Well, I've missed out on this thread long enough; better throw in a few moments I can think of.
First one that comes to my mind was early on in the ninth grade. I was walking up a flight of stairs with a couple friends, one of them being female. I'm in the back of the group, and I'm also quite clumsy. On the way up the stairs, I trip. As I'm going down I decide it would probably be best to try and stop myself from falling, but it didn't register for me just to grab hold of the railing. Instead, I try to break my fall by putting a hand out in front of me. I wasn't very far behind my friends though, and my hand ended up on the rear of the female group-member. Luckily, that stopped me from falling. Unluckily, as the two turn around to see what the commotion was, I now just look like some guy reaching out to grab her ***.
I think she could tell it was an accident, though, as she wasn't angry or anything. I was a little flustered for a moment and could only manage to say "Er-- Sorry.", but then we all went on like nothing happened. I still think I looked like an idiot, though.
This one's in the twelfth grade. In Applied Theatre Tech class, we were given practically five whole months to work on a final project that was going to be worth a majority of our mark. I, however, am an extreme procrastinator, and decided to just keep putting it off and putting it off. Anyway; so it's the morning of the day the project is due and I haven't done any studying whatsoever. The class is third period, so I've got about two hours to get some facts written down on paper before I have to go present. The presentations are supposed to be five to ten mintues long, so I'm hoping that he won't get to me today. Theoretically, if all the people he had called on had actually had their project done I wouldn't have had to present (Probably half the class didn't have it done.). Now because I'm a major procrastinator, I'm practically failing the class and don't want to lose any marks on this project for presenting late. I actually get up in front of the class and wing a six-minute long presentation. I got some input from my classmates during lunch about how they all thought it was amazing (Because they all knew I didn't work on it at all.), but I do consider this event embarassing because through the whole presentation, I could tell my teacher knew I didn't study at all, and yet I decided to go on anyway. I don't think he was too happy.
I forget what grade this one was in; probably seventh, maybe sixth -- I dunno. Anyway. We're in gym class and playing this absolutely ******** game that I already forget the rules to. All that matters is that some people have to sit down, aren't allowed to move, and have to try to tag people as the run from one end of the gynasium to the other. I forget why there was only one person still running, and I forget why I'm way over next to the wall while most people are near the center. So anyway; that one person is running and has already passed everyone else and I'm just kind of lying down at my end of the gym 'cause I figure she wouldn't be stupid enough to run in my direction when she could move to either side and clear me by a mile. Apparently she was stupid enough, as I look up and she happens to be running right at me. I honestly don't give a **** about the game so I just kind of hold my arm out to make it look like I'm at least putting effort into it. Now I thought she was pretty stupid just for running towards me, but she also makes this weak attempt to try and jump over my arm. Not a very bright thing to do when I'm right beside the wall, as she flies right into it face first. So now she's bleeding, and apparently to the rest of the class it looked like I tripped her and sent her into the wall. Her, obviously trying not to look stupid, agrees with that scenario. Having 30+ people staring at you and accusing you of smashing someone's face into the wall is sort of unnerving if you ask me.
Oh, yeah, here's another. Grade eight. I'm sitting in front of one of my (male) friends. I'm known to be a pretty trusting guy, but I'm also bullied to hell and back (Which, I suppose leads into another embarassing moment that I'll get into later.). So anyway; I'm sitting in class in front of one of my friends. One of the guys from my class quietly comes up to me and asks me to hand the friend I'm sitting in front of a note and asks that I do not say who it's from. I'm not one to intrude on anyone's privacy, so as the guy walks back to his desk, I hand my friend the note (You'd figure he'd know who it's from, but I guess he was just so out of it that he didn't notice anyone walk up to me. He's known to be pretty spacey.). So it's not too long later that my friend taps on my shoulder and asks if this is some kind of joke. I don't know what the hell's going on, so he hands me the note. It said that I was absolutely in love with him and that I wanted him to come over to my place later that night and that he should bring a condom. I told him it wasn't from me and he says that it is -- he knows my handwriting; obviously he doesn't. I look back at the guy who sent me a note and him and his friend are laughing their *** off.
