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The most embarrassing thing you've ever done at school


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2006
Probably out eating some dirt or something.
Kinda like when I threw at someone on my own baseball team once. That wasn't on accident though. Everyone else and myself knew he deserved it. He was acting like a spaz and thought he was the only player on the team because he hit a home run the game before. It was kinda embarassing when my coach yelled at me though. The other kid got yelled at too.


Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2007
Ohio...you stalker =)
How Ken made me fail:
A couple weeks ago, I took a test in my History class. I was doing really well, then came this religion question. One of the answer choices was "Huangism." Well Ken's last name is Huang. So I, being all easily distracted and whatever, was off in Smashland for the rest of the test. I think I might have actually written something about peaches and fat men as part of one of my answers >.<


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
a month into our relationship i found out my girlfriend was a tranie and all my friends i had known knew >_>. i threw him/her in the dumps



Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2006
On the blue planet next to the sun, can't miss it!
I once broke a cafeteria table in rage.

It was last year, and my best friend (who happened to be a girl) was sitting at lunch with me. I planned that day to tell her I liked her. So, some other idiot comes up to her. We make small talk and...

Minute long make out session between BFF and mystery boy.

My original plan was to beat him over the head with a chair, but I ended it up just pounding the **** out of the table and breaking it.


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
I once broke a cafeteria table in rage.

It was last year, and my best friend (who happened to be a girl) was sitting at lunch with me. I planned that day to tell her I liked her. So, some other idiot comes up to her. We make small talk and...

Minute long make out session between BFF and mystery boy.

My original plan was to beat him over the head with a chair, but I ended it up just pounding the **** out of the table and breaking it.
sad story but i lol'd for no reason reading it.:urg:


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2007
Cleveland, Ohio (who actually puts this here?)
I once broke a cafeteria table in rage.

It was last year, and my best friend (who happened to be a girl) was sitting at lunch with me. I planned that day to tell her I liked her. So, some other idiot comes up to her. We make small talk and...

Minute long make out session between BFF and mystery boy.

My original plan was to beat him over the head with a chair, but I ended it up just pounding the **** out of the table and breaking it.
ah... truly a tragic story at the core... the same type of thing has happened to me, except i didnt go into a rage or anything... :ohwell:


Smash Rookie
Oct 29, 2007
Florida, short for hell :D
Ugh, I've done a lot of stupid crap in my elementary school that I would not go into. Although I do have some kind of recent one XD.

My school has this... Tv announcement thing every morning before classes start to talk about the local things happening at school. I'm in my swim team and recently we did really good in this one meet. As they were calling our names I got really excited to hear mine. It's pronounced Ah-low-sha, this is how the girl said it:




Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2007
Below California.
Im a very dumb boy, but let me think. Ah, yes, It was when I was talking to a friend and I said 'Yes, she is such a *****, I think she is bisecksual' and a teacher was at my back, She told me to not say such words, but nothing bad happened.

I have a question for those of you who have a Girl/boy/Itfriend, Why do yo take such stress ? Its just being distracted with some person, remembering Dates, Giving things, and having French Kisses outside of the school, because most of that teen love is just some superficial thing for a stupid, spoiled girl.

But thats just me and my childlish mind.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
I have a question for those of you who have a Girl/boy/Itfriend, Why do yo take such stress ? Its just being distracted with some person, remembering Dates, Giving things, and having French Kisses outside of the school, because most of that teen love is just some superficial thing for a stupid, spoiled girl.
Those are good points. It is true that when you're a teenager, it's usually always lust, and not love, that makes you attracted to someone.

The French kisses you mentioned actually are a big plus. Mmmmm...

And the girl isn't always "stupid" and "spoiled". Girls are people, too. They have feelings, and ideas, and dreams. Sometimes it's nice to share those things with another person. It's especially nice when it's with just one other person, even though you know it won't last.

I guess it depends on the girlfriend whether or not you're putting more into the relationship than you're getting out of it. Maybe I've been lucky, but I generally don't regret my relationships with girls.

RMR, I would say that having a girlfriend is a large part of being a teenager. I mean, it's not necessary if you want to be happy, but it is fulfilling in its own way.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2007
Below California.
Well, JAmmer, You actually have some good points too.

