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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
yeah the smash fest at my house was pretty good :]

im thinking about hosting a tourny

hmm i think 5$ int. fee

im not sure about it yet though but ill have the details worked out in a few days


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
tourney = i'll be there ;) if i have no work

but whoa..nicknyte got 2nd place...that mean he beat Set and Sudai? o___O WTF


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Yea.....I beat dem. O_O I only lost to eet and Sudai once for the fact everyone started to bug me about the round robin.....And Sudai agrees it was a legitamite John. <_< Stuill I had to come back from 3 stock Hell against Sudai.

Also, I got to use my third down dancing blade on him to secure the game ^_^ Meteor Attack!


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
damm..good shet, son =D
nicknyte = movin' on up? <_<

my pikachu is getting mad good.
first time i tried it vs. lee's fox i got 4 stocked.
2nd time i got 3 stocked. 3rd time i got 2 stocked.
Then he picked Falco and i beat it w/ pika. lol. Later that day we did a 1 stock match, fox vs. pika and i won :D. (then we rematched and he won)
But yea..its crazy how fast a character develops w/ good human practice.
i'm pulling some nice combos and sexy edgeguarding.
Lee's been working on his marth so he can continue his tier-***** dominance ;)

And somewhere along the exchanging of victories between fox and doc, he said he could beat my doc w/out using any B moves outside UpB...and i got 1 stocked, lol. So i'm sure he's got a big head now :p
oh well, i beat his fox the match right before with him using B moves, so i think the psychology just got to me. lol
...fuking upthrow-upair...gawd its gay >_<


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
meh, the round robbin didnt really mean anything lol.

but yeah, uhm.. anyone up for some smash today?


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2005
Gonzales, Louisiana
Who Sank the Skank

I have found a place at my house. It is a big storage shed. My step-dad usually kept his rv and boats in it. I can clean and we can have a tourny there. I am going to hold one soon. The deal is the place has a socket for each metal rail, which equals to about 10 tatal( or more), I need people to bring tvs for this. I can't post a date yet but I was thinking maybe next saturday. The name of the tourny is in the title(stupid, I know but I like it.) I need you guys to let me know how many will come that day. Oh and, the price would be $5 for singles, $2 for teams. If enough time allows it a low tier. This will also be a byob if you wan alchohol. The address will be posted once I have enough people and confirmed the date.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ

How bout BYOS cause....Nicknyte graduated from D.A.R.E 4 times and was taught not to drink underage ;_;....But seriously, Nick Needs Soda or Tea. I will Nyte Spike some Falcon Punch if I have to.

Falcon Punch

2 cups pf sugar
1 Tropical Punch Kool-aid
1 Lemonade Kool- aid
2 quarts of water

I'm awesome. Now put me up a tier.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
Louisiana Power Rankings
Tier 1: Lee, Cyphus, John
Tier 2: Taylor**, Eet, Ricky, Ray
Tier 3: RSIA**, Mary, Blaise

Tier 4: Setsuma, Dustin, Vaughn, Sudai
Tier 5: Matt, BakeMonkey, Nicknyte, ShyGuy**, Sirska, Phil, Randall

Tier 6: Iceman, SarsPirate, Ryan, Derek*, Gamma*, Foret*, Kalzar, Esprit, Avery, Austin, Jared*

*currently not playing
**judgement pending soon

Anything past Tier 3 is noticably much less accurate. With that being said, the top 10, is more or less unarguable, because they are the ones that tend to place the highest in tournaments and/or shown consistency.
The top 20 tend to have either better experience than the remaining, or they have made some form of impression of standing out.
The rest is really hard to keep track of because everyone has their own personal victories in friendlies and everyone has their own random victories over better players who may have just sandbagged. But mostly, they remain there simply because they donnot care about melee half as much as others or they simply have not yet had the opportunity to stand out.

Outside tournament results...
In interests of matchups, priority is given to how well players hold their own versus better players. In other words...how hard you own n00bs means nothing. Doing good against skill-peers is important, but how well you do versus better players says the most about your skill.

Houma Area: Cyphus, Lee, Derek, Gamma, Foret, Jared
N.O. Area: Ricky, Ray, John, Matt, Austin, Audrey, SarsPirate
BR Area: Taylor, Eet, RSIA, Vaughn, ShyGuy, Mary, Setsuma, Sudai, Nicknyte, Esprit, Sirska
Lafayette Area: Blaise, Dustin, BakeMonkey


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
IMO.....Iceman should be next to me.....But...Thats only cause his Sex Kick has ***** Many Marths.

