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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
So this is gonna sound super gay, but who wants to go on a Super Smash Road Trip with me this summer?
Me!!!! I'm not referring to the videogame either... Ha, just kidding. But for realz, someone give me a ride to Beaumont!


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I would if he weren't an hour out of the way and my car weren't virtually full already. :p

Batto, get a license.

CJ, I wanna see your secondaries. :o

I've decided to officially dedicate some time to my two secondaries.

I will henceforth be entering all tournaments as "Retro Sudai!!"


Smash Cadet
Aug 16, 2008
Houma / Thibodaux, LA
Hey Jared i'm pretty sure that you are the same Jared that plays with Bre and has played at my place a few times!?! i think, any way what up

CJ you should make a trip down to Thibodaux one day so you can play with me Cyphus and Roni...

in other news i have been working on Lucario (kind of like).
also bump


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Time for a mini-rant.

The amazing thing is that today is Sara’s birthday and had it not been for my pesky phone, I wouldn’t even have remembered that much about her. You know, her leaving me couldn’t have come at a better time as of yesterday, my dad called to let me know that he was paying me back every penny for my car in a few weeks. His business has finally matured to the point where he has paid back all of his debts and now only has a house note. Hell, he’s even purchased –three- new vehicles [fully paid off] in the past two weeks.

To make it even better, he has told me that I won’t have to pay my car insurance aside from one hundred dollars a month to him. Trivial compared to the car note and insurance that I was paying before. I’ll now have around four hundred dollars extra a month to save. This is just one of the first of many deals that are going through for my father. He has one deal that will net him 1% of a power company in South American if everything goes out well, which will create a massive amount of recurring revenue for my family. As my father’s only son, he has already said that if I wanted to join the business, I could.

So, had all of this happened when Sara was here, there is little doubt in my mind that she wouldn’t have left. I would have been stuck with an ungrateful, delusional, detached woman who cared more about what I could buy her, than our relationship. I highly doubt that after smelling the money that would be coming [I’ll have my car paid off, ten thousand dollars] that she would have been so quick to go off to some other random man.

Thank god she decided to jump ship, or I’d still be stuck with the *****. I would have been so stupid, more so than before. Since money would have no longer been hard to get, I’d have easily been able to afford getting a bigger apartment, and all the luxuries that she would have requested, giving her absolutely no reason to get a job.

Part of me has wanted to let her know that I found out certain things, by giving her a call and quoting the entire conversation that I found, but in the end, I’ve decided that it would be best left to the past. Nothing would be gained from it. So, I've opted out of doing it.

I can't wait till August, since I'm going to go back to college full time, and strive to get my degree. Whenever I first went to college I scrubbed out due to boredom, but after living my life, and working, I think I'll be able to handle myself far better.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
To put it simply:

Good ****, Ran.

It's a good thing you didn't get yourself wound up in too much. Trust me, I'm still getting **** on from afar courtesy of my ex. Her and I took out a loan on a car (2007 Chevy Cobalt, to be exact) at the beginning of the relationship. Since I was a ****** during my last year of high school, I didn't have enough of a credit history to put myself down on the loan. As a result, she took out the loan in her name and I co-signed with her. Long story short, relationship dissolves and I move out on my own. She allows me to keep the car, citing that it was originally intended for me and that she didn't like it. We agreed to go half and half on the car.

Well, flash forward to the present. I returned the car to her before I left Georgia, cause I told her that if I moved back down to Florida to get my life straightened out one of the first things I'm doing is repoing the car and then saving up for a vehicle of my own. She pretty much said, "Lolno, I want MY car back." So, I gave it back. Hell, she even made me this unsanctioned lousy excuse of a contract that said I relinquish all ownership of the vehicle (which did not fly with the bank that we took out the loan through, btw). Fat a lot of good it did her because as of now she's currently two months behind on the car payment and I'm getting the bills since I'm co-signer. I'm not too terribly worried about the car getting repoed---I'm twenty-two years old and I can salvage my credit before I'm thirty---but the moral of this story is be careful. Don't do **** like that.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Wow, that sucks. Cobalts are nice, that's the car I have. ;v If you want to trade stories, send me an AIM: kyomamoru. I'm incredibly bored, and I need someone to talk to about things that I'm not posting in public.

Deleted member

we can mm at my house lee, it's w/e. it'll just be easier to have you in BR during a brawl tourney, and idk how long we will be at this house.

anyway, im drunk.
and really sad and i cant figure out why.


