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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Savon I forgot to mention how much of a beast MODOK is in Marvel O_o. He looks like a joke but he can seriously dish it out.

Also, I would have no problems with MK remaining legal in La., but you guys would have to have different characters ready if you went to MK banned tournaments obviously.

I'm really neutral on the situation now. MK isn't broken atm, but we do have rules to limit him, which shows we know what he could be doing. I'm not sure if "meta game stagnation" is that legit of an argument either. I see where both sides are coming from and I don't really know the right answer :/


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
whether your on the fence about MK, or opposed to his ban...he's had 3 years. don't be selfish, cuz half the community has been impatiently waiting, and you know brawl doesn't have anothe 3 years lol

also taking brawl mms next tourney


Smash Cadet
Sep 28, 2010
Lost shoutouts!!

Jnig: 2nd place is getting a little harder to come by ain't it. Seems like the rest of us are getting a little better. ; )

Adam: quote "I would smash Curlz, he scared to mm me" lol I wish I were there.

Crulz: There no way u can say your the best in Luigiyette any more. That title is mine now. U can't b losing to people I never even heard of.

Bsp: Good job, I thought u had falled off a bit.

Batto: 4th place. Yeah, I c u!! ; )

Brawlman: it is amazing that u travel out of state for LA brawl.

Gunner: ...(u still good though)

Savon: ?!



Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2010
With Jio the Great
^ Thanks for the shout out big homie

It was a fun tourney overall. Good to see all the people that came. I was way too happy playing doubles. Probably the most fun I had. But GGs and all that good stuff to everyone


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
No locals showed up because of the UL game. Blaise came and then left randomly without saying bye to anyone.

Aside from that, I'm glad everyone had fun. Next up at Laffy PNT is Melee. :]


Smash Cadet
Sep 28, 2010
"My" L.A. Brawl Power Ranking*

Lee (all his characters 15)

1. Jnig (Wario 9.6)
2. Li-D (Falco 9.1)
3. BSP (Sonic 9.0, Luigi 7.5)
4. Brawlman (Sonic 8.7)
5. .D (MK 8.6)
6. Batto (MK 8.5, Marth 7.7)
7. Adam (Diddy 8.5, DK 8.4)
8. Jonathan "me" (Luigi 8.4)
9. Byron (Diddy 8.4, Mario 7.8)
10.*Crulz (MK 7.7)

Honorable Mentions
>Kyle (Marth 8.1)
>Bomber Pika (7.7)

Inactive Brawlers
>Hyro (Toon 9.4)
>Cyphus (DK 8.7)
> Jio (Kirby 8.5)

>Lee is Lee, nuff said.*

>As much as I say Jnig needs to be worried because of how the rest of us are improving, he is still definitively better that all of us. Li-D and Bsp are both extremely good players and one of them always gets top 3 in every tourney they go to. Brawlman is a great addition to the LA community and deserves a pr spot. Batto is a very good but very up and down player. He is just as capable of getting top 3 as he is of not making top 10. We all know .D is pr worthy, his only problem is staying calm when things aren't going good in matches. "Me", Byron and Adam have never been on the pr, but are all very *deserving now. I can see all 3 of us beating anyone on this list. Byron's Diddy is always beating good players, Adam has come a very long way, I'm sure all y'all respect my Luigi by now. We all should be pr. Crulz wtf!! Man u have really fallen off. You said yourself that u shouldn't be pr, but I can't give the 10 spot to Kyle because of attendance. Get Yo S*** Together Man!!! (players 4-9 are pretty much interchangeable)*

>Kyle is a amazing player, with more experience he could defiantly be a top 5 player.*Gunner is good, and will get better with experience.*

>Hyro and Cyphus are two of my favorite players but they don't seem to play anymore.

>"My" L.A. Brawl Power Ranking is based tourney attendance, tourney results, things I've seen, things I've heard from y'all (the community), and my overall perception of players' skill level.*

>I didn't make this to p*** off or make anyone mad. It was just a conversation starter and something fun to do. Everything here is just my opinion. This is not the new LA pr.*

> Speaking of the pr, I want to be part of the committee that makes it (Crulz, Chicken, and Bsp). I know the BR and Nola players very well and I live in laffy and will be going to all their tourney from now on.*

Peace ; )



Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Thank God. I was literally just saying to the people at work, "It's been a long time since some random **** made a PR from like 2 tournies. I really hope someone does it soon to give some sort of reference to what's goin on in the smash scene here in LA." Please, can you make a tier list for the characters as well? I'll send it to the BBR and see if they'll take it into consideration.

And wtf is that link you posted, Flounda? I know damn well I have more than 1500 posts. That post is a liar, and you, sir, are a liar.

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
Actually, the new PR panel consists of me, BSP, Brawlman, Adam, .D, and Lee.

And LOST was the last tourney to count for the PR. We'll be finalizing our list shortly.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Hey Adam, pull a Curlz and try to get me on that there PR (higher than Savon especially).

Now for srs: Brawlman has infiltrated another state's PR panel. Too good.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
whether your on the fence about MK, or opposed to his ban...he's had 3 years. don't be selfish, cuz half the community has been impatiently waiting, and you know brawl doesn't have anothe 3 years lol

also taking brawl mms next tourney
What the **** are you talking about? It's not a matter of being selfish or not. Most people play mk just bc he's fun. If your not playing to win your just doing it wrong.(other characters are very capable of playing to win.. Snake, diddy, ic's come to mind) Mk being banned in la also hurts our scene. No roni, Freddy, Dylan, easy, batto, swags, Curlz, fang, Ricky miller, Sudai, etc and I know there are more mk players here. But hey let's take all the fun from these players that never win anything. I don't need mk to win.. I've proven that this last tourney (LOST) going all ZSS and Marth ddd the last nom. In the end it always comes down to the player. Not mk imho

ATTN: if you are on the fence about mk and would like matchup advice or mk advice in general please pm me. I have no problem helping people learn how to fight mk better.



Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
What the **** are you talking about? It's not a matter of being selfish or not. Most people play mk just bc he's fun. If your not playing to win your just doing it wrong.(other characters are very capable of playing to win.. Snake, diddy, ic's come to mind) Mk being banned in la also hurts our scene. No roni, Freddy, Dylan, easy, swags, Curlz, fang, Ricky miller, Sudai, etc and I know there are more mk players here. But hey let's take all the fun from these players that never win anything. I don't need mk to win.. I've proven that this last tourney (LOST) going all ZSS and Marth ddd the last nom. In the end it always comes down to the player. Not mk imho

Good **** sir, well said.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Where has Hyro/John been?
I believe John is done with Smash since school is in secession. He wasn't playing all that much in the summer to begin with. When I talked with him on Facebook it appeared that he was done with competitive gaming in general.
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