"Luigi Buttf***er" as one Drumma Boi and RAM would call it.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Wow, lota post since I last came here..heh.

For the RR crap, I was playing like ****, then playing good, then playing like ****. I honnestly don't remember if I was playing like **** against Nyte or not though.

Anyway, after that RR...my tech skill shot through the roof for reasons that will be unmentioned..just ask Sets or Eric, it was sexy. :D


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
WHOO! Finally finished capturing all the vids.

Oh and ah, I don't mean to be a little ***** but T_T. I mean, I know my Falcon alone won't qualify me above tier 5, but I think my Fox/Sheik aren't as bad especially when I start to get more active. T_T In the least, I think I should be as technical as everyone else. The problem really just lies with me being reckless or just making really dumb mistakes that costs me the game.

But if I end up staying where I am . . . oh wellz. >_> Tony and I will just have to like spend a night at some dude's place and just mass smash bootcamp or something.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
well yea luigi is a butt****er lol but it is more according to me not ram lol i was so mad at luigi i double blind picked ram in the finals of our biweekly and picked zelda (i have never played zelda) and won the first round with my zelda lol then i went marth and lost 2nd round (i dont play marth ever either) and then zelda lol and uhhhh yea my zelda only worked one time lol but yea i am going to learn marth and zelda now to **** me some luigi lol and plus my fox does the job ok and peach breaks even lol but luigi is a butt****er lol even tho i love my boy ram lol i dont love luigi that random *** lol

so how many of u guys r going to plan on coming to a biweekly or to smashers unite 2 hrmmm??


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

If I could just go to BR, I'd be so happy to man. Just one time . . . That's all I want lol.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX

Tournament In Lafayette Friday...
Alladin's Palace arcade in the mall...

we need info!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
so to be good at smash ...its simple, jus two things you have to do to be amazingy good...1.) be able to perform at a technical level in which you can control your character to the degree you desire to do whatever you want(technical skill) and 2.) be able to anticipate the actions of your opponent, and in turn counter or punish what they plan on doing. Depending on how far you can read, you can go in a loop of like countering strategies (mindgames) lol ..too bad both of those are hard ;_;


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
so to be good at smash ...its simple, jus two things you have to do to be amazingy good...1.) be able to perform at a technical level in which you can control your character to the degree you desire to do whatever you want(technical skill) and 2.) be able to anticipate the actions of your opponent, and in turn counter or punish what they plan on doing. Depending on how far you can read, you can go in a loop of like countering strategies (mindgames) lol ..too bad both of those are hard ;_;

Okay, I main Marth. (GAY LOVE <3) He does not require much technical skill. besides, off the edge games (fox/falco killers). Now I can do more of the 2nd. A basic knowledge of tip and decent combos can help me win any match, but sometimes, by extreme luck.

Who wants Falcon Punch? Its goooood.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Marth needs alot of tech skill, just like any character. You've missed too many l-cancels to count, mostly with your dair, many of which have lead to a wavesmash courtesy (spell check) of me. Some characters might not require as much tech skill, but Marth is not one of them (grammar check). I mean, look at my Luigi. I might seem like I don't do much in the technical department, but if you notice when I miss a SH (rarely) I'll go floating 10 feet in the air, waiting for you to tip me. And to get that fluent in WDing, Wavedodging, and WSmashing wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.
Sars, if you come to BR, you'd better anounce it from the rooftops. I'd clear my schedule for the whole day(s) to accomadate. I want to play your fox and/or a Luigi ditto.
Finally (third edit), I'd like it if I were put at the end of Tier 7. It fits me, I'm truly nothing. As it stands now, it would lead one to believe that I could beat Phil or Esprit, which as everyone knows is not the case. It would give me incentive and that's what I need to get better. Not this moment, but next time you (the powers that be) change it, I'd like to be behind Audrey, if it's not too much trouble.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
competitively marth needs technical skill, like anyone else. But comparitively marth doesn't need it a 1/2 as badly as other character. Unless your playing at Johns level, you can get by w/ just a mental game trying to get lucky tippers pretty **** well.

combos are more tech than mental. You can do insane combos w/ good tech, if you guess and get lucky at pursuing their DI.
But w/out the tech skills, you have no chance to keep the combo up.

theres a certain game-philosophy technical players tend to play by and i think taylor's style spoke it pretty much. "If my technical game is flawless, i can control the match."
Its great in theory, the only problem with it, is that the best technical game...is so good...players tend to patternize themselves with it. If you're only playing falco to his perfect technical expectations...your going to SHL approach, enter w/ shuffle sex, and shine.
its a beautiful, classic approach that virturally cannot be countered. But if you step out of that zone where it can be used, the technical player loses all their control.

