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The Lucario Shrine


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
They advertised Munchlax A LOT more than they did Lucario. Buizel they are advertising a lot as well.
Yeah they did, because Gamefreak wanted him to be the next Pikachu, lol. It pretty much failed though, and Munchlax hasnt been given the special treatment and status from Gamefreak that Lucario has been enjoying.

Im still starting to doubt that he is playable in Brawl though. 5 selectable Pokemon characters with one being the Trainer which has more than one moveset seems like too much. Sigh, the new Pokemon world symbol is the icon from Diamond/Pearl's touch screen though, and seeing it being used on nothing but first gen Pogeys seems wrong to me somehow. Heres to hoping that Sakurai liked Lucario enough to give him a spot...
Mar 21, 2007
Yeah they did, because Gamefreak wanted him to be the next Pikachu, lol. It pretty much failed though, and Munchlax hasnt been given the special treatment and status from Gamefreak that Lucario has been enjoying.

Im still starting to doubt that he is playable in Brawl though. 5 selectable Pokemon characters with one being the Trainer which has more than one moveset seems like too much. Sigh, the new Pokemon world symbol is the icon from Diamond/Pearl's touch screen though, and seeing it being used on nothing but first gen Pogeys seems wrong to me somehow. Heres to hoping that Sakurai liked Lucario enough to give him a spot...
Err... what special treatment has lucario been given by Gamefreak?


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Err... what special treatment has lucario been given by Gamefreak?
Before I begin, let me say that I by no means think this information has a direct and drastic impact on Lucario's chances...

Anyway, Lucario is a tough to get Pokemon in D/P, the champion uses one, it has a movie, and it is fairly well-merchandised...and it was also one of the first 4th gen Pokemon we knew about (it was first mentioned by Serebii in February 2005)
Link coming soon;)

Buizel should be in brawl!

Btw...at this point, I feel that Lucario isn't 100% guaranteed (not that I ever did)...I support it, and I think it has a good shot...but if it isn't in, it isn't in...I'm still a huge supporter, I'm just prepared for the worst...


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Viridian City
I wanted to ask. Is it alright if I use that banner that is on the first page? The Lucario for brawl one? I didn't want to take it and not ask.

Buizel should be in brawl!
Buizel rules. I wouldn't mind if he was a Pokéball Pokémon.

I really wish we would all stop bickering about one character and just wait.. no one has any patience anymore.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2007
Ottawa, Canada
People need to know that playable Pokemons are not chosen randomly (It's obvious that there not, but just saying >.>)
It's obvious the Pokemon that they chose is mainly for their importance/popularity to the anime and movies, and not really the game itself.
Pikachu-Main Pokemon Character of the show
Jigglypuff-Was very popular because of her appearance in the series
Mewtwo-Because of his two movies
Pichu-Got popular for almost the same reason Pikachu did. They appeared in a mini-movie.
Do you really think these Pokemon would all make it if the anime never existed??
(Maybe, I'm a bit off on all this, but you see my point, right?)

Now there was the PT that was announced. And this character wasn't really put in because of the show. But he represents the main character that you play as in the game, and his Pokemons represents the very first starters of the Pokemon series.

What I'm getting at is that there may be other Pokemon that could fit that fighting genre other than Lucario. Like Weavile, Hitmonchan, Zangoose, but putting these kind of Pokemon as playable would be kinda meaningless and random...
I'm not saying that Lucario HAS to be in Brawl, because there's the PokeBall item that can cover the 3rd and 4th Gen PKMN. However, if they would consider putting a new PK rep, than he'd be the best one to go for, and I'm just saying that as an opinion.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
I agree with you to an extent. However you can't completely compare Lucario with Jiggly. they are different characters with different pros and cons. Yes are common in that they are popular but most people fail to realize that Jiggly also acts as the second most popular pokemon for females players where as males are usually drawn to squirtle,charizard, Mewtwo or Lucario. I know it might not seem like a lot but still it is a difference then Lucario who is competing in popular poke for a over all high percent of male players.
Jigglypuff still remains the second most popular pokemon ever. Lucario will never even reach top 5 status of the most popular pokemon, he just doesn't have the show apperances or game significance to back it up, Jiggles left the show and is common in the games but is still well known for her time in the spotlight.