Hey Jared i'm pretty sure that you are the same Jared that plays with Bre and has played at my place a few times!?! i think, any way what up

CJ you should make a trip down to Thibodaux one day so you can play with me Cyphus and Roni...

in other news i have been working on Lucario (kind of like).
also bump
Hey ricky, yea that's definitely me. When we doing that again lol


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
so my dad just underwent some sort of major surgurey...and i had to drive my mom to the hospital on 3 hours sleep....i dunno i should feel some pain or sympathy for him, but i dont....

taylor dont be sad.... things will get better.... also how are things with u and grace(still going out?)..... havent seen yall in a while.... miss the old times lol.... no going in the past though i suppose.... i feel like an *** for letting my dad take me home that day... i shouldve fcking kept my job held my **** together and stayed loyal....i blame melee(myself).... also dont worry i wont be playing in any melee tourneys... local brawl tournies maybe....depends on some ****...

also vaughn is moving out? so now someelse is moving in or what????

also <3 eric,vaughn,phil(even if yall dont like eachother anymore or sumthihg lol i wont get into that.... living together is fckin hard i guess....

good luck br people and setsuma..... maybe we'll play some friendlies someday or sumthing...... ssb4 baby one day....

its hard accepting full resposibilities for my problems but i have too...


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Sudai: I have no insurance, thus no license. If I got a ride to BR could you bring me?!?

Ranji: Let that hoe know that you got all that money. I promise it would make you feel evil and evil = better.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Batto - It looks like I'll probably be going to Beaumont. If you can get a ride to BR, then you might be able to ride with me. It depends mostly on what the rest of BR wants to do. I'll keep you in mind, but nothing is certain yet.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Batto - It looks like I'll probably be going to Beaumont. If you can get a ride to BR, then you might be able to ride with me. It depends mostly on what the rest of BR wants to do. I'll keep you in mind, but nothing is certain yet.
Cool. We'll see how that turns out. When you decide when you're leaving and whatnot for Beaumont, message me. Basically, just keep me updated. It'd be nice to go.

<3 whether it works out or not


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
Jared you and Bre come over soon. We play brawl just about everyday, plus we can do daiquiri night....
- RickyB


Jared you and Bre come over soon. We play brawl just about everyday, plus we can do daiquiri night....
- RickyB
lol, I think bre has a bunch of days off coming up since he volunteered to work all the holidays or something. And I'm not sure if i can stay for a daiquiri night but I can definitely go for pre-daiquiri night / during daiquiri night. Unfortunately work controls my life when i'm out of school. Yall let us know when yall want us to come over or just message me or something.:lick:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
@Ran: Good ****ing ****. It looks like things are going your way now, eh? And I agree with Battou on the evil thing. At times, you just gotta be an *** every once in a while.

@Shyguy: Cheer the hell up mang. Thing'sll get better, I promise. They always do, sometimes, though, you just gotta be patient. (That advice is cliche'd, I know, but it's all I can say given the fact that I don't know the full story.)

I desperately want to go to Final Smash, but the odds are about...0:100. Shame, I really wanted to go to show ya'll how much better I've gotten. I've broken a lot of bad habits lately (Lol Rolling) and have learned a few things here and there that I've wanted to apply on someone that's not Bomber for ages. Bomber=Tub full of fail after 70 consecutive matches. No offence, mate. You just get really predictable after a while, and even though you say I do too, I really don't need to change my movements against you. (Zair more. Trust me, works wonders.)

Battou, next time I see you, I intend on winning my $5 back, k? :D


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Now that I come to think about it, since people think so lowly of me (and in my opinion, wrongly) maybe it will be easier to take moneymatches from people who THINK they can beat me and own them. GUYS, from now on I'm the worst smasher ever.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007

brawl mm's? >:]
^^ sure buddy I'll take you on at the next tourny. I just gotta see how much money i get over the holidays and if I get enough to distribute between my current budget I'll MM you. Is that ok? If you'd like we can record the MMs. I dont mind. maybe a little $ would get me to do better and make me take one step close to making redson eat his own words about being better than me. Lol I need as much exp/help(not from Red or Ran) as i can get.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
^^ sure buddy I'll take you on at the next tourny. I just gotta see how much money i get over the holidays and if I get enough to distribute between my current budget I'll MM you. Is that ok? If you'd like we can record the MMs. I dont mind. maybe a little $ would get me to do better and make me take one step close to making redson eat his own words about being better than me. Lol I need as much exp/help(not from Red or Ran) as i can get.
Dood, moneymatch me instead. Like you said before, you beat me, so it should be easy.


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
He liez, Bomber. He's obviously gotten better since that time. Money Match me, after all, we ARE even, according to you. :D:D:D
d@mn straight he's better, I've been secretly training Batto in the art of Brawl and pimpin hos

I vote for a Brawlfest at Dibbz tomorrow. I'm bringin my Wii and should be there at 7. If you don't see me, I'll be on a computer actin obnoxiously playin left 4 dead.
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