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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
dylan from freddys comp

cyphus ur ****ing awesome and i love how u help people

but anyway im posting to ***** at the b!tchy people

most of the things that the "b!chy people" are directed at talyor hmmm i think ur making some people mad well anyway lets get started

Taylor- i know ur a kool dude and stuff but half the time u do come as an ******* and u seem to change ur mind alot about somethings i think u need to take a magic pill to chill u out also u are really into this game even though i sometimes hear u saying that u dont care. also i think i have the right to call u the smash bully because u are putting alot of people down even though they say stuff to u but ur superiority in the game gets them the most.

shyguy- I THINK UR FREAKING ******** i mean u do have friends unless u dont call us friend i mean would cyphus really care about u if he didn't like u? i mean in the past i cant say anything because i dont know u that well but what all that matters is the here and now so i think u need to change ur attitude and stop compling and do something about it.

freddy- ur pissed at taylor ok we know u and talyor should try to get along and stop being stupid to each other


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
I would love a RR match, Sudai. However, it would be *great* if I could get halfway decent before we do that so I don't end up in the lowest tier (right ontop of Ralph, of course =P [much love goes out to Ralph]).

Anyone smasing tomorrow?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
omg im not a bully at all. im rly nice to everyone. yall are ********. except nicknyte, im not nice to him. i dont care how good i am at this game. if i would call anyone a smash bully it would be freddy. he tries to beat everyone as bad as he can all the time and hes like yeah i 4stocked that guy, when im like yeah i wasnt trying to **** the **** out of him....
i dont want to talk about this **** anymore. just quit the game if u dont like it stop being *******s to me. i didnt do anything to deserve this ****.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
taylor for one thing, you were high for like 2 years of your life so dont talk to me about being high all the time and all that crap but look man, the reason why i tried to call you, was because i wanted to work things out. mostly why i started flaming you was because you always seem ill-will towards me, idk i just get this vibe from you that you have something against me. you dont have to reply to this but like you and me both just need to take it easy and talk things out. i mean, i like you talor youre really cool sometimes but you can be a real a$$hole sometimes aswell. im done with this conflict think whatever you want but if you feel like talking feel free to give me a call.

kyle- Ya noob! i was trying to call you like all day so that we could smash for a while before i left! :p

shyguy- you have freinds, look man sometimes you just have to take it easy, life is a game, you just gotta know how to play it correctly and you will be fine. youre a really cool guy, if you dont like smash then you dont have to play, money matches dont bound you to anything. but just hang out and have a good time man.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
ya ur right umm like i would have never said this before but like right now i feel like i need to be honest. Like I was molested as a child and like playing smash like retriggers sumthing in my mind or sumtihng.... i dunno if like its like being next to the person or like just they way the game is but like i dunno its really scary and like i just want to play the game and have fun....... i dunno i think i told like tim this like the night before my dad came and like brought me back home and messed up my life.... but like im not looking for any sympathy i just want to get to know everyone better play the game and have fun...

So Taylor do u want to do the MM this weekend?? I dunno are like people going to erics or sumtihng or could I like go somewhere else?? Im thinking ur gonna play capt falcon and I know who u think im gonna use.....


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006

taylor- get your nannys? out of a bunch cause i flamed everyone too.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
ok so now some other people have to say sumthing about their personal lives, like sudai said he was bi or whatever
Eww. xD

But seriously, anyone up for some smash at dibbz? Pick a day and a time (its important cause I cant drive or anything) and uh we can smash it up. Im pretty "decent" (or at least thats what some of you guys said when they saw me playing last year) . I seriously want to get better by playing you guys. :]


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Yeah, so like..I was never molested or anything as a kid, but as a kid I was always around girls and stuff..I lived with my mom, grandma, and my mom's sister till I was like..6. Then I moved to a new house with my mom and Step-dad and my step-dad is more girlish than my mom.. Ever since I was that age, all my friends had been girls until about a year ago when I moved up to BR. Now it's like, 70% girls, 30% you guys...lol. I think that might be why I like guys or something? I dunno. It's not really about the looks either though. I mean, if I like a girl it's because of her personality and stuff, the same goes for guys.

Also, Sudai is a virgin because I've never really felt like I was ready, emotionally. A lot of times I hear people saying things along the lines of "I'd **** her..and her..and her..maybe her with a paper bag," but I've never really thought that way. I guess sex just isn't a physical thing for me? That's why none of you should be offended when I say that I wouldn't bang you if you were gay/bi..

