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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
my sister has, and i looked up the plot, so i know what happens. im not a fan of scary movies, so it doesnt even come close to interesting me. and by not a fan, i mean i get completely terrified easily. example. the ring. i only opened my eyes once during the movie, and i saw the girl. i couldnt go into a room by myself. another, signs. never saw the aliens once, again, closed my eyes for those parts. same thing. then again, i was like 6 or 8 or something. but still. i even got scared of some parts of scary movie 3 where they parodied both movies. a comedy scared me.... although i made it through donnie darko fine. so i dont know.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
Guys, Official Smashboards Combo Video Tournament


Now's the best time to make the LA combo video. They said it's better to use a variety of characters and players to represent smashboards and it would make sense to show a specific states skills. It would make people curious to see other states, good advertising, etc.

So, I have a ton of clips from you guys, I'll still collect a couple more. I have a mac, so I got a program called iMovie. Now the only thing left is the capture card. I have $100 lying around from when my parents left so I'll have to use it to buy the capture card for mac. It would hook up to my hdtv and would be recording on my mac so the quality couldn't get better (which is another criteria).

Edit: Yeah roni is waaaay old news XD

and I'm 100% is was me and sars since he picked up wario that SAME DAY in front of us. Ask him
Curlz, everyone has already known that I'm going to be making the LA combo vid for a while now. It's even quoted recently in my post above. You seem to ignore the fact that I've said this countless times. They've already given me a ton of clips and music. Go away.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
I doubt that we're even good enough for the combo video, but Sudai probably still has a few clips of me and EET, and I have a few replays saved on my Wii. That's about it from me though.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
Curlz, everyone has already known that I'm going to be making the LA combo vid for a while now. It's even quoted recently in my post above. You seem to ignore the fact that I've said this countless times. They've already given me a ton of clips and music. Go away.
No need to ***** and moan Hyro. It couldn't hurt for 2 people to make a combo video. It could be a friendly competition to see who has better editing skills. ^_^

I also said I was going to make the Combo Video right after MechaCon. Want a quote?

Edit: JNig: "And stopping what could have been a total BRAWL!"


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Happy belated birthday to Ran
and Kates

GG's to everybody this weekend. LA getting too good!

I wanna play scribblenauts... :(

EDIT: GAW! (Is that how we're gonna spell it?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwfFxr0zI-A
thats how i would spell it. that was an amazing hit, but completely uncalled for. panthers guy should be suspended for the season or something. luckily the bucks guy is ok.

also, for combo vids, could we use brawl+ replays? WWWAAAAAAYYYYYY easier to combo in brawl+, and we could get some wolf in there, since we dont have any other wolves, right?

EDIT: there was a few guys at GW that i never found out who they were. that black guy with the silver wig, who is he? and metasonic, i dont know if i ever met you.lets see.... i met bomber, redson, mocha, roni, hyro, jnig, eet, and sudai.... who am i missing? id like to put a face to the names

Ha. Kids these days.
HEY YOU! if that was at me, i was 8, ok? i mean, come on. iceman, were you at the tourney?


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
No need to ***** and moan Hyro. It couldn't hurt for 2 people to make a combo video. It could be a friendly competition to see who has better editing skills. ^_^

I also said I was going to make the Combo Video right after MechaCon. Want a quote?

Edit: JNig: "And stopping what could have been a total BRAWL!"
*****ing and moaning is you asking arc for a ride back to mechacon for 2 hours. And asking to go to Hobo's over and over again while everyone ignores you. It wouldn't be a friendly competition cuz I hate you. I remember when you said that after mechacon...you obviously don't remember that I was collecting clips BEFORE mechacon to enter it in the amv contest. You're a ******* if you think it's a good idea to make 2 vids.

In other news, get off Iceman and Ran's *****.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
*****ing and moaning is you asking arc for a ride back to mechacon for 2 hours. And asking to go to Hobo's over and over again while everyone ignores you. It wouldn't be a friendly competition cuz I hate you. I remember when you said that after mechacon...you obviously don't remember that I was collecting clips BEFORE mechacon to enter it in the amv contest. You're a ******* if you think it's a good idea to make 2 vids.

