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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
That doesnt make any sense god??? do u mean like God that the catholics belive in or whatever, or do u mean like a false god???


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
nobody knows anything about my game so dont try to figure it out, and fine if taylor beats me then ill have to keep playing this stupid game but if I win im finished


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
and yes taylor may know alot about my game, but like ive never faced anyone in this game that is as good as me yet, like if u put me in front of thiS f@cking game against the best people in the world i think i could win. i mean if i take my match seriosly and actually want to win but i dunno it is just a game so i dont really care.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
alright wait i dunno what the hell im saying here, uhhhh yes threre probly are people that know alot about how i play or use to play or whatever and ive been playing the wrong way but like i think i acttually know how to play this game now like if I didnt think that i had finnally figured it out then i wouldnt say it. I mean what it comes down to is whether or not i can get the courage to to like acttually go to a tournament and be as good as i should be and do as good as i could do, but i dunno sumthing is stoping me from doing that unware to my knowledge......


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
alright thats its im never ****!ng playing this game again this is ****in ridicoulous , i dunno y the **** i tried to play this game in the first place i dunno i gues i though it would be fun to play a video game that i use to like and be good at it, i should have just stayed at my old job..... but like im always doing stuff that like im not suppose to be doing i guess thats just what my life is, its like im not even choosing what i want to do, i dunno i guess i just want to beat the system but what ive learned from this game is like its better just to like get to know people and have fun and not try to secretly be better than everyone...... i love u all good luck in life im going to figure out what im suppose to do with my life i guess bye....


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
Oh, if anyone plays either SoldierFront or Maplestory you should give me a hitup, message, hello, or anything along those lines.

I'm smashing tomorrow (the 28th) after i finish typing up my notes (should be around 1ish).
Give me a call if you're interested (337 501 9474).
I think Sudai is going to be playing with me. Everyone loves Sudai.
If you don't smash with us, someone masturbates... then a kitten dies.
Don't kill kittens! Or puppies.... Freddy's PicaPoodle... or PikaPoodle... is the coolest little dog. I may have to steal it next time I go over. We should start wearing steel helmets. It'd be cool. Don't you hate louisiana weather? So hot. Man, I want a hot bubble bath. hmmm... bubbles...


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
rofl at shyguy.
thx for talking some sense into him cyphus.
but shyguy u cant quit yet u challenged me to a mm. u have to play me before u quit and then ull have to continue playing after the match. you're no where near the best players in the world so u shouldnt be dilusional, but maybe u could get better?

me, cyphus, kyle, jon, and lee are going to fc6.
the la crew will be me, jon, lee, and cyphus.
wish us like (like we need it, we won that beast)

i know im getting first in singles and i know cyphus is too.
i want as much practice as i can get before hand so heres my schduel:

lol i dont have a job let's help me get better every day. i have a feeling me and kyle will be playing alot.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I'm free for..a long while aside from Friday and Saturday, but I probably wouldn't be much practice for you, but yeah..Call me or something if you just feel like having more people there? :D



Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
Shyguy disturbs me greatly. I wonder why people in general can be so overconfident. Some people seem to be in their own private world. Saying that you can beat Taylor is stupid, and wishful thinking at best. Talking about those seasoned pros like they're your equals is mad.

Sorry Ken, I'll give you some advice as best I can, but I don't really look for mistakes in other people's game, so if I'm not paying attention I can't really say anything specific. Hopefully you can come around when I play Taylor, then you can see firsthand some things Marth can do, and how badly he can get punished when he makes mistakes. In general, I think you should work on spacing, especially your fair. There is no reason for Marth to ever get shield grabbed. Start trying out ledge hopped nairs to get back on the stage. Do them quickly to make use of the invulnerability frames you get for grabbing the ledge. Learn that Utilt, it's one of Marth's most useful attacks. Try to shield less and use a dash dance to avoid attacks, it allows you to punish much easier.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
you're probably not going to fc freddy. me or kyle's car can only fit 5 ppl and we have to have the best representation of la possible. the 5 i mentioned before. there is a small chance we may be able to rent a van, in which case u could come but aparentlly you have to be 25 to do so. i might try and get my dad to do it for me or something like that (idk if its even possible), but i donno. i wouldnt get my hopes up if i was you fred.

