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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Jio knows the rules of being black. By virtue of being black, I know more black people than you, and I can rally the support of black people I don't even know, which means I've got more soldiers in the event of a shootout. Jio doesn't want to die (unless he's a lv 100 real n!gga and doesn't give a f!ck), so he'll side with me.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Also, I'm about to play LoL if any of you *****es wanna play. I'm starting the game at 10:30 or whenever Dylan gets back, whatever happens second. MSG me on LoL.


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
this look cool to anyone?
my new computah prolly comes friday or monday and i wanna get into something.
Play lol

Kat I'll be to porn manager

On a more serious note this Monday will be the last Monday night fights at Dibbz.

That's because its gettin moved to Friday *****s. First one is going to be next Friday, 10/14 so us smash ppl need to rep and bring setups and whatnot.


Deleted member

i just did what ever my wins and losses were. idk if that includes ranked or not, but i only have 1 ranked game since the ladder reset. had a decent elo before that.
but my totals are 764 wins and 664 loses. 53.5% win rate

i swear ever since like 300 games ive always had almost exactly 100 more wins than loses. my win/loss ration slowly declines...

Deleted member

im going to work on my dominion guide. expect it later tonight or tomorrow.


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2009
Shreveport, Louisiana
we should schedule a la thread draft in house game. gotta pick a time ahead though cuz no one is ever on at the same time.
is there anyone else from la thread that is decent?
I play LoL. Got a sick poppa Gragas.

I'm decent.

I'm from Louisiana. Also, my friend Tyler plays LoL and he's a smasher. He's damn good. Ken will attest to that.


Deleted member

so imo::

in summoners rift (SR) a good team is comprised of different rolls:
tank, ranged dps, caster, support, and tanky dps
maybe changing a couple like support for another caster or tank for another tanky dps, but basically filling these primary roles is the basis for a good team. other team synergies come into play, but this is the basic outline.

in dominion, a basic role system is needed as well, but the rolls are different based not on the original intended roll (like shen is a "tank" and annie is a "caster") but how well they attack or defend towers. i think that the best team is comprised of 2 defenders, 2 attackers, and 1 distracter. these rolls are also relatively interchangeable in the sense of akali is damn good at attacking, defending, and distracting. making her completely top tier in dom, you could swap her out for any role and still have a beast team. multiple champs can fill multiple roles, but, like in SR, the core roles must be filled to have a good team. other top tiers will be really good at multiple roles or godly at a certain role. heimer for example, is horrible at distracting but amazing at defense, and in late game can be a really good attacker as well. imo AP shaco is the best defender in the game, as well as a good distractor, but a bad attacker.

more core ideas for DOM are that movement speed wins games. in theory if no team ever engaged, the team that moved faster would win. map control is very important too.

what i think is bull**** is the point system they have implemented. singed is decent at attacking and defending but he is an amazing distractor due to his movement speed, disruption, and survivability (core stats for a distractor) but he will usually have the lowest points on his team if played right by distracting the other team into being out of position so the rest of your team can take and defend turrets. he wont cap or get kills, but he could very well be the most important member of his team.

in a shorter version, if you had 5 good attackers, you could never hold towers and you would lose. if you had 5 good defenders you could never take towers and lose. if you had all distactors the game would be incredibly random and you would still not be able to take towers back. a good mix of all is required. i suppose a distractor isnt required but if you notice the other team having a rammus pulling you out of position caping random points all the time you will probably lose.

simplest form to winning is to get a tower lead of 3-2 and defend it. you put your best defenders at top and bot and your other 3 roam the jungle. catching random people going for isolated caps or retreating to a tower if a 5 man push is coming on one of your towers. a good defender + 3 teammates and a tower should be able to hold. meanwhile your other defender can push the tower on the opposite side of the map.

if you compare it to summoners rift, dominion is full of "split pushes" but the game is mostly 5v5 since the respawn time is so low so you shouldnt really be worried about fighting man down. you should be able to hold a tower with 1 less teammate than the attacking team as long as your team is balanced. i see teams with the tower advantage lose all the time because they tried to take more towers, then died while the other teams distractor stole the middle tower, and the surviving members that defender the tower take top.