So, yeah, like I said, back in the day, I was the target for practically every bully in the school. Hell, I was broken so badly that even girls two years younger than I could still attack me mentally. Because of all of that, I've developped a sense of paranoia; one where if I get even the slightest idea that someone doesn't like me very much, I don't talk to them ever again. A fear of rejection, if you will. Because of this, I've never been known to be a Casanova -- the ladies' man; the one every man wants to be and every woman wants to date. I think you get the point. So, yeah. All through high school I'd say to myself "I should ask her out,", "Hey, she's pretty great. I should ask her to lunch sometime,", or "She's hot. I should get to know her more,", but I'd never act on any of these. I'd always come up with some excuse as to why I'd never ask any of them out, ranging from "She doesn't know me at all,", "She's too good of a friend,", or "She's got this random habit that annoys me,", when really I just didn't want to face the fact that they could just say "No, I don't want to be with you." Lame, I know, but I can't do anything about it. Anyway, for three years I would constantly tell myself excuse after excuse after excuse not to get in a relationship with any woman, and for three years I let myself get away with it. However, for three years there was always this one girl that the only excuse I could ever come up with was "I don't really like her hair." Exceptionally lame, I know, but I will come up with any possible excuse not to date someone (Not to mention that to me hair is also a huge part of attractiveness, but that's not the point.).
Funny thing is that I'm not even at the embarassing part yet. So all through high school my friends and I would always eat lunch at the same spot, so essentially if anyone wanted to find us at lunch, they knew where we would be. Anyway; so now it's the first day of our senior year. I was pretty good friends with this girl (You know, the one who's hair I didn't like. *kicks self*) at this point, so she knew where I was at lunch. She dropped in to say "Hello," to my friends and I, where I noticed she changed her hair -- which, by the way, I thought looked amazing. So now you'd figure I have no more excuses to ask her out and we promptly made sweet, passionate love right there on the floor, right? Nah, I still came up with excuses, but these ones were lame enough that even I said "**** it, I'm going in." So me, being absolutely lame, took one month to figure out how I was going to ask her out to lunch. I convenietly had some Law homework to do that consisted of asking someone if they'd ever been discriminated. Her and I always got to school roughly an hour before class (Only time I could get there by bus.), so I sat down beside her where we usually sit and tell her I need to ask her some things for my Law homework. She agrees to help. So I fire away the one question I had to get done and write down her answer. Then I say I have just one more question and ask if she'd like to have lunch sometime. She laughs (In the good way. Like happy laughing. Not "Go out with you? Hahahahaha no." >_>) and says yes. So we go out for lunch, walk around, talk, get back in time for class.
So everything is fine and dandy now, right? If that were the case, this wouldn't be a very embarassing story at all and I wouldn't be telling you all about it. Here's where I go really downhill. I decide that I don't feel like she enjoyed my company very much and actually start avoiding her. Go me, eh? I do this for roughly four months, and she seems to act like nothing happened at all. Four months of telling myself "Hey, I had a shot with one of the most amazing people I'm ever going to meet and I blew it.". As the days dragged on, I figured I at least owe it to her to apologize. Me, being the romantic that I am, realize I can't just go apologize to her now; I've waited to long, she might be angry. I honestly didn't care if she hated me right now, I just didn't want her to say it to my face. I decided that if she still wants anything to do with me at all, I'll make her come to me. Since it's Valentine's Day and all, and since she's an avid gamer and all, and since she's an artist and all, I decided to combine all three and make a cheesy card that reads "Roses are red, violets are blue, all my base are belong to you." (And although I can't draw at all, I think I did a ****ing amazing job of drawing CATS; but that's not the point.), along with a little message stating I wan't to apologize and explain why I hadn't talked to her in so long. I slipped this into her locker.
The next day she did come up to me, and we did talk. And that, my friends, is the embarassing point of the story. You may not see it or quite understand it, but having to stare this girl in the eyes and explain to her about all the stupid **** that went through my mind to convince myself not to talk to her for so long has obviously got to be one of the most embarassing things I've ever had to go through; simply because my whole reasoning behind it all makes no sense and shouldn't have stopped me from talking to her at all. So she may not have enjoyed my company; point being? I should have been a man about the whole thing, but I'm weak. She was understanding about it, but that will never change the fact that I will always feel like crap for what I did.