PS, welcome back Battousai



Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i was born a catholic, but shortly after...and all i can recall, i was a member of the "worldwide church a god" a jehova/jewish/pentacostal-wanna be strict a$S christian-esque religion that grew more and more strict until i was brainwashed into believing certain foods god doesn't want you to eat (pork, crustaceans, etc) and halloween, christmas, etc were wrong...people who weren't our religion were going to hell. i never liked church..i always felt what i was taught into believing was right..just wasn't right for me.

before my parents got divorced my mom when really nuts, and it was really hard for me.
example...my dad's secret gf, bought my little sister presents..and my mom took them in kitchen and beat them to pieces with a hammer in front of us, and tried to get us to hammer it down as well. my sis was only like 7, and i was about 16.
after so many straws, she asked her children if she should give him one more chance. of course my dad ruined it...and therefore, because it was OUR option to give him another chance (of course we would) it put some responsibility on influencing their divorce on me (since my sis was too young, and my bro dissacciated himself from the situation and wouldn't remember)
i suppose theres alot more to it, but it was a pretty hard time in my life with my mom so bitter and rageful every day. My mom, in general was, and always will be a very grudgeful, angry person...and all of my childhood i can recall her face filled with disgust, and complete anger....when someone else in the same situations could be sad or at least calm.

Because my parents didn't want to see each other in church, we finally had a break from it.
I took the opportunity to try go with my trend of trying to make my own decisions, since i was always told what to believe and who to trust between both parents.
I became obsessed with trying to figure out why people are so stupid. How could my dad be so gullible into believing and leading his family into a rediculous religion? Why is mom so pompous and furious?
i started analyzing people, trying to figure out why they do the things they do...and then religion...i spend those 3 months of summer staying up almost every night pondering it all. I'd look up different religions and try to learn about them. I wanted to draw my own conclusions and beliefs...entirely free from what anyone or anything could have me ever possibly be "taught". The more open-minded i became, the less faith in god i had, until i disowned him from myself..but it wasn't a sad moment..it was a glorious feeling. I felt...FREE. ENTIRELY FREE! noone i have to answer to. Noone's rules i have to follow. Noone i have to even attempt to understand. And i understood why people believe in god. the nature behind fearing the unknown and taking comfort in illogical..yet emotional needs.
i have a fairly condescending viewpoint on humanity now. The friends i have, i believe are all intelligent people. I want to learn from each other without trying learn. Free of such..artificial-elementism to what it really means to experience and not observe, but i can't do that now, because i'm so caught up in trying to understand. But its a good life nonetheless...and i love sharing my different aspects of reality, at all its levels, with people.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
dude like understand people like I know that everyone has there own problems so thats y i try to be the way i am i just like everyone to be happy i guess but like i dunno i just get uncomfortable and like want everything to be right.... But ya I was raised catholic too but it was like a good enviornment, but now i think religon is just a way for people to stay sane for people that need it, and obviosly if religon was bad for u then ud want to get rid of it.

i mean like i havent really looked at my life really but like the only people I really know right now r the people from smash and like no one like really even knows me

I dunno its stupid were suppose to play smash and have fun, i just need like a gf or sumtihng to talk to and tell my problems


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Vegta, if only you knew.

Shyguy, I'm willing to talk to you if you want someone to talk to. I love to listen to people and just be there for them if they need me. So, feel free to just IM me or call me or e-mail, whatever you want. I really do want to talk though, because I feel the same. Even my "friends" outside of smash...I don't really know them or anything, we just do things together because people don't want to be alone all the time.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Heh, Im catholic. I like it. Dont get me wrong, I HATE going to church, but that isnt really what the religion is about you know? And even if we make mistakes Im sure we can be forgiven no matter what. I think that's what I like most since I make lots of mistakes.

PS, Im glad Im back, Sudai, and I wanna beat all you guys :] (lol I talk big but eh...)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
idk who battousi is. do i?