now that's just silly.
He is advertised just as much as Lucario, allthough he doesn't have a movie he has a very significant anime apperance and pretty soon
Dawn's Buizel is going to be traded for Ash's Aipom, it's no longer just fan speculation. Come November 22 in Japan the episode "Aipom and Buizel" Respective roads.
That will make him the first pokemon in the series to
participate in a trade between main characters
. Which is pretty important. He also would have a very good moveset.
He has just as much going for him as Lucario, just because you don't like him doesn't make him a silly idea.

Like it makes a big difference in Meowth's probability. ATs are nothing more than Nintendo character pokeballs.
Meowth was always a very popular and important Pokemon, more important than Lucario will ever hope to be also probably more popular as he is infiantly more well known appearing in every episode of the show except for the first one and almost recieving his own game (not sure why it never made it though...)

Yeah they did, because Gamefreak wanted him to be the next Pikachu, lol. It pretty much failed though, and Munchlax hasnt been given the special treatment and status from Gamefreak that Lucario has been enjoying.
Munchlax had a major role on the show, in the games and is pretty darn popular. More important than Lucario will ever be, and look what happened to him. Just because he doesn't have the fanboy fanbase over here look at the Japanese (now I feel like a bloody wapanese) they love that little fella and all he turned out to be was an AT, I wouldn't be shocked if this happened to Lucario.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 17, 2007
Lynwood W.A
The Reason Jiggles and Pichu were put in was WAS beacause of their mass popularity in japan. Mewtwo got in two for the same reasons and more. LUCARIO LUCARIO FORRRRRR BRAWL


Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2007
Mt. Kafor
Lucario? I don't know as he has the potential to replace Mewtwo. If he didn't then I wouldn't be concerned with Lucario appearing as a playable character.

Whatever, keep your support for him strong, I guess.


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2007
In my secret laboratory.
Lucario has become one of my favourites once i took a closer look with that second video of him fighting against the Houndooms. I used to hate him. I'll post my complete moveset. The stars after each move mean its power from 1 star to 5:

Attacking speed-***


B-Bone Rush-Hits the foe with a bone-**
B>-Quick attack-Attacks foe at a very high speed making it almost impossible to dodge-**
B^-Shadow claw-Scratches foe with dark power-****
Bv-Metal sound-Emits a horrible screech ring beam that makes all opponents in the way dazed and confused for a short period of time-no damage

AAA-Tail swing-**
A>-Metal claw-Slashes the foe with metal claws-****
Av-Focus Punch-Hold down the button to charge it up. The more you charge the more powerful it is-variable damage

Smash-Aura Sphere-Creates a blue sphere in his hands. You can then move the sphere in any position with the control stick. Then press any button to shoot it in that direction exploding on contact-*****
Smash >-Extremespeed-Dashes at high speed launching any foe in the way-****
Smash ^-Aura jump-Floats upwards at high speed surrounded by blue light-****
Smash v-Protect/Detect-Creates a blue dome of light around him refelcting every type of attack

Final Smash-Focus Blast-Unleashes an explosion on the whole stage-*****

How is it?


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Glad I could win you over.

One thing that leaps out, looking at your moveset... how do you recover? your ^B doesn't sound like something that generates height. Could you explain?

Storm Eagle

Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2007
I will support Lucario to be a PC in Brawl but only if Mewtwo get's in before him! I like both.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007
Only as a Mewtwo replacement. I would rather see him in than Mewtwo but the chances are probably slim.


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2007
In my secret laboratory.
Glad I could win you over.

One thing that leaps out, looking at your moveset... how do you recover? your ^B doesn't sound like something that generates height. Could you explain?
I thought you used the smash ^ attack to recover. If not then...maybe some acrobatic jump? I dont have melee so I just find out things with the DOJO site.


