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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
I'll moneymatch Doodah too. Getting beat by LA's resident noob is what he deserves.

Anyone know the characters that guy plays?

Rawr, I've been on smash boards seven months.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i'm udderly amazed at how the FL guys are acting in the SouthCrew thread. I never attacked any names nor suggested anything about them...i merely listed LA's best and explained my reasoning with logical, touranment-data as to why we may be able to help the south team.

and they just ignore everything, and trash talk us. I'd like to think someone like ShizWiz in good sense, would be disgusted at how they're treating us, knowing they're being hypocritical to the point from when FL was bashed...but now that LA is showing signs that it has talent...its like they're taking this as a desperate effort on our part to get on the South Crew. Yea...i won't deny it. I'd LOVE to be on the south crew..or just have ANYone from LA on it...but i haven't said anything aside from tournament results and straight up facts. It'd be nice if they could at least return the favor and say these apparent accomplishments they all share that belitter us.

anyway....i know some FL guys will read this, obviously...but i insist everyone continue to stay out that thread that has. I just felt compelled to let you guys know that there is a debate gong on...because it is about the south...and we are LA. I started competitive LA smash, and I don't tolerate disprespect to it.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
In general, South FL has always been extremely arrogant and elitist. Doodah in particular just says **** to piss people off. He's pretty loud and obnoxious in person too, but if you don't take anything he says seriously, he can be pretty funny at times.

Central Florida is a bunch of cool dudes though, and you guys already know us North FL guys are. In fact, so is South West FL which is where DaShizWiz, his brothers, and Phanna live. So it's pretty much just South East that are pricks. ^_^

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it too much. They'll just have to see you guys in action when you get there.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Wow, I'm the best when it comes to trash talking on the internet. This is hard not to say something, but I'll control myself. Btw, MMORPG's ROOLE. (or maybe Im just addicted)


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i've actually been a smashboards member since 2001 (shortly after the game was even released). I had a previous sn known as "meleemaster" when i was a n00b trying to main Ice. (then i forgot my password....made a new sn: "meleemasterx" which i got changed into Cyphus, thanx to Gideon(the admin-god of this site) after i realized how gay "meleemasterx" sounds, lol.

Back in the day, there were none of these lists of pros...The best was the undisputed Recipherus, and his sheik. He was the TG Champion at the Matt Deezie's (the tourney host) first national tournaments, until Ken came along and beat him with marth.
I learned how to WD here (i already knew about L-canceling, cuz i was Z-canceling back on 64) I bought the dvd w/ vids of the nationals "TG6" and studied these "pros" of the past. I was determined to be the best in my area. and I successed, for a short while anyway. Every time i'd play with lee, i'd show him all the new things i learned from smashboards. We'd go to NewOrleans and make easy tourney-money, but i'd teach the n00bs to play for real. Eventually I taught some n00bs named Ricky, Ray, and John who surprisingly gave us a very hard time, for not having the same knowledge we did. They became building the competitive smash scene in N.O. Eventually Taylor made a trip to my b-day smashfest, where he was inspired to improve because he wanted revenge for some of us being *******s about beating him. He then began building the batonrouge smash scene.

so yea..i think its all pretty cool how it worked out.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
LOL... nice story. Here's mine: my friend told me to go to smash tourney, I went and got owned, and I decided to look how to play for real online. w1n


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
i have yet to be in an offical smash tournament but i whooped mofos at AKON. thats my story
I havent really gone to an official one either. I did ;however, go to the little gametrader tourney(lol), but I showed up when Cyphus and Lee went too. xD


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
the thing is...i think i have an equal shot as lee for south crew. All things considered, me and john did just as good as Lee at INNV, w/ the exception of us both having a very close loss..putting us 1 round behind lee.

How we fight each other aside, john has a great marth..but its got steep competition in comparison to other great marths in the south (who are more well known)...and therefore..its simply not going to happen for him to join.

Granted you (taylor) have a main now, your lack of high perfomance outside LA, prevents you as well.
I have the best Doc in the entire south, and i don't think anyone can challenge that unless they incorrectly bring up "caveman" who hasn't used doc in serious tournaments since over 2 years ago. (he's mostly sheik and marth now) and my doc is noticably better now anyway.

Lee's fox is probably a little more dangerous, but i have one thing lee doesn't have...and thats i'm not competing w/ anyone else's character. Lee's fox is good, but compared to superior foxes like KeepSpeedn and FastLikeTree(who isn't going to FCD btw) its rough territory trying to get respect.
Likewise, anything but a top-performance with fox, in crew battles will result in complete disaster. Every member of every crew is good...and probably amazingly experienced against Fox. My curse with doc is also my gift, in that i go into battle already knowing what to expect...while they donnot.

