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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Its okay thomas, JUST WATCH GERM VIDS AND GET REALLY GOOD TECH SKILL! but no mind games... like me :D COUGH COUGH


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Saturday = Homecoming and my GF is making me go to all kinds of **** before... -0-


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
ahhaha oh EET- 9077282

also, yeah, iceman, i was thinking if we could do it at your place, because like, i dont think i can do it at my house : /


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
No, not Iceman's place. It won't work.
Oh, and Sudai, what's more important, Homecoming or Melee? Remember, chicks are for queers :)


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

Dudes, all I'm saying is as a child I decided to forsake female companionship and playing Megaman X3 for the SNES. And now if you go on the internet you can emulate games like Megaman X3 for the SNES. Where as for girls, you still can't emulate them >_> Atleast, you shouldn't be able to.

Moral of the story: Hang out with girls now, emulate games later.



Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2005
Opelousas, LA
Alladin's Palace tourney. I'll be at that one. I went there for a Tekken 5 tourney but all the players there were pros and long time players so I didnt do too well. I did manage to get a perfect on one guy tho lol. Tekken tourneys sure go alot faster than SSBM. There was only one arcade cabinet and it lasted a little over an hour with about 20 people signed up and double elimination.


Smash Rookie
Oct 11, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Setsuma, I did watch Germ vids, and he is good, but I think his playstyle is too different from mine. Cyphus and I were talking and he reccomended that I watch Aniki videos, and I like how he plays much better than Germ.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Aniki is a ****ing beast. Ridiculous skills in spacing between his opponents, great knowledge about projectile game, and is one of the best smashers when it comes to predicting his opponent's moves. Plus he's got really good double jump mindgames and has really good knowledge about pretty much all of Link's attacks. And he plays against Masashi and Captain Jack who are two of the best when it comes to mindgames and prediction skills :p (but not so much CJ anymore since he's in Europe and all).


Also Espirit you could look into other links like RickyR or Azen for American players. Or even Smasher who's probably Japan's second best Link after Aniki.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Esprit, I want to ditto your Link. While we're on the subject, I want to play Setsuma's Falco again, EET's Fox, and I have to eventually play Ska again to learn how to use Ganon.
Unfortunately, if playing happens Friday, I won't be able to attend. Set, you need to trick Nyte into bringing you over to my place again. And I'm willing to travel to any part of Baton Rouge to play someone. It doesn't have to be a Smashfest or STD, just to play. I'm getting rusty, and all I'm playing is a Marth/half-*** Cpt. Falcon and a Mario.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2005
Gonzales, Louisiana
Mario is a beast. Use him, or you can do like I did and try to get good with a hard character, Ganon. Not to say he is hard to learn and master, but it is hard to be a ganon in a sea of Foxes, Falcos, Capns, Marthes, and Marios. Especially sheiks:urg: I dislike sheiks.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
and with this post..i claim the 200th page!

but yea..like..Houma sux at hosting smashfest, cuz my mom's a douche..and lee's place would work...but his grandpaw will chokeslam anyone who wakes him up and doesn't take that chance with having a party of people.
i'm thinking 2 people- tops, could go to lee's w/ me on a good day.

so...any other places available?...i'm feeling a tourney, myself...10 dollar entrance fee (covers soda and snacks) with a cash prize for 3rd place.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
****in right, we really should have another tourny. but i dunno where its gonna be though....Think mary would let us have it at his place? :D


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Vids will be up soon! I'll start mass uploading like on the weekend or something since exams are going about now!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2006
I haven't talked in a while...

You guys should check out my new wallpapers, I'm getting better with each one I do, and so far I have completed Samus, Ganon, Sheik, Link, Mario, Luigi, Roy, and Mewtwo.


I know iceman already likes my stuff.

Oh and at the end of this semester I will have another tourny. This one will be much larger than the first, and will take place on UL's campus. We are setting up to have the place at the Computer Science department at UL, and we will be able to *insert drum roll* use all of the over 50in projectors that are located in each classroom.

So, we won't be cramped, and there can be one match going on in each classroom, and everyone gets to play on a massive projector.