Smash Cadet
Nov 9, 2007
I thought you used the smash ^ attack to recover. If not then...maybe some acrobatic jump? I dont have melee so I just find out things with the DOJO site.
My guess is Sky uppercut for B^, I think not many more attacks are logical for the B up.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
That's unfair to say, If you look at your so called top 5 most popular, none of them are not first gen and they are all popular because of the anime.
Actually, thats not "unfair", its the truth. The 1st gen is the most popular, most well know, most iconic gen of pokemon to the masses. The newer the gen the more "WTF" faces you will get from people when you ask them if they have seen w/e pokemon from said gen.
(Hell, even IGN's Nintendo reviewers amoung others couldn't name or recognize the Pokeballed pokemon that where not from the 1st gen at the Nintendo event showing brawl.)


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
That's unfair to say, If you look at your so called top 5 most popular, none of them are not first gen and they are all popular because of the anime.
*Cartoon, anime is not a real word in English. Also most of them got their roles in the show because NOJ held a poll over in Japan who was their favourite pokemon, Ash was going to get a Pikachu or a Jigglypuff they topped the list.
We need a new, more recent Pokemon, all of the ones in Smash are first gen but Pichu who sucks.
Pokemon is represented as a series as a whole not by generations. The first generation of pokemon is the most popular and well known so of course it would get the most playable characters, that's where the popular pokemon come from. That isn't to say that other gens can't be repped by moves, items, assist trophies, pokeballs, trophies or stickers. A playable character isn't the only way to represent something.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Not this again.
Groundwalker, have you ever posted anything positive in your life? Ever?

I do think Lucario would be a good choice after Jigglypuff and Mewtwo, I also think that Buizel could be fun too.
I think both Mewtwo and Jiggs should come back. Mewtwo is pretty much expected, but I must say I'm not so sure about Jiggs....

I may have sold out and added these but I refuse to add flavours of the months like Claus and Geno.
^ Really digging your sig, Xian. That part, at least.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Well it isn't. Neither is "manga" or "color" I use real (british) English.
Real English isn't just British. English is very very real in America. And yes, mind you, although I wouldn't say color is a British English word (considering it's how you spell it in America), anime and manga is STILL a "real English" word, which like American English, in which they constantly add words to the vocabulary that are originally slang that become used by the masses (which it is in Britain, there's ton of anime fans and anime cons there, trust me). Either you like it or not, it is, xianfeng, stop complaining and trying to correct it like you know what you're talking about.

I mean, it's fine and dandy if you want to call a Japanese cartoon a "cartoon" or a Japanese comic a "comic," but calling it anime and manga is just as fine in any form of English, and holds the same meaning. I'm not going to be some weaboo ***got and say, "It isn't a cartoon, it's anime!" because it IS a cartoon by definition while at the same time it IS anime.
Groundwalker, have you ever posted anything positive in your life? Ever?
Yes, like correcting something wrong, which does quite a good.


Smash Cadet
Oct 30, 2007
I think Lucario's either >A or >B should be Iron Tail and ^B should be Sky Uppercut (thinkn Marth without the sword).


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I envision the ^B version of Sky Uppercut as like the Dragon Punch from Street Fighter.
Lucario performing a Shoryuken-esque move would be pwnsome.

What was the best idea for his FS?


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
*Cartoon, anime is not a real word in English. Also most of them got their roles in the show because NOJ held a poll over in Japan who was their favourite pokemon, Ash was going to get a Pikachu or a Jigglypuff they topped the list.
Still, Lucario was not present at the time, remember? You're solely basing his chances on your opinion and the fact that he is not first gen, Oh and why are you on the internet trying to give language lectures? Gimme a break!