I'm not saying i have better chances than lee, because i don't. But we're honestly pretty neck and neck, imo as far as possibilties to get chosen are. Its not so much "lee and cyphus >> taylor and john" cuz thats not fairly true...but all things considered as to what is realistic to be chosen for the south team, its the best thing we can do.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
well..you can thank n00bs with low tiers for that...
FC3 Crew Battles, anyway?
South Team Captain: Sentinel....entered with Luigi..and almost got 4 stocked. THANKS A$S.

Everyone i've played knows i can hang w/ the high tiers. Sheesh, i have enough respect as just a Docist...but you are right, Sir Suki.............


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
Well I haven't played Lee since he dropped Samus and became best in LA, but I always thought your Doc was sexy. Just going off past knowledge I'd put you in before I would Lee. Doc can do well vs just about anyone and most people aren't too familiar with the match up. But a Fox is a Fox, it's impossible to not have an idea of how to fight one.

Now as far as LA vs. FL or other states, I couldn't really tell you. It's been so long since I've been over to you guys. However, I did notice a few people saying Green Mario should be a definate and honestly I had a harder time vs. you then I did him. Of course it could be that you knew Samus very well thanks to Lee and I was better when fighting GM, but regardless I think you're just as good as him. With how similar Mario is to Doc, I think you should have just as much of a chance.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
i agree totally that you and lee have a better shot than me or jon and i support yall 100%. but i think if it comes down to it and they offer you a spot and not lee, you should give it to lee. i think he could bring us alot more fame in the regional crews, not that you're not good but what if u fight isai first round. i mean i know thats far fetched but u could come up with some other horrible match and it could go really bad. i feel lee will atleast take 3 stocks off anyone he fights and bring us some fame, but i hope yall both make it.

manko u need to drive 10000 miles and come play us again. i like the little recap of la smash scene that cyphus did and br smash has gotten alot bigger. right now id put the oder me, kyle, eric, tim, as the top 4 with each player having only a slight edge on the player below them. i main falco now with captain and marth as backups. and dk to **** for no reason, and fox on corneria if i need a 3rd round for sure victory against a non fox player.

me and kyle are going to team at fc so wish us luck. (he improves rly fast)
i think itd be really funny if we did better than lee and jon, but if it happened it probably have to do with who we got matched up with but i still think itd be funny.

we also have 4-6 more players coming up quickly. freddy, sudai, young dylan, sage, and i know ken is going to be awesome soon. vaughn has improved greatly and there are others too. unfortunately for the other cities, br is the only scene really active and growing. i eat it up and it's awesome. manko come play us again, or maybe u should just go to mechacon in lafayette and we'll go to anime south and we can frolic together.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
well I'll try to make it to NFL's Smashers Unite 2, but I've pretty much quit going to anime conventions. Since I haven't made a new AMV in a long *** time, I haven't been motivated to go to them anymore. I want to get back into them again but I never get around to it.

but yeah, I do miss living in the panhandle and being able to go to random OOS tourneys like I used to. I'm much more active here in Tampa, but it's the same FL people at tourneys all the time ya know?


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
shyguys really tearin it up in the la smash scene if un know what i mean......

Taylor im gonna come play u in like 2 days or sumthing


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Taylor, I don't get why you're putting me on that list of improving people, because I haven't really gotten better at all since like...forever ago. I guess it's cool that you put me on there or whatever too though? But yeah, iunno. I woke up at 11:00 so something must be wrong with me...Second day in a row I've done this.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
ive changed my game up since ive beenand i want to show you guys that i can acually hang with you guys.. idk i just kinda gets to me when i get beaten everytime, but i dont think it will happen THAT much anymore.

but since everyone is making a story i guess its my turn

so here i go:

I was raised a catholic, and ive like in LA ever since i was born. i went to Jefferson Terrace Elm and stayed there until after 5th grade then i went to middle school\
during middle school i started doing alot of pot starting along the 7th grade and which is when i started playing WC3 i was a pro at wc3FT but then soon quit that game for a FPS called QuakeWorld. which i soon became pro at as well. in the next year, i met a girl that changed my life, her name was Nhi Tok Nyguen i truly thought that i could spend my life with her and our relationship got increasingly serious every month. she was my first and i think thats why im attached to her even now.. we broke up a month before our year aniversury. soon after i started taking anti- depressants and tried to committ suicide even though my sibblings and parents idnt kn ow about it. i started doing more drugs and eventually i figured out that the hard **** ****s up your brain and you will never be the same again.

the following summer, i went over to my freinds brothers house " Matt Stokes" which he introduced me to Tim. tim was the first compettitive smasher that i ever saw and i thought he was so good, and i wanted to be able to do the technical things that he could do. the next time, we went to Tim's sisters house where i met shyguy, eric, and grace this was back when grace played smash and had a decent noob shiek. i played fox and all i did was up-b the whole time and suprisingly i won. afew months later, me and tim lost all contact and i didnt speek to him for months on end. i later found smashboards and posted on the Louisiana locaor.