im free for smash tomorrow. call me up.

ken is a rly cool dude fyi.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
wow thats awesome to hear after like i had to talk to my parents to let me go for littlerally like a month LOL thanks for telling me this like right before. *** you.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
well today is the last day that im gonna be in br for a bit i guess.. if anyone wants to come over and hang out then feel free.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
Entreri (kyle) ? whoever the f@ck u are???? like who the f@ck r u dude ive been playing smash in la longer than u (Im pretty sure) like i dont give a **** how good uve gotten in a year or whatever, u still suck at this game. And I know how good f@cking taylor is ive played with him for like a year. and to say like i dont know what im talking about the seasoned pros, like its called revererse pschology u say someelse sucks and its a mindgame..... and im not in my own world im in this world, so like go get ur haircut and get a real job, and dont try to talk about me, ive met u like once ive never said anything about u and ur gonna like try to figure me out.....

alright and taylor ill still give u ur moneymatch

im sure this is big misunderstanding cuz like i dont even know u dude, but im not gonna sit back and let u talk **** about me, so feel free to defend urslef or whatever but like just dont try to figure me out and leave me alone and let me do my own thing and i wont have any problem with u......


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
im mean i guess im obviously in the wrong here but if u knew the **** ive been through the past year..................... im sorry


Smash Rookie
Jun 28, 2007
yo vegta12 representing the Shreveport/Bossier smash community. decided to finally make an account on here eventhough i visit often. We have a small group and i hope i get to play against yall soon.

Canes also has the best chicken fingers 4tw


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
@ cyphus - hey bro any word on the car pool coming to our tourney the 11th of august?? Also, congrats on having someone from your state getting the first sextuple post. LA rocks on all accounts!


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Buttsekz. That's the only way to describe this thread...but you know what? Since you're here now...

*****...go up to the counter and tell dat ***** I want a chicken sandwich and some WAFFLE FRIES.....fo' FREE!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
i like how u tell kyle to get a job and uve been jobless living with ur parents since u left br....
kyle's way better at smash and he's totally right about what he said.

freddy why would i want to come hang out with u when all u do is **** talk me and say fsck you. you're still a little kid even if sometimes u act more adult.

this board is so much drama jeez >.>


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Cyphus, Taylor, Jon
Kyle, Ricky, Ray, Eet, Tim, Mary
Nicknyte(temporary retired), Freddy, Avery, Sudai, Blaise, Young Dylan, Vaughn, Pierre(?), Shyguy, Matt, Chaddly
Jackets, Iceman

That is the truth.

If you hate smash, quit.
if you hate this game quit.
if you have a beef with a person on the board, take it to PM.
If you like drama, go watch young and the restless.
If your Nicknyte, you love your friends and miss them very much.

Also if anyone seen the previous message I left here earlier, ignore it. i was just angry at some that doesnt matter.

Also, I'm sorry freddy for yelling NyteSpike when I did it to you, It was rude of me to say that to you, and for that, I deeply apologize. (I'm serious). I just wish I was there to take you to FC7. Hope you get there.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
elvis you cant beat me..

taylor im pissed off because you always think that youre just fcking awesome. you are but youre an ******* sometimes man, like seriously, i mean, im the one who pretty much brought up the fc thing and talked to people about it and then you say " no you cant go" is it because you have something against me dude? i mean like what the *** is your problem. and i didnt even ask if you wanted to come to my house. i just said its my last day in br and i would like to spend time with my freinds. which included you but i guess you dont consider us freinds. i just think you can do some really messed up sht sometimes man. you criticize everyone but WTF do you have against me?? i mean is it because im not 19 or something? is it because i smoke pot? i mean *** dude.

i mean its not about if im not as good as you guys its about having fun but you always just have to be like " no you suck you cant do this sorry" and you denie people like there fcking garbage its horrible dude lighten up. and you wonder why i get pissed when i lose in smash? its because i hear the same criticizing from you like all the time so i try to win so you guys will be like " well maybe hes not so bad" but no. im just a noob/ child right?