Pokemon is represented as a series as a whole not by generations. The first generation of pokemon is the most popular and well known so of course it would get the most playable characters, that's where the popular pokemon come from. That isn't to say that other gens can't be repped by moves, items, assist trophies, pokeballs, trophies or stickers. A playable character isn't the only way to represent something.
Pichu kills your argument lol, plus why are you so Anti Lucario? Having one pokemon from a gen that's not the first doesn't hurt anyone, you have 6 first gen pokemons in Brawl if Mewtwo and Jigglypuff return, so I don't see why you oppose it so badly.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Pichu kills your argument lol, plus why are you so Anti Lucario? Having one pokemon from a gen that's not the first doesn't hurt anyone, you have 6 first gen pokemons in Brawl if Mewtwo and Jigglypuff return, so I don't see why you oppose it so badly.
How does Pichu kill my argument? I never said that another generation couldn't be represented by another playable character I said that it's not the only way to represent a generation. I'm not first gen elitest I just want Jigglypuff and Mewtwo to return, I don't care if Lucario makes it just as long as though to return because they deserve it more than he ever will because they have more popularity than he could ever hope to acheive.

anime and manga is STILL a "real English" word,
No it isn't they are not english words they are Japanese words, they are not part of the English language in any way shape of form, unless of course we want to include every single word from every single language in English! That's ****ing bull****. Seriously we have words that allready work just fine Comic and Cartoon. Manga and Anime are not English words and are unacceptable in an English conversation, it's randomly switching between the two languages just because some ***** weaboos refuse to call them by what they really are cartoons and comics.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
How does Pichu kill my argument? I never said that another generation couldn't be represented by another playable character I said that it's not the only way to represent a generation. I'm not first gen elitest I just want Jigglypuff and Mewtwo to return, I don't care if Lucario makes it just as long as though to return because they deserve it more than he ever will because they have more popularity than he could ever hope to acheive.
I never said I wanted Jigglypuff and Mewtwo gone to have Lucario in Brawl, so I guess we can both agree on this point.

No it isn't they are not english words they are Japanese words, they are not part of the English language in any way shape of form, unless of course we want to include every single word from every single language in English! That's ****ing bull****. Seriously we have words that allready work just fine Comic and Cartoon. Manga and Anime are not English words and are unacceptable in an English conversation, it's randomly switching between the two languages just because some ***** weaboos refuse to call them by what they really are cartoons and comics.
Most languages borrow words and terms for their own use, is a very close minded thing to just restrict a language like that... plus if you refer to an anime as a cartoon most people are gonna think you're not talking about an anime, so it's hopeless to try to change that and why are you replying to a banned user?


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
I never said I wanted Jigglypuff and Mewtwo gone to have Lucario in Brawl, so I guess we can both agree on this point.
I just hate it when people say things like "he would rep the fourth gen" or "he would replace Mewtwo" I don't care if he's in just as long as those two are in.

Most languages borrow words and terms for their own use, is a very close minded thing to just restrict a language like that... plus if you refer to an anime as a cartoon most people are gonna think you're not talking about an anime, so it's hopeless to try to change that and why are you replying to a banned user?
Is he banned again? Good. Anyway it's still not an English word. I only speak English (well I do know a little bit of French) so I only use English words, you will not find the words anime or manga in an English dictionary, just like you will not find the words bonjour or si in an English dictionary, they are foreign words not English ones. Also most people have no idea what anime or manga is because most people aren't wapanese losers or an internet forum relating to video games.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Is he banned again? Good. Anyway it's still not an English word. I only speak English (well I do know a little bit of French) so I only use English words, you will not find the words anime or manga in an English dictionary, just like you will not find the words bonjour or si in an English dictionary, they are foreign words not English ones. Also most people have no idea what anime or manga is because most people aren't wapanese losers or an internet forum relating to video games.
Well Karate and Bonsai are not english words either and I'm pretty sure there isn't a person in this planet that doesn't call Karate, KARATE, even if it means empty hand, and don't tell me you do, cause you'd be lying, so stop making a big deal out of it.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Empty hand isn't the same thing as Karate, there is no word equivalant. Plus isn't Karate like Chinese or something IDK.

This is starting to go off topic, we should now discuss Lucario.
He should not get in before Jigglypuff or Mewtwo.
He is not the 4th gen mascot, that is Munchlax.
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