raised southern baptist. got in a relationship with a beautiful asian girl in highschool. i was 16. loved her, we lost out virginities, thought she loved me. spent to much time with her or something, idk. she started to like a guy who had been chasing her for years. she broke up with me for him. i was never into relationships to be temporary or just for fun. i wouldve married her. in most cases i get along with everyone really well and im not picky about who they are or what they believe. i guess u could say i go with the agree to disagree approach to relationships. after she left me i started to smoke pot religiously. i was always a semi christian but didnt like to wake up early to go to church. at this point i questioned what i believed all together and wouldve classified myself as agnostic. i tried x, acid, and ofcourse weed. to everyone surprise those are the only things i ever did. x 3 times, acid 7 times, and weed countless times. the drugs helped me move on past pearl very quickly. i found a universal love for all people and stopped caring about any differences at all. i loved acid in the beginning. it was this amazing drug that opened your mind to anything. its like u could tell all the connectivity of people and it made life seem so meaningful. i did something stupid and tried to go with 3 girls while they were rolling and id be tripping (expecting to get laid ofcourse), but at dinner at a sushi place prior to, i lost my ****. i think it was mainly due to the intensity of being out in public with weed and a pipe in my pocket, on acid, with 2 cops sitting right behind me. you wouldnt have been able to tell i was freaking out but on the inside i was crazy. i dont remember everything from the night but it was so scary the whole time. the trip lasted until 5 in the morning when i finally manage to fall asleep. it was the strongest acid ive ever taken and ive never rly felt normal since then. the whole time it felt like i was barely holding on to my sanity. the next day i woke up early and went to the mobile al. tourney where i preformed very poorly due to my previous experiance and lack of sleep. jcpwn forced me into 20$ of our 100$ mm set for moast3 or some tourney and i got beat. i lost to mookie rah in a marth ditto and i was generally disgusted with smash and my brain in general. i tried a half a hit of acid one more time and i didnt trip that hard but i decided never to do it again. i was done with all drugs accept weed. i think after that tournament was when i retired from smash. i didnt want to play games anymore, i wanted to change the world, and make everyone share the universal love i found. i started working at deangelos and decided not to go to college. they made me a manager in about 8 months because the head kitchen manager rly liked me. i learned so much about team work and responsibility. i learned how to deal with people and make everyone work to their full potential. i met a catholic girl named mary claire. by this time i loved reggae and decided i really did infact believe in a christian God, but most christians dont live the right way, being judgmental and not letting others have the free will that God blessed us with. i thought maryclaire was the one for me, so again i slept with her, and planned my future with her. at some point during the relationship God showed me it was time to stop smoking weed. i basically started to semi freak out when i got high (not all the time and not intense like acid, but i didnt enjoy it at all) shortly there after i stopped smoking cigs for my own health and for mary claire because she didnt like it. i enrolled into lsu for her and tried to make it work between us, but she decided i wasnt what she wanted either. she left me recently and ive been semi lost since, playing ssbm and ddr more than ever. (ive passed all the 10 foots except legend and PSMO btw) i also started to smoke cigarettes again. i feel like all this time God was preparing me for some great task but i dont know what to do anymore. smoking weed helped me become skinny and now im in shape. i learned relationship skills from being a manager. ive learned out to handle dissapointment in life from having the two girls that i wouldve married, leave me. and i learned the universal love i spoke of. i dont know where to go now. im more set in my religion than i ever was before and im clean of drugs i just dont know what to do. i decided to give lsu a shot even thought im not with maryclaire any more, but i feel like thats a selfish decision to only help myself when i want ot help others. the idea of being in another relationship repulses me. it hurts so much and im so tired of the let down. i dont want to pursue women anymore and i just hope the right girl for me will fall into my life. i figure the plan for my life will unfold as i go but until then i play games and keep my mind off the girl i still love. any suggestions? (i didnt expect this to get so long heh, i wonder if anyone will actually read it.)

one last thing... this game really doesnt matter. i try to win and i dont cut anyone slack because i dont want anyone who isnt actually better than me to think they are becuase it pisses me off, but i really dont care if ur good or not. i care about all yall for real. shyguy, cyphus, freddy, all you pimps. im just super critical of myself and everyone else. ive always been like that with a very perfectionist type of attitude. if i am critical of you, in my eyes im trying to help you get better at something that i think u want to get better at, but if u dont care to get better at this game or other things in life that i may criticize you in, tell me and i wont try to help.

and shyguy dont do the money match if u dont rly think u can win. plz. i mean u sound rly confident but i dont want to match u if u arent sure u can win it. id rather 2/3 also and im not using falcon i promise ;)


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
Taylor I think like all u need to do is stay away from drugs and ull be fine(like i dunno about all ur religous purposes but like u know what ur doing), ull like find the right girl sometime and u can be whatever religion u want to.... and i think its awsome like that u care about smash and people getting better, i do too but like i dunno its hard for me too play it.... but like i really do want to get better and like overcome my fears, ur just like someone i normally wouldnt know but like ive learned alot from u and everyone else by playing smash i dunno this is like the real world : smashbros now