some characters i think are really damn good in dominion (and their roles):

akali, obviously- top tier at everything. can escape easily and slow chasers being a great distractor. burst giving great attack and defense skills.

poppy- similar to akali in dominion sense. move speed buff makes for great map control and distractor capabilities while huge burst makes her good at def/atk

shaco AP- best defender, decent distract with move speed, blink, boxes for mapcontrol, easy escape, but ****y atk on towers.

shaco AD- decent defender, decent attacker, and same goodness for distracting

most melee dps (trynd, jax, xin, trundle, olaf, ect) mostly beast attackers, pretty decent at defending but can get burst down, and pretty bad distractors. but if your team has the advantage they can be amazing roamers taking down anyone trying to cap a random turret or retreating to the tower to hopefully not get bursted down as a group

heimer- good def all game, decent atk late game, pretty bad distractor

stealth champs (twitch, eve) much better in dom than in SR. mostly because of roaming and distracting capabilities. eve doesnt really have to do **** besides make you retreat from your defending position and let your team come in. even if she dies, it doesnt matter; you lost a tower.

fast, tanky dps or casters (udyr, singed, mundo, leesin, GP, irelia) beastly champs. can usually attack and defend well with some cc and some damage, as well as if defending survive long enough for your roaming team to help. gp is particularly beast due to his ult. and amazing distractors. multiple enemies will have to come stop you from caping random towers because you'll usually just kill one of them.

random point: kills dont matter. dont chase. cap towers.

global ults (panth, TF, noc) hit or miss. i think panth is the best of the 3 building as tanking dps for the disrupt, atk, def goal, but ive seen tanky dps nocs **** and move speed AP tfs **** as well. good pics especially in draft mode when you can counter the enemy team. can fit all roles.

support champs - much worse with the heal nerf but ive seen jannas do really well with all her cc, shield, and move speed buff for the whole team. janna or sona are probably the only 2 supports i would recommend and mostly because of move speed buffs. then sona can nuke a bit while janna can shield and give 50 extra damage.

true tanks (mumu, shen ect) decent defenders and support for atks but i think there are better choices for champs in dom. rarely is there a team fight of more than 2 or 3 people which is where you really need a tank for cc and initiation. kinda like how you rarely see true tanks on TT

ranged dps- decent atk and defense but dont excel at much. probably the best bet would be a disrupting phantom dancer ashe if you were going to play ranged dps. run fast, cap distract, slow, run away. but i have seen a few ranged dps do well. maybe just against bad teams though. dont see much value here

hard caster- tricky role. casters usually do best going mid in SR and getting lvls ahead and dropping people. everyone is pretty much always on the same lvl with money and lvls in DOM so they lose the advantage, but they can still be useful. burst is one of the most important things for atking and defending. i dont think this role us useful for distracting at all but a caster in good hands can definitely fit into a team. i wouldnt go all caster, but if you had one for sure good defender and one for sure good attacker, a good caster could fit in nicely.

there are also many moment specific decisions that must be made. lets say a team is ap shaco, hemier, akali, singed, and trynd. you have 3 turrets capped, shaco is top, heimer is bot, and the other 3 are roaming mid defending from random attacks to mid and watching to look for a 5 man push to any turret. if the 5 man push comes to top or bot they join the side, but what if the 5 man comes for the mid? do they defend 3v5 and lose while heimer and shaco try and take the other turrets? or does heimer or shaco come down to mid to help? it also depends on how the minions are pushed but in general i would say heimer would got to help while shaco would move into the middle and watch for the enemy team to change to another turret instead of trying to cap more. i generally feel if you have 3 turrets its better to properly defend them than to try and take more. a rookie mistake alot of players fall into.

ill probably edit this later but feel free to comment. im thinking about posting it on a forum but ive been drinking so some parts may seem confusing or just not explained thoroughly enough.

after writing this i googled a guide to try and figure out where to post it and something incredibly similar has already been written. now i feel like i wasted my time. incredibly similar with chars being labled "attackers" "defenders" or "ult"


he also rated champs in a tier list but i dont agree with all of his ordering. mostly, akali is god tier and he didnt put her there.


