IceIce Blocks go though PKF?
vids please.
IC entire moveset doesn't **** lucas that bad.
Uair only goes through Dair
We have no way to kill nana?
Are you talking about seperating them or killing them.
PKT is amazing against them offstage.
Nair getting pivot grabbed. Not sure about that.
There are things both characters can do to each other.
It sounds like you have never played an IC before lol. Uair goes through everything, not just dair, yes you have no simple way to kill nana, lucas doesn't have the tools to keep ics seperated easily, pkt is ok against them offstage it's really not that hard to get back, and you're not sure about nair being pivot grabbed because you've never played a good IC lol. Most of lucas's moves can be pivot grabbed by IC's. Full hopped dair is easily countered by just uairing, IC's uair does over 20% and combos into itself for over 40% of damage from 0, falling nair combos into grab, uair frametraps airdodges, interchanging full hopped blizzards with aireals doesn't let lucas absorb anything and sets up for grabs if lucas trys to...Ton of things.
so if Lucas uses PSI magnet on blizzard does it hit ICs or do they grab him? I don't understand the hitbox on it but it seems like it hits faster if you are absorbing somehting.
If you are desynching blizzards it's a free grab if they try to absorb. Assuming you are desynching correctly. If you just sit there and blizzard of course they will absorb lol.
Blizzard has range so if we stay back when we absorb it we shouldn't get grabbed.
There are two climbers.
Like Ness, Lucas can also Magnet Cancel when absorbable projectile is used against him, giving him the opportunity to not only get free health, but to be able to roll back, jump away, spot dodge and so on.
Again..two climbers..on is going to be close to you shielding if you try to absorb blizzard and that gives them free grabs.
I mean SINGLE climber can Chaingrab lucas till 76%. Single climber also has a walking cg on lucas with dthrow for a pretty long time, till past 50% before IC's have to start dashing IIRC.