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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
im down for playing shyg if it's tomorrow. i have orientation for lsu on the 2nd and 3rd though. then i have a concert on the 10th and fc7 from 11-15 or something. im free all the times in between and after though. i finished moving in like a pro.

sudai got a giiiirrrlll friend.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
alright ill come up tomrow, havent got in touch with eric to see if i could go there, but if not i could go to ur place or sumthing.. I just want it to be fun good atmosphere and everyothing till the mm i want us both to play at our bests


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I'm just glad Freddy wasn't there cause he'd have gotten jealous and clingy and sheet.. But yeah, not that I thought you guys would, but thanks for not being like "Ohh, so this is the chick Sudai's been raging on about." and stuff. Kyle was scared to get close to me today...I had to make him sit on the couch with me.. : (

By the way, Taylor..never offer me pineapple pizza..cause I love pizza, but hate pineapples and it kills me inside because I want it but I don't. ; ;

So like..I think Erica was supposed to work tomorrow or something so I'ma come smash or something? Taylor 3 stocked my fox with DK in the only match I played today, so he phails because he definately said it was gonna be a two stock! In yo' face punk!!

Shyg, looking forward to hanging out with ya since we didn't really get to hang when we went to Dibbz.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
im down for playing shyg if it's tomorrow. i have orientation for lsu on the 2nd and 3rd though. then i have a concert on the 10th and fc7 from 11-15 or something. im free all the times in between and after though. i finished moving in like a pro.

sudai got a giiiirrrlll friend.
Where might you be playing him? I think it'd be fun to watch or whatnot. :]


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
I was only scared because you're only saying you're into girls to make me let my guard down.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
that's the real it's a trap combo.

shyg try to talk with eric in the morning because i moved back in with my dad and i have lsu orientation on the 2nd and 3rd so i dont think u can stay with me, but everyone still looks forward to seeing you.

sudai wasnt on his game either.... under the pressure of the woman watching and he didnt have his controller. how could he win?

someone give me a call during the day tomorrow. im going to try to wake up at a good hour tomorrow so ill be rly tired tomorrow night and can go to sleep early to wake up at like 7 for school. sigh. i never wanted to go back to college. ;.; stupid women.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Don't be shy!! just give in~ ;D

just messing man. I just think it's funny when people get uncomfortable, but like..I'll stop if you want me to.

Taylor, I dislike johns, you should know that. I really don't care if I win so I see no point in making them, you know? Apparently I waveshine to my own death too, even if you do try to save me!!! :p


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
I wasn't uncomfortable at all, I just thought Taylor would like to sit on the couch.

Aren't I considerate?

There are some vids of Cactaur from Evo East Cyphus, you should take a look at them. He took out some really good players.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
yea, i watched them all when they came out. He is impressive. I'd really like to MM him though...he looks better than husband, imho (lol), and i know i could beat husband now...but iunno...he'd be tough. =)


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
yea, i watched them all when they came out. He is impressive. I'd really like to MM him though...he looks better than husband, imho (lol), and i know i could beat husband now...but iunno...he'd be tough. =)
Pfft you can do anything if you put your mind to it! Jk
But you probably can w1n anyways :]


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
pshhh. im awake. it's early. this sucks.
i woke up early after going to bed at 6:30 for 2 reasons. a: i have to get up at like 7 for school tomorrow so i want to go to sleep early, and b: i set my alarm to give me 2.5 minutes to turn on the computer and win a 57 atk crystal wand on basilmarket ms auctions. i didnt anticipate having to reset the router and modem when the internet didnt work so i missed the auction. 57 atk is so rare, lame!!!! so yeah now i have to wait like 2 days or something to get a 56 atk one... for more money... and im the right lvl for it now... sigh. so yeah anyway now im up and i want to go back to sleep but im not going to so someone give me a call. ill probably call eric in a little while.


Smash Rookie
May 25, 2006
so kyle and i are going to be roommates. i have a feeling that we will both get better at smash


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
Soo good luck people going to fc (this is my advice)

Taylor - just like be aggresive and and keep the presure on ur oppontent, just like make sure ur alwasy being more agrressive

Cyphus - You have the most experince playing pro so just like use ur doc and try to outplay people, ur doc is like one of the proest ones u just gotta believe

Lee- I dont really have any advice for u, cuz like u dont need any advice just beat everyone cuz likeeveryone is a noob compared to u anyways

John- Ummm ya if anyone gets in ur area with marth then F*ck them up, no one can hang in ur area with ur marth