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2009
Shreveport, Louisiana
:| Now THAT. is a long *** guide. I read pretty much all of it.


and I play whenever I can and am up to it. I have school and work during the day, so the only time I can really play is at night.

Deleted member

quoted directly from the other guide. this is more indepth than the explaination than i gave for the particular topic. i just like the way he put this and agree with everything said in this particular quote:

"With KDA being an inaccurate measure of contribution, that leaves us with the other metric Riot provides: Personal Score. Two kinds of points are awarded - objective score, and combat score.

The first category is fairly straightforward. Capturing points is a large part of the game, and purely performing these roles yields a high number of points. Generally speaking, each champion will receive a fairly steady source of score from Objectives just through the progression of skirmishes. Some players may choose to exclusively play backdooring roles, and seek to wrench CP's away from the enemy team whenever the opportunity presents itself. While some degree of communication and decisionmaking as to when to execute these strategies are required, they are both viable methods of play. Major complaints about the exclusivity of backdoor champions and their inability (or lack of willingness) to participate in team fights, are not a result of the viability of that gameplay method. Rather, it reflects a failure of communication and understanding of objectives. Sometimes, insisting on taking on a team fight may be more deleterious to the team's chance of winning than simply backdooring multiple points at once.

Problems with Objective Score arise because currently, there are no diminishing returns on the score received from neutrallizing, then capturing a point. In other words, 1 champion will receive 40 points for capturing a point from its neutral state. 4 champions will also receive 40 points for performing the same task. The practical consequence of this is something that the average Dominion player will recognize - instead of focusing on small skirmishes, teams will tend to group up into 4v4 team fights over two nodes, while one champion attempts to backdoor. In extreme situations, these turn into 4v5 or 5v5 team fights, while the rest of the nodes are left completely undefended and uncontested. Oftentimes, we will see multiple champions on the same team accrue over 1600 points, but still end up losing the game to a team in which the average score does not exceed 1200.

The problem of score inflation in team-fight scenarios is compounded by the nature of Combat Points, the second scoring category. Points are generally awarded for kills, killing sprees, and shutdowns. However, 30 points are accrued for kills that occur on points, with 10 points subsequently provided for on-point assists. If a majority of the fighting is done on points, not only will the whole team exhibit score inflation from cooperating to capture a point, but it will also see additional score inflation for participating in team fights.

At this point, some of you may be wondering why this is problematic. The answer is simple - the score system more often than not reflects poor gameplay, and reinforces score-based rather than strategic-based thinking. The core issue behind this poor gameplay is a failure to grasp the victory condition in Dominion. Kills are not the determining factor, winning team fights are not the determining factor, and points are not the determining factor - the only win condition in Dominion is to ensure that the enemy Nexus ticks down to 0 health, by controlling more points for a longer period of time. The most important resource to maximize then, should be time - not kills, not score.

Time-based strategies effectively counter clustering strategies. They also perform well against heavy bruiser/duelist teams even while running lower-tier champions. These strategies employ tactics that are not credited in Riot's score system at all. As you will read, Utility is one of the key classifications in determining a champion's tier placement. While utility includes intuitively "useful" abilities such as being able to get around and backdoor quickly, it also includes important swinging offensive/defensive roles and mobility control.

Swinging offense/defense and mobility control receive no formal recognition from the Riot score system, even though they are tactically the most prominent. If Dominion moves towards a more competitive scene, I expect that professional players will have an excellent feel for the amount of time it takes to move between CPs, and the amount of "space" controlled by an enemy team at any given time. This space can simply be represented as the time integral of a champion's movement speed and the frequency that the champion can use movement-enhancing abilities within that time interval, plus the range of interrupting abilities. Due to the fact that map vision in lanes, CP's, and the greater relic area, is granted at all times, control of the jungle lanes between nodes is the single most important factor to controlling space.