It is true that a girl can be Much more inteligent than a guy, but when you remember its for Lust, you just want to go with the most good looking(Good look=Always had attention from guys=Always got what she wanted=Spoiled Rich girl that visits MySpace daily).

Im not saying Beuty+Smartness=ERROR, but MOST teens do it for lust or vain, and if the girl is Smart, they dont go with a guy who wants to be with her just for the reasons I mentioned before.

But yeah, Generally Im relaxed, so I dont like worry from those things. But nobody has answered yet, Why they do even have a Girl/boy/Itfriend ? (Please, dont answer with: BUTTSECKS !11one1)

Kyu Puff

Smash Champion
Feb 22, 2007
Love is an emotion developed by the human brain in order to reach the ultimate goal of any life-form; reproduction. So yeah, even if you don't realize it, the answer is buttsecks (in a way). :p

And also, some people would just call that lust. My view is that there is really no difference between love and lust, because if love doesn't lead to lust, then it's artificial.

Once in middle school I said something really rude to the girl I liked (something along the lines of "you really suck...")... She looked like she was about to cry and felt like puking right after I said it. Usually I'm pretty reserved in public, but I came off as a total *** right then. Now, it's really awkward whenever I'm near her in class or wherever. :/

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
You do know that you don't have to remember dates or give things to have a relationship. If you are automatically attracted to each other then it shouldn't be a problem. Me and Vikki have been together for over a year now and we have no problem with dates or other trivial things. Heck, I'm just ole geeky me, and she's smart sexy her, but we feel completely comfortable around each other. I can geekily play Pokemon Diamond and not have to worry about a thing.


Though giving presents is a great thing to do, and a nice way to cheer them up. :)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2007
Below California.
You know what's embarrasing? When you get all elaborate on a math problem (especially when explaining verbally) and you find out that the answer is wrong.
Oh yes, It has happened me, Its SO embarrasing.

As for the Love=Lust, Im pretty.
Sure that it is not the same. Why do you think love always leads to buttsecks and is artificial if there is no lust ?

And no, reproduction isnt the ultimate goal. I could easily go with one of those 'Party Ladies' to do so.

EDIT: I will make a thread about this, We are just spamming this thread.


Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2007
Ohio...you stalker =)
Okay, this is all I'm gonna say about this...

And the girl isn't always "stupid" and "spoiled". Girls are people, too. They have feelings, and ideas, and dreams. Sometimes it's nice to share those things with another person. It's especially nice when it's with just one other person, even though you know it won't last.
Okay, while I agree with the rest of your post, this part really bothered me. Being a girl myself, it's kinda hard to read this when you say "they are people too, with ideas, etc." well whaddaya think we are, hamsters? I know you didn't mean it to come across that way, but that's how we girls think =D

It is true that a girl can be Much more inteligent than a guy, but when you remember its for Lust, you just want to go with the most good looking(Good look=Always had attention from guys=Always got what she wanted=Spoiled Rich girl that visits MySpace daily).
no. bad. this is a stereotype. I get attention from guys all the time (not bragging or whatever, just stating facts) and I'm no spoiled rich girl who visits MySpace or gets what she wants. I don't even have a MySpace! there are girls who aren't total nerds, preps, whores, emo, or whatever.

Does it ****ing matter <_<;;
I think it does, because I HATE when people assume I'm a guy!! just my opinion, though ^-^

okay, funny story time ^.~
today I was running up the stairs in flip flops. I tripped and lost a shoe, so I put it back on as fast as I could. Then I started running up the stairs again. I tripped again, lost my shoe again, and someone kicked it down to the first floor. I had to run down two flights of stairs (from the the second floor to the first floor) without a shoe :0

not totally off topic, right? =D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Okay, this is all I'm gonna say about this...

Okay, while I agree with the rest of your post, this part really bothered me. Being a girl myself, it's kinda hard to read this when you say "they are people too, with ideas, etc." well whaddaya think we are, hamsters? I know you didn't mean it to come across that way, but that's how we girls think =D
He doesn't think girls are hamsters. He's pointing out to someone who DOES think that that they are wrong. And I think it's a bit unfair for you to get angry at people for making generalisations about girls and at the same time assume all girls think the same as you. I know they are similarities, but like you say, all girls are different (of course all people are different.