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
i got some good news NIGKAs
my grandma was like man taylor you're pro. u can take my van to indiana. it's like an 06' honda odyssey with all leather, fits 7 comfortably, has a dvd player and cruise control. meaning alot more room for us and our luggage but a little bit more moolah. maybe not actually because it gets better gas millage than my car but idk the exacts about it. but im going to let the other 3 ppl split the money for gas and then give my grandma the same about that each of you paid as compensation for putting 2000+ miles on her van. it probably decreses the blue book value more than 100$ but im sure the amount that i give her will probably be efficient. (45-60) so we'll still all be paying the same amount but idk if my dad will allow me to take her van if i dont offer something to make up for how many miles we'll put on it. i know kyle's happy about this and also there is room for us on the floor so we will only have to get a hotel 2 nights. the first night we're there because the doors dont open until 8am. maybe 10-15 a person then the last night we're there hopefully we'll be able to get maybe 5 other smashers in on the room so it will only be like 5-7 a person. id say a good estimate of cash to bring on the trip would be 155-200, depending on how much u want to spend on food or energy drinks or coffee or w/e else u want. with the extra room ima bring an ice chest with gallons of water and sandwich supplies (turkey, pb+j) so we wont have to stop and that will save yall some money on the ride up. so whats the word pimps? me and cyphus talked about all this already so i guess this is only for kyle since jon will probably go into this blindly but cyphus maybe u should tell him all this or atleast how much money to bring. maybe lee will read it too or u might have to tell him.

thx for the luck wishes shyg. feel free to come to br sometime between the 4th and the 9th.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
That's great Taylor, it'll make the drive much better. I'm on my way back to BR now. I wonder if it's weird that I prefer to drive late at night rather than in the morning.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
ok so i figured out what life is.......

u eat a little, u sleep alittle, u smoke a little, ur drink a little, u f@ck a little, u smash a little,
u work a little \

Now im doing all of those except Fckin and working, so i shoud not be allowed to smoke, or dink (Alcohol) if im not working. If im not working all I can do is eat and sleep (eventually i wont even be allowed to play smash if im not working) So I need some like decent looking girl with a pretty good personality just to like come to house and *** me and like be like i wanna live my life with u. then ill be like ok i guess i need to get a job now. See I dont consider smash a job becasue im not making any money off of it. so its just a hobby. TV is what u do whole ur waiting for stuff to happen in ur life and friends and family r there for support, but like once u have a kid ur like screwed so wait up on that...

So i dont think anygirl is just gonna come to my house so eventually as i get old enough ill have to start playing poker and taking other peoples money so i can provide for myself. Or like if i want to drink or do other fun stuff then i have to get a real job.

well now im going to smoke a ciggerette which breaks one of my rules (cuz im a badass)


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
The bag is there so I don't have to eat it. Yet.

Give me a call tommorow Taylor when you're done with that lsu stuff. We need to crackdown for FC.

Shyguy, you should take action yourself if you aren't satisfied in your life. People have to find their own happiness.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
thats how i take action, i meake other people do the work, once im away from my parents life should be better, see this is what happens when u take speed once u like get out into the world for urself , u feel like u can do anytihng, then u go back home and ur not taking speed and ur like i cant do anything and its like not even my life anymore so ill just sleep and maybe one day ill wake up and go do sumtihng for my own life again


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
Not only that but it like made me want to live my life. It made me wanna do things for myslef. I saw my self as my own person. but being home is like the anti- speed, i dont want to live my life, i dont wanna do things, i dont feel like im my own person.

Speed is like made for americans cuz it will like make u go out and do all the **** they have set up for u in the world and enjoy it.

So i feel like my life was taken away from me, i feel like im in this pit of comfortness at my parents house, its kind of like herion, like im not doing anything for myself but like i dont care cuz its not for myself anyways. yes i do want to get my life back i just need sumthing to make me feel good as a person, like a girlfriend or a job or sumthing.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Not only that but it like made me want to live my life. It made me wanna do things for myslef. I saw my self as my own person. but being home is like the anti- speed, i dont want to live my life, i dont wanna do things, i dont feel like im my own person.

Speed is like made for americans cuz it will like make u go out and do all the **** they have set up for u in the world and enjoy it.

So i feel like my life was taken away from me, i feel like im in this pit of comfortness at my parents house, its kind of like herion, like im not doing anything for myself but like i dont care cuz its not for myself anyways. yes i do want to get my life back i just need sumthing to make me feel good as a person, like a girlfriend or a job or sumthing.
How about an addicting MMORPG? LOL


Smash Cadet
Dec 19, 2006
i wish i had those 2 years i spent playing WoW back.

actually i made a lot of good friends through Wow, but so much wasted time.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
So im still in north carolina, thats pro that you guys got a van for FC but unfortionatly for me, theres no tickets left. so, that sucks but i guess ill wish you guys luck.

in other news, i feel that maining pika was the best thing that ever happend to my game since i picked up falco, i am now using marth and its going pretty good.

also if someone could send me a link for smashers in NC then that would be awesome.

love to everyone. peace, see you guys when i get back.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Oh mah gawd! Transformers = Awesome!!!
Oh mah gawd! Transformers = Awesome!!!
Oh mah gawd! Transformers = Awesome!!!
Oh mah gawd! Transformers = Awesome!!!

Battousai, hun...MMORPGs nearly drove me to kill myself..It gets too stressful if you want to be any good at any endgame guild/linkshell/whatever.
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