In other news, get off Iceman and Ran's *****.
Is it in your nature to always start something with me? Why don't you grow up? You need to learn to let go of things that have happened in the past.

"Curlz! You've done this, this, and this." Blah blah blah.

I don't care what you think of me. Maybe I want to make a Combo video too, does it really matter? I'm not gonna stop something I want to do because you've "got dibbs" I'm a ******* because I want to be creative and do something I think would be fun? That's like saying the many AMVs of the same concept on youtube are stupid and the people are *******s.

Grow up kid. You need a reality check.

And also, how am I on Ran's ****? Icemann I understand. He's the mo****in Icemann, yo.

Tell your sister I'll give her child support later this month. ;]


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
**** bslTiger, **** Curlz, **** Meta. Did I miss anybody? Oh, and most of all, **** Hyro. I'm about tired of your *** spittin my name all the time. Does it taste good in your mouth, muh****a? Huh? Then keep it the **** out. I hope you got some dental records, cuz I'ma stomp your face til your own family can't recognize you. And where's that ****in $8 you owe me? And don't ask me for what, you ****in know for what, you'll just piss me off more if you ask me. Seriously dude, quit bein such an *******.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
No, Tiger, I wasn't at the tourny. You play online, dude? I'll play you. I'm pretty terrible.
Is there another name we can call you? I don't know about Tiger. Sounds like we're together and that's my pet name for you. Which wouldn't be bad if you didn't live so far away.

Edit: y'all post too fast. And blow me Vaughn.

Edit2: I didn't mean that Vaughn, you're like one of 3 people I actually can't be mad at.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
I don't remember who was wearing what and I'm not good at describing people in the first place... Just ask people who they are at the next thing you go to.

Edit: It's cool, Iceman. I know you don't really mean half of the mean things you say on these boards. You're a surgeon after all. =P


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
bsl is fine. i play online, but not right now. my wii is in another room, cause the wii cant pick up the wifi signal in my room. im supposed to be asleep. ill play you later. what is qtf?

edit: alright, its cool mocha. and yea, brad will work. or bradfordshire if you want to.

edit2:iceman is right, you guys post too fast.

edit3: iceman is a surgeon? and guys, ive posted. stop editing. i dont want to scroll up like that every time i refresh.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Ha, yeah Vaughn, I'm a muh****in surgeon. But seriously, **** Hyro. Like he ****in knows everything.

And I'll edit whatever the **** I want. Write that down.


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
good idea jnig. thatd be a great song for the combo vid.

jnig, you played me at gw. do you have any pointers? (i was the kid who played wolf, lsu tshirt. you almost 3 stocked me)


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
This is not the best house to be in after just seeing Paranormal Activity. Like... holy ****. I can't sleep. **** keeps creeking and my dogs keep jumping which makes loud thuds.

I'm scared. :'[


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
Honestly, I'm too scared to leave this spot to walk down the hallway to get to my room. I'm planning to stay up all night.

I'm not normally a ***** when it comes to horror/scary movies, but this movie was just..... omg scary.

I definitely recommend it to people looking for a good scare. (and people who don't wanna sleep)


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
thats what i heard about it. did you see blair witch project? its supposedly kindof like that.

WARNING! random!: how do you get the mushroom member status? im too lazy to look for it. doing other stuff.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
I haven't seen the Blair Witch Project and I don't really plan to. I haven't heard anything spectacular about it so it doesn't have my attention. The Blair Witch Project was made by the same person who made Paranormal actually.

Edit: ****! When did I become a Smash Lord? I wanna be a Beauty Killer. Its the only reason I wanna be a Premium Member.


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
are you sure its the same people?

im assuming 1k posts=smash lord, and whats a beauty killer?

edit: gah! i have to go to sleep. i just remembered that i have a doctors appointment tomorrow. wish me luck guys, i might be lactose intolerant, and i like cereal. :(
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