i always played fox and shiek until one day when i was at a freinds house in Pvillie and took 3 aderall and sped and picked up falco. i think, that night, falcos physics burned in my brain and ive been playing him ever since. afew months later eric came to my house and we played smash he ***** me every time but i took this as a learning expirence and tried to get better. soon after i met the infamous Nicknyte of Twilight! me and nicknyte played alot and we were noobs together. i was later introduced to sudai and evetyone else which is when i truly became part of Smash LA. Before i quit school me and eric would hang out every day. by this time i was still trying to get overe my ex girlfreind which wasnt going all that well. he would pick me up from school everyday at 12:00 and we would go smoke pot, play DDR and then go back to my house to play smash. about a month or so later, i met taylor. man, i thought taylor was the coolest dude in the world, he never said anything to me but somehow he taught me the true value of freindship and what it was like to be kind to people and the benifits of helping others. for that i thank you greatly taylor for helping me mature even though i still act like a stupid child sometimes. soon after kyle came into the scene and that was around the time i quit school and went to home bound. after that not much happend besides eric quitting pot and starting again. also i remember i met one of the wisest people i have ever met in my life, paul. he taught me what i was like to charish life and enjoy things as the come. thats all i hope you guys enjoy it. LOL

i think thats all i got lol.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
i think your hopes/expectations for me are too high, taylor. =P
i doubt i'll even be able to beat a lot of you guys... but hey, i play smash for fun! =)
which reminds me, anyone want to play thursday or friday? anytime from x:xx AM until 6pm.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Dude, you weren't bad at all when I played you last time (I was the captain falcon/sheik). Even though your game's not completely developed, you had a lot of really good habits from what I remember. And I felt like all you really needed was like a little player experience, and the matches we had would be really close. (is serious)

Your marth looks like it can be pretty nasty. So long as you understand what to do in certain situations and learn to vary your movements a bit more, you'll be fine.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
i think your hopes/expectations for me are too high, taylor. =P
i doubt i'll even be able to beat a lot of you guys... but hey, i play smash for fun! =)
which reminds me, anyone want to play thursday or friday? anytime from x:xx AM until 6pm.
Where? :]


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
thanks for the words of encouragement, sars.
i guess i'll just keep practicing and we'll see how it goes.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
Most of the people who post on this thread live around Baton Rouge. Uh.. I'm not really sure where you live, but if you say so, there might be some smashers around there.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Most of the people who post on this thread live around Baton Rouge. Uh.. I'm not really sure where you live, but if you say so, there might be some smashers around there.
Yeah, I kinda realized that. I live in Destrehan... close to Kenner and Metairie.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
Well, the best thing for you to do is start showing up at the local Gametrader tournaments and mingle with the people there. If you want real competition you could try going to Dibbz late Friday, but the smashers around you don't frequent smash boards.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Ken, I should be able to play durring those times. I've been waking up at 10AM on a regular basis since I've been seeing Erica, which is good cause like...I go to sleep at the same time, yet I feel just as good if not better, but like..I think she works both those days so just call me and like..Come play me! :p I can help you in the basics and if Taylor is awesome, he'll come over (since he ditched last time! >:O) and teach you like a madman.

I had something awesome right here, but I realized that it is so awesome, it would make the boards implode if I posted it.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Well, the best thing for you to do is start showing up at the local Gametrader tournaments and mingle with the people there. If you want real competition you could try going to Dibbz late Friday, but the smashers around you don't frequent smash boards.
Yeah... I used to go but it was kinda hard to get a ride on wednesdays(and thursdays at clearview) I also tried to go to dibbz many times, but every time something came up xD. But late fridays you say? Hmm. How late?


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
Like nine or ten. But I think you should try and make it to those gametrader tournaments and make a few smash buddies.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
So uh... any chance of Cyphus and Lee making a trip to BR before our long journey?

I think I've been getting better the last few days training with Taylor, but it is hard to judge playing the same person over and over again.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
sudai was going to be like... guys im straight. for realz. but he decided it would probably kill us if he came out like that so he's keeping it on the inside so he can still act gay like a pimp.
i want to play u and ken tomorrow but i usually sleep late. call at like 11-12 or when ever yall start playing?


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
Battousai, I live in the Baton Rouge area, so I usually play around there.

Sudai never came off as gay or straight... more like asexual. Like chlamydomonas or some kind of flower. So Sudai reminds me of flowers or single celled algae...

Taylor, Sudai and I could just **** your phone with calls starting around 11-ish...


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Well... expect to see me at Gametraders next week then. Although I'm kinda dissapointed since my friend, who is just as good as me, won't be able to show up since he is on vacation.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Will do Taylor and it wasn't about me being straight, promise. It was about scents that I love but since most people can't smell my favorite smell, saying it would make the boards implode. x.x

Ken........If you call me a flower in real life, I'll shoot spores all over you!!! Single celled algae is fine.
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