Ahh yes you'll have to learn the Lucas ropes!
For grabbing, do you know what pivot grabbing is? It drastically reduces Lucas' grabbing time and it's very useful, only slightly worse than Yoshi who has the best pivot grab in the game.
Basically run one way, then smash the movement stick in the other direction and at the exact same time grab and you'll do a pivot grab. It literally lasts like a third of the time of Lucas' normal running grab and perhaps half of his standing grab. =D
If you already know it, let me know. I'll be happy to help you learn as much as you can! Whenever you've mastered a technique, feel free to come back and ask for another one.
I'll leave you with this as well, the zap jump, one of Lucas' greatest recovery assets but incredibly hard to pull off reliably. Even I can only get it 70% of the time or so.
You have to use your second jump and PK fire within 1 frame after jumping. Basically, at the same time use your second jump and PK fire in one direction and you'll do it.
And trust me, you'll KNOW when you do it. I'll leave you a video:
It's an old video but it gives you an idea. ^_^
Absolutely last thing, Lucas' rope snake can indeed be used for recovery (press grab within a reasonable distance from the ledge and rope snake will catch it). It has some drawbacks though and so is mostly better for mix-ups (but that can come later): it doesn't have incredible range and it extends his hitboxes - effectively the snake is like another part of Lucas and can be hit as such when he first brings it out to tether to the ledge.