One of my most embarrassing moments happened during an 8th grade dance. My jerkish friends conceived the gut-wrenching idea that I should dance with my middle school crush. They were literally pushing me towards the dance floor so that I could unwillingly approach and dance with a girl I've never talked to. She was dancing with two of her friends in what appeared to be a "raving circle," and my friends just flung me onto the open but enclosed dance floor. Now, at the time, I didn't even know how to do the hokie pokie, and I was becoming aware of the surrounding eyes, so naturally my attempts at busting dance moves induced hilarity. I was doing what appeared to be an 80's spinning rave thing with my hands, and I was jumping up and down, alternating my steps, like I was following an instructional exercise video, which caused someone to yell out, "FEEL THE BURN HUGO." About a good half-minute into my dancing tragedy, one of my crush's friends plunged into the floor in an attack of uncontrollable laughter. I think the other girl literally laughed her *** off. Shortly afterwards, to my dismay, my jerkish friends asked my crush if she would like to save the last dance for me or something. Anyway, I later found out that my crush had left the dance early, probably dying from the embarrassment. Five years later I managed to get in contact with her and we talked about how silly that incident was, and she apologized for whatever reason, it wasn't even her fault. So yeah, it's cool.