I feel all fuzzy inside


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Sorry for the double post, but it's Thursday and that means it's almost Friday and we still don't have a time, but most importantly, we don't have a place, and this is a run-on sentence. And I'm anticipating the day when Shyguy and Ska comes back and Battle Rouge gets to **** together.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
All right, I'm going to show these Fox dittos Tony and I did first (not great stuff all around, but it's entertaining enough and isn't chock full of too many mistakes and displays are skill more or less). If you guys see anything you think we should work on PLEASE!!! tell us! The reason why I got a capture card was so I can get better at this game by uploading vids and letting other dudes see them.

So PLEASE!!! If you have any criticisms (including but not limited to "Lawls Sars you blowz") post them. :) And I don't think the two of us have the best Foxes or know how to play dittos really so if you have any tips on that stuff, please tell us.

1 http://youtube.com/watch?v=gx6Vygo8Vrc
2 youtube is dumb . . .
3 http://youtube.com/watch?v=C1X248NA98c
4 http://youtube.com/watch?v=twzsZdMwKgI
5 http://youtube.com/watch?v=Tav1RGKavQQ
6 http://youtube.com/watch?v=Jtx5h1e6FEE
7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TnmqPfFp64

<Johns>Just to let y'all know, my contact also came out when I was playing these matches, and I decided to take the other out too so I couldn't see what I was doing more or less >____________> Tony (= Audi) has no excuses.</johns>


Smash Rookie
May 25, 2006
i think my place would be cool for friday. both of my roommates play smash also. ill just talk it over with them and post up if it will happen or not. ill reply in a couple of hours.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
ite well i just watched them all. i'm dissaponited that they ALL were fox dittos, so bleh...anyway, i realize they're not tourney fights, but it doens't help my advice to think "oh..well they're just messing around/experimenting/going easy"...because then i take the chance of possibly missing something actually important.
So basically, heres what i tell everyone, whom i critique...i'm an ***.

first off, i'd say ya'll look pretty good on video, have the right ideas in the heat of battle, and good technical skills...but, i'm suprised i didn't see more of that techincal ability used in batle. Fox's shuffle sex kick into shine is like his prime-approach, and i don't recall seeing it really used.

There seemed to be alot of randomness and luck involved with the chainthrows. Sometimes you wouldn't DI left/right until have 3 upthrows. If you're trying to DJ out in time it won't work until around 50ish %, otherwise..its better to just keep DIng.
If the oponent doesn't DI, its in the juggles best interest to not concentrate on chainthrows, and is better off just UpSmashing then punishing missedtechs or tech chasing into another grab..lee does it to me all the time.

i mean UpThrow to UpSmash is equal to 4 UpThrows in a row...so is it really worth doing all that chainthrowing? Unless your mew2king and can mix in upTilts to shuffle sex-upsmashes perfectly...its not worth bothering with, imo.

if platforms are involved. Your not going to accumulate much damage with 5% throws this way anyway...so its better to just UpTilt turn around UpSmash and then dash dance til they roll and pursue, or dash into them with an open shield and shield grab them as they get up.

The single thing that bothered me the most was the edgeguarding. Are ya'll going out of ya'll way to practice shinespikes? So many times the KO could have been near-guaranteed by other means...but both of ya'll seemed to always wanna push the luck w/ a lucky shine spike. I think in space animal fights, the entire edgeguarding game is very simplistic and systematic....if A happens, B follows.

If he's recovering from under the level, you D.Smash. Not very flashy, but it gets the job done, and is too easy to time.
If he techs it...shine spike him during his UpB...if he tech-jumps it into a Forward B...

If he recovers with Forward B onto the level, UpTilt always goes through Illusion. And just B.air/UpAir afterward.

And if he UpBs in fulljump range...freakin' sex kick him.

i find the easiest way to shinespike another fox is to just b.throw them off the level at 0%. First you wait to intercept the illusion with a shine...he has but only a small window to attemp it right after his DJ...so if he doesn't go for it..he has to UpB..in which case he'll prolly try to put some space between himself and the stage hoping it actually makes a difference...in which case he gets shinespiked before he shoots up, anyway.

so yea, i'm an *** of a critic. So i hope i helped =D
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