsenal for later awsome stories. ;)


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
SJ, you never replied to me about aim or having a contest =( Cant you plz answer me? Oh also, @ Johnknight1 those were some pretty awesome stories. I lol'ed @ the church one and i was thinking WTF at a 13 year old girl stripping for 2 older guys. Well, thats pretty awesome and glad to know that you are semi normal XD. Skywalker, thats some pretty awesome ****. @ Link... so it wasnt a completely bad experience? XD. Also, i know what u mean about the involuntary slapping. Hoping for an answer from Silent Jester and good job every1 =)



Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
LOL the above post is true. Every1 who quoted him should edit the quote away out of kindness. He told us the story so the least we can do is make sure its not in like 2 people's quotes lol. And SJ I pm'ed you back and i will get on aim soon=)



Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2007
I got one:

When I was in third grade I was kind of falling asleep in class. Then the bell rang, and I had to go to the bathroom, and I -don't ask me why, because the reason escapes me- walked straight to the trash bin, and almost peed right there. I unziped my pants, and then it hit me. :laugh::ohwell: WTF AM DOING?

I must have been really, really sleepy.

Luckily, no one noticed.


Space Jump
May 7, 2006
Thank you Mystic. Can we get Johnknight to snip his quote too?

EDIT: And lol at "snip"

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Lol, I hate surprise boners, I have to wear a uniform so it's not like my shirt can hide it and the pants are too gay to make a difference.

A girl I was sitting next to saw that once, she was kinda shy so I wasn't worried.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 15, 2007
Monterrey, Nuevo León
i dont really like the idea of surprize boners you know...
last yeaR in an award ceremony i won an award for being smart lol and they were all like OMFG! BUT HE BEHAVES SO BAD NO WAI!!!! BAN HIM!!!!11!!
and i had a **** boner... oh was it awkward
and also on friday (would be like 2 days ago) there was this dude and we in school try to play and when we haev surprize boners (ahah rofl) we lift books with you know...
oh this dude **** tried so bad he pissed himself oh man no one else but me knew but i laughed my arse off! XD
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