i really hate to use the word "mind-games" cuz it gets tossed around so much- its now meaningless. A better word is just "mental game." "mind-games" to me, just means a gimmick that tricked the oponent into a worse situation. And by that definition anything can be a mind game. I could dash towards someone from across FD.....and dash attack! Would you honestly expect me to be that dumb? Of course you wouldn't!..but i DID! OH~MINDGAMES!~

So yea...a persons mental game, to me is how they attack and defend. Their manipulation in their own style and ways of opening up the oponent. I put DI much more in the category of mental game. Cuz there are plenty people w/ insane technical skill...but its the people who have been around the longest that have the best DI, whether or not they have good tech.

Even if they can't do the combos...they've seen them, had them done to them countless times...and they are aware of whats the oponents best options from every situation, anticipate them and DI them accordingly. As far as i'm concerned me and lee may not have the best tech skillz (great, but not awesome), but we're the hardest to combo cuz we've been in identical/similar situations to anything that can be thrown at us, more times than anyone else around, so we know what moves/DI is best, which is least expected, which is expected, and which is worse.
I think thats really the main thing that separates good players. And i don't see it enough in other players. Experirence is one thing, but i reckon u have to keep a cool head, even when ur getting 4 stocked..and if u noticed ONE thing that you could have changed, your own your way to 1337ness.

Bad players usually get separated by the luck of conflicting simplicity. Its alot more a game of heads or tails, or rock paper sciccors. When one player knows the others favorite symbol, you have that advantage..even if it takes no skill.
i <3 metaphors.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
so this is all i got?..

Tournament Nov 3rd at Aladdins Castle in Mall of Acadia in Lafayette, LA ...starts at

Place: Aladdin's Castle
Phone: 337.988.1951
Date: Nov 3rd
Time: ?
Entry fee: ?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2005
Opelousas, LA
Hmm for the Alladin's Palace tourney, the only info i could get out of them is that its at 6 p.m. on Friday. Something tells me this won't be very organized. I'll try calling there again to see if I can get someone else to tell me info. He also said the entry fee might be $8. Btw, there's a Tekken 5 tourney on Saturday at the same place but you guys wouldn't care about that would you


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
gawd..i hope its a cash prize...and i hope i don't have work. >__<
8 dollar entrance fee is sexy.

dj ralph (ddraholic)

Yeah, Blaise, you can bet on the disorganization. They just had a DDR tournament there and it was VERY disorganized. I offered to help them run it, but they wouldn't accept, and the tournament fell apart a few times, and moved very slowly.

Also, PM me or post here with comments on this:


When do you guys want to have it? I was thinking a Sunday or weekday sometime before Christmas. As the holidays come, the weekday would be much more possible.

The entry fee will be eight dollars. There will be a cash prize and I will buy the winner a Gamecube game of their choice (provided it is easily purchaseable at a game store, no requests for RE2 or some crazy stuff like that).

Alcohol will be allowed, and if you are coming to just drink and not play Smash, you will pay an entry fee of five dollars. This is comparable to the fee to get into a club, just with hotter chicks in attendance (Elvis, I'm looking at you^_^). BYOB.

Rules will be composed and written up after the date is settled on. If you have work/school dates that vary, tell me a date that you'd LIKE the tournament to be on, and tell your boss now that you'd like that day off.

Fall Brawl 2006 at Ralph House!! Let's get it on!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Ralph, that sounds awesome. That's an interesting incentive as well. LSU is out for the semester after the 2nd week in December.

As for the Lafayette tournament, I was there last Saturday, and the entry fee will probably be $10 on the day of the tournament and $8 beforehand. Prizes for the DDR tournament weren't cash, but weren't crap either. A large portion was in American Express giftcards (2nd had $25, and 1st $50, I think) . The rest took the form of candy and Sonic plushes. I'd expect something similar for smash. Also, the guy there seemed willing enough to hold regular tournaments, but there'd always be the cost of using their place which would keep the entry kinda high.

Organization for the Lafayette DDR tournament was rather poor, but it was the guy's first tournament. Just make sure he alternates between winner's and loser's bracket, and I think things will be okay. See, he did the ENTIRE winners bracket first, and then did the loser's, thus screwing with people who did well in the winner's bracket. I mentioned it to him after the DDR tournament, so I think he may have things straight. I'm sure that after a few months, he'll have everything down pat.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
I say we do the tournament next week cause....there is a vacation :D Vet's day.

Um'z, should I add Club soda to Falcon Punch instead of soda? Tell me what yall think :D
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