I think it does, because I HATE when people assume I'm a guy!! just my opinion, though ^-^
No one assumed you were a guy. Brawlpro was saying it doesn't matter whether RMR is a guy or a girl because our answer to him or her should be the same either way. Otherwise, we would be discriminating.


Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2007
Ohio...you stalker =)
He doesn't think girls are hamsters. He's pointing out to someone who DOES think that that they are wrong. And I think it's a bit unfair for you to get angry at people for making generalisations about girls and at the same time assume all girls think the same as you. I know they are similarities, but like you say, all girls are different (of course all people are different.

No one assumed you were a guy. Brawlpro was saying it doesn't matter whether RMR is a guy or a girl because our answer to him or her should be the same either way. Otherwise, we would be discriminating.
I wasn't getting angry, and I'm still not. I was just pointing out that the wording could be taken the way you thought I took it =)

I know nobody assumed I was a guy, but it's happened to me in the past (on this thread, even). I was just putting my two cents in and saying that I don't like when people assume I'm male just because I'm a member here.

end of subject, I suppose...don't want to get the topic locked for off-topic-ness =D


The Terminator
Nov 29, 2005
Springfield Mass
well for me it does matter let me call brawlpro a girl ho would you feel i only ask these becuase i was about to make a post talking to he/she and I dind twant to offend him or her by calling im or her a she or him without knowing if she was a girl or a guy also my english is a little bad so please don't makw fun of it


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Okay, while I agree with the rest of your post, this part really bothered me. Being a girl myself, it's kinda hard to read this when you say "they are people too, with ideas, etc." well whaddaya think we are, hamsters? I know you didn't mean it to come across that way, but that's how we girls think =D
Heh, I don't think you read what I said very carefully.

Someone had said a very sexist thing about how girls didn't have brains. I was saying that girls, like guys, have brains. They have feelings, dreams, ideas, etc. also.

The reason I said that was to correct someone who obviously was a bit confused about the female gender. There was no sexist intent.

I think most guys know that girls are people. I just made it very clear to someone who possibly hadn't made that connection yet.

Just so you know, I'm probably the least sexist person I know, guy or girl.

Also, you don't have to worry about this topic getting locked. It's gone way more off topic than this before, and it always seems to find its way back.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2007
Cleveland, Ohio (who actually puts this here?)
speaking of all this sexist stuff....

i was borat at school for halloween today (only the seniors get to dress up... w00t...). i quoted borat, saying something about womens' brains being the size of a squirrels (he says it in the movie), and this girl got mad at me... hahaha....

i was just kidding of course, for all you girls here... im sure your brain is just as big as mine... :laugh:


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
We really should make a thread about Girls/Relationships.
Well, there was one. But it devolved into stupidity.

That was probably because the thread creator started it off with "Girls are stupid; don't date them".

Hey, I'll make one myself, with a strict warning not to be a jerk.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
That reminds me, Pustulio. For Halloween in middle school I had a costume with a sign. I attached the sign to my body with a loop around each shoulder. They pressed my shirt against my armpits, and for some reason I was really hot that day, and I had these gigantic pit stains all through the school day. I didn't even know it until a girl was nice enough to openly make fun of me for it.

Oh man that was embarrassing.


Smash Ace
May 8, 2007
Swimmin' in a fish bowl, year after year
Ouch, that really sux man. You know what I really hate intensly (especialy in school) ? Diareah farting. You get that stuff on your underwear and you smell funny for the rest of the day. I ABSOLUTELY can't stand it when this happens. Not to sound like a 9-year-old, but...you know...


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Isn't that like your 6th post in this thread about poop and/or farting? I remember someone said something really strange about "it going back up" and some other gross stuff, and I think it was you, Lombardi.

You're kinda starting to freak me out.

The thing is, I don't think I've ever "diarrhea farted".

Ughhh...gives me shivers just thinking about it.
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