Certain champions excel at controlling space, and can restrict enemies from using certain paths, or slowing them down to buy more time for teammates to attain objectives. Champions who can perform swinging defense roles effectively severely limit the usefulness of backdooring champions. The most game-changing plays are almost always ones made by defenders attempting to hold a CP from falling into enemy hands, often in the face of overwhelming odds. Yet a measly 5 points are awarded on a set time interval for standing on a point, while another 20 are awarded for dying. No sort of measurement is made - or is even possible - to account for the strategic edge gained by having one defender hold off multiple champions for the rest of the team.

Don't play for KDA ratios. Don't play for personal score. To truly show one's worth as a good Dominion player, you must win. Communicate with the team, direct them to undefended CPs. Tell them to avoid pyrrhic fights. Cut off enemies in the jungle attempting to interrupt capturing. Move on to the next CP to pressure it instead of sticking around to help capture a point that your teammates are already in the process of securing. Think strategically, and outside the box. This will open up a dimension of Dominion that was never seen in SR. "

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
OMG Taylor with the essays about LOL. Couldn't you have just given a link?

Cyphus you're kinda late with DFO. Me and Arc played it like two years ago.

On a more serious note this Monday will be the last Monday night fights at Dibbz.

That's because its gettin moved to Friday *****s. First one is going to be next Friday, 10/14 so us smash ppl need to rep and bring setups and whatnot.
Ye... oh wait, I have work EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT.

Who's riding with me to LOST? From what I understand, Jio is the only definite person coming with me, Adam is a maybe, and Greg and Catherine expressed interest through Adam.

If you're riding with me, let ME know DIRECTLY.

Deleted member

the first post there was no link to. i just wrote all of that. and the second part i could have given some kind of html partial link to a piece of a page, but thats too much work.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
so since the last monday night fight is coming up, will taylor and savon fight at it?


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i'm broke. wrestling mms?

man..remember games before online? when you just had to beat your friends around the block to feel like the best in the world? No forums, no youtube...no gamefaqs. That skill-based glass ceiling we not yet knew existed..which we refer now to as the division between noobs and good players. There weren't noobs back then, just people who didn't 'main' that game. We could be jack of all trades - because noone was going truly pro. gaming hard now :(


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Taylor, I'ma say I agree with like 90% of your guide, but the other 10% that I disagree with I don't disagree with strongly enough to point out and change (it's like, all stuff in the roles) since at this point it's mostly up in the air.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
i'm broke. wrestling mms?

man..remember games before online? when you just had to beat your friends around the block to feel like the best in the world? No forums, no youtube...no gamefaqs. That skill-based glass ceiling we not yet knew existed..which we refer now to as the division between noobs and good players. There weren't noobs back then, just people who didn't 'main' that game. We could be jack of all trades - because noone was going truly pro. gaming hard now :(
This. Amen.


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
OMG Taylor with the essays about LOL. Couldn't you have just given a link?

Cyphus you're kinda late with DFO. Me and Arc played it like two years ago.

Ye... oh wait, I have work EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT.

Who's riding with me to LOST? From what I understand, Jio is the only definite person coming with me, Adam is a maybe, and Greg and Catherine expressed interest through Adam.

If you're riding with me, let ME know DIRECTLY.
Funny story, I forgot to request Saturday off. DERP!!!

@HotJ, that guide is way too intense.



Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
I've expressed several times that I wanted to go to LOST. Who would I go with if not you, Justin? herp derp


Smash Cadet
Sep 28, 2010
man..remember games before online? when you just had to beat your friends around the block to feel like the best in the world? No forums, no youtube...no gamefaqs. That skill-based glass ceiling we not yet knew existed..which we refer now to as the division between noobs and good players. There weren't noobs back then, just people who didn't 'main' that game. We could be jack of all trades - because noone was going truly pro. gaming hard now :(
Preach brother :(


GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
Jio, WOW.

Greg, um, you could drive yourself? Idk but of all the people you've "expressed" your interest to, you've never told me til now.

So right now it's just Greg... and Savon!


Smash Ace
May 12, 2010
I'll be there too Savon friendly me! Adam u better show, me need more Diddy training.
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