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
Anyway, the reason why no one else can go is because 5 people is the maximum in a small car. Cyphus, Lee, John, and Taylor are the best LA has, and I'm going to be sharing the drive with Cyphus and Taylor. Cyphus has been wanting to get a van to seat more people and have more room. If we do get the van you and maybe even more people could come. But Taylor was right, it doesn't look like we'll be able to get one.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
.. i dont know if anyone noticed. but im a twig and im supper short i can litterally sit down on the floorboard.. but i dont care anymore smash has become about whos the best and all that sht. its stupid.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Vegta, they're talking about FC7 and Freddy, if you were on the floorboard, someone would have to sit cross-legged or have their legs all over you. If my mom would let me go, I'd totally drive you, but now she's all pissy and doesn't want to let me go out of Louisiana at all this summer...

But you know, I know exactly what will make all this drama go away. Supper RR with all the BR people, all the NO people, all the new people, and GARVIX. Garvix just so everyone gets a free win and no one feels like sht because they lost every round. But you know what...I don't cur!



Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
ok i didnt think through what i said i am jobless living with my parents so i cant really say anything about that... so taylor ill just money match u and then like kill myself or sumthing.... u know i was suppose to do good things in this world but like .... i cant i dunno y no one likes me i try to be a nice person but like when u challenge me i get mad ive been picked on my whole life by bigger people well now im am going to take steroids so no one can f@ck w/ me anymore, then ill just get all depressed and wanna kill myslef anyways..........

in other words im poor defensless and helpless i have no job and no money and no friends im just like trapped in my house so ya i said i wasnt gonna play this game anymore but like i wasted like 2 years of my life doing it so i dunno im pathetic smash is an evil game and it took away my innocence lol .... and kyle im sorry ill do whatever u want me to do


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
sorry guys but whats fc7. id be down for a louisiana thing i dont have a place to house anymore cause no friends at southern or lsu anymore :(
We have a few people that usually let people stay at their place, but I won't say any names because I don't like putting words in people's mouth.

We really should do the RR thing though because I just want to.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
freddy you're so dumb. i told you the fsck why you couldnt come. infact, i explained very nicely why you cant come. grow the **** up. dont be a ****ing baby about it. you're the one who puts so much work in being the best. not me. everyone else in la is cool with me. you just are like pft im awesome then u lose and whine about your controller or stupid ****. then u pout and dont play and talk about how much u hate the game. please just quit it if u hate it so much. im not even going to respond to all the other **** u just said because ur just acting like a little kid. we try to help u and give u tips and you just say u suck and pout some more. obviously the problem is u since no one else has a problem.

and about nicknyte... lol. i like how u put yourself above vaughn even though he beat u with pichu. i would put u behind everyone else in the mid tier at best. maybe at the top of the low tier.

and shyguy you challenged me not the other way around. i hope u dont actually kill yourself but i cant control what u do. and if u dont think u can win the mm anymore id rather not have it.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
and that is exactly what im talking about. lol. whatever dude. i was just saying what the hell your problem was, but you just responded with other criticizement. i was *****ing because and the reason why no one has a problem with you is because you dont *** with everyone exept me. and its starting to piss me off. so whatever man.

also you wont respond because the only thing you can say is " youre a child" along with alot of other bull****.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
shyguy...u and I need to have a talk on AIM. i don't wanna psychoanalyze you or try to solve your problems...but its obvious alot is on your minds, so lets at least have a little chat, so we can better understand each other, since there seems to be alot of miscommunitcation online.
If not for yourself, do it for me and everyone else, because honestly, you're scaring us...and at least make some closure here.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
freddy dont call me. i dont want to talk to you. maybe if u werent high all the time u could understand the things i say. theres nothing like "im only fscking with you" anywhere in the things i say. u just take things ********. u freaked out and took it personally and started cursing at me when i told u u couldnt go with us when i explained very clearly why u couldnt come. i try to help u at the game and u throw controllers and act like a kid. i dont critizize u all the time only when u start acting like this. just be normal when u get back from ur trip and we'll be fine.
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