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
don't we all feel better now?
that was a brave thing you did shyguy, and i have mad respect for you. its good for us all to just let each other know the stuff that holds us back...we compensate as a group, and grow stronger together.
also, i like ur avator of Mallow, ShyGuy. mallow is a great character..and should be in brawl :O

in other news...i had to IM, PM, hunt down and beg...to finally get some tickets....i'm hoping noone imortant reads here, but it is vital that the info 'thatLA is going', not leave this thread, understand? Tickets were SUPPOSE to be sold out...
they don't even have room for us to sleep (we'll have to get a hotel) but becuz prime likes me, and i've been loyal to his tournament twice already...he's allowing 1 car-worth of people to enter from here.
i'm sorry to anyone not able to come, but do understand its out of anyone's power. i've been working at trying to get us tickets (even though they officially sold out) and i hope people believe me when i say its the best i could do.
but if anyone cared about this tourney half as much as me, they would have actually checked the FCD thread...and realized they had already sold out their 2nd batch of tickets days ago. So anyone who is upset, also has their self to blame for depending on everyone else.
anyway...this is team effort, and we're going as LA. Not as Cyphus, Lee, etc. Root for us as you would your home team in sports, becuz we're representing you.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
Maple Story is a drug.

Sorry Freddy, I don't know how I didn't notice my phone ringing.

I wish I could wake up a bit earlier so we could hang out Ken.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Ken is coming here tomorrow around noon, so like, if anyone else wants to come, feel free to. Call me if you need help getting here/whatever.

As for all this opening up that we've been doing, it makes me sad to read some of this stuff, but I'm glad everyone is opening up and stuff and if I had known everyone was going to be this open, I'd probably have posted more stuff about myself, but now it's so late that I don't have the energy to do so, but I'll definitely post more about myself tomorrow~

Taylor, I read that wall-o-text.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
ya like the worst thing for me personally is when people dont understand my intentions, i guess i dont like getting to know people so I like try to avoid it. I dunno ive like already messed up playing melee, i need to like take some resposibilty.

I dunno hopefully when brawl comes out ill get a new outlook on smash and play it from the beggining (i just hope its good)

and ya mallow is awsome.......

im gonna like make an effort to try to get to know people even though i get really anxious and nervous. but ya like even if looks like im trying to avoid contact just like keep doing it or sumtihng


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
pftt.... i just got to the last stage of ludi party quest... my party beat the boss and we finished the bonus..... then my comp crashed before i could get the pq item..................


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
i think its more like... i need to not set the laptop on my lap covering the air intake vent... over heating is a beast. im probably going to invest in one of the cooling systems. itd be funny if that started over heating too...

kyle my internet is being crappy.. i need one that works...

so can i spend the night tonight? and for two weeks straight?!


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Taylor, they have this thing you can get that like...goes under you laptop and it's aweasome. It diverts the heat away from your lap and also provides for a space between you and the laptop so it can take in air better. I forgot what it was called, but I still have the box it came in so I can get the name for you if you want.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
i think thats what i meant by cooling system but like i dont rly know. one of the laptops i was going to buy came with it and it had 2 fan looking things on it and u set the laptop directly on it.
why do we stay up so late? theres totally nothing to do at this time except play ms but my internet is being crappy so im not playing.

ima try (try being the keyword) to wake up at a decent hour tomorrow and move some stuff and come over at like 1:00ish? idk ill call u sudai.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Just an FYI, you guys are gonna have to find another place at like 5:30, 6ish because I'm going hang out with this girl, but like, 5 hours is still a lot, and it gives time for bossman to get off work or something? But yeah, you should still definitely come over.

Oh, and the sleep question? It's because only the weak sleep...then they get their heads stepped on by Grace!

Oh..and because Voltron totally come on Cartoon Network at 4:30 AM every morning~ I've been watching it for like, two weeks. lol


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
It's totally ******** to be awake this late. But MS isn't the only thing to do. I'm youtubing weird animes, and deciding if I want to bother downloading them. But in all honesty, it's 4:49 and it's pissing me off.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Kyle, if you haven't seen Blood+ yet, watch it. It's kinda slow but it's really addicting starting around episode 10ish. It's only 50 episodes long, but meh, still good.

Just a few more incase you haven't seen them..

Full Metal Panic
Excel Saga (Oh so random)
Lucky Star (Random, but not quite as random as Excel Saga)

That's just the ones I can think of that you might not have seen.

Edit: Oh, and watch PGSM. Don't ask what it is, just watch it.

I should probably head to sleep now though..considering Ken wants to come over at noon and I'll be spending all night with Erica..so..yeah...I'ma leave you crazy people for weak world! (Aka sleep.)
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